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"I suspect stars are the source of the MBR"

"reshifted starlight is not proof of the big bang"

"universe is too tightly wound up to be old"

"the universe blew up and the earth formed"

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg


To sum up, in his own words: "nothing blew up and then made a rock and then it rained and poof humans appeared. Isnt that darwinism in a nutshell"

No you fraud, no it is not.

That is what your side claims it maybe, too straight to the point for you.
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"I suspect stars are the source of the MBR"

"reshifted starlight is not proof of the big bang"

"universe is too tightly wound up to be old"

"the universe blew up and the earth formed"

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg


To sum up, in his own words: "nothing blew up and then made a rock and then it rained and poof humans appeared. Isnt that darwinism in a nutshell"

No you fraud, no it is not.

I didn't think you believed in God :lol:
The bible doesn't go into detail because there is no plausible answer, religiously speaking. Scientifically, evolution is logical.

God did not have to go into complete detail did he ?

Macro-evolution is illogical.

Adaptations logical.

It is illogical to think that Eve could pump out enough kids to bring the world's population to what what it is today in 6,000 years. She would have had to be pregnant her entire life. Assuming she lived to be 900+ years old like Adam, with a 9 month gestation, she would only have had 1,200 kids, unless she dropped 50-100 kids at a time. Either that or she gave birth immediately after getting screwed by Adam.
How old were Adam and Eve when they were created?
Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old..... seems Adam and Eve wasted a bit of time between kids.... they had a world to populate!
Then you have to take menopause into account. Exactly how many fertile years did Eve have?
Oh and all the while, she was birthing Asians and Africans too?
When did she have time to raise the kids? The poor woman must have been pooped.

Compared to macro-evolution, the Adam and Eve story is completely implausible.

Seems to me Moses and the other contributors to the bible were using Adam and Eve as a metaphor for the entire human race and over time everyone started taking everything literally.

So you think it is illogical that the population of humans were only at 200 million just 2,000 years ago now it's at 8 billion ? so it it went from 8 people to 200 million in 3,000 years.

Explain by those numbers how it is illogical ?
Macro-evolution is illogical.

Simple, parents only reproduce after their kind. Their genetic data only produces what they are. You have to add three magical fornulas for macro- to happen.

1. new and beneficial Genetic information

2. large spans of time

3. natural selection to weed out the bad genes and only preserve the good and beneficial genes. And we have over 4,500 genetic disorders versus very few genetic improvements you can point to.
Here is a great page pointing out all the problems with the big bang theory.

Astrophysics - Answers in Genesis

I stopped reading when the article totally slaughtered the term dark matter.

Your side can't explain it nor does black holes fit in your theory.

O wow i would love to hear how black holes contradict the big bang.

Id love to teach you what a black hole is as well.

Besides, dark matter has nothing to do with the big bang.



"I suspect stars are the source of the MBR"

"reshifted starlight is not proof of the big bang"

"universe is too tightly wound up to be old"

"the universe blew up and the earth formed"

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg


To sum up, in his own words: "nothing blew up and then made a rock and then it rained and poof humans appeared. Isnt that darwinism in a nutshell"

No you fraud, no it is not.

I didn't think you believed in God :lol:

Actually, if you would pay attention ive said over and over that im very open to the concept of a god.

Just not your retarded concept.

Lets actually talk substance though.

The CMB comes from stars? Are you serious? Do you realize how easy it would be to prove that?

Do you realize the history of the CMB contradicts that? When it was discovered they looked for a source, there is no source. It comes from everywhere. If it was coming from stars we would simply point radio telescopes at stars and measure the CMB radiation they emit. They dont.
God did not have to go into complete detail did he ?

Macro-evolution is illogical.

Adaptations logical.

It is illogical to think that Eve could pump out enough kids to bring the world's population to what what it is today in 6,000 years. She would have had to be pregnant her entire life. Assuming she lived to be 900+ years old like Adam, with a 9 month gestation, she would only have had 1,200 kids, unless she dropped 50-100 kids at a time. Either that or she gave birth immediately after getting screwed by Adam.
How old were Adam and Eve when they were created?
Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old..... seems Adam and Eve wasted a bit of time between kids.... they had a world to populate!
Then you have to take menopause into account. Exactly how many fertile years did Eve have?
Oh and all the while, she was birthing Asians and Africans too?
When did she have time to raise the kids? The poor woman must have been pooped.

