CPAC: Speaker pledges end of American democracy to wild applause.

While the speaker wants to be run by a bunch of religious clerics on there interpretation of the Bible...

For example: Jesus said nothing about abortion or IVF and yet someone reads the Bible and gets that from it...

Jesus said plenty about life being sacred, and that's the crux of the pro-life argument.
we arent a republic because its to complicated to have everyone vote,, we are one because people are stupid and some are evil and some would use that vote to oppress others like democrats did with slavery,,
So what system do you say the USA has? You may have already said but I've not been right through the thread, so apologies.
Nope, just pointing out the hypocrisy...........And lies.
Ideas are best when the president has the backing and votes in congress.
It just doesn't work that way anymore.
wheres the hypocrisy??
I have always been against EOs that are outside the constitutional authority,,
And non citizens, dead citizens, and any citizen who threw out their ballot (they just assume those people are Biden voters).
Doesn't the constitution give us due process? That is, before you discard our votes, don't you have to prove that they were illegal?

Or do you just want the Republicans to decide who's vote gets to count?
Doesn't the constitution give us due process? That is, before you discard our votes, don't you have to prove that they were illegal?

Or do you just want the Republicans to decide who's vote gets to count?

Like you would accept ANY level of proof that the votes could be illegal.
I dont play make believe games with mentally ill midgets,,
You can't answer the question because you don't have the intellectual capability to engage in an honest debate.

Is it still a constitutional republic when that constitution allows for chattel slavery?
Like you would accept ANY level of proof that the votes could be illegal.
You didn't answer the question. Doesn't the constitution give us due process and doesn't that due process prevent Republicans from tearing up our votes without proving they were fraudulent?
BS, there are all kinds of ways to subvert the will of the people.
Gerrymandering is one of many.
The politician chooses their voters, instead of voters choosing their politicians.
whats that got to do with what I said??

he ran from the discussion we were having because he was losing and tried to change the subject,,
You didn't answer the question. Doesn't the constitution give us due process and doesn't that due process prevent Republicans from tearing up our votes without proving they were fraudulent?

The same pathetic gotcha attempt you spent 50 pages on the last thread.

My lord are you a spectrum riding buffoon.
We are a Republic. The word democracy is not in the Constitution.
If only you'd know wtf democracy means in it's modern context you wouldn't be posting that silly nonsense.

Republic is synonymous with representative democracy. Both mean that the people are governed by representatives they elect.
The same pathetic gotcha attempt you spent 50 pages on the last thread.

My lord are you a spectrum riding buffoon.
Ah, so the best you can do is call it a "gotcha" when faced with a question that would require you to admit your party's disregard for what it means to be a constitutional republic.

That's like when Sarah Palin called it a "gotcha" when she was asked what she reads.

A "gotcha" question is any question that would expose something that you don't want to admit.

You don't want to admit that Republicans don't give a fuck about rights. Palin didn't want to admit she is an ignorant moron.
whats that got to do with what I said??

he ran from the discussion we were having because he was losing and tried to change the subject,,
More of an addition to what Mareener said.

so you think promoting the constitution that requires people vote for their reps means we dont want people voting for their reps??
You want to use gerrymandering to minimize the voices of some and maximize the voices of others.
I dint use anything to minimize anyones voting,,
No, but you're too afraid to admit that's exactly what the "elected representatives" do by gerrymandering.

Is it still a Republic if the government can distort the elections to ensure they maintain a majority without having the support from the majority of the public?

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