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I didnt read anything that spetner says, but let me guess a bit.

He threw up a few examples of bacteria losing information (maybe a receptor site??) in response to the environment (say a virus).

Not impressed.

Tell me why DNA polymerase cannot insert a nucleotide, like adenine, into a gene, through mutation.

Didn't say it could not happen,but would it benefit the organism ?could it do it enough to create enough beneficial mutations for everything to evolve through macro-evolution ? The answer is no.

Actually the answer to both is yes.

Could the insertion benefit the organism? Well that depends. The probability that a new nucleotide is beneficial is the same probability that a deletion is beneficial. So your argument (evolution by deletion), is just as likely to yield beneficial results as actual evolution.

Could it happen fast enough? Certainly! The human genome is 3 billion base pairs long. Thats an average of one insertion mutation in a gene pool a year to go from a group of amino acid coding nucleotides 3 billion years ago to a human genome.

Your using wiki as your source and you say Dr. Spetner has not delivered an impressive blow to Neo Darwinist and your not impressed :lol: and you didn't even read it. He takes on all your so called mutations and they don't do what your side needs.

Maybe im wrong but havent you and Dr Spetner been refuted by multiple people already? I remember Loki refuted your massive wall of text, from what i read.

No you can argue your points and i can argue mine it is up to the person to decide who is right and who is wrong.

The evidence only supports one side opr the other you can't have it both ways.

You don't have to accept my views but i for living observed the results of mutations and you can read others views on mutations. Anytime there is a loss of genetic information somewhere it creates problems for the organism because we were designed to have certain functions when the body can't perform those functions it leads to problems.

Let us use a car,what would happen if the car didn't possess a battery ? How bout no engine ?how bout no tires ? How bout no gas tank ? How bout no steering wheel ? How bout no trasmission ?

How bout the smaller things like the cylanoid ? starter ? water ? oil ? no filters ?no lines ?

If you eliminate a function it creates a problem for the car it won't work, the same thing can be reasoned for life. Over time man added to the car to make it better but that was not by chance and a natrual process it was by intelligence and information. Same way medical research has done things to lengthen the life of the human population. We can't create life except through the process that God intended. Even if we do it would be done through intelligence and is not an argument for a natural process but intelligence once again.

God gave us the ability to adapt and have the intelligence for us to survive and take care of his planet and animals that he put us in charge of.
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So just so im clear, your dropping your contention that the animals we now call purebreed are special?

Good. For a second i thought you were


1.The record of descent of an animal, showing it to be purebred.
2.A purebred animal.

How do they become purebred genius ?

German Shephard - Horand von Grafrath (January 1, 1895 - after 1899) (formerly Hektor Linksrhein) was the first German Shepherd Dog and the genetic basis for modern German Shepherds.

Labrador Retriever - The modern Labrador's ancestors originated on the island of Newfoundland, now part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.[8] The founding breed of the Labrador was the St. John's Water Dog, a breed that emerged through ad-hoc breedings by early settlers of the island in the 16th century.



In the wild the origional organisms created remain virtually the same other then a few variations because they only reproduce with their own kind.
Didn't say it could not happen,but would it benefit the organism ?could it do it enough to create enough beneficial mutations for everything to evolve through macro-evolution ? The answer is no.

Actually the answer to both is yes.

Could the insertion benefit the organism? Well that depends. The probability that a new nucleotide is beneficial is the same probability that a deletion is beneficial. So your argument (evolution by deletion), is just as likely to yield beneficial results as actual evolution.

Could it happen fast enough? Certainly! The human genome is 3 billion base pairs long. Thats an average of one insertion mutation in a gene pool a year to go from a group of amino acid coding nucleotides 3 billion years ago to a human genome.

Your using wiki as your source and you say Dr. Spetner has not delivered an impressive blow to Neo Darwinist and your not impressed :lol: and you didn't even read it. He takes on all your so called mutations and they don't do what your side needs.

Maybe im wrong but havent you and Dr Spetner been refuted by multiple people already? I remember Loki refuted your massive wall of text, from what i read.

