"Crazy" Trump Just Told the Truth About Voter Suppression

Translation, the voting bullshit libtards wanted will allow illegal aliens to vote.

Don't listen to this propaganda.
Got a link?

"Georgia secretary of state and gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp improperly purged more than 340,000 voters from the state’s registration rolls, an investigation charges.

"Greg Palast, a journalist and the director of the Palast Investigative Fund, said an analysis he commissioned found 340,134 voters were removed from the rolls on the grounds that they had moved – but they actually still live at the address where they are registered."

GOP candidate improperly purged 340,000 from Georgia voter rolls, investigation claims

Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.

Don't forget the ballot harvesting. Do you think that doesn't invite fraud, the commies will cheat anyway they can.


Who has been caught doing it? Republicans in North Carolina.

nazi palousey tried to make it legal all over the country. Do try to keep up. Of course the congress doesn't have that kind of authority, but it would have taken a while to defeat them in the courts. The Constitution charges the States to conduct their own elections. But when did the commies ever care what the Constitution has to say?


Quite lying through your teeth. She did no such thing. Trying to ensure voter rights are not taken away is not a Nazi. You know better than that as you are one.

I'm sure your best commie apology is forthcoming.

Voting should require some effort. If it doesnt, the voting process is cheapened. If you're not willing to get up, stand in line for the privilege of having a say in your government, then you shouldn't be there.
Wow. That post was as close to Communist propaganda as I've ever seen. You're effed up Philippo

"'America vs. Socialism' was the theme of the Conservative Political Action Conference last month, though as fights go this one was pretty one-sided.

"An anti-socialist message thrummed through the halls while the crowds celebrated free-market capitalism over $4 cups of coffee and $20 chicken-salad sandwiches wrapped in cellophane"

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic

Voting should require some effort. If it doesnt, the voting process is cheapened. If you're not willing to get up, stand in line for the privilege of having a say in your government, then you shouldn't be there
How long should the wait be?
Do you think rich voters should wait longer than poor voters?
The thing I don't get about voter suppression is how republicans voters are not suppressed just as much as democrat voters. Are the democrats to incompetent to figure out how to vote?
Voter Crosscheck targets groups likely to support Democrats.

I don't know of any similar effort targeting Republicans.

News — #EndCrosscheck

Voter Crosscheck targets groups likely to support Democrats.

Of course, fraudulent voters.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.

The Republican party is the anti-Hispanic, anti-black, anti-Asian anti-Muslim and anti-female party. People will read history and wonder how we elected a President in Trump who appeals to white supremacists, neo-nazis and extremist right wing thugs.

The Republican party is not against anybody. We just don't believe in making special laws and special privileges for various groups of people. We see American people as one group only.

Seriously? One group of people? Remind me again why the Republican party doesn't enjoy wide support from African-Americans, Hispanics, Women (other than white suburban women), and the LGBTQ community? Oh yeah, they've spent four decades kowtowing to the religious extremists and opening their doors to the kookiest the far right wing has to offer. Republicans believe in making special laws against these people. Why? Because they aren't white, heterosexual, and believe in your god.

Again, it's not the Democratic party that's on the verge of becoming irrelevant. It's the Republican party. The base on the Republican side, hasn't grown. And that spells eventual death.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.

The Republican party is the anti-Hispanic, anti-black, anti-Asian anti-Muslim and anti-female party. People will read history and wonder how we elected a President in Trump who appeals to white supremacists, neo-nazis and extremist right wing thugs.

The Republican party is not against anybody. We just don't believe in making special laws and special privileges for various groups of people. We see American people as one group only.

Seriously? One group of people? Remind me again why the Republican party doesn't enjoy wide support from African-Americans, Hispanics, Women (other than white suburban women), and the LGBTQ community? Oh yeah, they've spent four decades kowtowing to the religious extremists and opening their doors to the kookiest the far right wing has to offer. Republicans believe in making special laws against these people. Why? Because they aren't white, heterosexual, and believe in your god.

Again, it's not the Democratic party that's on the verge of becoming irrelevant. It's the Republican party. The base on the Republican side, hasn't grown. And that spells eventual death.
identity politics is a from of hate
The thing I don't get about voter suppression is how republicans voters are not suppressed just as much as democrat voters. Are the democrats to incompetent to figure out how to vote?
Voter Crosscheck targets groups likely to support Democrats.

I don't know of any similar effort targeting Republicans.

News — #EndCrosscheck

Voter Crosscheck targets groups likely to support Democrats.

Of course, fraudulent voters.
Then this voter crosscheck is like testing for the Coronavirus. It's a method to remove disease from the system?
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.

