Cowardly idiots evacuating from the Texas/Louisiana coast

When did we become a nation of such wussified losers? Board up your homes and businesses, and ride it out. Stop turning tail and running. I swear, 8 years of the the tyrannical occupation of the US by Obama turned the entire country into spineless cowards. First they tell us to wear masks because we might catch a cold, and now they tell us to leave our homes just because they say it's dangerous? It's like how coward commie Biden said he would listen to the experts about the coldflu-19. Trust the experts? Really? Who are these "experts" and why should we listen to them? What do they know that we don't know? Absolutely nothing. If anything, we likely know more since we actually exist in the real world. Stop evacuating and stop wearing masks, people. WAKE UP!
What do you mean, board up and ride it out? Real courageous people don't cower in their homes during hurricanes, they stand out on the beach, peeing into the wind. That stops the hurricane every time.
Besides, if there are any Republicans down there, they can just call Donnie. He can get his magic marker and draw it going somewhere else.
And call up some of those idiots who think that W steered Katrina into NO because there are a lot of black people living there. Real MENSA types, those are.
When did we become a nation of such wussified losers? Board up your homes and businesses, and ride it out. Stop turning tail and running. I swear, 8 years of the the tyrannical occupation of the US by Obama turned the entire country into spineless cowards. First they tell us to wear masks because we might catch a cold, and now they tell us to leave our homes just because they say it's dangerous? It's like how coward commie Biden said he would listen to the experts about the coldflu-19. Trust the experts? Really? Who are these "experts" and why should we listen to them? What do they know that we don't know? Absolutely nothing. If anything, we likely know more since we actually exist in the real world. Stop evacuating and stop wearing masks, people. WAKE UP!

Have you ever ridden out a CAT 4 or 5 hurricane before? I know someone who did back in the mid 2000s when one hit Houston and she said she'd never do it again.
When did we become a nation of such wussified losers? Board up your homes and businesses, and ride it out. Stop turning tail and running. I swear, 8 years of the the tyrannical occupation of the US by Obama turned the entire country into spineless cowards. First they tell us to wear masks because we might catch a cold, and now they tell us to leave our homes just because they say it's dangerous? It's like how coward commie Biden said he would listen to the experts about the coldflu-19. Trust the experts? Really? Who are these "experts" and why should we listen to them? What do they know that we don't know? Absolutely nothing. If anything, we likely know more since we actually exist in the real world. Stop evacuating and stop wearing masks, people. WAKE UP!

^ You are a very stable genius. Cult45 would due well to follow every word of your advice, Patriot.
When did we become a nation of such wussified losers?

October 22nd 1962, around 2:43 PM EST.

What happened that day to me was watching a speech by JFK warning the Soviet Union to get his missiles out of Cuba. Next day I was on a ship with the whole 4th ID on ships headed South from Tacoma. We sailed to San Diego, picked up ordnance and headed for the Panama Canal. Our next stop was about 3 miles off shore at Havana. We arrived after dark and during the night we watched Russian cargo planes head east. Next morning we weighed anchor and headed back to Tacoma. JFK wasn't playing around.
Send the wife and kids to her mothers... As a man yo should stay and protect your property . There are things you can do to mitigate wind damage that would only get worse if no one is there.. Another problem is that if you leave, it could be weeks before the government decides if it is safe enough for you to return.
With all due respect, Desperado...there isn't a darn thing you can do in the middle of a category 4 hurricane to "mitigate" wind damage! If you haven't done it BEFORE the storm gets there then it's not getting done during the storm! Trust me I've been riding out hurricanes for a long long time!
Been in south Florida all my life and have been through all the storms since 1957 and there is many things you can do to mitigate wind and water damage. Also you don't have to worry about getting back to your property
It's barely got the ground wet where I stays- about 50 miles north of Houston- we need the rain, damnit!
I suspect you will get a plenty. Brother-N-law and I are always celebrating when we get the free water.
When did we become a nation of such wussified losers? Board up your homes and businesses, and ride it out. Stop turning tail and running. I swear, 8 years of the the tyrannical occupation of the US by Obama turned the entire country into spineless cowards. First they tell us to wear masks because we might catch a cold, and now they tell us to leave our homes just because they say it's dangerous? It's like how coward commie Biden said he would listen to the experts about the coldflu-19. Trust the experts? Really? Who are these "experts" and why should we listen to them? What do they know that we don't know? Absolutely nothing. If anything, we likely know more since we actually exist in the real world. Stop evacuating and stop wearing masks, people. WAKE UP!
A piece of plywood isn't going to protect you from a possible 20ft storm surge.

Dumb op
When did we become a nation of such wussified losers? Board up your homes and businesses, and ride it out. Stop turning tail and running. I swear, 8 years of the the tyrannical occupation of the US by Obama turned the entire country into spineless cowards. First they tell us to wear masks because we might catch a cold, and now they tell us to leave our homes just because they say it's dangerous? It's like how coward commie Biden said he would listen to the experts about the coldflu-19. Trust the experts? Really? Who are these "experts" and why should we listen to them? What do they know that we don't know? Absolutely nothing. If anything, we likely know more since we actually exist in the real world. Stop evacuating and stop wearing masks, people. WAKE UP!
I agree....people are scared of their own shadow these days.
In my opinion, you have the rioters, looters, and arsonists to thank for that as if the Covid down fall wasn't already on the plates of so many people.

God bless you and victims of the both situations always!!!

Texans talk straight, shoot straight, and enjoy a good brew.

Texans will call folk, they'll hustle, they'll outwork their foe. they'll ensure Trump gets 4 mo'!

(i'm drunk on tequila)
The worst part of the storm (for me) is that many people evacuate, and left their dogs chained up outside or in pens and they will certainly die.
When did we become a nation of such wussified losers? Board up your homes and businesses, and ride it out. Stop turning tail and running. I swear, 8 years of the the tyrannical occupation of the US by Obama turned the entire country into spineless cowards. First they tell us to wear masks because we might catch a cold, and now they tell us to leave our homes just because they say it's dangerous? It's like how coward commie Biden said he would listen to the experts about the coldflu-19. Trust the experts? Really? Who are these "experts" and why should we listen to them? What do they know that we don't know? Absolutely nothing. If anything, we likely know more since we actually exist in the real world. Stop evacuating and stop wearing masks, people. WAKE UP!

I don't see your pussy ass coming down here and offering to ride this mother fucker out.

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