I am? I am not marching on Washington and carrying pitchforks. I express my opinion here, and I vote.

As I said, the legitimacy of the teabaggers would be so much more established if they didn't fire up the protests immediately after Bush left office.

Historically illiterate.

The Tea Parties started up in response to the Stimulus Bill. Obama was responsible for that fiscal insanity.

This is a true statement.
I am? I am not marching on Washington and carrying pitchforks. I express my opinion here, and I vote.

As I said, the legitimacy of the teabaggers would be so much more established if they didn't fire up the protests immediately after Bush left office.

Historically illiterate.

The Tea Parties started up in response to the Stimulus Bill. Obama was responsible for that fiscal insanity.

Don't you love the "carrying pitchforks" part? GTH forgot "torches"!

Let them come out. More people out the more it looks like there is support for the Tea parties. It's going to back fire.

They intend on getting on TV dropping N-Bombs and racist comments. They intend on holding up racist and homophobic signs with misspelling!

These people are pathetic, no doubt Ravi agrees with there method!

See this is exactly why liberalism is a false doctrine. They NEVER try to argue on merits, rather they try to label any dissenters as racists and/or hate-mongers. In out PC diverse society that approach has worked!
Don't you love the "carrying pitchforks" part? GTH forgot "torches"!


The Lefties remind me of "She's A Witch" - they use twisted logic to try to smear innocent people:

[ame=]Monty Python[/ame]
The entire Tea Party movement is an obvious Democratic plan to make the Conservatives look like idiots. It is working too

Both parties just keep ratcheting up the hate.

Divide the nation into two opposing ideological camps, and control both of them though puppets who demonizing the other side.

That's exactly how empires have always worked.

The Roman Empire had the REDs and the GREENs and Blues and the Whites.

Eventually they'd reduced it down to the Red faction v the Green, as I recall it.

And these factions weren't merely trading barbs with words, either.

They'd have riots where thousands of people were openly fighting for their TEAM.

Meanwhile the Republic devolved into empire.

Sound familiar?
I do you weed out infiltraters who's stated goal is to bring the Tea Party Movement down by painting them all as racist homophobes?

The same way you weed out any other nutjob who shows up to coopt your message. Ask them to tone it down or leave. If they refuse, remove them or organize and drown them out. As was pointed out, the tea parties pay for the licenses and put in the effort and expense to hold the rallies - it's up to them to arrange for whatever policing or security is needed if they want to keep control of them.

That's exactly what happened!!! Yet the MSM chose to cover the racist homophobe infiltrators and say "this is the Tea Party folks!!!" vice the protests AGAINST them!!!!

I don't have a high opinion of any corporate or partisan controlled media left or right, and I sympathize with you on that. Truth is boring but sex sells, literally and figuratively. But therein lies the tea party's problem, and it's a tough one. How do you control message in a privately organized event held in a public space and to which the public at large is invited? Especially when your core message is in part about defending personal freedom and liberties including speech. I don't envy you that, but it's up to the organizers to come up with a solution. Other groups have managed both their gatherings and the media coverage of them, with varying levels of success. Looking at what they've done and deciding on a multi-tiered strategy including media handling is probably a good place to start.
The same way you weed out any other nutjob who shows up to coopt your message. Ask them to tone it down or leave. If they refuse, remove them or organize and drown them out. As was pointed out, the tea parties pay for the licenses and put in the effort and expense to hold the rallies - it's up to them to arrange for whatever policing or security is needed if they want to keep control of them.

That's exactly what happened!!! Yet the MSM chose to cover the racist homophobe infiltrators and say "this is the Tea Party folks!!!" vice the protests AGAINST them!!!!

I don't have a high opinion of any corporate or partisan controlled media left or right, and I sympathize with you on that. Truth is boring but sex sells, literally and figuratively. But therein lies the tea party's problem, and it's a tough one. How do you control message in a privately organized event held in a public space and to which the public at large is invited? Especially when your core message is in part about defending personal freedom and liberties including speech. I don't envy you that, but it's up to the organizers to come up with a solution. Other groups have managed both their gatherings and the media coverage of them, with varying levels of success. Looking at what they've done and deciding on a multi-tiered strategy including media handling is probably a good place to start.

At this point it can't be done. The DNC, MoveOn, ThinkProgress and many other left wing loon orgs will continue to infiltrate and attempt to take down any group aligned against Obama and his socialist policies. The media will continue to select any topic that paints anyone against Obama as a racist homophobe and give it top billing in the 24/7 news cycle.