No you can argue your points and i can argue mine it is up to the person to decide who is right and who is wrong.

The evidence only supports one side opr the other you can't have it both ways.

You don't have to accept my views but i for living observed the results of mutations and you can read others views on mutations. Anytime there is a loss of genetic information somewhere it creates problems for the organism because we were designed to have certain functions when the body can't perform those functions it leads to problems.

Let us use a car,what would happen if the car didn't possess a battery ? How bout no engine ?how bout no tires ? How bout no gas tank ? How bout no steering wheel ? How bout no trasmission ?

How bout the smaller things like the cylanoid ? starter ? water ? oil ? no filters ?no lines ?

If you eliminate a function it creates a problem for the car it won't work, the same thing can be reasoned for life. Over time man added to the car to make it better but that was not by chance and a natrual process it was by intelligence and information. Same way medical research has done things to lengthen the life of the human population. We can't create life except through the process that God intended. Even if we do it would be done through intelligence and is not an argument for a natural process but intelligence once again.

God gave us the ability to adapt and have the intelligence for us to survive and take care of his planet and animals that he put us in charge of.

From the mind of someone who clearly doesnt understand that everything about you is a very complex interaction of the expression of millions of genes in your genome.

You can just make comparisons between animals and machines, but thats just a bullshit comparison and you know it.

You want an example of beneficial evolution on a molecular/genetic level?

Not hard to find.

Go to the biology section of any online science publication.

"So evolutionary biologist Joseph Thornton of the University of Oregon, Eugene, and his colleagues picked a more tractable subject: a single protein. His group has been studying the more than 450-million-year evolution of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a protein that binds to the stress hormone cortisol to control animals' response to it. Like all proteins, GR is made up of amino acids. By collecting the amino acid sequences of GR and related proteins from living animals, Thornton and his team previously constructed the GR evolutionary tree and resurrected sequences of GR's ancestors. This history reveals that GR has switched its hormone preference. Around the time cartilaginous fish such as sharks split off from bony fish, roughly 440 million years ago, the ancestral protein that the scientists call GR1 responded to both cortisol and the hormone aldosterone. But 40 million years later, when four-legged creatures started to appear, the descendent GR2 had become cortisol-specific.
During these 40 million years, 37 amino acids changed. Only two were necessary to alter the function: One put a kink in the protein's shape, making it unresponsive to both hormones, and another allowed the restructured molecule to interact with only cortisol. Thornton's team next wondered if they could make GR2 recognize both cortisol and aldosterone by reverting these amino acids, which they call group X, back to their GR1 state. The researchers report today in Nature that this swap not only couldn't restore GR's original dual function but that it also killed the protein's ability to recognize any hormone."
So molecular evolution is real.

Idk how much more i can explain it to you.
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1.The record of descent of an animal, showing it to be purebred.
2.A purebred animal.

How do they become purebred genius ?

German Shephard - Horand von Grafrath (January 1, 1895 - after 1899) (formerly Hektor Linksrhein) was the first German Shepherd Dog and the genetic basis for modern German Shepherds.

Labrador Retriever - The modern Labrador's ancestors originated on the island of Newfoundland, now part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.[8] The founding breed of the Labrador was the St. John's Water Dog, a breed that emerged through ad-hoc breedings by early settlers of the island in the 16th century.



In the wild the origional organisms created remain virtually the same other then a few variations because they only reproduce with their own kind.

So your going to stop talking about pedigrees right dumbass?

The only difference is the mechanism by which we separate their reproduction. In nature "breeds" (idiot word) are basically defined by location. While in human society we can artificially control reproduction.

Your statement is just idiocy.

They dont mate in nature because their genomes have significantly diverged, they probably recognize each other as different. But they still can reproduce, so you would assume that most logical people would think that the entire genus of panthera is related and diverging. The two most recently related groups, lions and leopards, can even consistently produce fertile offspring.

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And im sure in 133 pages you've explained this, but an answer doesnt stand out so ill ask again. Shoot me down if this is dumb.