Compared to macro-evolution, the Adam and Eve story is completely implausible.

Seems to me Moses and the other contributors to the bible were using Adam and Eve as a metaphor for the entire human race and over time everyone started taking everything literally.

So you think it is illogical that the population of humans were only at 200 million just 2,000 years ago now it's at 8 billion ? so it it went from 8 people to 200 million in 3,000 years.

Explain by those numbers how it is illogical ?

its illogical because humanity could not have possibly come from 2 people.

There are at least like 4 distictly different races, caucasians, africans, asians, and hispanics.

How did 2 people come to create 4 races? lol?
Macro-evolution is illogical.

Simple, parents only reproduce after their kind. Their genetic data only produces what they are. You have to add three magical fornulas for macro- to happen.

1. new and beneficial Genetic information

Weve already talked about this. Tell me why DNA Polymerase cannot add an adenine during replication.

2. large spans of time

K so what every piece of evidence says is right?

3. natural selection to weed out the bad genes and only preserve the good and beneficial genes. And we have over 4,500 genetic disorders versus very few genetic improvements you can point to.

HARMFUL GENETIC DISORDERS CANNOT SPREAD THROUGH A GENE POOL. How many times should i explain this to you?

Saying a harmful mutation can spread through a gene pool is like saying people with cerebral palsy are going to over run the world. its idiotic.


Explain to me how beneficial mutations could possibly get removed from a gene pool. Harmful mutations can and do, because those organisms wont reproduce as much. But an organism with a beneficial mutation will reproduce the same way a normal organism does. And that mutation will be passed on like any other piece of DNA, because thats all it is, just another piece of DNA.

So yes, beneficial mutations necessarily build up in a gene pool. Idk how much more i can even say about this.

Your a moron.
If life is only on our planet does that not make our planet unique and special ?

I have no reason to believe life is on other planets.

No but most explosions do not happen without oxygen. Just for the record i don't believe in the Big Bang either just pointing out flaws with your theories.

11-Big Bang or Big Dud?

Again, we dont know if life exists elsewhere or not.

Your claim is that humans are the only life in the entire universe. Theres no way to support this claim.

I would never definitively say that there certainly is life throughout the universe, because theres no way i could support that claim.

"most explosions dont happen without oxygen"

Please learn what the big bang theory is. Its not a physical explosion. Its not like there was a whole bunch of gun powder sitting in space that exploded. Anyone that thinks that is mentally handicapped.

The big bang was not an Explosion: However an explosion is a metaphor for what the big bang was.

Ill be back to refute your video later.

Yes it was certainly explosion by the way it's taught.

Are you still claiming the big bang was a chemical explosion? Wow.

Were gonna have to talk about this. If you cant even understand this simple concept were done.

They try to explain planets that are doing as predicted as being ran into by other objects.

What? There is actually evidence for these things. There is evidence that the moon formed via impact with the earth.

That is their reasoning because they see the the universe expanding.

Exactly right. We see the universe expanding. We see it. We witness it. Its been observed.

Game over, you lose.
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"I suspect stars are the source of the MBR"

"reshifted starlight is not proof of the big bang"

"universe is too tightly wound up to be old"

"the universe blew up and the earth formed"

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg


To sum up, in his own words: "nothing blew up and then made a rock and then it rained and poof humans appeared. Isnt that darwinism in a nutshell"

No you fraud, no it is not.

That is what your side claims it maybe, too straight to the point for you.

No, its a gross distortion of the actual theories.

Thats an explanation you use when your trying to convince someone that your opinion is right.

An honest person might talk about how organic chemicals form naturally and what the big bang, abiogensis, and evolution actually says

So far you think the big bang was a chemical explosion. Wrong

And that abiogenesis says we came from a rock. Wrong.

