Crazy Bernie Sanders unveils free college tuition plan called "The Thurgood Marshall Education Plan"

I see investing in OUR youth far better for America's future than investing our tax $$$$'s in a LOT of where it's going right now


those who vote for Crazy Bernie, they just miss the mark, just like the folks who voted for Nader missed the mark. we need to look at the bigger picture. Trump or Biden?

Bernie thinks out of the box the rest want to keep you in

Bernie's plan doesn't adequately prepare the kids for the future job market. The top 30 job openings are in the link below. There are no jobs for art-history majors or philosophy majors, or gender studies majors or any of the other goofy majors colleges sell the kids. College isn't for everyone. If you didn't do well in high school you will not do well in college. College is for the smart kids, there will be plenty of other jobs for the rest of the kids:
The 30 best high-paying jobs of the future
Hell they would be better off going to a trade school.

Plumbers, electricians, masonry workers and many other trades always need people. These trades make those who are good at it lots of money.

Why waste your money in college which may or may not get you a job when plumbers, electricians and masony experts are always needed.

Oh and Bernie is glad to give away every ones hard earned tax money for free.

Nothing is free. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.

Guys as much of a dingbat as AOC.
i like Cory Booker's plan of baby bonds better!

A Thurgood Marshall Plan for Public Education

Many colleges these days are nothing more than liberal indoctrination centers. So many graduate with completely useless degrees. Many realize that the only way to make money is to go back to college and become a professor so they can teach useless crap to other students.

These colleges teach that socialism is good. Kids come out believing they are entitled to free shit.

Despite the colleges embracing this bullshit, they are the ones who have raised tuition rates excessively and professors get paid insane amounts for less teaching time. If they believe that students are entitled to a free education, then they should allow them to come and not charge them. Professors who preach socialism, communism and Marxism should not get paid 6 figures. They believe students are entitled to their time, right? So, they should offer a free education. As it is, the colleges and professors intend to keep raising the cost to astronomical proportions and then passing the bill onto the hard working people. Fuck them. I don't want to put my money where they stupid mouths are. They should do that.

College tuition increased the most after government got into the student loan business. Maybe that was just another part of the plan. Dumb them down and put them in deep debt. Then the idiots will be willing to vote for socialist morons.
brothers and sisters: 10 years ago we bailed out wall street. its time to tax wall street and bail out our students and the middle class!

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