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Who said that gravity and the atmosphere have a purpose? Are you on acid?

Only someone that denies design can't see the truth they were intended. meaning they were designed let's see where we would be without them. This also shows Cbirch 's example earlier concerning what the earths enviornment was like 4 or 5 billion years ago as nonsense.


1. Breathing comes naturally but without the atmosphere we would all die because we couldn't breathe. It holds oxygen in.

2. It protects all living things on our planet from dangerous radiation from the sun.

3. It also keeps us from freezing to death.

4. It also gives us storms which is needed for survival.

5. It protects us from objects coming towards our planet from outer space.

6. It's needed for plant life.

7. It makes flight possible,an airplane could not get off the ground without it,neither could a bee or bird.

8. It also allows us to talk to one another. it controls sound waves.

Gravity holds us firmly to the ground and keeps our planet circling the sun. It keeps our planet in a spherical shape preventing our atmoshere from escaping into space.

So you think they didn't have a purpose ?
:lol::lol::lol::lol:the Earth is a bit wider than it is "high". The shape is often called a geoid (Earth-like) or an ellipsoid. The rotation of the Earth causes a slight bulge toward the equator. The circumference of the Earth at the equator (24,901.55) is about 41 miles greater than the circumference through the poles (24,859.82 miles. If you were standing on the moon, looking at the Earth, it would be virtually impossible to see the bulge and the Earth would appear to be a perfect sphere.
The mathematical name for the shape of the earth is an 'Oblate spheroid'.

Read more: Is the earth a perfect sphere
Because its the only one that contains life and can sustain life dummy. You should be able to reason that out for yourself,but no you couldn't do that either.

Ah, this again.

What you should be saying is that the Earth is the only planet that we know of that contains life. Unless you are also claiming that the universe is actually far, far smaller than our observations would lead us to think, there are enormous numbers of planets that we have little or no data on. Even those planets we have observed we have almost no close observational data to use. With the numbers of stars we can see, and the possibility of planets orbiting those stars, your declarations that our planet is the only one with life and the only one able to sustain life are not only nothing but speculation, they are speculation based on no evidence.

I feel confident that everyone on here is willing to concede that life has not been found on other planets. That is not in contention. However, our not having discovered life on other planets in no way indicates such life does not or cannot exist. Even if you go under the assumption that god created the universe and all life, it seems pretty arrogant to say that god would create this vast universe, fill it with so many other stars and planets, but only put life on this one planet.

On multiple occasions now you have made statements that not only have we not discovered life anywhere but on Earth, you have said there is no life other than on Earth and there cannot be. You have (obviously) provided no observable evidence of this and, so far as I recall, have not even provided any scriptural evidence. It seems to be something you have made up entirely on your own in an attempt to bolster your arguments.
Neither do you but you do because your mind is not open to the truth.

Dude I'm just not going to be convinced by someone that continually shows they have no knowledge of anything intelligent, at all. As you'll see shortly....

"The atmosphere keeps the oxygen in"

Please stop hypothesizing. You remind me of Newt Gingrich, the idea man! Yea, only if you accept retarded ideas....

Wtf does, the atmosphere keeps the oxygen in, even mean? If you want to get technical, gravity keeps the oxygen in.

The reason oxygen would not have existed in the early environment is because it readily reacts with the chemicals arounds it, like iron, and any in the atmosphere would have quickly been bound to other chemicals like iron. Eventually these chemicals become saturated with oxygen, because early anaerobic organisms were oxygenating the atmosphere by producing oxygen as a by product of their metabolism, and the excess oxygen then starts to accumulate in the atmosphere.

It has nothing to do with "the atmosphere keeping the oxygen in". Thats just a strange statement.

Lol it took intelligence to perform the experiment? Thats your argument?

So if those organic compounds came together by chance in a reducing environment, the same thing wouldn't happen? They only got that result because a person poured the chemicals together, essentially?

I don't see any miracles because i understand how it works. You really think that a planet and a star are a miracle? They are the only possible outcome of gravity. There are 708 known planets outside of out solar system, orbiting other stars; and thousands more pending. Wow, whole lot of miracles.

