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Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?

Right the bones just sunk through the rock.

Fossils can be found in strange rock strata for many reasons. The ground is not a static entity.

But that doesnt explain why the vast majority, a statistically significant amount, are found in certain strata. And why that strata-based age often coincides with multiple radiometric dating methods, and why those methods often coincide with genetic dating of multiple gene sequences?


Wrong it was not rock unitl it hardened..

Please watch this video and we will discuss it.

[ame=""]103 - Bones in Stones / Genesis Conflict - Walter Veith - YouTube[/ame]

give me any website that doesnt have "rekindling the reformation", or something of the like, on its home page banner.
And im sure in 133 pages you've explained this, but an answer doesnt stand out so ill ask again. Shoot me down if this is dumb.

But uh, why are there dinosaur bones deep underneath of us?

Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?

The answer to that is simple. Take the Grand Canyon for an example. Everything, including the fossils embedded in the ground, that was in the earth where the canyon now exists is now down stream and sitting on top of layers of sediment laid down long after the erosion of the Grand Canyon started. In short the earth's crust is subject to many forces that constantly "mix up" the makeup. Mountain ranges get pushed up by plate tectonics and subsequently get worn down by wind and water and ice. Lakes and seas get formed and leave deep deposits....Glaciers from ice ages excavate thousands of feet of top crust and deposit this earth many..sometimes thousands of miles away from their source.

I would suggest that you study geology.
And im sure in 133 pages you've explained this, but an answer doesnt stand out so ill ask again. Shoot me down if this is dumb.

But uh, why are there dinosaur bones deep underneath of us?

Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?

The answer to that is simple. Take the Grand Canyon for an example. Everything, including the fossils embedded in the ground, that was in the earth where the canyon now exists is now down stream and sitting on top of layers of sediment laid down long after the erosion of the Grand Canyon started. In short the earth's crust is subject to many forces that constantly "mix up" the makeup. Mountain ranges get pushed up by plate tectonics and subsequently get worn down by wind and water and ice. Lakes and seas get formed and leave deep deposits....Glaciers from ice ages excavate thousands of feet of top crust and deposit this earth many..sometimes thousands of miles away from their source.

I would suggest that you study geology.

I would say around 5,000 years ago a lot of water came across that area and the majority of the water that came across that area ran swiftly back to the sea. Leaving behind many organisms buried rapidly from in the sediments which is now stone.
Right the bones just sunk through the rock.

Fossils can be found in strange rock strata for many reasons. The ground is not a static entity.

But that doesnt explain why the vast majority, a statistically significant amount, are found in certain strata. And why that strata-based age often coincides with multiple radiometric dating methods, and why those methods often coincide with genetic dating of multiple gene sequences?


Wrong it was not rock unitl it hardened..

Please watch this video and we will discuss it.

[ame=""]103 - Bones in Stones / Genesis Conflict - Walter Veith - YouTube[/ame]

give me any website that doesnt have "rekindling the reformation", or something of the like, on its home page banner.

Whats the matter you just can't bring yourself to watch something that makes sense and is agains't your beliefs ?

You are a closed minded little twit and that is why you have been mislead. The sad thing is you won't know it until it's too late.
Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?

The answer to that is simple. Take the Grand Canyon for an example. Everything, including the fossils embedded in the ground, that was in the earth where the canyon now exists is now down stream and sitting on top of layers of sediment laid down long after the erosion of the Grand Canyon started. In short the earth's crust is subject to many forces that constantly "mix up" the makeup. Mountain ranges get pushed up by plate tectonics and subsequently get worn down by wind and water and ice. Lakes and seas get formed and leave deep deposits....Glaciers from ice ages excavate thousands of feet of top crust and deposit this earth many..sometimes thousands of miles away from their source.

I would suggest that you study geology.

I would say around 5,000 years ago a lot of water came across that area and the majority of the water that came across that area ran swiftly back to the sea. Leaving behind many organisms buried rapidly from in the sediments which is now stone.

