Crazy Russians accuse Israel of supporting nazis in Ukraine

Heard nothing absolutely nothing to suggest this. You are going to have to give good sources. The worst I have heard they did was something to the Roma and I can't remember what it is but I don't think it involved killing.
You can start with Wikipedia.

The atrocities against Jews during the Holocaust in Ukraine started within a few days of the beginning of the Nazi occupation. There are indications that the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police, formed on 20 August 1941,[12] was used in the roundup of Jews for the Babi Yar massacre,[13][14] and in other massacres in cities and towns of modern-day Ukraine, such as Stepan,[15] Lviv, Lutsk, and Zhytomyr.[16] On 1 September 1941, Nazi-sponsored Ukrainian newspaper Volhyn wrote: "The element that settled our cities (Jews)... must disappear completely from our cities. The Jewish problem is already in the process of being solved."[17]

Reinforced by religious prejudice, anti-Semitism had turned violent in the first days of the German attack on the Soviet Union. Some Ukrainians derived nationalist resentment from the belief that the Jews had worked for Polish landlords.[18] The NKVD prisoner massacres by the Soviet secret police while they retreated eastward were blamed on Jews. The Antisemitic canard of Jewish Bolshevism provided justification for the revenge killings by the ultranationalist Ukrainian People's Militia, which accompanied German Einsatzgruppen moving east.[18] In Boryslav (prewar Borysław, Poland, population 41,500), the SS commander gave an enraged crowd, which had seen bodies of men murdered by NKVD and laid out in the town square, 24 hours to act as they wished against Polish Jews, who were forced to clean the dead bodies and to dance and then were killed by beating with axes, pipes etc. The same type of mass murders took place in Brzezany. During Lviv pogroms, 7,000 Jews were murdered by Ukrainian nationalists, led by the Ukrainian People's Militia.[18][19][20] As late as 1945, Ukrainian militants were still rounding up and murdering Jews.[21]

While some of the collaborators were civilians, others were given a choice to enlist for paramilitary service beginning in September 1941 from the Soviet prisoner-of-war camps because of ongoing close relations with the Ukrainian Hilfsverwaltung.[22] In total, over 5,000 native Ukrainian soldiers of the Red Army signed up for training with the SS at a special Trawniki training camp to assist with the Final Solution.[23] Another 1,000 of them defected during field operations.[23] Trawniki men took major part in the Nazi plan to exterminate European Jews during Operation Reinhard. They served at all extermination camps and played an important role in the annihilation of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (see the Stroop Report) and the Białystok Ghetto Uprising among other ghetto insurgencies.[24] The men who were dispatched to death camps and Jewish ghettos as guards were never fully trusted and so were always overseen by Volksdeutsche.[25] Occasionally, along with the prisoners they were guarding, they would kill their commanders in the process of attempting to defect.[26][27]

Zelensky was very for peace. He wanted the Azov Battalions to stand down and follow Minx. They said No - then seemingly Zelensky became very unpopular in Ukraine. Then the Russian Invasion and he refused to leave and he was the most popular leader they have ever have.

The plus side of Azov is that they are very brave and about the best Battalion Ukraine has. Not all of them are Nazis and they only seemed to get together at 2014 - so so far their work has been for their country and they have been very good at it. A downside would presumably be that they may not follow orders to stop fighting. Another downside is that they were apparently training all the Western Far Right in warfare during the last few years. How they had the time I do not know but that if true is obviously a point against them -unless you are far right of course.

No. The first victim of Nazism was Germany.
The first victim of Ukrainian nationalism was Ukraine. The hatred and discrimination caused by far-right ideology tored up Ukraine and artrocites of Neo-Nazi groups (like Odessa Massacre) forced people in Southern and Eastern Ukraine to take weapon in their hands to defend themselves.
Do you really believe such a totally stupid nonsense?

There were plenty of Jews, collaborating, or actually serving for Nazies.

I don't know if did Hitler actually have some Jewish blood or not, but the study, described in The Jerusalem Post suppose that yes, he had.

According your logic, it can't be anti-Semitic if it was published in The Jerusalem Post.
There were plenty of Jews, collaborating, or actually serving for Nazies.

I don't know if did Hitler actually have some Jewish blood or not, but the study, described in The Jerusalem Post suppose that yes, he had.

According your logic, it can't be anti-Semitic if it was published in The Jerusalem Post.


