Crazy Idea: Lets divide a whole country into communist and capitalist and compare them 70 years later

Personal attacks like "magaturd"?
Yep. Guilty as charged. I call you magaturds. I certainly don't call you conservatives, who I respect. I don't feel you've earned that title. I don't call you republicans, who I respect. I don't feel you've earned that title. You certainly aren't democrats. So, what are you?

Magaturds. That's what you are and will forever be. Maybe a new party is what you magaturds crave. Won't happen, but it's a goal you might want to strive for, since the majority of Americans still despise magaturds.
Yep. Guilty as charged. I call you magaturds. I certainly don't call you conservatives, who I respect. I don't feel you've earned that title. I don't call you republicans, who I respect. I don't feel you've earned that title. You certainly aren't democrats. So, what are you?

Magaturds. That's what you are and will forever be. Maybe a new party is what you magaturds crave. Won't happen, but it's a goal you might want to strive for, since the majority of Americans still despise magaturds.
Post like yours are why adults think you're an imbecile.
"Sweden is not socialist"
Well then Bernie Sanders is not socialist and almost no one else is in United States.

This is just rallying cry for the right against a strawman and silly response to a legitimate discussion of what govermnet ought to involve itself in or not.
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IS the OP going to FULL capitalist and ban all government programs with are techncally socialism, like medicare, social security, etc, and have everything completely market-based? Because if he isn't willing to do that then it's not a fair comparison. The US is currently a mixture of capitalism and socialism, and has not been full capitlist for a long time.
Well then Bernie Sanders is not socialist and almost no one else is in United States.

This is just rallying cry for the right against a strawman and silly response to a legitimate discussion of what govermnet ought to involve itself in or not.
That scenario mirrors the left with their silly "nazi/white supremacist" strawman propaganda. Funny, that.
Dumbass, you asked how many people die in Sweden, and I gave you an accurate answer. Don't get your panties all wadded up over it.
Notice how these racists are? They always claiming how racist whites are and how everything is white heterosexual sexual male's fault and every time they bring up the successes of socialism they always refer ONLY to the countries whiter than America.

Did they even address the experiment of a country being totally divided north and south and how it looks 70 years later?

Ohhhhh waaaiiiit, there was a white country. Remember Germany? That's a pretty white one ain't it?

Wonder if these losers want to compare Easy and West Germany. Lol they are such jokes. Not to mention racists.

Oh wait it has already been done. This is where the fossil fuel guzzling leftists claim they should be living like those poor people in the North who can only have certain haircuts.


All of them are PERFECTLY FREE TO LIVE HOW THEY WANT, but curiously don't live how they preach to others (me and you.)

The millenials and their kids are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels than anyone in history
Stupid idea.
IS the OP going to FULL capitalist and ban all government programs with are techncally socialism, like medicare, social security, etc, and have everything completely market-based? Because if he isn't willing to do that then it's not a fair comparison. The US is currently a mixture of capitalism and socialism, and has not been full capitlist for a long time.
Well, you're introducing nuance and complexity to the conversation, and they don't like that. It usually makes them angry.

In their world, things generally need to be either this or that, all or nothing, 100% or 0%. That's how they've been conditioned to think.
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Except in Socialism where property and economic resources are owned by the state. So you understand at least half of the pablum you spew.
Oh, so my definition of socialism is right. Tell that to Otto.

The reason there is ZERO difference is because they both result in individuals having no property rights.

So, why don't you explain the other "half"?

You know what, never mind. I don't care. Whatever you think is the other "half" is irrelevant and stupid.
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