But uh, why are there dinosaur bones deep underneath of us?
Actually the answer to both is yes.

Could the insertion benefit the organism? Well that depends. The probability that a new nucleotide is beneficial is the same probability that a deletion is beneficial. So your argument (evolution by deletion), is just as likely to yield beneficial results as actual evolution.

Could it happen fast enough? Certainly! The human genome is 3 billion base pairs long. Thats an average of one insertion mutation in a gene pool a year to go from a group of amino acid coding nucleotides 3 billion years ago to a human genome.

Maybe im wrong but havent you and Dr Spetner been refuted by multiple people already? I remember Loki refuted your massive wall of text, from what i read.

No you can argue your points and i can argue mine it is up to the person to decide who is right and who is wrong.

The evidence only supports one side opr the other you can't have it both ways.

You don't have to accept my views but i for living observed the results of mutations and you can read others views on mutations. Anytime there is a loss of genetic information somewhere it creates problems for the organism because we were designed to have certain functions when the body can't perform those functions it leads to problems.

Let us use a car,what would happen if the car didn't possess a battery ? How bout no engine ?how bout no tires ? How bout no gas tank ? How bout no steering wheel ? How bout no trasmission ?

How bout the smaller things like the cylanoid ? starter ? water ? oil ? no filters ?no lines ?

If you eliminate a function it creates a problem for the car it won't work, the same thing can be reasoned for life. Over time man added to the car to make it better but that was not by chance and a natrual process it was by intelligence and information. Same way medical research has done things to lengthen the life of the human population. We can't create life except through the process that God intended. Even if we do it would be done through intelligence and is not an argument for a natural process but intelligence once again.

God gave us the ability to adapt and have the intelligence for us to survive and take care of his planet and animals that he put us in charge of.

From the mind of someone who clearly doesnt understand that everything about you is a very complex interaction of the expression of millions of genes in your genome.

You can just make comparisons between animals and machines, but thats just a bullshit comparison and you know it.

You want an example of beneficial evolution on a molecular/genetic level?

Not hard to find.

Go to the biology section of any online science publication.

"So evolutionary biologist Joseph Thornton of the University of Oregon, Eugene, and his colleagues picked a more tractable subject: a single protein. His group has been studying the more than 450-million-year evolution of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a protein that binds to the stress hormone cortisol to control animals' response to it. Like all proteins, GR is made up of amino acids. By collecting the amino acid sequences of GR and related proteins from living animals, Thornton and his team previously constructed the GR evolutionary tree and resurrected sequences of GR's ancestors. This history reveals that GR has switched its hormone preference. Around the time cartilaginous fish such as sharks split off from bony fish, roughly 440 million years ago, the ancestral protein that the scientists call GR1 responded to both cortisol and the hormone aldosterone. But 40 million years later, when four-legged creatures started to appear, the descendent GR2 had become cortisol-specific.
During these 40 million years, 37 amino acids changed. Only two were necessary to alter the function: One put a kink in the protein's shape, making it unresponsive to both hormones, and another allowed the restructured molecule to interact with only cortisol. Thornton's team next wondered if they could make GR2 recognize both cortisol and aldosterone by reverting these amino acids, which they call group X, back to their GR1 state. The researchers report today in Nature that this swap not only couldn't restore GR's original dual function but that it also killed the protein's ability to recognize any hormone."
So molecular evolution is real.

Idk how much more i can explain it to you.

Well you got one thing right bullshit. The brain was pretty complex no ? The brain is responsible for all of mans creations,you know things like language. Don't give me your b.s. imagination. Admit it you are an ideologue. How many times must one poke holes in your reasoning before you get it ?
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Actually the answer to both is yes.

Could the insertion benefit the organism? Well that depends. The probability that a new nucleotide is beneficial is the same probability that a deletion is beneficial. So your argument (evolution by deletion), is just as likely to yield beneficial results as actual evolution.

Could it happen fast enough? Certainly! The human genome is 3 billion base pairs long. Thats an average of one insertion mutation in a gene pool a year to go from a group of amino acid coding nucleotides 3 billion years ago to a human genome.