And no one really cares what you can say, its what you can prove.

Good luck.
Wrong it was not rock unitl it hardened..

Please watch this video and we will discuss it.

103 - Bones in Stones / Genesis Conflict - Walter Veith - YouTube

give me any website that doesnt have "rekindling the reformation", or something of the like, on its home page banner.

Whats the matter you just can't bring yourself to watch something that makes sense and is agains't your beliefs ?

You are a closed minded little twit and that is why you have been mislead. The sad thing is you won't know it until it's too late.


Is there any possible conclusion that an orginization dedicated to "reviving the reformation" will arrive at, other than a creationist one?

It doesnt make me ignorant for ignoring your source. Only an idiot believes obviously biased sources.

Besides, its an hour long video about a well debunked topic. Your flaunting the dumbest of the creationist arguments and you think your winning the debate. Arguing with you is like arguing with a tape recording of kent hovind.

its funny. If i quote wiki, im being a biased liberal quoting a biased source. If you quote shit like the creation museum, your just the only one in touch with reality. That about how it goes?
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Do you understand variations according to enviornment ?

Humans are all descended from Adam and Eve. There is only one human race there are just variations within the family.

Here educate yourself.
dodge! Adam and eve are a worse example than Noah....two is not a viable breeding population for humans or any other higher life forms (I take it you've never seen the film deliverance)
once again you're substituting belief for evidence.
still does not answer the question: why are all humans born after the so called flood NOT descendants of Noah.
or why there are no ocean going dinosaurs ( odd that god let the Coelacanths ( /ˈsiːləkænθ/, adaptation of Modern Latin Cœlacanthus "hollow spine", from Greek κοῖλ-ος koilos "hollow" + ἄκανθ-α akantha "spine", referring to the hollow caudal fin rays of the first fossil specimen described and named by Agassiz in 1839[1]) are members of an order of fish that includes the oldest living lineage of Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish + tetrapods) known to date.

Coelacanths belong to the subclass Actinistia, a group of lobed-finned fish that are related to lungfish and other extinct Devonian fish like osteolepiforms, porolepiforms, rhizodonts, and Panderichthys.[1] Coelacanths were thought to have gone extinct in the Late Cretaceous, but were rediscovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa.[2] Latimeria chalumnae and the Latimeria menadoensis are the only two living coelacanth species, which are found along the coastlines of the Indian Ocean.[3] The coelacanth has been nicknamed a “living fossil”, because it was originally known only through fossils, long before the first discovery of a live specimen.[1] The coelacanth is thought to have evolved into roughly its current form approximately 400 million years ago.[4] survive and not the sea going reptiles.

also your reply does not answer the never been underwater question.

May 11 2011
The world population has grown tremendously over the past two thousand years. In 1999, the world population passed the six billion mark.
Latest official current world population estimate, for mid-year 2010, is estimated at 6,852,472,823.

The chart below shows past world population data back to the year one and future world population projections through the year 2050.

World Population Growth




200 million


275 million


450 million


500 million


700 million


1 billion


1.2 billion


1.6 billion


2 billion


2.55 billion


2.8 billion


3 billion


3.3 billion


3.7 billion


4 billion


4.5 billion


4.85 billion


5.3 billion


5.7 billion


6 billion


6.5 billion


6.8 billion


7 billion


8 billion


9 billion

World Population - The Current World Population
dodge. and weren't you warned about walls of text ?
Dummy you are the one that believes it happened it's on you.

I can give many cases where something was formed,built,designed,and created and itelligence was needed to do so.

Now you show how non-intelligence can do the same.

I know you avoided my question because you can't do what was asked of you.

Chalk one up for God the creator.

What about snowflakes? They look pretty damn intricate and symmetrical, but they are the pure product of natural (or "non-intelligent," as you would say) processes.

But I suppose you think that God handcrafts every individual snowflake too. :lol:

Joh 1:3 All things came into being through Him, and without Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being.

Job 31:15 Did not He who made me in the womb make him? And did not One shape us in the womb?

