Crazy Candace Owens breaks social media by not disavowing Hitler when asked about him

Then prove it with your gaia loving largesse on this planet we all share. Move to Venezuela or Cuba or Zimbabwe or Haiti or other nations and give up the comforts you have. Talk is bullchitt. Share the planet and give your assets to others to prove it. Not one of you do. Progressive Socialism is a religion whether you know or not. A cold hearted one that uses Alinsky tactics to blame others for what you do. At this point in history we have about 8 billion people. Lets start by cutting salaries and checks sent out by at least half. Then we can send the money saved to other nations in this planet we all share. Of course to many stupid loans will be removed also because of it. And then we reduce medical care as to increase medical care for everyone else in this planet we share. Our standard of living being reduced means we live a more austere life and it will be good for us. Mexicans and Jews? You are the nazis you stupid azz.

Do you have any original material or the ability to form a coherent thought you didn't hear on Hate Radio?
She didn't praise Hitler.

It's simply astounding how many people on the left and the right post links on this board that do not say what they claim they say.

We truly need to revamp our entire educational system that has obviously failed so many of you idiots.
You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?

Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Hint....if you have to clarify your statement about Hitler, you blew it......period...

Candace Owens is a con artist who says shit to make white supremacists feel better.....She regurgitates talking points without doing any further analysis of what the fuck she is being fed -- which is why she is so afraid to debate and which is why she continues to make a fool of herself when she does debate....
Most of these trump lovers are just so happy to have a black person say shit they want to hear --- that they don't even really care who is saying it....this is why cartoon characters like Jesse Lee Peterson have any sort of media presence...Jesse, the same idiot who believes racism never existed in America and how great slavery was...

Candace Owens, the same person who was all SJW and anti-Trump just a couple of years ago....But many of these con artists know that all they have to do is run off a few talking points and buckdance for neo-nazis and they will be accepted with no questions asked....

"Obviously, no one but Owens knows how genuine her professed beliefs are. But a look at her history strongly suggests that her “conservatism” is a mix of opportunism, personal grievances, canned slogans and paranoid conspiracy theories."

The Problem with Candace Owens - Quillette
She didn't praise Hitler.

It's simply astounding how many people on the left and the right post links on this board that do not say what they claim they say.

We truly need to revamp our entire educational system that has obviously failed so many of you idiots.
You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?

Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Hint....if you have to clarify your statement about Hitler, you blew it......period...

Candace Owens is a con artist who says shit to make white supremacists feel better.....She regurgitates talking points without doing any further analysis of what the fuck she is being fed -- which is why she is so afraid to debate and which is why she continues to make a fool of herself when she does debate....

1. There is always some asshole who will pretend to misunderstand what you said, in order to invent an excuse to attack you. That is on the asshole. Fuck all those assholes.

2. White supremacists are an insignificant fringe. Anyone claims otherwise, is a lying race baiting asshole.
If anyone wants to hear the all of what she said rather than a snippet taken out of context, here it is-

Rising conservative star Candace Owens is slammed over her newly surfaced Hitler comments

She also stated-
Owens rejected the notion that Hitler — the infamous leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, more commonly known as the Nazi Party — is a "nationalist."

"He wasn't a nationalist," Owens said of Hitler. "He was a homicidal, psychotic maniac."
Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.

Yet she couldn't get why his Nationalism was a bad thing.

Here's the thing. We all kind of have to share this planet, and we all have to get along.

The MAGA hatters say the same thing about Mexicans the Nazis said about Jews.

You can see where this is going, right?

Yes, I see where this is going. The Prog-Dems are intent on demonizing everyone who disagrees with them so that they are guilty of NoGoodBadThink Thought Crimes. We've seen this before in Maoist China, Stalin's USSR and other hideous totalitarian slave societies.

That's what the Progs want for us.
Last edited:
If anyone wants to hear the all of what she said rather than a snippet taken out of context, here it is-

Rising conservative star Candace Owens is slammed over her newly surfaced Hitler comments

She also stated-
Owens rejected the notion that Hitler — the infamous leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, more commonly known as the Nazi Party — is a "nationalist."

"He wasn't a nationalist," Owens said of Hitler. "He was a homicidal, psychotic maniac."
Lefties can not seperate their emotions from any situation long enough to just examine the facts and see them without their predisposed emotions attached to them.
If anyone wants to hear the all of what she said rather than a snippet taken out of context, here it is-

Rising conservative star Candace Owens is slammed over her newly surfaced Hitler comments

She also stated-
Owens rejected the notion that Hitler — the infamous leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, more commonly known as the Nazi Party — is a "nationalist."