Maybe im wrong but havent you and Dr Spetner been refuted by multiple people already? I remember Loki refuted your massive wall of text, from what i read.

No you can argue your points and i can argue mine it is up to the person to decide who is right and who is wrong.

The evidence only supports one side opr the other you can't have it both ways.

You don't have to accept my views but i for living observed the results of mutations and you can read others views on mutations. Anytime there is a loss of genetic information somewhere it creates problems for the organism because we were designed to have certain functions when the body can't perform those functions it leads to problems.

Let us use a car,what would happen if the car didn't possess a battery ? How bout no engine ?how bout no tires ? How bout no gas tank ? How bout no steering wheel ? How bout no trasmission ?

How bout the smaller things like the cylanoid ? starter ? water ? oil ? no filters ?no lines ?

If you eliminate a function it creates a problem for the car it won't work, the same thing can be reasoned for life. Over time man added to the car to make it better but that was not by chance and a natrual process it was by intelligence and information. Same way medical research has done things to lengthen the life of the human population. We can't create life except through the process that God intended. Even if we do it would be done through intelligence and is not an argument for a natural process but intelligence once again.

God gave us the ability to adapt and have the intelligence for us to survive and take care of his planet and animals that he put us in charge of.

From the mind of someone who clearly doesnt understand that everything about you is a very complex interaction of the expression of millions of genes in your genome.

You can just make comparisons between animals and machines, but thats just a bullshit comparison and you know it.

You want an example of beneficial evolution on a molecular/genetic level?

Not hard to find.

Go to the biology section of any online science publication.

"So evolutionary biologist Joseph Thornton of the University of Oregon, Eugene, and his colleagues picked a more tractable subject: a single protein. His group has been studying the more than 450-million-year evolution of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a protein that binds to the stress hormone cortisol to control animals' response to it. Like all proteins, GR is made up of amino acids. By collecting the amino acid sequences of GR and related proteins from living animals, Thornton and his team previously constructed the GR evolutionary tree and resurrected sequences of GR's ancestors. This history reveals that GR has switched its hormone preference. Around the time cartilaginous fish such as sharks split off from bony fish, roughly 440 million years ago, the ancestral protein that the scientists call GR1 responded to both cortisol and the hormone aldosterone. But 40 million years later, when four-legged creatures started to appear, the descendent GR2 had become cortisol-specific.
During these 40 million years, 37 amino acids changed. Only two were necessary to alter the function: One put a kink in the protein's shape, making it unresponsive to both hormones, and another allowed the restructured molecule to interact with only cortisol. Thornton's team next wondered if they could make GR2 recognize both cortisol and aldosterone by reverting these amino acids, which they call group X, back to their GR1 state. The researchers report today in Nature that this swap not only couldn't restore GR's original dual function but that it also killed the protein's ability to recognize any hormone."
So molecular evolution is real.

Idk how much more i can explain it to you.

Molecular machines are more evidence of design to anyone with half a brain and understand what these molecular machines do.
German Shephard - Horand von Grafrath (January 1, 1895 - after 1899) (formerly Hektor Linksrhein) was the first German Shepherd Dog and the genetic basis for modern German Shepherds.

Labrador Retriever - The modern Labrador's ancestors originated on the island of Newfoundland, now part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.[8] The founding breed of the Labrador was the St. John's Water Dog, a breed that emerged through ad-hoc breedings by early settlers of the island in the 16th century.



In the wild the origional organisms created remain virtually the same other then a few variations because they only reproduce with their own kind.

So your going to stop talking about pedigrees right dumbass?

The only difference is the mechanism by which we separate their reproduction. In nature "breeds" (idiot word) are basically defined by location. While in human society we can artificially control reproduction.

Your statement is just idiocy.

They dont mate in nature because their genomes have significantly diverged, they probably recognize each other as different. But they still can reproduce, so you would assume that most logical people would think that the entire genus of panthera is related and diverging. The two most recently related groups, lions and leopards, can even consistently produce fertile offspring.


