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A supernatural being that is all knowing and all powerful,the creator of everything we see,and don't see.
Valid logic applied to verifiable evidence says there's no reason to assert the existence of such a thing. Until you overcome that, repeating this assertion is just meaningless.

So really, what is this "God" thing you keep referencing? Until you provide a sensible, logically valid explanation of what this "God" thing you keep referencing to is, your repeated referencing of "God" is just meaningless.

You have done LITERALLY NOTHING to demonstrate or explain the existence, let alone the "intelligence," of this "God" thing of yours. You continue to affirm (ad nauseam) that solely by the virtue of simply imagining this "God" thing of yours--and all of its attributes, abilities, and deeds--and simply believing they are all real, you have valid reasons to assert all of it as valid facts of reality.

If asserting the existence of this "God" of yours is valid in reality, why is it that you simply cannot put together verifiable evidence AND valid logic to validate your assertion?

What's up with that?

Hey you don't have to believe in the creator many won't and that is precisely why the world is in the condition it is in.
And you refuse to do ANYTHING to remedy this "condition." You have done LITERALLY NOTHING to demonstrate or explain the existence, let alone the "intelligence," of this "God" thing of yours. You continue to affirm (ad nauseam) that solely by the virtue of simply imagining this "God" thing of yours--and all of its attributes, abilities, and deeds--and simply believing they are all real, you have valid reasons to assert all of it as valid facts of reality.

What's up with that?

It occurs to me that centuries of trying to appease the remorseless vanity and/or satisfy the bloodthirsty malevolence of imaginary "Designers", "Creators", "Gods", etc. ... , is the primary rationalization superstitious retards like you have and continue to use, to inflict widespread misery upon humanity.

Just trying to help you out but some people can't be helped.
If this is true, and the existence of this "God" of yours is valid in reality, why is it that you simply refuse to put together verifiable evidence AND valid logic to validate the existence of this "God" of yours?

What's up with that, Mr. Helpful?

Many will taste humility.
If there is in fact of reality an all-powerful "Creator" worthy of of the love and devotion of decent human beings, then those possessed of the sanctimonious hubris of faith will be obligated to far more than a "taste" of humility.
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Who said that gravity and the atmosphere have a purpose? Are you on acid?

Only someone that denies design can't see the truth they were intended. meaning they were designed let's see where we would be without them. This also shows Cbirch 's example earlier concerning what the earths enviornment was like 4 or 5 billion years ago as nonsense.


1. Breathing comes naturally but without the atmosphere we would all die because we couldn't breathe. It holds oxygen in.

2. It protects all living things on our planet from dangerous radiation from the sun.

3. It also keeps us from freezing to death.

4. It also gives us storms which is needed for survival.

5. It protects us from objects coming towards our planet from outer space.

6. It's needed for plant life.

7. It makes flight possible,an airplane could not get off the ground without it,neither could a bee or bird.

8. It also allows us to talk to one another. it controls sound waves.

Gravity holds us firmly to the ground and keeps our planet circling the sun. It keeps our planet in a spherical shape preventing our atmoshere from escaping into space.

So you think they didn't have a purpose ?
Oh and don't forget nothing could survive on our planet without gravity we would all spin right off this planet without it. Take a piece of kite string and tie a washer on the the end of the string. Take the other end of the string and hold it on top of your head with your index finger and spin around in a circle as fast as you can and look at what the ring is doing. Well without gravity that is what would be happening to everything on this planet but we would not have a string to keep us from getting launched off this planet.
Life has evolved and adapted to the atmospheric and gravitational conditions on this planet, so obviously if those conditions were severely altered life would be in trouble because it is best adapted to the current conditions. As those conditions continue to change gradually, life on this planet will gradually adapt and evolve to those changing conditions. You seem to think that the conditions were adapted to fit life on this planet, when it's so obviously the other way around. Fish have gills and are really good at swimming because they adapted to aquatic conditions, the aquatic conditions did not adapt to suit the needs of the fish.
Life has evolved and adapted to the atmospheric and gravitational conditions on this planet, so obviously if those conditions were severely altered life would be in trouble because it is best adapted to the current conditions. As those conditions continue to change gradually, life on this planet will gradually adapt and evolve to those changing conditions. You seem to think that the conditions were adapted to fit life on this planet, when it's so obviously the other way around. Fish have gills and are really good at swimming because they adapted to aquatic conditions, the aquatic conditions did not adapt to suit the needs of the fish.

No you are not getting it. If we did not have them there would be no life and life couldn't start without these conditions. There are no other planets we know of like this one and that is the reason we see no life out there. You can say there so many planets how do you know ? Well as we know for now there is no life out there . There won't be either without the conditions of this planet. This is obvious evidence of a creator. To believe as your aide does I would have to try and stop reasoning from the evidence. If you missed it earlier I was asking where would amino acids come from the building blocks of life come from when the environment woe destroy them before they could become life. You add this up with the probability video I posted yesterday,not a very good chance for life developing without a designer.
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Life has evolved and adapted to the atmospheric and gravitational conditions on this planet, so obviously if those conditions were severely altered life would be in trouble because it is best adapted to the current conditions. As those conditions continue to change gradually, life on this planet will gradually adapt and evolve to those changing conditions. You seem to think that the conditions were adapted to fit life on this planet, when it's so obviously the other way around. Fish have gills and are really good at swimming because they adapted to aquatic conditions, the aquatic conditions did not adapt to suit the needs of the fish.