We see stars being created, it happens just like we think. Its just gravity pulling a star together. Are we witnessing miracles?

Ill admit that gravity may be a result of god, but god did not create the sun as it is now; the sun formed like every other star we see. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot.

Some very good things come from science but theories built on wild imagination are not the good things that come from science,that comes from Ideologues and ones who spread these messages are Idelogues.

They aren't built on imagination you fool. Just because you can't follow deductive reasoning and don't understand chemistry, doesn't mean they're imaginary. I means your a thick skulled fool.

so are you suggesting life began with these organisms :lol: you really are way out there and don't have a clue about reality.

I wanna know where Cain got his wife. When I google it, everyone says it was his sister. That's just gross. The gene pool sure didn't grow by having sex with your siblings.
Dude I'm just not going to be convinced by someone that continually shows they have no knowledge of anything intelligent, at all. As you'll see shortly....

"The atmosphere keeps the oxygen in"

Please stop hypothesizing. You remind me of Newt Gingrich, the idea man! Yea, only if you accept retarded ideas....

Wtf does, the atmosphere keeps the oxygen in, even mean? If you want to get technical, gravity keeps the oxygen in.

The reason oxygen would not have existed in the early environment is because it readily reacts with the chemicals arounds it, like iron, and any in the atmosphere would have quickly been bound to other chemicals like iron. Eventually these chemicals become saturated with oxygen, because early anaerobic organisms were oxygenating the atmosphere by producing oxygen as a by product of their metabolism, and the excess oxygen then starts to accumulate in the atmosphere.

It has nothing to do with "the atmosphere keeping the oxygen in". Thats just a strange statement.

Lol it took intelligence to perform the experiment? Thats your argument?

So if those organic compounds came together by chance in a reducing environment, the same thing wouldn't happen? They only got that result because a person poured the chemicals together, essentially?

I don't see any miracles because i understand how it works. You really think that a planet and a star are a miracle? They are the only possible outcome of gravity. There are 708 known planets outside of out solar system, orbiting other stars; and thousands more pending. Wow, whole lot of miracles.

We see stars being created, it happens just like we think. Its just gravity pulling a star together. Are we witnessing miracles?

Ill admit that gravity may be a result of god, but god did not create the sun as it is now; the sun formed like every other star we see. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot.

They aren't built on imagination you fool. Just because you can't follow deductive reasoning and don't understand chemistry, doesn't mean they're imaginary. I means your a thick skulled fool.

so are you suggesting life began with these organisms :lol: you really are way out there and don't have a clue about reality.

I wanna know where Cain got his wife. When I google it, everyone says it was his sister. That's just gross. The gene pool sure didn't grow by having sex with your siblings.

Dude I'm just not going to be convinced by someone that continually shows they have no knowledge of anything intelligent, at all. As you'll see shortly....

"The atmosphere keeps the oxygen in"

Please stop hypothesizing. You remind me of Newt Gingrich, the idea man! Yea, only if you accept retarded ideas....

Wtf does, the atmosphere keeps the oxygen in, even mean? If you want to get technical, gravity keeps the oxygen in.

The reason oxygen would not have existed in the early environment is because it readily reacts with the chemicals arounds it, like iron, and any in the atmosphere would have quickly been bound to other chemicals like iron. Eventually these chemicals become saturated with oxygen, because early anaerobic organisms were oxygenating the atmosphere by producing oxygen as a by product of their metabolism, and the excess oxygen then starts to accumulate in the atmosphere.

It has nothing to do with "the atmosphere keeping the oxygen in". Thats just a strange statement.

Lol it took intelligence to perform the experiment? Thats your argument?

So if those organic compounds came together by chance in a reducing environment, the same thing wouldn't happen? They only got that result because a person poured the chemicals together, essentially?

I don't see any miracles because i understand how it works. You really think that a planet and a star are a miracle? They are the only possible outcome of gravity. There are 708 known planets outside of out solar system, orbiting other stars; and thousands more pending. Wow, whole lot of miracles.

We see stars being created, it happens just like we think. Its just gravity pulling a star together. Are we witnessing miracles?