And that something called a "DNA code barrier" prevents evolution. Wrong.

Wrong wrong wrong....
I stopped reading when the article totally slaughtered the term dark matter.

Your side can't explain it nor does black holes fit in your theory.

O wow i would love to hear how black holes contradict the big bang.

Id love to teach you what a black hole is as well.

Besides, dark matter has nothing to do with the big bang.

Didn't say black holes are a problem for the big bang if that is what i said it was typo. It is however a problenm for evolution.

No black holes have yet been positively identified, and not all astronomers accept their existence. But even if black holes do exist, they give no support to the theory of evolution. Black holes are simply in line with the fact that the universe is decaying. Things do not spontaneously improve and become more orderly, as evolution theory would have people believe. They decay, run down, and lose their orderliness.

This is completely in line with creationist thinking. But it does not lend support to the evolutionary idea that today’s complexity has evolved and become more ordered from the chaos of long ago.

Black Holes in Space Don
It is illogical to think that Eve could pump out enough kids to bring the world's population to what what it is today in 6,000 years. She would have had to be pregnant her entire life. Assuming she lived to be 900+ years old like Adam, with a 9 month gestation, she would only have had 1,200 kids, unless she dropped 50-100 kids at a time. Either that or she gave birth immediately after getting screwed by Adam.
How old were Adam and Eve when they were created?
Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old..... seems Adam and Eve wasted a bit of time between kids.... they had a world to populate!
Then you have to take menopause into account. Exactly how many fertile years did Eve have?
Oh and all the while, she was birthing Asians and Africans too?
When did she have time to raise the kids? The poor woman must have been pooped.

Compared to macro-evolution, the Adam and Eve story is completely implausible.

Seems to me Moses and the other contributors to the bible were using Adam and Eve as a metaphor for the entire human race and over time everyone started taking everything literally.

So you think it is illogical that the population of humans were only at 200 million just 2,000 years ago now it's at 8 billion ? so it it went from 8 people to 200 million in 3,000 years.

Explain by those numbers how it is illogical ?

its illogical because humanity could not have possibly come from 2 people.

There are at least like 4 distictly different races, caucasians, africans, asians, and hispanics.

How did 2 people come to create 4 races? lol?

Yes and there are very little differences in humans just variations.

So you're saying the popoulation can't grow from 8 to 200 million in three thousand years but it can grow from 200 million to 8 billion in two thousand years. :lol:


"I suspect stars are the source of the MBR"

"reshifted starlight is not proof of the big bang"

"universe is too tightly wound up to be old"

"the universe blew up and the earth formed"

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg


To sum up, in his own words: "nothing blew up and then made a rock and then it rained and poof humans appeared. Isnt that darwinism in a nutshell"

No you fraud, no it is not.

I didn't think you believed in God :lol:

Actually, if you would pay attention ive said over and over that im very open to the concept of a god.

Just not your retarded concept.

Lets actually talk substance though.

The CMB comes from stars? Are you serious? Do you realize how easy it would be to prove that?

Do you realize the history of the CMB contradicts that? When it was discovered they looked for a source, there is no source. It comes from everywhere. If it was coming from stars we would simply point radio telescopes at stars and measure the CMB radiation they emit. They dont.

Make your posts clearer please,what do you mean CMB ?

Simple, parents only reproduce after their kind. Their genetic data only produces what they are. You have to add three magical fornulas for macro- to happen.

1. new and beneficial Genetic information

Weve already talked about this. Tell me why DNA Polymerase cannot add an adenine during replication.

2. large spans of time

K so what every piece of evidence says is right?

3. natural selection to weed out the bad genes and only preserve the good and beneficial genes. And we have over 4,500 genetic disorders versus very few genetic improvements you can point to.

HARMFUL GENETIC DISORDERS CANNOT SPREAD THROUGH A GENE POOL. How many times should i explain this to you?

Saying a harmful mutation can spread through a gene pool is like saying people with cerebral palsy are going to over run the world. its idiotic.