I hope you enjoy your stale bread and cold borscht for your propaganda lies, troll.

If you lived in America instead of Russia, you might have been able to make a good living doing something that wasn't evil.

I hope you enjoy your stale bread and cold borscht for your propaganda lies, troll.

If you lived in America instead of Russia, you might have been able to make a good living doing something that wasn't evil.
What is more evil - to say, that Jews are human beings like all other (and some of them were Nazies), or pretend that they are immaculate angels and can't commit crimes at all?
I don't know if Hitler had some Jewish ancestry or not. It's normal to be not sure and search for truth. What is not normal, is to pretend that even a little drop of Jewish blood gives an indulgence for any crimes or make a person immune to evil. This is the ideology of a biological superiority. This is actual Nazism.
Nazi's are just misunderstood. .... :rolleyes:

What a superstupid superbullshit, Nazi. But for sure no one is able to understand for example why the Nazis had to think the sun is an iceberg. Sounds stupid, feels to be stupid, smells stupid, looks like to be stupid ... and so it's not really a secret what it is: stupid - like everything else what the Nazis had to believe if they liked to be "good" Nazis. And not to forget: It's more than only stupid to speak about a so called "Auschwitz lie" and to deny the Holocaust - as you are doing in your signature.
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You can start with Wikipedia.

The atrocities against Jews during the Holocaust in Ukraine started within a few days of the beginning of the Nazi occupation. There are indications that the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police, formed on 20 August 1941,[12] was used in the roundup of Jews for the Babi Yar massacre,[13][14] and in other massacres in cities and towns of modern-day Ukraine, such as Stepan,[15] Lviv, Lutsk, and Zhytomyr.[16] On 1 September 1941, Nazi-sponsored Ukrainian newspaper Volhyn wrote: "The element that settled our cities (Jews)... must disappear completely from our cities. The Jewish problem is already in the process of being solved."[17]

Reinforced by religious prejudice, anti-Semitism had turned violent in the first days of the German attack on the Soviet Union. Some Ukrainians derived nationalist resentment from the belief that the Jews had worked for Polish landlords.[18] The NKVD prisoner massacres by the Soviet secret police while they retreated eastward were blamed on Jews. The Antisemitic canard of Jewish Bolshevism provided justification for the revenge killings by the ultranationalist Ukrainian People's Militia, which accompanied German Einsatzgruppen moving east.[18] In Boryslav (prewar Borysław, Poland, population 41,500), the SS commander gave an enraged crowd, which had seen bodies of men murdered by NKVD and laid out in the town square, 24 hours to act as they wished against Polish Jews, who were forced to clean the dead bodies and to dance and then were killed by beating with axes, pipes etc. The same type of mass murders took place in Brzezany. During Lviv pogroms, 7,000 Jews were murdered by Ukrainian nationalists, led by the Ukrainian People's Militia.[18][19][20] As late as 1945, Ukrainian militants were still rounding up and murdering Jews.[21]

While some of the collaborators were civilians, others were given a choice to enlist for paramilitary service beginning in September 1941 from the Soviet prisoner-of-war camps because of ongoing close relations with the Ukrainian Hilfsverwaltung.[22] In total, over 5,000 native Ukrainian soldiers of the Red Army signed up for training with the SS at a special Trawniki training camp to assist with the Final Solution.[23] Another 1,000 of them defected during field operations.[23] Trawniki men took major part in the Nazi plan to exterminate European Jews during Operation Reinhard. They served at all extermination camps and played an important role in the annihilation of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (see the Stroop Report) and the Białystok Ghetto Uprising among other ghetto insurgencies.[24] The men who were dispatched to death camps and Jewish ghettos as guards were never fully trusted and so were always overseen by Volksdeutsche.[25] Occasionally, along with the prisoners they were guarding, they would kill their commanders in the process of attempting to defect.[26][27]

No. The first victim of Nazism was Germany.
The first victim of Ukrainian nationalism was Ukraine. The hatred and discrimination caused by far-right ideology tored up Ukraine and artrocites of Neo-Nazi groups (like Odessa Massacre) forced people in Southern and Eastern Ukraine to take weapon in their hands to defend themselves.
The way you wrote presented things like you were talking about Azov and other groups which are present now. They are not responsible for what happened then.
You can start with Wikipedia.

