Crazy Idea: Lets divide a whole country into communist and capitalist and compare them 70 years later

About what?

What is it that Bernie proposes that is out of line from what is done in other "democratic socialist" countries like Sweeden?
Sweden is NOT a democratic socialist country. Stop spreading that fucking lie.

In fact , why don't you go ahead and list all democratic social countries (hint: none). Let's play this retarded game like your compadre here.
Irrelevant, that.

It's irrelevant that you don't directly address what you quote and instead try to change topic with whatever whataboutism happens to jump into your silly head?

It's absolutely relavant clown.
It's irrelevant that you don't directly address what you quote and instead try to change topic with whatever whataboutism happens to jump into your silly head?
Incorrect. You're trying to play way above your intellectual league here, kid.
It's absolutely relavant clown.
Learn to spell and how to use commas, you illiterate imbecile.
Sweden is NOT a democratic socialist country. Stop spreading that fucking lie.

In fact , why don't you go ahead and list all democratic social countries (hint: none). Let's play this retarded game like your compadre here.
Come down tigerblood.

Democratic Socialist Party has been in majority for decades there. Thats what they call themselves and their policies is what Bernie often brings as example and proposes under his platform.

Come down tigerblood.

Democratic Socialist Party has been in majority for decades there. Thats what they call themselves and their policies is what Bernie often brings as example and proposes under his platform.

And Nazis were socialists too. That's what they called themselves.

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