Explain to me how beneficial mutations could possibly get removed from a gene pool. Harmful mutations can and do, because those organisms wont reproduce as much. But an organism with a beneficial mutation will reproduce the same way a normal organism does. And that mutation will be passed on like any other piece of DNA, because thats all it is, just another piece of DNA.

So yes, beneficial mutations necessarily build up in a gene pool. Idk how much more i can even say about this.

Your a moron.

You're missing the obvious point can you have a give and take without resorting to insults ?

The reality is that we can point to mutations causing more harm then good that is why there are so many more genetic disorders then benefits from mutations you can point to.

The obvious point is no mutations can take over a gene pool. :lol:
Your side can't explain it nor does black holes fit in your theory.

O wow i would love to hear how black holes contradict the big bang.

Id love to teach you what a black hole is as well.

Besides, dark matter has nothing to do with the big bang.

Didn't say black holes are a problem for the big bang if that is what i said it was typo. It is however a problenm for evolution.

No black holes have yet been positively identified, and not all astronomers accept their existence. But even if black holes do exist, they give no support to the theory of evolution. Black holes are simply in line with the fact that the universe is decaying. Things do not spontaneously improve and become more orderly, as evolution theory would have people believe. They decay, run down, and lose their orderliness.

This is completely in line with creationist thinking. But it does not lend support to the evolutionary idea that today’s complexity has evolved and become more ordered from the chaos of long ago.

Black Holes in Space Don

Well its actually completely in line with scientific thinking as well. Just because stars "decay", doesnt mean everything does at every moment. Stars are, by and large, closed systems. So entropy applies to it, but not to life.

No black hole has ever been positively identified?


Are you fucking stupid?

Newly Discovered Black Holes Are Largest So Far : NPR

Are you really that fucking stupid?
Macro-evolution is illogical.

Simple, parents only reproduce after their kind.

Their genetic data only produces what they are.
The offspring is genetically DIFFERENT than either of its parents.

You have to add three magical fornulas for macro- to happen.

1. new and beneficial Genetic information

2. large spans of time

3. natural selection to weed out the bad genes and only preserve the good and beneficial genes.
All three have been demonstrated, and none of them are magical--unlike every single bit of your creation story.

And we have over 4,500 genetic disorders versus very few genetic improvements you can point to.
Very few? Every single allele that is not a "genetic disorder" accounts as "very few" in your calculus?

Your candor regarding your denial of reality is reassuring.
Again, we dont know if life exists elsewhere or not.

Your claim is that humans are the only life in the entire universe. Theres no way to support this claim.

I would never definitively say that there certainly is life throughout the universe, because theres no way i could support that claim.

"most explosions dont happen without oxygen"

Please learn what the big bang theory is. Its not a physical explosion. Its not like there was a whole bunch of gun powder sitting in space that exploded. Anyone that thinks that is mentally handicapped.

The big bang was not an Explosion: However an explosion is a metaphor for what the big bang was.

Ill be back to refute your video later.

Yes it was certainly explosion by the way it's taught.

Are you still claiming the big bang was a chemical explosion? Wow.

Were gonna have to talk about this. If you cant even understand this simple concept were done.

They try to explain planets that are doing as predicted as being ran into by other objects.

What? There is actually evidence for these things. There is evidence that the moon formed via impact with the earth.

That is their reasoning because they see the the universe expanding.

Exactly right. We see the universe expanding. We see it. We witness it. Its been observed.

Game over, you lose.

ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun 1. big bang theory - (cosmology) the theory that the universe originated sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at extremely high density and temperature

No God is causing the exspansion.

Psa 104:2 covering Yourself with light as with a robe; and stretching out the heavens like a curtain;

You are so wrong.
The obvious point is no mutations can take over a gene pool. :lol:

Any mutation, bad or good, is passed along just like any other gene during reproduction.

The extent to which it dominates a gene pool is determined by the role that the mutation has on survival.

This is the difference between mendelian and darwinian genetics.

A beneficial mutation, or a neutral mutation, flow through the gene pool just like every other normal gene does.

When your looking at just reproduction between two indiviuals, as opposed to the population as a whole, even bad mutations are passed on like any other gene.

Do you get it now?
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