The atrocities against Jews during the Holocaust in Ukraine started within a few days of the beginning of the Nazi occupation. There are indications that the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police, formed on 20 August 1941,[12] was used in the roundup of Jews for the Babi Yar massacre,[13][14] and in other massacres in cities and towns of modern-day Ukraine, such as Stepan,[15] Lviv, Lutsk, and Zhytomyr.[16] On 1 September 1941, Nazi-sponsored Ukrainian newspaper Volhyn wrote: "The element that settled our cities (Jews)... must disappear completely from our cities. The Jewish problem is already in the process of being solved."[17]

Reinforced by religious prejudice, anti-Semitism had turned violent in the first days of the German attack on the Soviet Union. Some Ukrainians derived nationalist resentment from the belief that the Jews had worked for Polish landlords.[18] The NKVD prisoner massacres by the Soviet secret police while they retreated eastward were blamed on Jews. The Antisemitic canard of Jewish Bolshevism provided justification for the revenge killings by the ultranationalist Ukrainian People's Militia, which accompanied German Einsatzgruppen moving east.[18] In Boryslav (prewar Borysław, Poland, population 41,500), the SS commander gave an enraged crowd, which had seen bodies of men murdered by NKVD and laid out in the town square, 24 hours to act as they wished against Polish Jews, who were forced to clean the dead bodies and to dance and then were killed by beating with axes, pipes etc. The same type of mass murders took place in Brzezany. During Lviv pogroms, 7,000 Jews were murdered by Ukrainian nationalists, led by the Ukrainian People's Militia.[18][19][20] As late as 1945, Ukrainian militants were still rounding up and murdering Jews.[21]

While some of the collaborators were civilians, others were given a choice to enlist for paramilitary service beginning in September 1941 from the Soviet prisoner-of-war camps because of ongoing close relations with the Ukrainian Hilfsverwaltung.[22] In total, over 5,000 native Ukrainian soldiers of the Red Army signed up for training with the SS at a special Trawniki training camp to assist with the Final Solution.[23] Another 1,000 of them defected during field operations.[23] Trawniki men took major part in the Nazi plan to exterminate European Jews during Operation Reinhard. They served at all extermination camps and played an important role in the annihilation of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (see the Stroop Report) and the Białystok Ghetto Uprising among other ghetto insurgencies.[24] The men who were dispatched to death camps and Jewish ghettos as guards were never fully trusted and so were always overseen by Volksdeutsche.[25] Occasionally, along with the prisoners they were guarding, they would kill their commanders in the process of attempting to defect.[26][27]

No. The first victim of Nazism was Germany.
The first victim of Ukrainian nationalism was Ukraine. The hatred and discrimination caused by far-right ideology tored up Ukraine and artrocites of Neo-Nazi groups (like Odessa Massacre) forced people in Southern and Eastern Ukraine to take weapon in their hands to defend themselves.

I am not sure how that happened. I understood you to be talking about the Azov and similar regiments but looking back it appears you were talking about WW2. Mind you my response made clear that that was what I was doing. Are you blaming the people of Ukraine for the actions of some people in the 30's/40's?
There were plenty of Jews, collaborating, or actually serving for Nazies.

Learn Yiddish and/or German and discuss this theme with me in Yiddish and/or German. Before you did not do so let me just simple see an idiot in you who never will get a real idea about the shoa and die Endlösung, which you call in your language falsely "holocaust". The knowledge in the English speaking world is in very most cases: "Germans are Nazis. Nazis are evil. We wan against them in two world wars. We are good people. We will always win."

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... I don't know if did Hitler actually have some Jewish blood or not ...

He never had - what was always clear - and what's on the other side totally unimportant, because blood is not thicker than water, how my wife found out.

But who is interested: Hitler had been born in the man made hell which we call today "World War 1". And who likes to do so should perhaps pray to god that we are hopefully in the moment not on the wrong way to World War 3.
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The way you wrote presented things like you were talking about Azov and other groups which are present now. They are not responsible for what happened then.