Ill admit that gravity may be a result of god, but god did not create the sun as it is now; the sun formed like every other star we see. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot.

They aren't built on imagination you fool. Just because you can't follow deductive reasoning and don't understand chemistry, doesn't mean they're imaginary. I means your a thick skulled fool.

so are you suggesting life began with these organisms :lol: you really are way out there and don't have a clue about reality.

I wanna know where Cain got his wife. When I google it, everyone says it was his sister. That's just gross. The gene pool sure didn't grow by having sex with your siblings.

I believe the land of nod, the reason it is wrong is you have better chance of passing on defective genes. At the time his either was his sister or there were humans in the land of nod to grow the human population. The bible don't go into detail. But at that time their bodies were much closer to perfection so less chance ofbad genes existing. But I can't for sure because the bible don't go into detail. But either way if we all originated from one life form you would be a product of inbreeding ,still grose ? We know all humans were from one set of human parents.
That's it after how bad the last post was I'm done trying to do this on my phone. Have a nice everyone and you to Cbirch.
I just want to make sure you realize the logical fallacy of your "life only exists on earth" argument.

We cannot observe any other planet close enough to come to that conclusion.

So the only factual conclusion to come to at this point is that we dont know if life exists elsewhere. To say it doesnt is wishful thinking, just like when europeans thought the earth was flat.

But what we can say is that planets are very common, and that planets within a stars habitable zone are common as well.

You can claim life is special, but you cannot claim the earth is special. And in my mind if earth isnt special, that would seem to indicate life isnt special either. But others may not see it that way.

You don't realize you don't have an argument until life is found somewhere other then our planet.

I dont have a definitive argument that life does exist, just like you dont have an argument that it doesnt.

But i do have an argument that plenty of earth like planets exist.

What you don't realize is the only evidence you presented was from the miller and urwy experiment.

What about the nucleotides we find in meteors?

That is only based in truth if there was no free oxygen.

So your whole argument is based on the fact that there was free oxygen? Evidence please? I have evidence for my position, oxidized iron deposits.

Whats your evidence?

You font even realize there would have been no big bang without oxygen.

Um the big bang has nothing at all to do with oxygen. Not a single thing. learn science. The BB claims oxygen atoms did not exist anywhere at all in vast quantities for long after the big bang. Dont bring up the big bang theory to me, because i will teach you things you'll never even understand.

Wanna talk about the existence of the CMB and the big bang theorys perfect prediction of its temperature?

It is laughable that you believe you taught me what an atom was and about mutations.

Lol you think the big bang had to do with oxygen. Evidently you think it was a chemical explosion.

Ill add this to the things i had to teach you, along with atoms and mutations.

Wake up dreamer the point is if mutations cause change we know most change from mutations result in q loss of information and in harming the organism.

Which dont dominate the gene pool...

Do you understand the significance of the frequency of alleles in a population? Do you understand the difference between mendelian genetics and darwinian genetics even in the slightest bit?

You are are blatantly lying to suggest otherwise.


Do you remember me presenting the argument as to why beneficial mutations do not accumulate in the gene pool like you claim.

You have presented no such evidence. How do beneficial mutations simple leave the gene pool. It is passed along just like any other gene. Saying a beneficial mutation would leave a gene pool is like saying the genes to make a kidney would leave a gene pool. It doesnt make sense to anyone that knows anything.


It's a lie and its been shown how rare these beneficial mutations are

No, it hasnt. Theyre actually fairly common.

and I can point to over 4,500 genetic disorders and disease that is the result of mutations.

Are you suggesting that cerebral palsy will dominate the human gene pool? If not then your argument is totally useless.

So please stop lying.

Im not sure what ive lied about so far.

So where were you educated again and what degree do you hold? I was forthcoming about my background.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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so are you suggesting life began with these organisms :lol: you really are way out there and don't have a clue about reality.

I wanna know where Cain got his wife. When I google it, everyone says it was his sister. That's just gross. The gene pool sure didn't grow by having sex with your siblings.

