CPAC: Speaker pledges end of American democracy to wild applause.

Nothing can exhibit the contempt Republicans have for the public more than the Ohio redistricting saga.

typical cherry picking,,

bet if I wasted my time looking I could find a dem example just as contemptable,,
someone already did it for me,,
No they didn't. New York's maps were replaced by a court appointed mediator which allowed the Republicans to pick up a few districts.

That didn't happen in Ohio because the Republicans just refused to do what the Supreme Court ordered them to do.

Not even close.
No they didn't. New York's maps were replaced by a court appointed mediator which allowed the Republicans to pick up a few districts.

That didn't happen in Ohio because the Republicans just refused to do what the Supreme Court ordered them to do.

Not even close.
like biden did with student loans,,
You clearly didn't read the article. Ohio Republicans were told by their Supreme Court to redraw the map in accordance with the constitutional requirements, and they just didn't.

Just an example of how Republicans only care about the constitution when it suits them.

And the Dems in NY played the same games, but you only care when the other side does it.
like biden did with student loans,,
That's based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the court decision about loans and what Biden has done with student loans.

Ohio Republicans gerrymandered a map that would take their 56% share of the vote and translate that into 73% of the seats on Congress.

Are we a Republic if the public is not fairly represented?
Conservative activist Jack Posobiec joyfully hailed the “end of democracy” at the Conservative Political Action Conference, further emphasizing Republicans’ apparent desire to completely overthrow America as we know it.

Now MAGA are not even hiding their contempt for our democratic institutions.

As Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

Note: I know one of the first posts from a MAGA will be we are not a democracy. Yes, that is the exact sentiment I would expect from someone who doesn't care if our democratic institutions are eliminated.

This is a very sad commentary on the complete ruination of conservative thought.
From your link:

Posobiec’s comments, even delivered in a lighthearted tone, are a chilling reminder that Trump and his supporters are not speaking rhetorically. They mean everything they say.

No, dumbass.

When Trump supporters say something like that in a light hearted tone, they are being tongue in cheek. They are mocking the absurd things Democrats make up to avoid just admitting that they hate Trump for loving America.

But wet your pants if you like the warm feeling.
That's based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the court decision about loans and what Biden has done with student loans.

Ohio Republicans gerrymandered a map that would take their 56% share of the vote and translate that into 73% of the seats on Congress.

Are we a Republic if the public is not fairly represented?
it sucks to be a dem then,,
what do you mean by fairly??
are you going to cry??
And the Dems in NY played the same games, but you only care when the other side does it.
NY Dems didn't willfully ignore that court decision to maintain the gerrymandered maps. Furthermore, it's not even the representatives that are making the map, that's up to a bipartisan redistricting committee. The committee is composed of 10 members, 4 of which are appointed by majority, 4 of which are appointed by minority and 2 more members who are required to be independents.

Ohio Republicans are another order of magnitude more corrupt.
NY Dems didn't willfully ignore that court decision to maintain the gerrymandered maps. Furthermore, it's not even the representatives that are making the map, that's up to a bipartisan redistricting committee. The committee is composed of 10 members, 4 of which are appointed by majority, 4 of which are appointed by minority and 2 more members who are required to be independents.

Ohio Republicans are another order of magnitude more corrupt.
more like smarter than dems,,
Ah, so the best you can do is call it a "gotcha" when faced with a question that would require you to admit your party's disregard for what it means to be a constitutional republic.

That's like when Sarah Palin called it a "gotcha" when she was asked what she reads.

A "gotcha" question is any question that would expose something that you don't want to admit.

You don't want to admit that Republicans don't give a fuck about rights. Palin didn't want to admit she is an ignorant moron.

LOL from the head cheerleader for the cult that wants to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters.

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