The left is playing hardball politics. It will come back and bite them in the ass as the Republicans are even nastier when they get their game on.
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That's exactly what happened!!! Yet the MSM chose to cover the racist homophobe infiltrators and say "this is the Tea Party folks!!!" vice the protests AGAINST them!!!!

I don't have a high opinion of any corporate or partisan controlled media left or right, and I sympathize with you on that. Truth is boring but sex sells, literally and figuratively. But therein lies the tea party's problem, and it's a tough one. How do you control message in a privately organized event held in a public space and to which the public at large is invited? Especially when your core message is in part about defending personal freedom and liberties including speech. I don't envy you that, but it's up to the organizers to come up with a solution. Other groups have managed both their gatherings and the media coverage of them, with varying levels of success. Looking at what they've done and deciding on a multi-tiered strategy including media handling is probably a good place to start.

At this point it can't be done. The DNC, MoveOn, ThinkProgress and many other left wing loon orgs will continue to infiltrate and attempt to take down any group aligned against Obama and his socialist policies. The media will continue to select any topic that paints anyone against Obama as a racist homophobe and give it top billing in the 24/7 news cycle.

The left is playing hardball politics. It will come back and bite them in the ass as the Republicans are even nastier when they get their game on.

You mean the tea party groups are so powerless they are incapable of policing their own functions and handling counterprotesters and nutbars who show up? I don't buy it. Either they are a powerful movement and equal to their opposition or they're not. Either they are determined to get their message across and willing take responsibility for doing so or they're not. Blaming others for every hitch and demanding the right to speak without opposition is a cop out. That's politics. It's also the nature of free speech. The "free" part is a misnomer, there are always consequences for good or ill and it always takes more than just showing up to be effective - especially when both sides have the exact same rights.
I don't have a high opinion of any corporate or partisan controlled media left or right, and I sympathize with you on that. Truth is boring but sex sells, literally and figuratively. But therein lies the tea party's problem, and it's a tough one. How do you control message in a privately organized event held in a public space and to which the public at large is invited? Especially when your core message is in part about defending personal freedom and liberties including speech. I don't envy you that, but it's up to the organizers to come up with a solution. Other groups have managed both their gatherings and the media coverage of them, with varying levels of success. Looking at what they've done and deciding on a multi-tiered strategy including media handling is probably a good place to start.

At this point it can't be done. The DNC, MoveOn, ThinkProgress and many other left wing loon orgs will continue to infiltrate and attempt to take down any group aligned against Obama and his socialist policies. The media will continue to select any topic that paints anyone against Obama as a racist homophobe and give it top billing in the 24/7 news cycle.

The left is playing hardball politics. It will come back and bite them in the ass as the Republicans are even nastier when they get their game on.

You mean the tea party groups are so powerless they are incapable of policing their own functions and handling counterprotesters and nutbars who show up? I don't buy it. Either they are a powerful movement and equal to their opposition or they're not. Either they are determined to get their message across and willing take responsibility for doing so or they're not. Blaming others for every hitch and demanding the right to speak without opposition is a cop out. That's politics. It's also the nature of free speech. The "free" part is a misnomer, there are always consequences for good or ill and it always takes more than just showing up to be effective - especially when both sides have the exact same rights.

Apparently so...look at what's happening.
At this point it can't be done. The DNC, MoveOn, ThinkProgress and many other left wing loon orgs will continue to infiltrate and attempt to take down any group aligned against Obama and his socialist policies. The media will continue to select any topic that paints anyone against Obama as a racist homophobe and give it top billing in the 24/7 news cycle.

The left is playing hardball politics. It will come back and bite them in the ass as the Republicans are even nastier when they get their game on.

You mean the tea party groups are so powerless they are incapable of policing their own functions and handling counterprotesters and nutbars who show up? I don't buy it. Either they are a powerful movement and equal to their opposition or they're not. Either they are determined to get their message across and willing take responsibility for doing so or they're not. Blaming others for every hitch and demanding the right to speak without opposition is a cop out. That's politics. It's also the nature of free speech. The "free" part is a misnomer, there are always consequences for good or ill and it always takes more than just showing up to be effective - especially when both sides have the exact same rights.

Apparently so...look at what's happening.