I believe the land of nod, the reason it is wrong is you have better chance of passing on defective genes. At the time his either was his sister or there were humans in the land of nod to grow the human population. The bible don't go into detail. But at that time their bodies were much closer to perfection so less chance ofbad genes existing. But I can't for sure because the bible don't go into detail. But either way if we all originated from one life form you would be a product of inbreeding ,still grose ? We know all humans were from one set of human parents.

The bible doesn't go into detail because there is no plausible answer, religiously speaking. Scientifically, evolution is logical.
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Again, since i was originally supposed to be a physics major, heres a quick big bang lesson.

Atoms did not exist at the moment of the big bang, or so the theory says. In technical terms: Only after the energy density decreases beyond a certain point, and electroweak symmetry breaks, do you have the formation of particles with mass like quarks, gluons, and leptons (electrons and such). As the universe then cools gluons bind quarks together into hadrons like protons and neutrons. As it then cools even further, electrons and protons have radiated away enough energy so that they can electromagnetically bind together into a hydrogen atom. For a while you just have hydrogen and helium. Eventually those clouds of hydrogen and helium coalesce via gravity. As gravity tries to collapse the massive object, the atoms repel each other and star heats up. Eventually the gravity forces nuclear fusion between hydrogen atoms, forming helium atoms and gamma radiation. Once the hydrogen is exhausted gravity begins to collapse the star further, and it then starts to fuse helium to create things like oxygen and carbon.

According to the big bang theory, oxygen would not exist in any useful quantity prior to the first generation of stars.


I left out the period of inflation, because i didnt think you would understand the concept of successive symmetries breaking between the 4 fundamental forces.
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I just want to make sure you realize the logical fallacy of your "life only exists on earth" argument.

We cannot observe any other planet close enough to come to that conclusion.

So the only factual conclusion to come to at this point is that we dont know if life exists elsewhere. To say it doesnt is wishful thinking, just like when europeans thought the earth was flat.

But what we can say is that planets are very common, and that planets within a stars habitable zone are common as well.

You can claim life is special, but you cannot claim the earth is special. And in my mind if earth isnt special, that would seem to indicate life isnt special either. But others may not see it that way.

You don't realize you don't have an argument until life is found somewhere other then our planet.

I dont have a definitive argument that life does exist, just like you dont have an argument that it doesnt.

But i do have an argument that plenty of earth like planets exist.

What about the nucleotides we find in meteors?

So your whole argument is based on the fact that there was free oxygen? Evidence please? I have evidence for my position, oxidized iron deposits.

Whats your evidence?

Um the big bang has nothing at all to do with oxygen. Not a single thing. learn science. The BB claims oxygen atoms did not exist anywhere at all in vast quantities for long after the big bang. Dont bring up the big bang theory to me, because i will teach you things you'll never even understand.

Wanna talk about the existence of the CMB and the big bang theorys perfect prediction of its temperature?

Lol you think the big bang had to do with oxygen. Evidently you think it was a chemical explosion.

Ill add this to the things i had to teach you, along with atoms and mutations.

Which dont dominate the gene pool...

Do you understand the significance of the frequency of alleles in a population? Do you understand the difference between mendelian genetics and darwinian genetics even in the slightest bit?


You have presented no such evidence. How do beneficial mutations simple leave the gene pool. It is passed along just like any other gene. Saying a beneficial mutation would leave a gene pool is like saying the genes to make a kidney would leave a gene pool. It doesnt make sense to anyone that knows anything.


No, it hasnt. Theyre actually fairly common.

Are you suggesting that cerebral palsy will dominate the human gene pool? If not then your argument is totally useless.

So please stop lying.

Im not sure what ive lied about so far.

So where were you educated again and what degree do you hold? I was forthcoming about my background.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

If life is only on our planet does that not make our planet unique and special ?

I have no reason to believe life is on other planets.

No but most explosions do not happen without oxygen. Just for the record i don't believe in the Big Bang either just pointing out flaws with your theories.

11-Big Bang or Big Dud?
I wanna know where Cain got his wife. When I google it, everyone says it was his sister. That's just gross. The gene pool sure didn't grow by having sex with your siblings.

