Creationism destroyed in one post!

So Gawd was going around shimmering all these different creatures into being. Worms in the Amazon, Wallabies in Australia and tube fish at volcanic vents in the bottom of the deepest ocean.

Why did he stop? Did he run out of magical powers? Ideas? Did he get bored?

What's with the ridiculous notion that creationists are denying that humans are mammals?

That's just idiotic. I have yet to hear one pretend we aren't mammals.
No, it is you evolutionists that have a pride problem. It is why YOU define yourselves as homo sapiens sapiens. Now THAT is pride!

Just curious, which race is closer to the mammal category in your humble opinion?
All humans are mammals! We bear our children live, we do not lay eggs. We have hair on our skin. We nurse our new born. We are warm blooded.

What part of race do you think excludes us from the classification as mammals? Do you think German Shepards are mammals but poodles aren't? Holsteins are mammals but Black Angus aren't?

Do you understand what race means?

Try science for a change. There's truth there.

you are dodging the question. Which race is further evolved?
I did not dodge the question. You are now rephrasing the question to pollute the theory of evolution to suit an obvious racial viewpoint that has nothing to do with evolution. all humans have evolved equally. Racial characteristics do not pertain to evolutionary traits. All mankind shares the DNA which makes us human.

You don't understand science at all, so you?
There is no "intelligent" design.
Look around you.
Read a paper.
If this is perfection by a self proclaimed " infallible being" we are really fucked.
The Gawd, written in the fairy tale Babble, is a sociopath,at best.
Hitler was far more gentle.........gentile..............


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There is no "intelligent" design.
Look around you.
Read a paper.
If this is perfection by a self proclaimed " infallible being" we are really fucked.
The Gawd, written in the fairy tale Babble, is a sociopath,at best.
Hitler was far more gentle.........gentile..............
Let's see why this straw man is burning.

Oh that's right, you assume that God's intention was to create a perfect universe and MAINTAIN it as such.

Technically he did just that, it was called the Garden of Eden. But because of a silly little thing like the original sin, that world was broken leaving us to live in what currently exists now: a sin damaged world. This leaves Him with no choice of either allowing sin to exist forever or to allow it to die off and provide a way to salvation from the consequences of sin.

You can't hold the manufacturer responsible when the product is misused against label instructions.
The only creationism that I know of is the one that claims organisms can not adapt to their environemt. Anythng else is evolution. The refusal to accept the idea that adaptation to an environment over an extended period of time is the first step necessary before the genetic code can be rewritten is to turn a blind eye to how the immune system can be an agent for this.

An example of this is in the case of sickle cell anemia to address malaria. Sickle cell anemia is an hereditary disease(i.e. it is genetic). To suggest that an engineer "programmed" sickle cell anemia into humans in order to combat one fatal disease but ignored other more common and more fatal diseases is to suggest an absent minded engineer. To suggest that this engineer did this only to humans in environments stricken with malaria while ignoring humans in other regions is to suggest that this engineer does not account for the fact that humans have legs and will travel where ever they will take them. Finally, to suggest that engineer let the trait for Sickle cell anemia to persist when there are remedies for it tend to suggest that this engineer is laying on the job of creating!

On the other hand, to suggest that an organism genetic code can be rewritten due to the prevalence of a disease is the most obvious conclusion

Do so with ceationism
Anyone who doesnt believe in evolution does not know or understand the science involved.
Hmmmmm as if the OP author is capable of defining or discerning Divine Perfection or Purpose. Such Vanity.

As if you can't quantify "divine perfection or purpose" in a method that could fit within the scientific method.

Such vanity...

BTW, on the topic of "divine perfection" and it being allergy season and all..................
Do creationists get flu shots?

In order for Creationism to be true, the great engineer had to create the forbearer of every trait known to man.

Unfortunately, the Bible only talks of Adam and Eve(Lilith if you wish to include the Torah)

Even here, there exists a problem since Eve must have Adams DNA (remember, Eve was created from a rib plucked from Adam. This brings up an intersting theological question--Did Adam have a penis before or after his rib was taken?). Thus we have an issue where the first parents had the exact DNA--like brother and sister. Leaving a very troubling question for creationists when we deal only with humans: Where did the extra genetic information come from?
Evolution happens. Mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, plant life has evolved. Creationists are too proud to consider themselves mammals.

Therefore, evolution cannot have happened to mankind.

No, it is you evolutionists that have a pride problem. It is why YOU define yourselves as homo sapiens sapiens. Now THAT is pride!

Just curious, which race is closer to the mammal category in your humble opinion?

Let see

Evolutionists take pride in suggesting that humans evolved from some other organism.

I don't know about that one. It seems more like humility to even consider the idea that maybe, just maybe, that humans are not much different from the other animals.

In fact, it seems like a slight issue of the ego to think "Or hell no! We are made in God's image! Those animals are creations meant to please our desires and curiousity. We have no relation to them except in the fact that the creator made all!! That is it. Nothing else!"

Say--to think like that takes alot of ego!!
No, it is you evolutionists that have a pride problem. It is why YOU define yourselves as homo sapiens sapiens. Now THAT is pride!

Just curious, which race is closer to the mammal category in your humble opinion?
All humans are mammals! We bear our children live, we do not lay eggs. We have hair on our skin. We nurse our new born. We are warm blooded.

