Crazy Bernie summons his team for meeting on 2020

Fuck Bernie. I had loads of respect for that nut until he sold 30 years of his own rhetoric to support his enemy for partisanship..
Hey, Don't laugh at Bernie.

If Hillary had not 'bought' the DNC, had not used donations intended for other candidates on her own campaign, had not rigged the Primaries, had not cheated in debates, had not engaged in election fraud during the primaries, had not stacked the deck against Sanders to ensure she would get the nomination, and if the Obama administration (Barry, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Lynch) had not protected Hillary from indictment for her proven crimes, Sanders would have won the nomination...and had a better shot at defeating Trump than Hillary did....
Fuck Bernie. I had loads of respect for that nut until he sold 30 years of his own rhetoric to support his enemy for partisanship..

What did he do?


He sold out to Hillary and supported her, even though it was proven the DNC colluded against him.

You know, the type of collusion to fix elections that is PC.

Bernie lost my respect once he sold out and then then next thing you know he was buying a half million dollar summer house by the lake and driving fancy red sports cars.


Pfft. He just wants our money is all.
He sold out to Hillary and supported her, even though it was proven the DNC colluded against him.
A man has to know his limitations...and Bernie realized that her having bought the DNC, having the deck completely stacked against him, having the FBI and DOJ breaking laws to protect her ass so she could keep running, there was no way he was going to get the it was either concede to her because it was 'her turn'....or end up dying suddenly form a 'mysterious illness'. :p

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