Crawling Out from under the Rauf

The unintelligent thing is to keep your back turned to Jesus, Light.

You ain't Jesus.

And neither are you and the doofus, Al.lie Baba, who is truly moronic. Do not judge with a judgment, guys, for it will be turned on you many times over. I suggest you both study your scriptures a bit more. A whole lot more.

Good idea. you better stop judging people Jake. And pick up and read the Bible. ;)
You first, hypocrite! I will kick it in your face every time you try this.
The Light has been judging from the first day and now is upset because the act has been called on him.

Today is Yom Kippur, the end of the High Holy Days of Judaism, and I advise The Light to consider the Jewish recognition that all must atone and repent to God and those whom have been offended by one's bad actions. The Jew knows this, the Muslim knows this, and the Christian knows this.

But The Light wants a pass: doesn't work that way.

Just sayin'.
The Light has been judging from the first day and now is upset because the act has been called on him.

Today is Yom Kippur, the end of the High Holy Days of Judaism, and I advise The Light to consider the Jewish recognition that all must atone and repent to God and those whom have been offended by one's bad actions. The Jew knows this, the Muslim knows this, and the Christian knows this.

But The Light wants a pass: doesn't work that way.

Just sayin'.

Sounds like you might want to repent.
Your pride is your downfall, The Light, and it eviscerates almost everything you say here.
You are not a part of any brethren except maybe the Mormons, The Light. Calling you to repentance for your behavior is meritorious not censorious. Are you a Mormon high priest? That would explain quite a bit.
I know far more about than you do, Jack Fate. Why do you defend Christian terrorism?

Join me in calling to an end of all religious terrorism.
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When did you stop defending Christian terrorism, Jack Fate? Now join me in condemning all religious terrorism. If you can't do that, then you support Christian terrorism.
Show me, Jack Fate, where American Muslims are more committed to religious terrorism than American Christians.

Are they blowing up federal buildings? Are they killing Jewish journalists? Are they killing doctors who perform abortions?

Come on, help us out here, Jack Fate. Join me in condemning all religious terrorism.
No, Jack Fate, I have reduced your argument ad absurdum.

Now will you condemn American Christian terrorism and American Muslim terrorism as both being perversions of civilization?
No, Jack Fate, I have reduced your argument ad absurdum.

Now will you condemn American Christian terrorism and American Muslim terrorism as both being perversions of civilization?

Jesus never harmed anyone. He went around doing good and healing the sick and feeding the hungry. Mohammed went around murdering people and molesting little girls.

Why do you like Mohammed and hate Jesus?
Christianity for more than a thousand years acted pretty much the same as did Islam, and you know that is true.

You will have to leave Mohammed to God, Jack Fate.

No, Jack Fate, I have reduced your argument ad absurdum.

Now will you condemn American Christian terrorism and American Muslim terrorism as both being perversions of civilization?

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