Crazy Bernie: "billionaires should not exist"...on this he's right 100 percent, my friends!

You know Bernie’s nuts, i know Bernie’s nuts, but do you know what else is nuts? His rhetoric!
Bernie Unveils Radical Redistribution Plan: 'Billionaires Should Not Exist'

Sanders declared “billionaires should not exist” as part of the rollout of his massive proposal to redistribute wealth in America via an “extreme wealth” tax, which he claims will “reduce the outrageous level of inequality that exists in America today.”

Bernie Sanders Proposes a Wealth Tax, Taking Aim at Billionaires
You can bet your bottom dollar if the clown thought that he had a chance of winning he would exempt himself and congress from his scheme.
IF you want to live where everyone is poor, let me suggest some destinations....

Saudi Arabia

Funny thing, in such commie/socialist countries, there always is one billionaire - the chief commie/socialist dictator at the top
Now that Bernie is a millionaire, gota target the billionaires.
Bernie Unveils Radical Redistribution Plan: 'Billionaires Should Not Exist'

Sanders declared “billionaires should not exist” as part of the rollout of his massive proposal to redistribute wealth in America via an “extreme wealth” tax, which he claims will “reduce the outrageous level of inequality that exists in America today.”

Bernie Sanders Proposes a Wealth Tax, Taking Aim at Billionaires

We need to be more like Venezuela where almost everyone is equal
Jesse Jackson = worth $2 billion from keeping his hand in his very own race baiting cookie jar

Ah said I would help black people, I just didn't say which ones....

and just how much does the former Cocksucker in Chief have HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET????
If Bernie's plan had been in place from '82-'18:

Bezos would've been worth $43B, not $160B

Gates would've been worth $9.9B, not $97B C. Koch would've been worth $8B, not $53.5B

J. Walton would've been worth $5B, not $45.2B

Greed is an addiction. Bernie's wealth tax is the cure
if you like Greta Thunberg, why do you hate Bernie Sanders? If you like AOC, why do you hate Bernie Sanders? If you like Malala, why do you hate Bernie Sanders? You clearly like bold street action, democratic socialism and pacifism. Why do you hate Bernie Sanders?
A few decades ago the hypocrite said millionaire congressman are immoral
Now look at him. He is very disingenuous.
We should have a socialist tax. America doesn't need any socialists.
Bernie Unveils Radical Redistribution Plan: 'Billionaires Should Not Exist'

Sanders declared “billionaires should not exist” as part of the rollout of his massive proposal to redistribute wealth in America via an “extreme wealth” tax, which he claims will “reduce the outrageous level of inequality that exists in America today.”

Bernie Sanders Proposes a Wealth Tax, Taking Aim at Billionaires

Neither should millionaires...
Neither should anyone makes more than he "needs" as decided by the assholes in Washington DC
If Bernie's plan had been in place from '82-'18:

Bezos would've been worth $43B, not $160B

Gates would've been worth $9.9B, not $97B C. Koch would've been worth $8B, not $53.5B

J. Walton would've been worth $5B, not $45.2B

Greed is an addiction. Bernie's wealth tax is the cure

Jealousy is one of the 7 Deadly Sins

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