Hey get your facts straight before you refer to someone as a dumbass. Coyotes have crossed with domestic dogs so have wolves. How breeds are maintained in the wild they only run with their own. The truth when a person gets rude it shows weakness ,They result to insults. I will put my background up against yours anytime genius. You lost a lot of credibility with me when you did what any ideologue would do,it was not God it was a natural process called abiogenesis,only a fool believes such a thing.
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No you can argue your points and i can argue mine it is up to the person to decide who is right and who is wrong.

The evidence only supports one side opr the other you can't have it both ways.

You don't have to accept my views but i for living observed the results of mutations and you can read others views on mutations. Anytime there is a loss of genetic information somewhere it creates problems for the organism because we were designed to have certain functions when the body can't perform those functions it leads to problems.

Let us use a car,what would happen if the car didn't possess a battery ? How bout no engine ?how bout no tires ? How bout no gas tank ? How bout no steering wheel ? How bout no trasmission ?

How bout the smaller things like the cylanoid ? starter ? water ? oil ? no filters ?no lines ?

If you eliminate a function it creates a problem for the car it won't work, the same thing can be reasoned for life. Over time man added to the car to make it better but that was not by chance and a natrual process it was by intelligence and information. Same way medical research has done things to lengthen the life of the human population. We can't create life except through the process that God intended. Even if we do it would be done through intelligence and is not an argument for a natural process but intelligence once again.

God gave us the ability to adapt and have the intelligence for us to survive and take care of his planet and animals that he put us in charge of.

From the mind of someone who clearly doesnt understand that everything about you is a very complex interaction of the expression of millions of genes in your genome.

You can just make comparisons between animals and machines, but thats just a bullshit comparison and you know it.

You want an example of beneficial evolution on a molecular/genetic level?

Not hard to find.

Go to the biology section of any online science publication.

"So evolutionary biologist Joseph Thornton of the University of Oregon, Eugene, and his colleagues picked a more tractable subject: a single protein. His group has been studying the more than 450-million-year evolution of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a protein that binds to the stress hormone cortisol to control animals' response to it. Like all proteins, GR is made up of amino acids. By collecting the amino acid sequences of GR and related proteins from living animals, Thornton and his team previously constructed the GR evolutionary tree and resurrected sequences of GR's ancestors. This history reveals that GR has switched its hormone preference. Around the time cartilaginous fish such as sharks split off from bony fish, roughly 440 million years ago, the ancestral protein that the scientists call GR1 responded to both cortisol and the hormone aldosterone. But 40 million years later, when four-legged creatures started to appear, the descendent GR2 had become cortisol-specific.
During these 40 million years, 37 amino acids changed. Only two were necessary to alter the function: One put a kink in the protein's shape, making it unresponsive to both hormones, and another allowed the restructured molecule to interact with only cortisol. Thornton's team next wondered if they could make GR2 recognize both cortisol and aldosterone by reverting these amino acids, which they call group X, back to their GR1 state. The researchers report today in Nature that this swap not only couldn't restore GR's original dual function but that it also killed the protein's ability to recognize any hormone."
So molecular evolution is real.

Idk how much more i can explain it to you.

Well you got one thing right bullshit. The brain was pretty complex no ? The brain is responsible for all creations of man and things like language. Don't give me your b.s. imagination. Admit it you ate an ideologue. Hoe many times must one poke holes in your reasoning before you get it ?

What holes in my reasoning have you poked? Absolutely 0?

Whats so complex about the brain? You realize that everything you think makes humans special, like math, language, reading, using tools, can all be traced to specific regions of the cerebral cortex right? And that the brain is just a connection of millions of neurons and the electrochemical reactions between them, right?

And you realize that certain genes/proteins control the formation of the brain right?

Im not an ideologue, ill change my opinion on a whim if you can actually prove it wrong.

Your just restating the same things i thought were viable arguments before i took biology freshman year of high school and understood how genetics works.