I know of no anti-white party in the United States. Just a talking point for Republicans and right wingers to try and demonize. Whether you like it or not, the country is becoming more diverse and multi-cultural. That's just evolution. And it's inevitable. That "someday" you're referring to....is here. Next 2-4 election cycles. Republicans still have a chance to snatch relevance from the jaws of extinction. Start taking issues of interest to younger voters seriously..and without the religious judgements. Otherwise, consign yourselves to the scrapheap of historical memory.

Oh yes, the Democrat party is the anti-white party. Why do you think they have sanctuary cities and now states? Why do you think they shut the government down for the longest time in history over a border wall? Why do you think they tabled Kate's Law, that would have imprisoned any felon who returned to this country after deportation? Why did the commie judges interfere with Trump's policies to curb illegal immigration? Why do you suppose they want illegals to have drivers licenses, so they can get to jobs they aren't supposed to have? Why do you think some officials warn illegals when they learn that ICE are planning raids at their companies.

Democrats are control freaks. All they think about is power. The only thing stopping them from ultimate control are white people. Asians generally vote Democrat. Jewish vote Democrat. Middle-Eastern people vote Democrat, and forget about the Hispanics and blacks.

Once they get rid of us white people (not in a genocidal way) they will have created a single-party government forever. It's not evolution, it's a nefarious plot by the devil.

Well then trump's part of the anti white party also seeing as how he has hired illegals in the past.
Had to happen sometime.
When Democrats tried to use the CARES Act to enhance voter turnout next November, this is how Don the Con responded:

Trump says quiet part out loud: 'You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again'

"Democrats insisted on provisions to safeguard voting, provide more polling locations, and/or move to mail-in voting like California and Colorado have quite successfully done in recent years.

"Makes sense in the middle of a global pandemic that is projected to kill 200,000 Americans, right?

"According to Donald Trump, making sure people can vote is 'crazy.'

"He then added that if we took these kinds of steps and provided adequate funding, 'you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.'

"He said the quiet part out loud."
The former president reportedly believes he’s returning to the White House this summer... and that’s not all.

A conservative writer has confirmed a report that former President Donald Trump is telling associates that he expects to be reinstalled as president this summer.
“The scale of Trump’s delusion is quite startling,” National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke wrote on the magazine’s website.

Cooke said “an array of different sources” confirmed a report earlier this week by New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, who said on Twitter that Trump has been sharing the popular new QAnon talking point.

But Cooke went even further, saying Trump not only believes he’ll be put back into the Oval Office but also that he will be gifted with a Republican majority in the Senate, believing that two Democrats will be booted from Congress and replaced by the GOP candidates they defeated.
He cautioned conservatives against downplaying or dismissing the report.
“This is not merely an eccentric interpretation of the facts or an interesting foible, nor is it an irrelevant example of anguished post-presidency chatter,” he wrote. “It is a rejection of reality, a rejection of law, and, ultimately, a rejection of the entire system of American government.”

Where is Trump getting this? From the My Pillow guy

Had to happen sometime.
When Democrats tried to use the CARES Act to enhance voter turnout next November, this is how Don the Con responded:

Trump says quiet part out loud: 'You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again'

"Democrats insisted on provisions to safeguard voting, provide more polling locations, and/or move to mail-in voting like California and Colorado have quite successfully done in recent years.

"Makes sense in the middle of a global pandemic that is projected to kill 200,000 Americans, right?

"According to Donald Trump, making sure people can vote is 'crazy.'

"He then added that if we took these kinds of steps and provided adequate funding, 'you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.'

"He said the quiet part out loud."
The former president reportedly believes he’s returning to the White House this summer... and that’s not all.

A conservative writer has confirmed a report that former President Donald Trump is telling associates that he expects to be reinstalled as president this summer.
“The scale of Trump’s delusion is quite startling,” National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke wrote on the magazine’s website.

Cooke said “an array of different sources” confirmed a report earlier this week by New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, who said on Twitter that Trump has been sharing the popular new QAnon talking point.

But Cooke went even further, saying Trump not only believes he’ll be put back into the Oval Office but also that he will be gifted with a Republican majority in the Senate, believing that two Democrats will be booted from Congress and replaced by the GOP candidates they defeated.
He cautioned conservatives against downplaying or dismissing the report.
“This is not merely an eccentric interpretation of the facts or an interesting foible, nor is it an irrelevant example of anguished post-presidency chatter,” he wrote. “It is a rejection of reality, a rejection of law, and, ultimately, a rejection of the entire system of American government.”