Psa 139:13

(ASV) For thou didst form my inward parts: Thou didst cover me in my mother's womb.

(BBE) My flesh was made by you, and my parts joined together in my mother's body.

(CEV) You are the one who put me together inside my mother's body,

The answer is yes everything was created by God.
once again, not science!
And im sure in 133 pages you've explained this, but an answer doesnt stand out so ill ask again. Shoot me down if this is dumb.

But uh, why are there dinosaur bones deep underneath of us?

Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?
That leaves me still wondering what your answer is to whether snowflakes (or any other similar, natural process) can be formed or created without intelligence.

Seasons,snow,rain,snowflakes,summer heat,spring,are natural processes that was put in motion by the creator ,who created all things.

Whoever designed the computer and programmed it was still responsible for what the computer was capable of.

People were able to add to it's ability and even attack it but it was still a product of design through intelligence.

Man has always been intelligent we can see that by the things they built and designed absent of the technology we possess today.

So when you ask for evidence of something having been formed, built or created without intelligence, it isn't an honest question, because you do not even accept natural processes that require no intelligence since they were originally created by god. The natural processes that create a snowflake do not require intelligence. Since you believe god started those processes, however, you consider it an intelligence-driven process. Why do you even ask anyone to provide evidence when, by your own belief, such evidence is impossible to provide?

You're free to believe what you wish, but that doesn't make your beliefs objectively obvious. You act as though your belief in god is somehow verifiable or that you have objective evidence for it. For anyone who does not believe in god, or does not believe in god the way that you do, there can be plenty of evidence of things being formed or created without intelligence. Your beliefs apparently require you to think everything is the result of intelligence, so that nothing can ever possibly be the result of randomness or non-intelligence processes, but you then project that to everyone else and make it seem that is an obvious truth to everyone.

You seemingly cannot differentiate your faith from scientific discussion.
great post!
BTW I think LACK of the ability to differentiate is intentional.
like all fundamentalists ywc believes any time you can proselytize is all the time
he or she seems to forget what Jesus said: "when rebuked, withdraw."
Well you got one thing right bullshit. The brain was pretty complex no ? The brain is responsible for all creations of man and things like language. Don't give me your b.s. imagination. Admit it you ate an ideologue. Hoe many times must one poke holes in your reasoning before you get it ?

What holes in my reasoning have you poked? Absolutely 0?

Whats so complex about the brain? You realize that everything you think makes humans special, like math, language, reading, using tools, can all be traced to specific regions of the cerebral cortex right? And that the brain is just a connection of millions of neurons and the electrochemical reactions between them, right?

And you realize that certain genes/proteins control the formation of the brain right?

Im not an ideologue, ill change my opinion on a whim if you can actually prove it wrong.

Your just restating the same things i thought were viable arguments before i took biology freshman year of high school and understood how genetics works.

In other words your dumber than a high schooler kiddy.

Anyone who believes life can spontaneously generate itself from non-life,anyone who believes non-intelligence can produce intelligence. Anyone who believes an organism can lose a function and still survive natural selection.

The car was a great example and it went right over your head.
using man made items such as cars to advance the intelligent design myth is laughable ALL man made items are clunky, inefficient and shoddy, compared to your so called god's works.
your "god" does not use fabricated materials such as steel, rubber, fiberglass.
What holes in my reasoning have you poked? Absolutely 0?

Whats so complex about the brain? You realize that everything you think makes humans special, like math, language, reading, using tools, can all be traced to specific regions of the cerebral cortex right? And that the brain is just a connection of millions of neurons and the electrochemical reactions between them, right?

And you realize that certain genes/proteins control the formation of the brain right?

Im not an ideologue, ill change my opinion on a whim if you can actually prove it wrong.

Your just restating the same things i thought were viable arguments before i took biology freshman year of high school and understood how genetics works.

In other words your dumber than a high schooler kiddy.