In other words your dumber than a high schooler kiddy.
And im sure in 133 pages you've explained this, but an answer doesnt stand out so ill ask again. Shoot me down if this is dumb.

But uh, why are there dinosaur bones deep underneath of us?

Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?
No you can argue your points and i can argue mine it is up to the person to decide who is right and who is wrong.

The evidence only supports one side opr the other you can't have it both ways.

You don't have to accept my views but i for living observed the results of mutations and you can read others views on mutations. Anytime there is a loss of genetic information somewhere it creates problems for the organism because we were designed to have certain functions when the body can't perform those functions it leads to problems.

Let us use a car,what would happen if the car didn't possess a battery ? How bout no engine ?how bout no tires ? How bout no gas tank ? How bout no steering wheel ? How bout no trasmission ?

How bout the smaller things like the cylanoid ? starter ? water ? oil ? no filters ?no lines ?

If you eliminate a function it creates a problem for the car it won't work, the same thing can be reasoned for life. Over time man added to the car to make it better but that was not by chance and a natrual process it was by intelligence and information. Same way medical research has done things to lengthen the life of the human population. We can't create life except through the process that God intended. Even if we do it would be done through intelligence and is not an argument for a natural process but intelligence once again.

God gave us the ability to adapt and have the intelligence for us to survive and take care of his planet and animals that he put us in charge of.

From the mind of someone who clearly doesnt understand that everything about you is a very complex interaction of the expression of millions of genes in your genome.

You can just make comparisons between animals and machines, but thats just a bullshit comparison and you know it.

You want an example of beneficial evolution on a molecular/genetic level?

Not hard to find.

Go to the biology section of any online science publication.

"So evolutionary biologist Joseph Thornton of the University of Oregon, Eugene, and his colleagues picked a more tractable subject: a single protein. His group has been studying the more than 450-million-year evolution of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a protein that binds to the stress hormone cortisol to control animals' response to it. Like all proteins, GR is made up of amino acids. By collecting the amino acid sequences of GR and related proteins from living animals, Thornton and his team previously constructed the GR evolutionary tree and resurrected sequences of GR's ancestors. This history reveals that GR has switched its hormone preference. Around the time cartilaginous fish such as sharks split off from bony fish, roughly 440 million years ago, the ancestral protein that the scientists call GR1 responded to both cortisol and the hormone aldosterone. But 40 million years later, when four-legged creatures started to appear, the descendent GR2 had become cortisol-specific.
During these 40 million years, 37 amino acids changed. Only two were necessary to alter the function: One put a kink in the protein's shape, making it unresponsive to both hormones, and another allowed the restructured molecule to interact with only cortisol. Thornton's team next wondered if they could make GR2 recognize both cortisol and aldosterone by reverting these amino acids, which they call group X, back to their GR1 state. The researchers report today in Nature that this swap not only couldn't restore GR's original dual function but that it also killed the protein's ability to recognize any hormone."
So molecular evolution is real.

Idk how much more i can explain it to you.

Molecular machines are more evidence of design to anyone with half a brain and understand what these molecular machines do.

Again, you do not make facts. You just state things and expect me to take them as given?

A set of three nucleotides is a codon, and it codes for an amino acid. A single nucleotide mutation changes what amino acid is inserted into the protein. That change alters the structure of the protein, and the altered structure changes the function. In this case only two changed amino acids, two mutations, changed which chemicals the protein interacted with.

God is necessary for two mutations? Youve got to be kidding me.

Read a book.
Not saying that,the only natural systems is ones that God put in motion. Like the hydrologic system and the seasons and adaptations.

That leaves me still wondering what your answer is to whether snowflakes (or any other similar, natural process) can be formed or created without intelligence.

Seasons,snow,rain,snowflakes,summer heat,spring,are natural processes that was put in motion by the creator ,who created all things.

Whoever designed the computer and programmed it was still responsible for what the computer was capable of.

People were able to add to it's ability and even attack it but it was still a product of design through intelligence.

Man has always been intelligent we can see that by the things they built and designed absent of the technology we possess today.