"He wasn't a nationalist," Owens said of Hitler. "He was a homicidal, psychotic maniac."
Lefties can not seperate their emotions from any situation long enough to just examine the facts and see them without their predisposed emotions attached to them.
They don’t want to. They create these spin scenarios so they can attempt to remove the relevance of those they see as posing a danger to their agenda.
Then prove it with your gaia loving largesse on this planet we all share. Move to Venezuela or Cuba or Zimbabwe or Haiti or other nations and give up the comforts you have. Talk is bullchitt. Share the planet and give your assets to others to prove it. Not one of you do. Progressive Socialism is a religion whether you know or not. A cold hearted one that uses Alinsky tactics to blame others for what you do. At this point in history we have about 8 billion people. Lets start by cutting salaries and checks sent out by at least half. Then we can send the money saved to other nations in this planet we all share. Of course to many stupid loans will be removed also because of it. And then we reduce medical care as to increase medical care for everyone else in this planet we share. Our standard of living being reduced means we live a more austere life and it will be good for us. Mexicans and Jews? You are the nazis you stupid azz.

Do you have any original material or the ability to form a coherent thought you didn't hear on Hate Radio?
I grew up with the catholic church the catholic school and the strict house. No words of hate in that way but the push for personal responsibility. My personality is introverted, shy and other things thrown into the mixture. I know bullchitt artists from this. Things are not complex. But they have been made complex. I am as original as you will get. For I will make excuses for my personality as an embarrassment but see what yours is. It is so easy. So I stay married for my kids and someone elses splits or others have kids out of wedlock am responsible for it. It is not coherent thought as much as stealing from others.
She didn't praise Hitler.

It's simply astounding how many people on the left and the right post links on this board that do not say what they claim they say.

We truly need to revamp our entire educational system that has obviously failed so many of you idiots.
You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?

Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Hint....if you have to clarify your statement about Hitler, you blew it......period...

Candace Owens is a con artist who says shit to make white supremacists feel better.....She regurgitates talking points without doing any further analysis of what the fuck she is being fed -- which is why she is so afraid to debate and which is why she continues to make a fool of herself when she does debate....

1. There is always some asshole who will pretend to misunderstand what you said, in order to invent an excuse to attack you. That is on the asshole. Fuck all those assholes.

2. White supremacists are an insignificant fringe. Anyone claims otherwise, is a lying race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding what she said?

What good "nationalist" things did Hitler do that only became a problem when Hitler took his "nationalism" outside of Germany?

Why do you folks keep avoiding what she said??

You sycophants do the same shit with Trump -- someone who you claim is a "straight talker" -- but what do we hear from you folks all the time??

"You took him out of context" -- "That is not what he meant to say, its unfair for you to repeat his words" waah waahh wahh
She didn't praise Hitler.

It's simply astounding how many people on the left and the right post links on this board that do not say what they claim they say.

We truly need to revamp our entire educational system that has obviously failed so many of you idiots.
You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?

Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Hint....if you have to clarify your statement about Hitler, you blew it......period...

Candace Owens is a con artist who says shit to make white supremacists feel better.....She regurgitates talking points without doing any further analysis of what the fuck she is being fed -- which is why she is so afraid to debate and which is why she continues to make a fool of herself when she does debate....

1. There is always some asshole who will pretend to misunderstand what you said, in order to invent an excuse to attack you. That is on the asshole. Fuck all those assholes.

2. White supremacists are an insignificant fringe. Anyone claims otherwise, is a lying race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding what she said?

What good "nationalist" things did Hitler do that only became a problem when Hitler took his "nationalism" outside of Germany?

Why do you folks keep avoiding what she said??

You sycophants do the same shit with Trump -- someone who you claim is a "straight talker" -- but what do we hear from you folks all the time??

"You took him out of context" -- "That is not what he meant to say, its unfair for you to repeat his words" waah waahh wahh

1. I don't know what she was referring to. I haven't read up on Hitler's early years for a long time. Ask her.

2. We aren't. What she said isn't the issue. The stupid games you lefties are playing is.

3. You libs do often "take him out of context" if you are not outright lying about what he said. You are vile like that.
You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?

Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Hint....if you have to clarify your statement about Hitler, you blew it......period...

Candace Owens is a con artist who says shit to make white supremacists feel better.....She regurgitates talking points without doing any further analysis of what the fuck she is being fed -- which is why she is so afraid to debate and which is why she continues to make a fool of herself when she does debate....

1. There is always some asshole who will pretend to misunderstand what you said, in order to invent an excuse to attack you. That is on the asshole. Fuck all those assholes.

2. White supremacists are an insignificant fringe. Anyone claims otherwise, is a lying race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding what she said?

What good "nationalist" things did Hitler do that only became a problem when Hitler took his "nationalism" outside of Germany?

Why do you folks keep avoiding what she said??

You sycophants do the same shit with Trump -- someone who you claim is a "straight talker" -- but what do we hear from you folks all the time??

"You took him out of context" -- "That is not what he meant to say, its unfair for you to repeat his words" waah waahh wahh

1. I don't know what she was referring to. I haven't read up on Hitler's early years for a long time. Ask her.

2. We aren't. What she said isn't the issue. The stupid games you lefties are playing is.

3. You libs do often "take him out of context" if you are not outright lying about what he said. You are vile like that.
Bawahahahahahahahhahahaaha @ I haven't read up on Hitler's early years...

There is no need for you to read up on what Hitler did when he was 20, he wasn't in control of Germany I
will take that comment as a most pathetic deflection....