I am not sure how that happened. I understood you to be talking about the Azov and similar regiments but looking back it appears you were talking about WW2. Mind you my response made clear that that was what I was doing. Are you blaming the people of Ukraine for the actions of some people in the 30's/40's?
There are two main political poles in Ukraine since WWII:
1) Banderovci, Ukrainian (in very narrow meaning of the term) nationalists, followers of Stepan Bandera, well known Nazi-collaborant who's declared goal is purgification of Ukraine from Russians, Jews and Poles, their territorial stronggold is at the West of Zbruch river. They are minority, but well-funded and well-organized minority.
2) Vatniks, mostly ethnic Russians, or Russian-speaking Ukrainians, Jews and Tatars, who don't want to be genocided, expelled or Ukrainised. Most of them feel themselves 'one nation' with the Russians of Russian Federation, watch Russian TV, read Russian books, chat in Russian forums, etc.

Since 1991 there was very fragile balance between these two groups and most of Ukrainian politicians had to demonstrate their commitment to the values of multiculturalism (but, you know, a demonstration of commitment and actual deeds are pretty different things).
For example, when Zelenskiy was a candidate, he opposed to Poroshenko with his "The Army, The language, The faith" and won.

At Maidan, where Banderovci-militants were used against Vatnik president Yanukivich, this political balance was broken. Banderovci now and Banderovci back in 1941 are the same political, social and cultural group (as well as Republicans now and Republicans back in 1941), but if back in 1941-45 third Reich have been using them mostly against local Jews, Poles, Communists and partisans, now, our European 'friends' use them, first of all, against ethnic Russians and Vatniks in proxy warfare.
But the problem is, when you try to use radical political and military groups (Radical Islamists, European Nazies, Ukrainian Nazi-collaborants, Japan militarists, Latino-American drug manufactures) to achieve your goals - there are always consequences.

We must be ready to do right things by ourselves and defend our own interests and values, America (not Afghanistan or Ukraine) first. Zelenskiy is a talking puppet of Igor Kolomoiskiy, and he is the enemy of the USA, who has enough of assets in the USA itself.

The temporary alliance between the USA (ok, some corrupted US officials, mostly Democrats), Chabad (according some conspiracy theories - some members of the Tribe of Zavulon) and Ukrainian nationalists is even more stupid and dangerous than was an attempt of alliance between the Starks and Greyjoys.
... We must be ready to do right things by ourselves and defend our own interests and values, America (not Afghanistan or Ukraine) first. ...

Hm ... America ... America ... Waldseemüller said something about this. ... Hmm ... Do yo speak about the village "America" in your Russia?

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Why are you, anti-semites, deny jews the right to be scoundrels and murderers?
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The sound is similar to the one with which a thick stack of paper comes into contact with a blunt organic object, for example, a head.
- Ah! For what?
- How for what? While the Red Army heroically pushes the border away from the capital, you, at a festive concert attended by party leaders and foreign ambassadors, hung a poster with american gangsters Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow on the wall! Instead of a portrait of heroic defenders of the Motherland!
- I...
- On the instructions of whose intelligence service did you commit a crime?
- I'm not did it on assignment! I was wrong! I messed up the photographic cards! I am ready to be punished, but I am not a spy!
- Wrong answer. Do you smoke?
- No...
- Okay. And I'll smoke. And so... what is the penalty for a confused card? Dismissal? So tomorrow you will leave for Voroshilovgrad or Kuibyshev, get a job at a local theater, and quietly scold the Soviet Government. And everyone will decide that it is possible to work carelessly. But if you admit that you worked for foreign intelligence ...
- Everyone will understand that this is not so!
- So what? Let them understand. But they will double-check the work three times. Is that clear?
- Then they will talk about illegal repressions!
- That's right. They will. But now every slob will check his work three times - whether the nut is tightened, whether the text is proofread, whether the necessary photo card is taken into work. Is that clear?
- Comrade major ...
- Well, on whose intelligence assignment did you put photos of gangsters instead of photos of heroes?
- American?
- Can you at least tell me! Polish?
- Warmer.
- Portuguese?
- And why not? Let it be portuguese.
- But this is stupid, everyone will understand that I have talked myself into it!
- And we need them to understand it. To be afraid of the harsh and purposeless punishment of the proletarian state. Is that clear?
- That's right, I see! What will happen to me?
- Well, whatever... Five years of camps, I guess. Or ten. With the right of correspondence. Do you smoke?
- Yes, I think I'll smoke. Thanks.
- Well, tell me exactly how the portuguese intelligence recruited you. I'm writing it down.
- Now, now... So, it was in Mongolia, at the dinosaur excavations...
- Here! You can, after all, when you want! So, it was in Mongolia... (c)

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