So when you ask for evidence of something having been formed, built or created without intelligence, it isn't an honest question, because you do not even accept natural processes that require no intelligence since they were originally created by god. The natural processes that create a snowflake do not require intelligence. Since you believe god started those processes, however, you consider it an intelligence-driven process. Why do you even ask anyone to provide evidence when, by your own belief, such evidence is impossible to provide?

You're free to believe what you wish, but that doesn't make your beliefs objectively obvious. You act as though your belief in god is somehow verifiable or that you have objective evidence for it. For anyone who does not believe in god, or does not believe in god the way that you do, there can be plenty of evidence of things being formed or created without intelligence. Your beliefs apparently require you to think everything is the result of intelligence, so that nothing can ever possibly be the result of randomness or non-intelligence processes, but you then project that to everyone else and make it seem that is an obvious truth to everyone.

You seemingly cannot differentiate your faith from scientific discussion.
In the wild the origional organisms created remain virtually the same other then a few variations because they only reproduce with their own kind.

So your going to stop talking about pedigrees right dumbass?

The only difference is the mechanism by which we separate their reproduction. In nature "breeds" (idiot word) are basically defined by location. While in human society we can artificially control reproduction.

Your statement is just idiocy.

They dont mate in nature because their genomes have significantly diverged, they probably recognize each other as different. But they still can reproduce, so you would assume that most logical people would think that the entire genus of panthera is related and diverging. The two most recently related groups, lions and leopards, can even consistently produce fertile offspring.


Hey get your facts straight before you refer to someone as a dumbass. Coyote have crossed with domesticated dogs so have wolves. How breeds are maintained in the wild are they only run with their own. The truth majesty you a rude person always a sign of someone losing a debate. They result to insults. I will put my background up against yours anytime genius. You lost a lot of credibility with me when you did what any ideologue would do,it was not God it was a natural process called abiogenesis,only a fool believes such a thing.

Lol you insulted me before saying that the person insulting was losing the

And may i just point out that domestic dogs are wolves, you know this right? And wolves and coyotes are related....

Hence wolves/coyotes can mate with dogs....

Why do you keep providing evidence for evolution????
From the mind of someone who clearly doesnt understand that everything about you is a very complex interaction of the expression of millions of genes in your genome.

You can just make comparisons between animals and machines, but thats just a bullshit comparison and you know it.

You want an example of beneficial evolution on a molecular/genetic level?

Not hard to find.

Go to the biology section of any online science publication.

So molecular evolution is real.

Idk how much more i can explain it to you.

Well you got one thing right bullshit. The brain was pretty complex no ? The brain is responsible for all creations of man and things like language. Don't give me your b.s. imagination. Admit it you ate an ideologue. Hoe many times must one poke holes in your reasoning before you get it ?

What holes in my reasoning have you poked? Absolutely 0?

Whats so complex about the brain? You realize that everything you think makes humans special, like math, language, reading, using tools, can all be traced to specific regions of the cerebral cortex right? And that the brain is just a connection of millions of neurons and the electrochemical reactions between them, right?

And you realize that certain genes/proteins control the formation of the brain right?

Im not an ideologue, ill change my opinion on a whim if you can actually prove it wrong.

Your just restating the same things i thought were viable arguments before i took biology freshman year of high school and understood how genetics works.

In other words your dumber than a high schooler kiddy.

Anyone who believes life can spontaneously generate itself from non-life,anyone who believes non-intelligence can produce intelligence. Anyone who believes an organism can lose a function and still survive natural selection.

The car was a great example and it went right over your head.
And im sure in 133 pages you've explained this, but an answer doesnt stand out so ill ask again. Shoot me down if this is dumb.

But uh, why are there dinosaur bones deep underneath of us?

Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?

Right the bones just sunk through the rock.

Fossils can be found in strange rock strata for many reasons. The ground is not a static entity.

But that doesnt explain why the vast majority, a statistically significant amount, are found in certain strata. And why that strata-based age often coincides with multiple radiometric dating methods, and why those methods often coincide with genetic dating of multiple gene sequences?

