Cowboys Players & Owner Jerry Jones link arms & kneel together to anthem on Monday Night Football



Jerry Jones cowered to liberal elites and the whole Dallas Cowboy team just got booed. Shame on all of you, you anti American wimps.
The only possible way that Jerry Jones could have been more insulting and nasty would be to go to Arlington and piss on the grave stones himself.

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Oh, you must mean the soldiers who gave their life defending the constitution and your right to say what you want and their right to kneel. You do mean the soldiers, right? If you ever served I bet you were thinking you were defending, what?
You seem to think that these people get to do this without consequences. They deliberately took a knee to insult those who have bled and died for this country and then think they are absolved for it by suddenly standing just before the playing of the anthem. That is pretty much the antics of 5-year-old children thinking they are getting away with something. They are not. They knelt with the intent of protesting America, our flag, and our anthem. Like cowards, the jumped up and said, "who me?".

As I said, they could not have insulted this country more unless they went and pissed on the headstones of those who gave their life for us. pretty much admit that to YOU, it was never about not standing for the's all about how dare these people peaceful protest something they see as wrong. Who's the anti-American here? :eusa_think:

He also apologized today for causing any discontent people had with his teammates. Again an Army ranger defending your right and players rights and your way of life. I guess you don't fucking understand that boy.

I ain't your damned boy..........perhaps he was trying to keep the fans from lynching the other players.

I served 10 years............don't give a damn what you think of my opinion.............

kneeling during the can kiss my ass and so can the NFL.

Yep, time to turn up the heat even more.

Awwwwww....boycott all you want. Will you also be boycotting the military forces that advertise during games? USAA? Navy Federal? Will you stop buying cars? Because they ALL advertise during games.
You can all watch the NHL now.

There are hardly any Americans and virtually no black people, so nobody really cares about kneeling during the anthem.
I think by kneeling for the NA Jerry Jones and the white players following his lead showed empathy for the Black community and their grievance. That noble gesture has done much to bring Americans together in a quest for change. Thank you Mr. Jones and thank you to all the White players who joined their Black brothers in making a statement that is still resonating across the nation.

best damn post on this thread.:thup: the OP has a point though that Jones is a hypocrite after saying he would fire all the players if they did not stand and put their hand over their heart.
You can all watch the NHL now.

There are hardly any Americans and virtually no black people, so nobody really cares about kneeling during the anthem.

i can't see the players good looks and i can't see the ball in the nhl. no thanks!
LeBron: "He doesn't understand how many kids, no matter the race, look up to the president of the United States for guidance,for leadership"
Georgetown Law faculty arrives to take a knee in protest of Sessions' appearance on campus. this is getting ridiculous.

What does a grape like you know about a IQ.

There you go, make it painfully clear what kind of wit you have... :eusa_whistle:

You don't HAVE to be a fucking retard to be a Communist...

Oh wait, in fact you actually do....

Trump and his supporters are the Communists. They will defend Putin all day no matter what he does.

Trump supporters are retards because they can do nothing for themselves. They can only parrot trump because they have no mind of their own.


You really are as dumb as a dog turd.

Putin is a KGB thug. Trump signed sanctions against him.

Now that your absurd little lie is crushed, shall we examine what you Stalinists support? Revocation of the 1st Amendment as your ANTIFA Gestapo demonstrate, Demands of involuntary servitude to party ideals, bake the cake Christian! Racism and you foaming at the mouth Khmer Rouge scum spew your hatred at white people who you demand be punished for having evil skin.
Wow, you freak....get medicated


are you a triggered Stalinist?

{ Who are the normals? The Americans who built this country, and defended it. When you eat, it’s because a normal grew the food and another normal trucked it to you. When you aren’t murdered in the street or don’t speak German, it’s because a normal with a gun made those things not happen. We normals don’t want to rule over others. We don’t obsess about how you live your life, but also we don’t want to be compelled to signal our approval or pick up the tab. We are every color and creed – though when someone who is incidentally a member of some other group aligns with normals, he/she/xe loses that identity. The left drums normals who are black out of its definition of “black,” just as normal women get drummed out of womanhood and normal gays get drummed out gayhood. In a way, the left is making E pluribus unum a reality again – to choose to be normal is to choose to reject silly identity group identification and unite. Instead of saying “normal Americans,” you can just say “Americans.”}

Conservative, Inc., Is Being Replaced By Us Militant Normals

You don't want to rule? Then why you being the dumb fuck trying to instill your beliefs on everyone else.

Now this is fucking disrespecting the flag.


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Georgetown Law faculty arrives to take a knee in protest of Sessions' appearance on campus. this is getting ridiculous.

Peaceful protest is ridiculous?

I much prefer this over the ridiculous Anti-fas and Alt-Rights when they are violent.


Jerry Jones cowered to liberal elites and the whole Dallas Cowboy team just got booed. Shame on all of you, you anti American wimps.

I heard he did that at first when they came out but they all stood when the anthem pkayed. Did I hear wrong?

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