Where is Trump getting this? From the My Pillow guy

View attachment 497270
Hard to believe that nobody is willing to discuss reality with Trump....even after he lost

You would think his family would have an intervention
Had to happen sometime.
When Democrats tried to use the CARES Act to enhance voter turnout next November, this is how Don the Con responded:

Trump says quiet part out loud: 'You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again'

"Democrats insisted on provisions to safeguard voting, provide more polling locations, and/or move to mail-in voting like California and Colorado have quite successfully done in recent years.

"Makes sense in the middle of a global pandemic that is projected to kill 200,000 Americans, right?

"According to Donald Trump, making sure people can vote is 'crazy.'

"He then added that if we took these kinds of steps and provided adequate funding, 'you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.'

"He said the quiet part out loud."
The former president reportedly believes he’s returning to the White House this summer... and that’s not all.

A conservative writer has confirmed a report that former President Donald Trump is telling associates that he expects to be reinstalled as president this summer.
“The scale of Trump’s delusion is quite startling,” National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke wrote on the magazine’s website.

Cooke said “an array of different sources” confirmed a report earlier this week by New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, who said on Twitter that Trump has been sharing the popular new QAnon talking point.

But Cooke went even further, saying Trump not only believes he’ll be put back into the Oval Office but also that he will be gifted with a Republican majority in the Senate, believing that two Democrats will be booted from Congress and replaced by the GOP candidates they defeated.
He cautioned conservatives against downplaying or dismissing the report.
“This is not merely an eccentric interpretation of the facts or an interesting foible, nor is it an irrelevant example of anguished post-presidency chatter,” he wrote. “It is a rejection of reality, a rejection of law, and, ultimately, a rejection of the entire system of American government.”

Where is Trump getting this? From the My Pillow guy

View attachment 497270
Hard to believe that nobody is willing to discuss reality with Trump....even after he lost

You would think his family would have an intervention
And get cut out of the will? I don't think so.
Had to happen sometime.
When Democrats tried to use the CARES Act to enhance voter turnout next November, this is how Don the Con responded:

Trump says quiet part out loud: 'You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again'

"Democrats insisted on provisions to safeguard voting, provide more polling locations, and/or move to mail-in voting like California and Colorado have quite successfully done in recent years.

"Makes sense in the middle of a global pandemic that is projected to kill 200,000 Americans, right?

"According to Donald Trump, making sure people can vote is 'crazy.'

"He then added that if we took these kinds of steps and provided adequate funding, 'you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.'

"He said the quiet part out loud."
The former president reportedly believes he’s returning to the White House this summer... and that’s not all.

A conservative writer has confirmed a report that former President Donald Trump is telling associates that he expects to be reinstalled as president this summer.
“The scale of Trump’s delusion is quite startling,” National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke wrote on the magazine’s website.

Cooke said “an array of different sources” confirmed a report earlier this week by New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, who said on Twitter that Trump has been sharing the popular new QAnon talking point.

But Cooke went even further, saying Trump not only believes he’ll be put back into the Oval Office but also that he will be gifted with a Republican majority in the Senate, believing that two Democrats will be booted from Congress and replaced by the GOP candidates they defeated.
He cautioned conservatives against downplaying or dismissing the report.
“This is not merely an eccentric interpretation of the facts or an interesting foible, nor is it an irrelevant example of anguished post-presidency chatter,” he wrote. “It is a rejection of reality, a rejection of law, and, ultimately, a rejection of the entire system of American government.”

Where is Trump getting this? From the My Pillow guy

View attachment 497270
Hard to believe that nobody is willing to discuss reality with Trump....even after he lost

You would think his family would have an intervention
What "reality?"
Don't be a fool. Only US citizens can vote.

Well what do you think the Democrats want to do with all these illegals in this country? They want to give them citizenship so they can vote. Why do you think they are for them coming here?
Had to happen sometime.
When Democrats tried to use the CARES Act to enhance voter turnout next November, this is how Don the Con responded:

Trump says quiet part out loud: 'You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again'

"Democrats insisted on provisions to safeguard voting, provide more polling locations, and/or move to mail-in voting like California and Colorado have quite successfully done in recent years.

"Makes sense in the middle of a global pandemic that is projected to kill 200,000 Americans, right?

"According to Donald Trump, making sure people can vote is 'crazy.'

"He then added that if we took these kinds of steps and provided adequate funding, 'you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.'

"He said the quiet part out loud."
The former president reportedly believes he’s returning to the White House this summer... and that’s not all.

A conservative writer has confirmed a report that former President Donald Trump is telling associates that he expects to be reinstalled as president this summer.
“The scale of Trump’s delusion is quite startling,” National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke wrote on the magazine’s website.

