Crazy Candace Owens breaks social media by not disavowing Hitler when asked about him

Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.
she blew the answer by not saying explicitly he was evil incarnate


She did not have to say he was evil

Everyone knows he was evil including her

It is acceptable to discuss Hitler and the history or national socialism without virtue signaling and saying evil all the time

She blew nothing you moron.
She didn't praise Hitler.

It's simply astounding how many people on the left and the right post links on this board that do not say what they claim they say.

We truly need to revamp our entire educational system that has obviously failed so many of you idiots.
You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?

Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Hint....if you have to clarify your statement about Hitler, you blew it......period...

Candace Owens is a con artist who says shit to make white supremacists feel better.....She regurgitates talking points without doing any further analysis of what the fuck she is being fed -- which is why she is so afraid to debate and which is why she continues to make a fool of herself when she does debate....
Except she does debate and invites others to do so.

They run from her.

She merely thinks for herself which is unnacceptable to left wingers

Cite some white supremacists who express love for her
You have worn our RACIST to the point where nobody cares. It's only relevance today is as a tool for the Left to use against itself in its Biggest Victim Identity Politics Sweepstakes.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that and then whine why 90% of people of color vote against you.

No, I don't care to do that.
Because they are told to. There is not going to be anymore success with the social welfare system. It is maxed out.

actually, stupid, most welfare goes to white people. The thing is, you guy are just fine with "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance. It the pittance on poverty relief you guys get upset about.

We could evenly distribute the wealth in this country and every man, woman and child would get $55,000 a year.

To not give Trump a chance to improve things is self defeating.

Trump needs to be crushed, defeated and sent to prison as a warning that his kind of fascism is not welcome in America.

And if he got a real infrastructure bill it would even help more.

then he should fight for that and not a vanity project on the Southern Border.

Playing the system and playing games is not the only reason but it tells us why 90% vote that way. And it makes the many African American people who are good providers look less then what they are for it. And that is not right.

I'll tell you what's not right. Blaming the victims of 400 years of institutionalized racism for their own plight. That isn't right.

The thing is, the GOP made the decision that they were going to ignore people of color in favor of scaring stupid white people into voting against their own economic interests back in 1968, when Tricky Dick imposed the "Southern Strategy". And it worked fine for a while.. but now there aren't enough angry old white folks to keep that afloat.
There was no one in my family who abused any person of African ancestry. You live off this. You get paid off of this. You get to make excuses we all have but you get away with it. There are people who have experienced your crap. We got our crap. You are full of rage and hate and know the system loves to promote you as the innocent ones. And you know what? Most of the Trump voters are backers of you succeeding. For we all succeed a bit more. your violence and lack of responsibility is your undoing. As for all of us. But you do it at a higher percentage. There is a reason people move away from you. And many do not want to. Take a stand and stop or make the azzes in your groups be known as people in other cultural groups do. You don't. And the magic money machine s slowly drying up.
There was no one in my family who abused any person of African ancestry. You live off this. You get paid off of this. You get to make excuses we all have but you get away with it. There are people who have experienced your crap. We got our crap. You are full of rage and hate and know the system loves to promote you as the innocent ones.

Um, dude, I'm about as pasty white as they get.

And you know what? Most of the Trump voters are backers of you succeeding. For we all succeed a bit more. your violence and lack of responsibility is your undoing.

Okay, you see, the thing is, most Trump supporters are dumber than shit white people who've spent the last 50 years frittering away the middle class lifestyles their grandfathers spent winning on picket lines and battlefields. You think after Nixon, Reagan and Bush all left them a little worse off than when they started, they'd figure this out by now... but nope, they went ahead who voted for Trump over 10 more qualified guys because he was more open in his racism.

But you do it at a higher percentage. There is a reason people move away from you. And many do not want to. Take a stand and stop or make the azzes in your groups be known as people in other cultural groups do. You don't. And the magic money machine s slowly drying up.

Guy, here's what's going to happen. Spoilers.

Trump will run us into another recession. a lot of the white trash like you will thrash around for someone to blame, but folks will end up putting a Democrat in. You'll then whine that this Democrat isn't pandering to your insecurities enough... but hopefully by then, you'll be a small enough group where you can't get back no matter how much you cheat.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.
she blew the answer by not saying explicitly he was evil incarnate

. It's laughable anybody posting a thread saying Candice Owens compliments Leftist dictator Hitler with not a cross word against Leftists who proudly wear Che t-shirts and supports socialist regimes running Venesula into economic disaster and Alexandria Occassional-Cortex who wants to abolish cars, airplanes and farting heifers.

Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.
she blew the answer by not saying explicitly he was evil incarnate

She blew it like Kamala
I know what you did there! LOL
The Dem-Prog-Socialist-SlaveStatists continue their tactic of gaslighting the public by projecting what the DPSSS actually do upon innocents.
Because they are told to. There is not going to be anymore success with the social welfare system. It is maxed out.

actually, stupid, most welfare goes to white people. The thing is, you guy are just fine with "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance. It the pittance on poverty relief you guys get upset about.

We could evenly distribute the wealth in this country and every man, woman and child would get $55,000 a year.

To not give Trump a chance to improve things is self defeating.

Trump needs to be crushed, defeated and sent to prison as a warning that his kind of fascism is not welcome in America.

And if he got a real infrastructure bill it would even help more.

then he should fight for that and not a vanity project on the Southern Border.

Playing the system and playing games is not the only reason but it tells us why 90% vote that way. And it makes the many African American people who are good providers look less then what they are for it. And that is not right.

I'll tell you what's not right. Blaming the victims of 400 years of institutionalized racism for their own plight. That isn't right.

The thing is, the GOP made the decision that they were going to ignore people of color in favor of scaring stupid white people into voting against their own economic interests back in 1968, when Tricky Dick imposed the "Southern Strategy". And it worked fine for a while.. but now there aren't enough angry old white folks to keep that afloat.

On the “We could evenly distribute the wealth in this country and every man, woman and child would get $55,000 a year.” Isn’t that called stealing?

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Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."

Perfect example of dem propaganda and a duped sucker. You even had the out-of-context part highlighted within the actual context and you still started this bullshit thread!
Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."

Comparing Hitler to Trump? I don’t really see a problem here. What’s the issue?
It is a stupid and illogical comparison which only a fool would make.

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