I believe the land of nod, the reason it is wrong is you have better chance of passing on defective genes. At the time his either was his sister or there were humans in the land of nod to grow the human population. The bible don't go into detail. But at that time their bodies were much closer to perfection so less chance ofbad genes existing. But I can't for sure because the bible don't go into detail. But either way if we all originated from one life form you would be a product of inbreeding ,still grose ? We know all humans were from one set of human parents.

The bible doesn't go into detail because there is no plausible answer, religiously speaking. Scientifically, evolution is logical.

God did not have to go into complete detail did he ?

Macro-evolution is illogical.

Adaptations logical.
Again, since i was originally supposed to be a physics major, heres a quick big bang lesson.

Atoms did not exist at the moment of the big bang, or so the theory says. In technical terms: Only after the energy density decreases beyond a certain point, and electroweak symmetry breaks, do you have the formation of particles with mass like quarks, gluons, and leptons (electrons and such). As the universe then cools gluons bind quarks together into hadrons like protons and neutrons. As it then cools even further, electrons and protons have radiated away enough energy so that they can electromagnetically bind together into a hydrogen atom. For a while you just have hydrogen and helium. Eventually those clouds of hydrogen and helium coalesce via gravity. As gravity tries to collapse the massive object, the atoms repel each other and star heats up. Eventually the gravity forces nuclear fusion between hydrogen atoms, forming helium atoms and gamma radiation. Once the hydrogen is exhausted gravity begins to collapse the star further, and it then starts to fuse helium to create things like oxygen and carbon.

According to the big bang theory, oxygen would not exist in any useful quantity prior to the first generation of stars.


I left out the period of inflation, because i didnt think you would understand the concept of successive symmetries breaking between the 4 fundamental forces.

Yeah nothing existed, than nothing blew up.

11-Big Bang or Big Dud?
Again, since i was originally supposed to be a physics major, heres a quick big bang lesson.

Atoms did not exist at the moment of the big bang, or so the theory says. In technical terms: Only after the energy density decreases beyond a certain point, and electroweak symmetry breaks, do you have the formation of particles with mass like quarks, gluons, and leptons (electrons and such). As the universe then cools gluons bind quarks together into hadrons like protons and neutrons. As it then cools even further, electrons and protons have radiated away enough energy so that they can electromagnetically bind together into a hydrogen atom. For a while you just have hydrogen and helium. Eventually those clouds of hydrogen and helium coalesce via gravity. As gravity tries to collapse the massive object, the atoms repel each other and star heats up. Eventually the gravity forces nuclear fusion between hydrogen atoms, forming helium atoms and gamma radiation. Once the hydrogen is exhausted gravity begins to collapse the star further, and it then starts to fuse helium to create things like oxygen and carbon.

According to the big bang theory, oxygen would not exist in any useful quantity prior to the first generation of stars.


I left out the period of inflation, because i didnt think you would understand the concept of successive symmetries breaking between the 4 fundamental forces.

Chapter 10: Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible?

by Dr. Jason Lisle on

April 15, 2010



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The “big bang” is a story about how the universe came into existence. It proposes that billions of years ago the universe began in a tiny, infinitely hot and dense point called a singularity. This singularity supposedly contained not only all the mass and energy that would become everything we see today, but also “space” itself. According to the story, the singularity rapidly expanded, spreading out the energy and space.

It is supposed that over vast periods of time, the energy from the big bang cooled down as the universe expanded. Some of it turned into matter—hydrogen and helium gas. These gases collapsed to form stars and galaxies of stars. Some of the stars created the heavier elements in their core and then exploded, distributing these elements into space. Some of the heavier elements allegedly began to stick together and formed the earth and other planets.

Rest of article.

Chapter 10: Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible? - Answers in Genesis
You don't realize you don't have an argument until life is found somewhere other then our planet.

I dont have a definitive argument that life does exist, just like you dont have an argument that it doesnt.

But i do have an argument that plenty of earth like planets exist.

What about the nucleotides we find in meteors?

So your whole argument is based on the fact that there was free oxygen? Evidence please? I have evidence for my position, oxidized iron deposits.

Whats your evidence?