What part of race do you think excludes us from the classification as mammals? Do you think German Shepards are mammals but poodles aren't? Holsteins are mammals but Black Angus aren't?

Do you understand what race means?

Try science for a change. There's truth there.

you are dodging the question. Which race is further evolved?

That is another problem

You acts as if evolution is a race to some "superior goal" when in fact it exists in order for an organism to survive!

So to ask "Which race is further evolved" would depend on the region in question where humans live in. Therefore the answer is The indigenous people of the region!

In North/South America, it would most likely be the Native Americans. In Europe--Europeans. Middle East--Arabs. In Africa--Africans! In India, Indians! East Asia--East Asians

Do you understand? The so-called "Homo superior" is a fictitious concept created by those that wondered if there is a next step to human evolution. To even consider what could possibly be a candidate for Homo superior, one must ask "in which environment"?
To refute creation and intelligent power you have to:

-prove how the life emerged in dead matter from nothing, or why we can't create life in artificial vagina? :cuckoo:

-find transitional forms of main organs: eyes, ears, brain?

-prove why amino acids forms different proteins by chance in every mutation?

You mean to refute creationism and Intelligent design.

Second--your premise to refute it is only one path. As has been shown in science, you only need to refute the basic premise of creationism.

By the way--this statement

-prove why amino acids forms different proteins by chance in every mutation?

You have to explain why this is important to creationism. If anything, random mutations are a detriment to creative design, not a proof of it. Remember, with randomness, evolution needs a selection process. Creative design needs proof of determinism!
Amino Acids in Space

A portion of the Orion Nebula

Amino acids, such as isovaline (illustrated), come in left- and right-handed forms, but almost every living organism on Earth uses left-handed forms. Research published in 2009 suggests that water on asteroids amplified a bias – possibly caused by polarised starlight – towards left-handed amino acids. Illustration: NASA/Mary Pat Hrybyk-Keith

The first detection of an amino acid in space was made in 1994 when glycine was found in a star-forming region about one light-year across within the molecular cloud known as Sagittarius B2. This discovery adds weight to the idea that some important prebiotic chemicals, including amino acids, form on grains of cosmic dust and are later deposited on the surface of young planets during impacts with comets and asteroids (see cosmic collisions, biological effects ).
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I think the problem with your reasoning is that you don't understand how evolution works. Organisms don't change to adapt or ensure their own survival. To think it works this way 1 would have to will change in self. This is of course pretty much out of the question. Go ahead and try it. Concentrate really hard on growing wings or gills or a thick hairy coat and see if you can do it.

Random mutations occur in organisms every generation of every species. Sometimes these mutations help an organism to survive, sometimes they don't. The changes that tended to help survival are then reinforced because the 1s that lived go on to breed and pass these changes to their offspring. THAT is how evolution works.

Read Dawkins (a liberal and atheist) he explains it very clearly.

Further there is nothing about evolution that precludes an initial creation. If you're hoping to make creationists look foolish for their belief using evolution it's the wrong tool. It's irrelevant to the question of creation.
Amino Acids in Space

amino acids in space

A portion of the Orion Nebula

Amino acids, such as isovaline (illustrated), come in left- and right-handed forms, but almost every living organism on Earth uses left-handed forms. Research published in 2009 suggests that water on asteroids amplified a bias – possibly caused by polarised starlight – towards left-handed amino acids. Illustration: NASA/Mary Pat Hrybyk-Keith

The first detection of an amino acid in space was made in 1994 when glycine was found in a star-forming region about one light-year across within the molecular cloud known as Sagittarius B2. This discovery adds weight to the idea that some important prebiotic chemicals, including amino acids, form on grains of cosmic dust and are later deposited on the surface of young planets during impacts with comets and asteroids (see cosmic collisions, biological effects ).

Therefore, Amino Acid can be created by "Accident", in the words of a creationiists.

I think the creationists need to show how "bounded" mutations are in living organisms before they take on amino acids. But, we already know that there exists chemicals that can rewrite the human genome significantly. See LSD and its effects on human reproduction to gain an idea.

I think the problem with your reasoning is that you don't understand how evolution works. Organisms don't change to adapt or ensure their own survival. To think it works this way 1 would have to will change in self. This is of course pretty much out of the question. Go ahead and try it. Concentrate really hard on growing wings or gills or a thick hairy coat and see if you can do it.

Random mutations occur in organisms every generation of every species. Sometimes these mutations help an organism to survive, sometimes they don't. The changes that tended to help survival are then reinforced because the 1s that lived go on to breed and pass these changes to their offspring. THAT is how evolution works.

Read Dawkins (a liberal and atheist) he explains it very clearly.

Further there is nothing about evolution that precludes an initial creation. If you're hoping to make creationists look foolish for their belief using evolution it's the wrong tool. It's irrelevant to the question of creation.

The issue with creationism or intelligent design or anything that subscribes to a supernatural power is that it can't fit within the constraints of the scientific method.

That's it.

Everything else is just noise.

People can speculate and believe what they want about the larger issues, but when it comes to science that's the bottom line.
Therefore, Amino Acid can be created by "Accident", in the words of a creationiists.

I think the creationists need to show how "bounded" mutations are in living organisms before they take on amino acids. But, we already know that there exists chemicals that can rewrite the human genome significantly. See LSD and its effects on human reproduction to gain an idea.

You don't even need to look at LSD.

Look at sunlight and UV-B and it's ability to crosslink thymine in DNA.

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