From the mind of someone who clearly doesnt understand that everything about you is a very complex interaction of the expression of millions of genes in your genome.

You can just make comparisons between animals and machines, but thats just a bullshit comparison and you know it.

You want an example of beneficial evolution on a molecular/genetic level?

Not hard to find.

Go to the biology section of any online science publication.

So molecular evolution is real.

Idk how much more i can explain it to you.

Molecular machines are more evidence of design to anyone with half a brain and understand what these molecular machines do.

Again, you do not make facts. You just state things and expect me to take them as given?

A set of three nucleotides is a codon, and it codes for an amino acid. A single nucleotide mutation changes what amino acid is inserted into the protein. That change alters the structure of the protein, and the altered structure changes the function. In this case only two changed amino acids, two mutations, changed which chemicals the protein interacted with.

God is necessary for two mutations? Youve got to be kidding me.

Read a book.

I believe mutations is the way God administered his punishment of death to all sinners. as we get older information gets lost mutations cause us problems.

Mutations lead to a loss of the origional genetic information and eventually leads to death. That is why we age and die.
And im sure in 133 pages you've explained this, but an answer doesnt stand out so ill ask again. Shoot me down if this is dumb.

But uh, why are there dinosaur bones deep underneath of us?

Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?

Right the bones just sunk through the rock.

Fossils can be found in strange rock strata for many reasons. The ground is not a static entity.

But that doesnt explain why the vast majority, a statistically significant amount, are found in certain strata. And why that strata-based age often coincides with multiple radiometric dating methods, and why those methods often coincide with genetic dating of multiple gene sequences?


Wrong it was not rock unitl it hardened..

Please watch this video and we will discuss it.

[ame=]103 - Bones in Stones / Genesis Conflict - Walter Veith - YouTube[/ame]
Well you got one thing right bullshit. The brain was pretty complex no ? The brain is responsible for all creations of man and things like language. Don't give me your b.s. imagination. Admit it you ate an ideologue. Hoe many times must one poke holes in your reasoning before you get it ?

What holes in my reasoning have you poked? Absolutely 0?

Whats so complex about the brain? You realize that everything you think makes humans special, like math, language, reading, using tools, can all be traced to specific regions of the cerebral cortex right? And that the brain is just a connection of millions of neurons and the electrochemical reactions between them, right?

And you realize that certain genes/proteins control the formation of the brain right?

Im not an ideologue, ill change my opinion on a whim if you can actually prove it wrong.

Your just restating the same things i thought were viable arguments before i took biology freshman year of high school and understood how genetics works.

In other words your dumber than a high schooler kiddy.

Anyone who believes life can spontaneously generate itself from non-life,anyone who believes non-intelligence can produce intelligence.

Abiogensis is a separate topic from evolution.

But since you brought it up.

The problem lies with your definition of intelligence. Sure, humans are intelligent. Most animals are somewhat intelligent, in some sense. Are plants intelligent? How about single cells? Is a virus intelligent? What about a viroid or a prion?

Theres that top-down fallacy again....

Anyone who believes an organism can lose a function and still survive natural selection.

Please just go learn anything

The car was a great example and it went right over your head.

You think that example went over my head? Are you serious?

Thats such a simple analogy a third grader could be convinced by it, which explains a lot.

Anyone using that example doesnt even deserve a rebuttle, its a horrible argument.
Molecular machines are more evidence of design to anyone with half a brain and understand what these molecular machines do.

Again, you do not make facts. You just state things and expect me to take them as given?

A set of three nucleotides is a codon, and it codes for an amino acid. A single nucleotide mutation changes what amino acid is inserted into the protein. That change alters the structure of the protein, and the altered structure changes the function. In this case only two changed amino acids, two mutations, changed which chemicals the protein interacted with.

God is necessary for two mutations? Youve got to be kidding me.

Read a book.

I believe mutations is the way God administered his punishment of death to all sinners. as we get older information gets lost mutations cause us problems.

Mutations lead to a loss of the origional genetic information and eventually leads to death. That is why we age and die.


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