Um the big bang has nothing at all to do with oxygen. Not a single thing. learn science. The BB claims oxygen atoms did not exist anywhere at all in vast quantities for long after the big bang. Dont bring up the big bang theory to me, because i will teach you things you'll never even understand.

Wanna talk about the existence of the CMB and the big bang theorys perfect prediction of its temperature?

Lol you think the big bang had to do with oxygen. Evidently you think it was a chemical explosion.

Ill add this to the things i had to teach you, along with atoms and mutations.

Which dont dominate the gene pool...

Do you understand the significance of the frequency of alleles in a population? Do you understand the difference between mendelian genetics and darwinian genetics even in the slightest bit?


You have presented no such evidence. How do beneficial mutations simple leave the gene pool. It is passed along just like any other gene. Saying a beneficial mutation would leave a gene pool is like saying the genes to make a kidney would leave a gene pool. It doesnt make sense to anyone that knows anything.


No, it hasnt. Theyre actually fairly common.

Are you suggesting that cerebral palsy will dominate the human gene pool? If not then your argument is totally useless.

Im not sure what ive lied about so far.

So where were you educated again and what degree do you hold? I was forthcoming about my background.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

If life is only on our planet does that not make our planet unique and special ?

I have no reason to believe life is on other planets.

No but most explosions do not happen without oxygen. Just for the record i don't believe in the Big Bang either just pointing out flaws with your theories.

11-Big Bang or Big Dud?

Again, we dont know if life exists elsewhere or not.

Your claim is that humans are the only life in the entire universe. Theres no way to support this claim.

I would never definitively say that there certainly is life throughout the universe, because theres no way i could support that claim.

"most explosions dont happen without oxygen"

Please learn what the big bang theory is. Its not a physical explosion. Its not like there was a whole bunch of gun powder sitting in space that exploded. Anyone that thinks that is mentally handicapped.

The big bang was not an Explosion: However an explosion is a metaphor for what the big bang was.

Ill be back to refute your video later.
Again, since i was originally supposed to be a physics major, heres a quick big bang lesson.

Atoms did not exist at the moment of the big bang, or so the theory says. In technical terms: Only after the energy density decreases beyond a certain point, and electroweak symmetry breaks, do you have the formation of particles with mass like quarks, gluons, and leptons (electrons and such). As the universe then cools gluons bind quarks together into hadrons like protons and neutrons. As it then cools even further, electrons and protons have radiated away enough energy so that they can electromagnetically bind together into a hydrogen atom. For a while you just have hydrogen and helium. Eventually those clouds of hydrogen and helium coalesce via gravity. As gravity tries to collapse the massive object, the atoms repel each other and star heats up. Eventually the gravity forces nuclear fusion between hydrogen atoms, forming helium atoms and gamma radiation. Once the hydrogen is exhausted gravity begins to collapse the star further, and it then starts to fuse helium to create things like oxygen and carbon.

According to the big bang theory, oxygen would not exist in any useful quantity prior to the first generation of stars.


I left out the period of inflation, because i didnt think you would understand the concept of successive symmetries breaking between the 4 fundamental forces.

Chapter 10: Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible?

by Dr. Jason Lisle on

April 15, 2010



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The “big bang” is a story about how the universe came into existence. It proposes that billions of years ago the universe began in a tiny, infinitely hot and dense point called a singularity. This singularity supposedly contained not only all the mass and energy that would become everything we see today, but also “space” itself. According to the story, the singularity rapidly expanded, spreading out the energy and space.

It is supposed that over vast periods of time, the energy from the big bang cooled down as the universe expanded. Some of it turned into matter—hydrogen and helium gas. These gases collapsed to form stars and galaxies of stars. Some of the stars created the heavier elements in their core and then exploded, distributing these elements into space. Some of the heavier elements allegedly began to stick together and formed the earth and other planets.

Rest of article.

Chapter 10: Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible? - Answers in Genesis

Congrats on a very basic understanding.

I like that you got the point about space itself expanding. Very good...



"I suspect stars are the source of the MBR"

"reshifted starlight is not proof of the big bang"

"universe is too tightly wound up to be old"

"the universe blew up and the earth formed"

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg are you serious?