Anyone who believes life can spontaneously generate itself from non-life,anyone who believes non-intelligence can produce intelligence. Anyone who believes an organism can lose a function and still survive natural selection.

The car was a great example and it went right over your head.
using man made items such as cars to advance the intelligent design myth is laughable ALL man made items are clunky, inefficient and shoddy, compared to your so called god's works.
your "god" does not use fabricated materials such as steel, rubber, fiberglass.

But his god does use those materials, since everything that has ever been created (cars, buildings, the mona lisa, the art display of the cucifix in urine) was created by god, according to him! :lol:
And im sure in 133 pages you've explained this, but an answer doesnt stand out so ill ask again. Shoot me down if this is dumb.

But uh, why are there dinosaur bones deep underneath of us?

Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?
(cue buzzer) ahhh...there is no wrong own belief precludes that.
did not god place them there? or did god fuck up.

Meteorology, Geology - “Noah’s Flood”
give me any website that doesnt have "rekindling the reformation", or something of the like, on its home page banner.

Whats the matter you just can't bring yourself to watch something that makes sense and is agains't your beliefs ?

You are a closed minded little twit and that is why you have been mislead. The sad thing is you won't know it until it's too late.


Is there any possible conclusion that an orginization dedicated to "reviving the reformation" will arrive at, other than a creationist one?

It doesnt make me ignorant for ignoring your source. Only an idiot believes obviously biased sources.

Besides, its an hour long video about a well debunked topic. Your flaunting the dumbest of the creationist arguments and you think your winning the debate. Arguing with you is like arguing with a tape recording of kent hovind.

its funny. If i quote wiki, im being a biased liberal quoting a biased source. If you quote shit like the creation museum, your just the only one in touch with reality. That about how it goes?

I have been saying all along your presuppositions will cause us to look at evidence differently do you understand this ?

Most people who write on wiki on this issue are on your side of the debate get it ? but they are not biased is that what you're claiming and my sources are ?
Anyone who believes life can spontaneously generate itself from non-life,anyone who believes non-intelligence can produce intelligence. Anyone who believes an organism can lose a function and still survive natural selection.

The car was a great example and it went right over your head.
using man made items such as cars to advance the intelligent design myth is laughable ALL man made items are clunky, inefficient and shoddy, compared to your so called god's works.
your "god" does not use fabricated materials such as steel, rubber, fiberglass.

But his god does use those materials, since everything that has ever been created (cars, buildings, the mona lisa, the art display of the cucifix in urine) was created by god, according to him! :lol:
golly! if I'd have known that......:lol::lol::lol::lol:thanks!
dodge! Adam and eve are a worse example than Noah....two is not a viable breeding population for humans or any other higher life forms (I take it you've never seen the film deliverance)
once again you're substituting belief for evidence.
still does not answer the question: why are all humans born after the so called flood NOT descendants of Noah.
or why there are no ocean going dinosaurs ( odd that god let the Coelacanths ( /ˈsiːləkænθ/, adaptation of Modern Latin Cœlacanthus "hollow spine", from Greek κοῖλ-ος koilos "hollow" + ἄκανθ-α akantha "spine", referring to the hollow caudal fin rays of the first fossil specimen described and named by Agassiz in 1839[1]) are members of an order of fish that includes the oldest living lineage of Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish + tetrapods) known to date.

Coelacanths belong to the subclass Actinistia, a group of lobed-finned fish that are related to lungfish and other extinct Devonian fish like osteolepiforms, porolepiforms, rhizodonts, and Panderichthys.[1] Coelacanths were thought to have gone extinct in the Late Cretaceous, but were rediscovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa.[2] Latimeria chalumnae and the Latimeria menadoensis are the only two living coelacanth species, which are found along the coastlines of the Indian Ocean.[3] The coelacanth has been nicknamed a “living fossil”, because it was originally known only through fossils, long before the first discovery of a live specimen.[1] The coelacanth is thought to have evolved into roughly its current form approximately 400 million years ago.[4] survive and not the sea going reptiles.

also your reply does not answer the never been underwater question.

