Crazy Colin Capernick: there's a lot of racism in America disguised as patriotism

Sir Spamalot and his chronic inferiority complex spread like an ugly mold all over the forum.
Higher education may not be for everyone, but it is of great value to our nation and those individuals capable of undertaking it. American higher education is the best in the world, and one reason why America is the strongest nation in the world.
No, there us a lot of misplaced blame in this country. Patriotism is not wrong. Striving to fix problems that affect our citizenry is more effective than misplaced blame on a country/flag/promise to see and treat people equally. Maybe look at the root problems

When you take a protest against police violence towards blacks & manufactutre a big fat lie that it is a protest against the flag or out troops or our country then YES - you are trying to hide you being a racist fuck. Like your orange buddy.
No, there us a lot of misplaced blame in this country. Patriotism is not wrong. Striving to fix problems that affect our citizenry is more effective than misplaced blame on a country/flag/promise to see and treat people equally. Maybe look at the root problems

When you take a protest against police violence towards blacks & manufactutre a big fat lie that it is a protest against the flag or out troops or our country then YES - you are trying to hide you being a racist fuck. Like your orange buddy.
So what you're saying is that the 1st Amendment only applies to certain people ?
I learned valuable jobs skills in college and made a good deal of money because of it.

As has my wife.
Degrees of Separation

Just because you made money doesn't mean you earned it. Besides, you only compete with Diploma Dumbos. Individual successes should be discredited because the system as a whole is a failure. Getting a job just because you can go four years without a job is a non-starter. America is racing to the bottom because no one appointed to any persuasive position points that obvious fact out.

Americans are so stubborn in supporting this unproductive indentured servitude that it is best to wait for some another nation to reject it. Any country that pays students for their grades will rule this century's economy.

3. Pouring more money into education will just let the education industry raise price.
Why Academic Blue Chips Are Seeing Red

You scabs know that if students were given the same high allowance and paid-up tuition that the sons of those who mandate unpaid education get, then we would motivate the whole talent pool. With that much competition, most of those who graduate today wouldn't have made the cut to even get accepted at any college. No one has the right to lower wages for others; it is only because of conformists like you that the student wage is zero.

It doesn't matter what the hypocritical parasites tell us that is what it should be. Fat cats love mice. Economic sissies let the rich, just like the NFL with college football, get a free minor leagues to train their future cash cows. Letting those selfish cheapskates make the rules has not been good for the country. Just because all they care about is making money doesn't mean they're smart enough to know the best way to do that. Paying students will pay for itself many times over. In fact, if the CEOs weren't so simple-minded, one of them could ensure that his company totally dominates the market within a few years by recruiting the country's smartest high-school students and offering them a high salary and paid-up tuition to study whatever that company needs. It would be like an NFL team getting the whole first round of draft picks.

Saying that the rich create jobs is like saying that vampires create blood. Sacrificing your youth to please them has no merit; it is anti-social brownnosing done in order to steal a job from those who have more natural talent for it. Those jobs belong to the gifted alone; they should be the ones making demands on those who depend on getting the best and getting them to study something useful to the rest. Our prosperity depends on motivating them immediately, just like 18-year-old baseball stars get millions of dollars up front to put themselves through baseball's equivalent of college education. The Yankees eventual profit off Derek Jeter was 250 times what they paid him to sign.

You conformists have betrayed the country. Because of the false opportunity of slave education, it is terminally weak, so some other country may listen to my common sense and independent thinking and realize that it can save its own future by paying college students more than they can expect to get at any other job when they are 18.

That theory needs some work.

Arguing that others set the student wage to zero, is especially problematic.

Americans have become very resistant to demands for handouts.

Focus on the hypothetical benefit of paying students. YOu would do better.

And don't attack.
Education Is None of the Business of Those With No Brains or No Pride

The corporations are the ones getting the handouts from students who work without pay in order to get a skill the corporations get richer on.

Calling study "work" without making the argument, is the type of word game that liberals played by calling two men or two women marriage and getting pissy if anyone disagreed with their new word definition.

It sets up your argument not so much as a real argument, but as an attack on the person who you set up to object to your personal word usage.

This type of game, is unlikely to work, without the support of a mob of brainless and dishonest sheep to support you, as the media and pop culture did with the gay activists.

By your typical flipped-over college-miseducated reasoning, anyone who gets paid for work is getting a handout and only those who own other people's work earn their money.

Study has not traditionally been considered "Work". See above.

But the few who belong in college create all the wealth of the plutocratic parasites.

Don't over state the contribution of those "few". The majority of people do NOT belong in college, yet produce vast wealth, to the improvement of society.

Those bossy hypocrites know perfectly well what a college student deserves, or they wouldn't give a high allowance and paid-up tuition to their own sons on campus,

Everyone wants to be able to give to their children. THis argument will gain you ground with the Childless and those who have children but are too stupid to realize that your argument will eventually bit their kids on the ass. If adopted.

At the cost of pissing of everyone else.

AND, don't kid yourself that those kids who don't go to colleges are not getting various types of advantages from their parents TOO.

most of whom have no more right to be in college than the dumb jocks do.

Don't kid yourself. Just because you dont' like someone is not reason to assume they are not bright.

So we should take out our fight against economic tyranny on those spoiled brats.

Because you are having so much success with getting a wage for students, that you want to look for more enemies to crush in you rapid and unstoppable advance?

Hint: Read that imagining a voice dripping with sarcasm.

The student wage is not zero because of any rational basis; it has never been negotiated and represents merely fiat by fatcats.

Students have traditionally not been paid, because the people who wanted to learn had to pay teachers in order to learn.

The "fat cats" in question, I've seen no evidence that they have ever giving it any thought, since the Medieval times.

Anyone who believes people deserve to get a job for going four or more years without a job is slavishly dumb


You are indoctrinated to ignore the economic fact that if we want McDonald's workers to get a more useful job, we pay them a higher salary where they are needed more.

I'm not sure what you mean there. I don't want McDonald's workers to get more useful jobs. I want them to do their job better and get paid more for it.

Therefore, we must pay college students more than they can expect to make anywhere else at age 18.

By "college students" you are referring to people who deserve to be in college, based on your personal judgement, am I correct?

Not all 18 year old kids.

This economic-sissy system puts inferior people in superior positions, just like any other job that doesn't follow a natural economic incentive.

You are just insulting millions, not tens of millions of people to no purpose.

And not only do college graduates not deserve the jobs they get by submitting to the demands of bossy parasites,

There is a power inequity between labor and employers, due to Unlimited access to Third World labor and the trade deficit.

This is a problem that needs addressed.

Trying to solve it by empowering "college students", seems cumbersome, at best.

it won't be worth the sacrifice of never growing up. They're kidding themselves if they chant the college-boy mantra, "Some day you'll look back on all this and laugh."

MOst people grow up, in time, regardless of college. Some don't, regardless of college or not.

This class-biased indentured servitude is like if you could eat free at gourmet restaurants the rest of your life if you first live on bread and water for four years. The indigestion caused by the imposed sacrifice would cause permanent indigestion and ruin the reward. If HIgh IQs would quit being sissyboy nerds and man up, they would get even for this insulting work-without-pay mandate by concentrating on hacking into the wealth of the inferior-IQ economic bullies who freeload off talent. That is their right; getting rich off the most evolved is what the King Apes tell us only they have the right to do. We never owed a living to those who own the world.

Appeal to emotion. ANd not a very skilled one.

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