Cooke said “an array of different sources” confirmed a report earlier this week by New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, who said on Twitter that Trump has been sharing the popular new QAnon talking point.

But Cooke went even further, saying Trump not only believes he’ll be put back into the Oval Office but also that he will be gifted with a Republican majority in the Senate, believing that two Democrats will be booted from Congress and replaced by the GOP candidates they defeated.
He cautioned conservatives against downplaying or dismissing the report.
“This is not merely an eccentric interpretation of the facts or an interesting foible, nor is it an irrelevant example of anguished post-presidency chatter,” he wrote. “It is a rejection of reality, a rejection of law, and, ultimately, a rejection of the entire system of American government.”

Where is Trump getting this? From the My Pillow guy

View attachment 497270
Hard to believe that nobody is willing to discuss reality with Trump....even after he lost

You would think his family would have an intervention
What "reality?"

The reality that HE LOST!! :)
Had to happen sometime.
When Democrats tried to use the CARES Act to enhance voter turnout next November, this is how Don the Con responded:

Trump says quiet part out loud: 'You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again'

"Democrats insisted on provisions to safeguard voting, provide more polling locations, and/or move to mail-in voting like California and Colorado have quite successfully done in recent years.

"Makes sense in the middle of a global pandemic that is projected to kill 200,000 Americans, right?

"According to Donald Trump, making sure people can vote is 'crazy.'

"He then added that if we took these kinds of steps and provided adequate funding, 'you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.'

"He said the quiet part out loud."
The former president reportedly believes he’s returning to the White House this summer... and that’s not all.

A conservative writer has confirmed a report that former President Donald Trump is telling associates that he expects to be reinstalled as president this summer.
“The scale of Trump’s delusion is quite startling,” National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke wrote on the magazine’s website.

Cooke said “an array of different sources” confirmed a report earlier this week by New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, who said on Twitter that Trump has been sharing the popular new QAnon talking point.

But Cooke went even further, saying Trump not only believes he’ll be put back into the Oval Office but also that he will be gifted with a Republican majority in the Senate, believing that two Democrats will be booted from Congress and replaced by the GOP candidates they defeated.
He cautioned conservatives against downplaying or dismissing the report.
“This is not merely an eccentric interpretation of the facts or an interesting foible, nor is it an irrelevant example of anguished post-presidency chatter,” he wrote. “It is a rejection of reality, a rejection of law, and, ultimately, a rejection of the entire system of American government.”

Where is Trump getting this? From the My Pillow guy

View attachment 497270
Hard to believe that nobody is willing to discuss reality with Trump....even after he lost

You would think his family would have an intervention
What "reality?"
Kelly Ann Conway knew she could give dumb republicans alternative facts and they'd swallow them. Right wing spin on the truth.
Had to happen sometime.
When Democrats tried to use the CARES Act to enhance voter turnout next November, this is how Don the Con responded:

Trump says quiet part out loud: 'You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again'

"Democrats insisted on provisions to safeguard voting, provide more polling locations, and/or move to mail-in voting like California and Colorado have quite successfully done in recent years.

"Makes sense in the middle of a global pandemic that is projected to kill 200,000 Americans, right?

"According to Donald Trump, making sure people can vote is 'crazy.'

"He then added that if we took these kinds of steps and provided adequate funding, 'you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.'

"He said the quiet part out loud."
The former president reportedly believes he’s returning to the White House this summer... and that’s not all.

A conservative writer has confirmed a report that former President Donald Trump is telling associates that he expects to be reinstalled as president this summer.
“The scale of Trump’s delusion is quite startling,” National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke wrote on the magazine’s website.

Cooke said “an array of different sources” confirmed a report earlier this week by New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, who said on Twitter that Trump has been sharing the popular new QAnon talking point.

But Cooke went even further, saying Trump not only believes he’ll be put back into the Oval Office but also that he will be gifted with a Republican majority in the Senate, believing that two Democrats will be booted from Congress and replaced by the GOP candidates they defeated.
He cautioned conservatives against downplaying or dismissing the report.
“This is not merely an eccentric interpretation of the facts or an interesting foible, nor is it an irrelevant example of anguished post-presidency chatter,” he wrote. “It is a rejection of reality, a rejection of law, and, ultimately, a rejection of the entire system of American government.”

Where is Trump getting this? From the My Pillow guy

View attachment 497270
Hard to believe that nobody is willing to discuss reality with Trump....even after he lost

You would think his family would have an intervention
What "reality?"
Kelly Ann Conway knew she could give dumb republicans alternative facts and they'd swallow them. Right wing spin on the truth.
You have it precisely backwards, shit for brains. She was saying there are the facts, and then there is what Democrats tell you.

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