May 11 2011
The world population has grown tremendously over the past two thousand years. In 1999, the world population passed the six billion mark.
Latest official current world population estimate, for mid-year 2010, is estimated at 6,852,472,823.

The chart below shows past world population data back to the year one and future world population projections through the year 2050.

World Population Growth




200 million


275 million


450 million


500 million


700 million


1 billion


1.2 billion


1.6 billion


2 billion


2.55 billion


2.8 billion


3 billion


3.3 billion


3.7 billion


4 billion


4.5 billion


4.85 billion


5.3 billion


5.7 billion


6 billion


6.5 billion


6.8 billion


7 billion


8 billion


9 billion

World Population - The Current World Population
dodge. and weren't you warned about walls of text ?

Not walls,just a little post to show you how the worlds population boomed over the last 2,000 years can you imagine what it would have been if we went back from the time evolutionist claim man showed up on the earth ?

But anyhow let's not let facts get in the way right. :lol:
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What holes in my reasoning have you poked? Absolutely 0?

Whats so complex about the brain? You realize that everything you think makes humans special, like math, language, reading, using tools, can all be traced to specific regions of the cerebral cortex right? And that the brain is just a connection of millions of neurons and the electrochemical reactions between them, right?

And you realize that certain genes/proteins control the formation of the brain right?

Im not an ideologue, ill change my opinion on a whim if you can actually prove it wrong.

Your just restating the same things i thought were viable arguments before i took biology freshman year of high school and understood how genetics works.

In other words your dumber than a high schooler kiddy.

Anyone who believes life can spontaneously generate itself from non-life,anyone who believes non-intelligence can produce intelligence. Anyone who believes an organism can lose a function and still survive natural selection.

The car was a great example and it went right over your head.
using man made items such as cars to advance the intelligent design myth is laughable ALL man made items are clunky, inefficient and shoddy, compared to your so called god's works.
your "god" does not use fabricated materials such as steel, rubber, fiberglass.

What it should show you is life and the universe is much more complex and so is the creator. I'm just pointing out the obvious.
What about snowflakes? They look pretty damn intricate and symmetrical, but they are the pure product of natural (or "non-intelligent," as you would say) processes.

But I suppose you think that God handcrafts every individual snowflake too. :lol:

Joh 1:3 All things came into being through Him, and without Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being.

Job 31:15 Did not He who made me in the womb make him? And did not One shape us in the womb?

Psa 139:13

(ASV) For thou didst form my inward parts: Thou didst cover me in my mother's womb.

(BBE) My flesh was made by you, and my parts joined together in my mother's body.

(CEV) You are the one who put me together inside my mother's body,

The answer is yes everything was created by God.
once again, not science!

It goes to show man and his theories are at odds with God. I would say Gods creations are science, it's just that men of science don't know how he did it.
Anyone who believes life can spontaneously generate itself from non-life,anyone who believes non-intelligence can produce intelligence. Anyone who believes an organism can lose a function and still survive natural selection.

The car was a great example and it went right over your head.
using man made items such as cars to advance the intelligent design myth is laughable ALL man made items are clunky, inefficient and shoddy, compared to your so called god's works.
your "god" does not use fabricated materials such as steel, rubber, fiberglass.

But his god does use those materials, since everything that has ever been created (cars, buildings, the mona lisa, the art display of the cucifix in urine) was created by god, according to him! :lol:

Yes,everything you see touch and feel was the result of my Gods mind.
And im sure in 133 pages you've explained this, but an answer doesnt stand out so ill ask again. Shoot me down if this is dumb.

But uh, why are there dinosaur bones deep underneath of us?

Well it makes sense that heavy things sink further in soft soil from like a global good. But in turn you need to answer how fossils were found in the wrong strata ?
(cue buzzer) ahhh...there is no wrong own belief precludes that.
did not god place them there? or did god fuck up.

Meteorology, Geology - “Noah’s Flood”

Gods flood created strata,man interpreted it wrong.
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