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg


To sum up, in his own words: "nothing blew up and then made a rock and then it rained and poof humans appeared. Isnt that darwinism in a nutshell"

No you fraud, no it is not.
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I believe the land of nod, the reason it is wrong is you have better chance of passing on defective genes. At the time his either was his sister or there were humans in the land of nod to grow the human population. The bible don't go into detail. But at that time their bodies were much closer to perfection so less chance ofbad genes existing. But I can't for sure because the bible don't go into detail. But either way if we all originated from one life form you would be a product of inbreeding ,still grose ? We know all humans were from one set of human parents.

The bible doesn't go into detail because there is no plausible answer, religiously speaking. Scientifically, evolution is logical.

God did not have to go into complete detail did he ?

Macro-evolution is illogical.

Adaptations logical.

It is illogical to think that Eve could pump out enough kids to bring the world's population to what what it is today in 6,000 years. She would have had to be pregnant her entire life. Assuming she lived to be 900+ years old like Adam, with a 9 month gestation, she would only have had 1,200 kids, unless she dropped 50-100 kids at a time. Either that or she gave birth immediately after getting screwed by Adam.
How old were Adam and Eve when they were created?
Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old..... seems Adam and Eve wasted a bit of time between kids.... they had a world to populate!
Then you have to take menopause into account. Exactly how many fertile years did Eve have?
Oh and all the while, she was birthing Asians and Africans too?
When did she have time to raise the kids? The poor woman must have been pooped.

Compared to macro-evolution, the Adam and Eve story is completely implausible.

Seems to me Moses and the other contributors to the bible were using Adam and Eve as a metaphor for the entire human race and over time everyone started taking everything literally.
I dont have a definitive argument that life does exist, just like you dont have an argument that it doesnt.

But i do have an argument that plenty of earth like planets exist.

What about the nucleotides we find in meteors?

So your whole argument is based on the fact that there was free oxygen? Evidence please? I have evidence for my position, oxidized iron deposits.

Whats your evidence?

Um the big bang has nothing at all to do with oxygen. Not a single thing. learn science. The BB claims oxygen atoms did not exist anywhere at all in vast quantities for long after the big bang. Dont bring up the big bang theory to me, because i will teach you things you'll never even understand.

Wanna talk about the existence of the CMB and the big bang theorys perfect prediction of its temperature?

Lol you think the big bang had to do with oxygen. Evidently you think it was a chemical explosion.

Ill add this to the things i had to teach you, along with atoms and mutations.

Which dont dominate the gene pool...

Do you understand the significance of the frequency of alleles in a population? Do you understand the difference between mendelian genetics and darwinian genetics even in the slightest bit?


You have presented no such evidence. How do beneficial mutations simple leave the gene pool. It is passed along just like any other gene. Saying a beneficial mutation would leave a gene pool is like saying the genes to make a kidney would leave a gene pool. It doesnt make sense to anyone that knows anything.


No, it hasnt. Theyre actually fairly common.

Are you suggesting that cerebral palsy will dominate the human gene pool? If not then your argument is totally useless.

Im not sure what ive lied about so far.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

If life is only on our planet does that not make our planet unique and special ?

I have no reason to believe life is on other planets.

No but most explosions do not happen without oxygen. Just for the record i don't believe in the Big Bang either just pointing out flaws with your theories.

11-Big Bang or Big Dud?

Again, we dont know if life exists elsewhere or not.

Your claim is that humans are the only life in the entire universe. Theres no way to support this claim.

I would never definitively say that there certainly is life throughout the universe, because theres no way i could support that claim.

"most explosions dont happen without oxygen"

Please learn what the big bang theory is. Its not a physical explosion. Its not like there was a whole bunch of gun powder sitting in space that exploded. Anyone that thinks that is mentally handicapped.

The big bang was not an Explosion: However an explosion is a metaphor for what the big bang was.

Ill be back to refute your video later.

Yes it was certainly explosion by the way it's taught.

They try to explain planets that are doing as predicted as being ran into by other objects.

That is their reasoning because they see the the universe expanding.
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