The stupid game that is played is when people like you to go on and on about how Nazis are today's Democrats while failing to offer any evidence of the fact -- then having the audacity to say "well, I haven't really read up on Hitler like that? ...gtfoh...
Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Hint....if you have to clarify your statement about Hitler, you blew it......period...

Candace Owens is a con artist who says shit to make white supremacists feel better.....She regurgitates talking points without doing any further analysis of what the fuck she is being fed -- which is why she is so afraid to debate and which is why she continues to make a fool of herself when she does debate....

1. There is always some asshole who will pretend to misunderstand what you said, in order to invent an excuse to attack you. That is on the asshole. Fuck all those assholes.

2. White supremacists are an insignificant fringe. Anyone claims otherwise, is a lying race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding what she said?

What good "nationalist" things did Hitler do that only became a problem when Hitler took his "nationalism" outside of Germany?

Why do you folks keep avoiding what she said??

You sycophants do the same shit with Trump -- someone who you claim is a "straight talker" -- but what do we hear from you folks all the time??

"You took him out of context" -- "That is not what he meant to say, its unfair for you to repeat his words" waah waahh wahh

1. I don't know what she was referring to. I haven't read up on Hitler's early years for a long time. Ask her.

2. We aren't. What she said isn't the issue. The stupid games you lefties are playing is.

3. You libs do often "take him out of context" if you are not outright lying about what he said. You are vile like that.
Bawahahahahahahahhahahaaha @ I haven't read up on Hitler's early years...

There is no need for you to read up on what Hitler did when he was 20, he wasn't in control of Germany I
will take that comment as a most pathetic deflection....

The stupid game that is played is when people like you to go on and on about how Nazis are today's Democrats while failing to offer any evidence of the fact -- then having the audacity to say "well, I haven't really read up on Hitler like that? ...gtfoh...

Early years in power. D'uh.

I don't know what specifically she was referring to. Ask her.
Candice went from internet/YouTube sensation to enemy number one FAST.

Tells you all you need to know about the left
Why do you avoid the fact of this that she said?

If anyone wants to hear the all of what she said rather than a snippet taken out of context, here it is-

Rising conservative star Candace Owens is slammed over her newly surfaced Hitler comments

She also stated-
Owens rejected the notion that Hitler — the infamous leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, more commonly known as the Nazi Party — is a "nationalist."

"He wasn't a nationalist," Owens said of Hitler. "He was a homicidal, psychotic maniac."

She didn't praise Hitler.

It's simply astounding how many people on the left and the right post links on this board that do not say what they claim they say.

We truly need to revamp our entire educational system that has obviously failed so many of you idiots.
You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?

Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Hint....if you have to clarify your statement about Hitler, you blew it......period...

Candace Owens is a con artist who says shit to make white supremacists feel better.....She regurgitates talking points without doing any further analysis of what the fuck she is being fed -- which is why she is so afraid to debate and which is why she continues to make a fool of herself when she does debate....

1. There is always some asshole who will pretend to misunderstand what you said, in order to invent an excuse to attack you. That is on the asshole. Fuck all those assholes.

2. White supremacists are an insignificant fringe. Anyone claims otherwise, is a lying race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding what she said?

What good "nationalist" things did Hitler do that only became a problem when Hitler took his "nationalism" outside of Germany?

Why do you folks keep avoiding what she said??

You sycophants do the same shit with Trump -- someone who you claim is a "straight talker" -- but what do we hear from you folks all the time??

"You took him out of context" -- "That is not what he meant to say, its unfair for you to repeat his words" waah waahh wahh
Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.
she blew the answer by not saying explicitly he was evil incarnate

Is that a requirement?
Why do you avoid the fact of this that she said?

If anyone wants to hear the all of what she said rather than a snippet taken out of context, here it is-

Rising conservative star Candace Owens is slammed over her newly surfaced Hitler comments

She also stated-
Owens rejected the notion that Hitler — the infamous leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, more commonly known as the Nazi Party — is a "nationalist."

"He wasn't a nationalist," Owens said of Hitler. "He was a homicidal, psychotic maniac."

You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?

Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Hint....if you have to clarify your statement about Hitler, you blew it......period...

Candace Owens is a con artist who says shit to make white supremacists feel better.....She regurgitates talking points without doing any further analysis of what the fuck she is being fed -- which is why she is so afraid to debate and which is why she continues to make a fool of herself when she does debate....

1. There is always some asshole who will pretend to misunderstand what you said, in order to invent an excuse to attack you. That is on the asshole. Fuck all those assholes.

2. White supremacists are an insignificant fringe. Anyone claims otherwise, is a lying race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding what she said?

What good "nationalist" things did Hitler do that only became a problem when Hitler took his "nationalism" outside of Germany?

Why do you folks keep avoiding what she said??

You sycophants do the same shit with Trump -- someone who you claim is a "straight talker" -- but what do we hear from you folks all the time??

"You took him out of context" -- "That is not what he meant to say, its unfair for you to repeat his words" waah waahh wahh
Refer to post 54
[QUOTE"The problem is that he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany..."][/QUOTE]

Yeah, that and the whole "kill all the Jews" thing...

Fucking morons.

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