Cowboys fire Wade Phillips

With all the talent on the Cowboys roster someone needs to bring them together as a team. And Wade Phillips simply wasn't doing the job.

I knew he was history when he couldn't use a challenge last night because he had used up all his timeouts before the 2 minute warning.

The season is lost. They have a good roster. With Wade as coach, they might have gone 3-13 and gotten a high draft pick. Now, maybe they finish 6-10 and not as high of a draft pick.

Of course, the players had totally quit on him, so its a pretty easy decision!

The season is lost. They have a good roster. With Wade as coach, they might have gone 3-13 and gotten a high draft pick. Now, maybe they finish 6-10 and not as high of a draft pick.

Of course, the players had totally quit on him, so its a pretty easy decision!

they will be lucky to win two more games. Washington is the only win I see. For one thing, why would they even bring Romo back this season?
Jason Garret?

The guy in charge of the anemic offense is now in charge of the whole team?

Jones really should have tried to get Gruden.

But I'm not complaining, my Eagles don't match up against the better teams in the NFL right now, so this Cowboys season is my super bowl.
Jason Garret?

The guy in charge of the anemic offense is now in charge of the whole team?

Jones really should have tried to get Gruden.

But I'm not complaining, my Eagles don't match up against the better teams in the NFL right now, so this Cowboys season is my super bowl.

Chucky is exactly what the Cowboys need.... somebody to crack skulls..
I don't know if I buy the "quit on him" thing.

They're also quitting on Jones in that case, which is like quitting on Steinbrenner. You just don't (didn't) do it.

In sports, when things aren't going well, a coach ALWAYS takes the fall, because that's just how it works.

Sometimes it's the coach's fault. But sometimes, the team just ISN'T GOOD.

Winning only 1 game so far can't just be the coach's fault. Maybe, just maybe, this team sucks.

The season is lost. They have a good roster. With Wade as coach, they might have gone 3-13 and gotten a high draft pick. Now, maybe they finish 6-10 and not as high of a draft pick.

Of course, the players had totally quit on him, so its a pretty easy decision!

they will be lucky to win two more games. Washington is the only win I see. For one thing, why would they even bring Romo back this season?

I beg your pardon... Washington beat Dallas earlier this year and they will do it again. Even Washington isn't playing as crapy as Dallas.

The season is lost. They have a good roster. With Wade as coach, they might have gone 3-13 and gotten a high draft pick. Now, maybe they finish 6-10 and not as high of a draft pick.

Of course, the players had totally quit on him, so its a pretty easy decision!

they will be lucky to win two more games. Washington is the only win I see. For one thing, why would they even bring Romo back this season?

I beg your pardon... Washington beat Dallas earlier this year and they will do it again. Even Washington isn't playing as crapy as Dallas.

I know they beat them, but it was close. and it's the only game Dallas has a CHANCE to win. in that rivalry, the records go out the window. when Dallas was 1-15, the one win was against Washington. and I believe Washington went deep into the playoffs that year.
they will be lucky to win two more games. Washington is the only win I see. For one thing, why would they even bring Romo back this season?

I beg your pardon... Washington beat Dallas earlier this year and they will do it again. Even Washington isn't playing as crapy as Dallas.

I know they beat them, but it was close. and it's the only game Dallas has a CHANCE to win. in that rivalry, the records go out the window. when Dallas was 1-15, the one win was against Washington. and I believe Washington went deep into the playoffs that year.

I'm a Redskins fan so because Washington has already beat Dallas once this year, I consider them to have had a successful season. The next game they win off of them will be the icing on the cake! It's a shame to see Dallas 1-7 because they are one of the great teams from the past, but you know, you're only as good as your last game.
they will be lucky to win two more games. Washington is the only win I see. For one thing, why would they even bring Romo back this season?

I beg your pardon... Washington beat Dallas earlier this year and they will do it again. Even Washington isn't playing as crapy as Dallas.

I know they beat them, but it was close. and it's the only game Dallas has a CHANCE to win. in that rivalry, the records go out the window. when Dallas was 1-15, the one win was against Washington. and I believe Washington went deep into the playoffs that year.

NFC east matchups almost always finish close.
I beg your pardon... Washington beat Dallas earlier this year and they will do it again. Even Washington isn't playing as crapy as Dallas.

I know they beat them, but it was close. and it's the only game Dallas has a CHANCE to win. in that rivalry, the records go out the window. when Dallas was 1-15, the one win was against Washington. and I believe Washington went deep into the playoffs that year.

I'm a Redskins fan so because Washington has already beat Dallas once this year, I consider them to have had a successful season. The next game they win off of them will be the icing on the cake! It's a shame to see Dallas 1-7 because they are one of the great teams from the past, but you know, you're only as good as your last game.
if that's the case, you may be right about washington.
This news doesn't surprise me at all. As I watched some of the game last night, I thought this guy is going to be fired. And voila!
Maybe he can coach Notre Dame now.

You're a Vick fan?

You know it baby. I love to rub it in when I feel bad.

I never see the use of firing a coach mid season

In this case it was warranted. He had completely lost the team. Every player should be on notice that they are playing for their jobs the rest of the season

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