And like I said, I know it's a tough job under the circumstances. But if you're going to throw a party then you need to think about how to deal with the gate crashers - and that means all of them, not just the ones on the side you don't like. That whole personal responsibility thing again, it keeps biting all kinds of people in the ass. ;)

But again, the average person showing up at a rally isn't responsible for all that, it's the organizers who are failing them by not doing their homework, looking ahead and having the strategy in place. Easily solved if they want to, and some groups don't seem to have these problems so I would assume they have solved it. A pow wow on tactical strategery might be in order. Just food for thought.
You mean the tea party groups are so powerless they are incapable of policing their own functions and handling counterprotesters and nutbars who show up? I don't buy it. Either they are a powerful movement and equal to their opposition or they're not. Either they are determined to get their message across and willing take responsibility for doing so or they're not. Blaming others for every hitch and demanding the right to speak without opposition is a cop out. That's politics. It's also the nature of free speech. The "free" part is a misnomer, there are always consequences for good or ill and it always takes more than just showing up to be effective - especially when both sides have the exact same rights.

Apparently so...look at what's happening.

And like I said, I know it's a tough job under the circumstances. But if you're going to throw a party then you need to think about how to deal with the gate crashers - and that means all of them, not just the ones on the side you don't like. That whole personal responsibility thing again, it keeps biting all kinds of people in the ass. ;)

But again, the average person showing up at a rally isn't responsible for all that, it's the organizers who are failing them by not doing their homework, looking ahead and having the strategy in place. Easily solved if they want to, and some groups don't seem to have these problems so I would assume they have solved it. A pow wow on tactical strategery might be in order. Just food for thought.

I'm sure it is...never underestimate your foes.
Apparently so...look at what's happening.

And like I said, I know it's a tough job under the circumstances. But if you're going to throw a party then you need to think about how to deal with the gate crashers - and that means all of them, not just the ones on the side you don't like. That whole personal responsibility thing again, it keeps biting all kinds of people in the ass. ;)

But again, the average person showing up at a rally isn't responsible for all that, it's the organizers who are failing them by not doing their homework, looking ahead and having the strategy in place. Easily solved if they want to, and some groups don't seem to have these problems so I would assume they have solved it. A pow wow on tactical strategery might be in order. Just food for thought.

I'm sure it is...never underestimate your foes.

Truer words were never spoken. :clap2:
What needs to be said is just because this group exists does not mean any incident in the future where a tea party speaker (like Luissa posted earlier) is being racist or whatever cannot simply be excused away as a Democrat plant.
What needs to be said is just because this group exists does not mean any incident in the future where a tea party speaker (like Luissa posted earlier) is being racist or whatever cannot simply be excused away as a Democrat plant.

This point is understood. I don't see Tom Tancredo booked for any Tea Party events any time you?

Now back to the infiltrators....why does the left fear this group so much?
This point is understood. I don't see Tom Tancredo booked for any Tea Party events any time you?

Now back to the infiltrators....why does the left fear this group so much?

Why are you classifying a entire part of the political spectrum as having the same characteristic? You have no real evidence to back up such a statement.

I don't think anyone "fears" the tea party as they seem to be just the populist movement of our time. They can't even fully break away from the GOP and be able to call themselves a fully respectable grassroots movement. Never mind get their act together and even agree on basic principles to follow other than "lower taxes" despite the fact their taxes went down last year for the most part unless they were making more than $250,000.
What needs to be said is just because this group exists does not mean any incident in the future where a tea party speaker (like Luissa posted earlier) is being racist or whatever cannot simply be excused away as a Democrat plant.

This point is understood. I don't see Tom Tancredo booked for any Tea Party events any time you?

Now back to the infiltrators....why does the left fear this group so much?

I hardly think a few dumbasses with an obscure message board constitutes "the left" any more than the racists, birthers, proponents of violence, secessionists and other fringers constitute "the right". :lol:
This point is understood. I don't see Tom Tancredo booked for any Tea Party events any time you?

Now back to the infiltrators....why does the left fear this group so much?

Why are you classifying a entire part of the political spectrum as having the same characteristic? You have no real evidence to back up such a statement.

I don't think anyone "fears" the tea party as they seem to be just the populist movement of our time. They can't even fully break away from the GOP and be able to call themselves a fully respectable grassroots movement. Never mind get their act together and even agree on basic principles to follow other than "lower taxes" despite the fact their taxes went down last year for the most part unless they were making more than $250,000.

I don't need to produce one single piece of "evidence". All I or you have to do is look at the daily attacks by the MSM against the Tea Party Movement....that should be fact enough for you to see that there is genuine fear of their influence. Otherwise why bother with a massive media campaign to distort and twist their message into something it isn't and why their infiltration campaign designed to paint the movement in a light that it's clearly not.

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