COWS Shitting ON Americans..

Those lil ma & pa corner businesses are custom made targets for the OWS pup phukers that litter the streets. All those union backed chronically unemployed street urchins look for is a new cause to rally around so they can form in mass & panhandle for bennies. The police are also union controlled internationally, making them impotent to enforce vagrancy laws that unions refuse to adhere to.
Don't worry about president Obama. If president Obama goes down, which is about a 50/50 proposal, Mitt 'little Castro' Romney will out-Obama the Obamster himself! The GOP is LOADED with potential president Obama's, just vying to do their masters wishes. Even if Ron Paul or Gary Johnson took the oval office they'd quickly be set up & humiliated out of office in style.
The food carts and restaurants around Occupy San Francisco are staying open 24 hours a day now, due to all the extra business they're getting from protesters.
and remember obama endorses this shitty behavior.

Didn't public defecation and urinating fade away after the Caveman era? After Thomas Crapper invented the toilet {forgot the year} you would think that most intelligent Americans would look for a toilet before crapping on a car,front door,tree stump,sleeping dog or homeless man?
Feces update from Occupy San Francisco. They are working on compost toilets and demanding the "right to poo".

As for the human feces situation: Almost every single item on the official OccupySF bulletin board concerned itself with the poop crisis (see following pictures for close-ups).


“Defensive posture on compost solution to fecal BC prob imposed on us. Consider: a.) self-defense b.) freedom of speech in re: Better system! c.) RIGHT TO POO!”

The PJ Tatler » The Right to Poo and Van Jones Skepticism: Just Another Day at OccupySF

Remember when some poop truthers on here tried to claim that the shitter in NY was an isolated incident or even photoshopped?:poop::eusa_sick:

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