Crazy Russians accuse Israel of supporting nazis in Ukraine

Nope, and only a fool would believe Pootin cares about the people of Ukraine…

... and only fools would believe any of the autocrats in the world fight for their own nation and their own people. They fight for their own vanity.

This has to do with natural resources,

Russia has more than enough ressources for the own people.

control of a puppet government


and pipelines,

A pipeline is a pipeline. Nord stream 2 had absolutely nothing to do with this war of Putin. Business and peace between people of two nations include each other. War separates. The power of war wan - and still wins - not only because of the Russian side.

but some will live with the lie about how Pootin cares for the Roosian speaking Ukrainians…

Do you think Trump cares about the USA, Johnson about GB, Orban cares about Hungaria or the Polish anti-democrats care about Poland? Or Erdogan about Turkey, Lukashenko about Belarus, Kim Jong Un about North Korea and Xi Jinping about China? ...

Du siehst, wohin du siehst, nur Eitelkeit auf Erden.
Was dieser heute baut, reißt jener morgen ein:
Wo jetzt noch Städte stehn, wird eine Wiese sein,
Auf der ein Schäferskind wird spielen mit den Herden.

Was jetzt noch prächtig blüht, soll bald zertreten werden.
Was jetzt so pocht und trotzt, ist morgen Asch’ und Bein,
Nichts ist, das ewig sei, kein Erz, kein Marmorstein.
Jetzt lacht das Glück uns an, bald donnern die Beschwerden.

Der hohen Taten Ruhm muss wie ein Traum vergehn.
Soll denn das Spiel der Zeit, der leichte Mensch, bestehn?
Ach! Was ist alles dies, was wir für köstlich achten,

Als schlechte Nichtigkeit, als Schatten, Staub und Wind;
Als eine Wiesenblum’, die man nicht wieder find’t.
Noch will, was ewig ist, kein einig Mensch betrachten!

Andreas Gryphius, Es ist alles eitel, 1637
Last edited:
American conservatives sound like the Russians, falsely accusing others of being "Nazis.'
American liberals, are out and out liars, falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with them as racist, Nazi, homophobic, and women haters.

You are a pretty scummy bunch of dishonest assholes.
I have posted before on how the IDF has set up field hospitals in Ukraine. We have sent tons of food to Ukraine. Bennett tried to mediate. We already did all we could without direct involvement.
Zelensky is Jewish as are several MPs in Ukraine. Unless you are stupid you know that is not a neo nazi regime.
It is Neo-Nazi regime. Being Jewish (or just having Jewish ancestry) doesn't make you immune to become Nazi. Yes, right now Ukrainian nationalism is turned more against ethnic Russians, but local Jews and Poles are still next in the line for genocide.
Most of Ukrainian Jews in Ukraine had been killed by Ukrainian Nazi-collaborants. And the current Kievan regime call them "heroes" and glorify them. Actually, alliance between Chabad and Banderlogs is really suicidal.
Interesting that Russia is using the anti-Semitism of the Nazis in their pseudo-fight "against Nazis".
Russia is against all forms of discrimination, both pro-Jewish or anti-Jewish. Being a Jew doesn't make a person a criminal or an immaculate angel. Jews are human beings like everybody else, and there are plenty of heroes and criminals among them.
Weird that Russia is getting so paranoid.
not many westerners (Muscovites are natural slaves, they always support wars, tsars, and moscow imperialism) buy into this complete bullsh**, very few our members promote Putin´s imperialist narratives here

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Fox News on Wednesday that Russia's attempts to smear him with comparisons to Adolf Hitler are a form of propaganda modeled after Joseph Goebbels' tactics, which indoctrinated German people in antisemitic Nazi ideologies.

Why it matters:
Zelensky, who is Jewish, is a regular target of Russian disinformation campaigns. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attempted to justify the comparison to Hitler on Sunday by falsely claiming that Hitler had "Jewish blood" — prompting Israel's government to publicly rebuke him.

  • The Russian government has pushed the false narrative that Ukraine is dominated by Nazis and used it to justify the unprovoked invasion.
What he's saying: "These are the showings of chauvinism and nationalism," Zelensky told Fox News' Griff Jenkins through an interpreter.

  • "They are following the same concept of the Goebbels and using the same methodology, and the reaction I think is to weaken the world to these phrases of Lavrov.""
It would seem that Russia has somehow got angry with Israel. Does anyone know why? Bennet was all blissfully talking about having his place in the middle looking for a solution about a week ago so something has happened for Russia to change its position. Anyone know?
It is Neo-Nazi regime. Being Jewish (or just having Jewish ancestry) doesn't make you immune to become Nazi. Yes, right now Ukrainian nationalism is turned more against ethnic Russians, but local Jews and Poles are still next in the line for genocide.
Most of Ukrainian Jews in Ukraine had been killed by Ukrainian Nazi-collaborants.

Heard nothing absolutely nothing to suggest this. You are going to have to give good sources. The worst I have heard they did was something to the Roma and I can't remember what it is but I don't think it involved killing.
And the current Kievan regime call them "heroes" and glorify them. Actually, alliance between Chabad and Banderlogs is really suicidal.

Zelensky was very for peace. He wanted the Azov Battalions to stand down and follow Minx. They said No - then seemingly Zelensky became very unpopular in Ukraine. Then the Russian Invasion and he refused to leave and he was the most popular leader they have ever have.

The plus side of Azov is that they are very brave and about the best Battalion Ukraine has. Not all of them are Nazis and they only seemed to get together at 2014 - so so far their work has been for their country and they have been very good at it. A downside would presumably be that they may not follow orders to stop fighting. Another downside is that they were apparently training all the Western Far Right in warfare during the last few years. How they had the time I do not know but that if true is obviously a point against them -unless you are far right of course.
It would seem that Russia has somehow got angry with Israel. Does anyone know why? Bennet was all blissfully talking about having his place in the middle looking for a solution about a week ago so something has happened for Russia to change its position. Anyone know?
I don't 'know' of course, I can only guess.

Maybe you base your assumption on a wrong basis? Why do you think that something happened? It may well be that Lavrov just said what really was in his mind.

Russian society as a whole is quite antisemitic. There are not open hostilities but there is strong prejudice against the Jews. And that has been for centuries.

It is only recently (the last 20-30 years) that Russia has been developing friendly relations with Israel. In the times of the Cold War the USSR had strong pro-Arab stance and didn't have diplomatic relations with Israel (they were established in 1990, iirc).
I don't 'know' of course, I can only guess.

Maybe you base your assumption on a wrong basis? Why do you think that something happened? It may well be that Lavrov just said what really was in his mind.

Russian society as a whole is quite antisemitic. There are not open hostilities but there is strong prejudice against the Jews. And that has been for centuries.

It is only recently (the last 20-30 years) that Russia has been developing friendly relations with Israel. In the times of the Cold War the USSR had strong pro-Arab stance and didn't have diplomatic relations with Israel (they were established in 1990, iirc).
yes what you say is correct as I know it. I just assumed Lavrov knew this would be or intended it to be offensive to Israel. Bennet said that in a telephone conversation Putin apologised for this but it was also reported that Russia said nothing about an apology.

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