No you are not getting it. If we did not have them there would be no life and life couldn't start without these condirions. There are no other planets we know of like this and that is the reason we see no life out there. You can say there so many planets how do you know ? Well as we know for now there is no life out there . There won't be either without the conditions of this planet. This is obvious evidence of a creator. To believe as your aide does I would have to try and stop reasoning from the evidence. If you missed it earlier I was asking where would amino acids come from the building blocks of life come from when the environment woe destroy them before they could become life. You add this up with the probability video I posted yesterday,not a very good chance for life developing without a designer.

So you're saying that the all powerful creator of the universe, when creating life, is bound by the current conditions on this planet. He's supposed to be omnipotent, so shouldn't he be able to create life under any atmospheric or gravitational circumstances? I think it would be far better evidence of a creator if we found ourselves and life in general thriving in conditions that were extremely hostile to life. The fact that life is found on a planet that has the required conditions for life is not much of a miracle, and certainly isn't evidence that this was all created for us. A puddle of water wouldn't exist if the contours of the terrain surrounding it were slightly altered. I wonder if that puddle could think, would it think it was the result of intelligent design as well?
Life has evolved and adapted to the atmospheric and gravitational conditions on this planet, so obviously if those conditions were severely altered life would be in trouble because it is best adapted to the current conditions. As those conditions continue to change gradually, life on this planet will gradually adapt and evolve to those changing conditions. You seem to think that the conditions were adapted to fit life on this planet, when it's so obviously the other way around. Fish have gills and are really good at swimming because they adapted to aquatic conditions, the aquatic conditions did not adapt to suit the needs of the fish.

No you are not getting it. If we did not have them there would be no life and life couldn't start without these condirions. There are no other planets we know of like this and that is the reason we see no life out there. You can say there so many planets how do you know ? Well as we know for now there is no life out there . There won't be either without the conditions of this planet. This is obvious evidence of a creator. To believe as your aide does I would have to try and stop reasoning from the evidence. If you missed it earlier I was asking where would amino acids come from the building blocks of life come from when the environment woe destroy them before they could become life. You add this up with the probability video I posted yesterday,not a very good chance for life developing without a designer.

So you're saying that the all powerful creator of the universe, when creating life, is bound by the current conditions on this planet. He's supposed to be omnipotent, so shouldn't he be able to create life under any atmospheric or gravitational circumstances? I think it would be far better evidence of a creator if we found ourselves and life in general thriving in conditions that were extremely hostile to life. The fact that life is found on a planet that has the required conditions for life is not much of a miracle, and certainly isn't evidence that this was all created for us. A puddle of water wouldn't exist if the contours of the terrain surrounding it were slightly altered. I wonder if that puddle could think, would it think it was the result of intelligent design as well?

If you were the creator and was creating would you create so your creation could survive ,but not just survive but thrive ? He the creator said multiply and become many and that is what happened. Not only that ,God said he loves his creation and he loved us so much that he calls us his children. God gave us so many blessings but yet they escape the attention of many.
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What good is this post if you can't follow the scientific method ? Like test study or observe the enviornment 4 or 5 billion years ago ?

Can you read? You dont have to be somewhere when something happened to know it did, the scientific method does not claim anything of the sort. Observation does not mean you actually have to see earths early atmosphere, you just have to observe evidence that it was there.

If i drive past the ruins of a burnt down house, how do i know it was destroyed by a fire. I didnt see the actual fire, but the charred remains are pretty good evidence that the house burnt down...

Imagination proves nothing got it ?

When are you gonna tell me the purpose of gravity and the atmosphere ? why are you avoiding these questions ?


You dont just get to dismiss evidence as imagination because you dont agree with it.

Im saying "deposits of this type of iron molecule can only exist if the earth once had a reducing atmosphere, and you cant explain it any other way."

And your saying, essentially, "pics or it didnt happen"

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Life has evolved and adapted to the atmospheric and gravitational conditions on this planet, so obviously if those conditions were severely altered life would be in trouble because it is best adapted to the current conditions. As those conditions continue to change gradually, life on this planet will gradually adapt and evolve to those changing conditions. You seem to think that the conditions were adapted to fit life on this planet, when it's so obviously the other way around. Fish have gills and are really good at swimming because they adapted to aquatic conditions, the aquatic conditions did not adapt to suit the needs of the fish.

No you are not getting it. If we did not have them there would be no life and life couldn't start without these condirions. There are no other planets we know of like this and that is the reason we see no life out there. You can say there so many planets how do you know ? Well as we know for now there is no life out there . There won't be either without the conditions of this planet. This is obvious evidence of a creator. To believe as your aide does I would have to try and stop reasoning from the evidence. If you missed it earlier I was asking where would amino acids come from the building blocks of life come from when the environment woe destroy them before they could become life. You add this up with the probability video I posted yesterday,not a very good chance for life developing without a designer.

kepler 22b - Google Search

Thats just the most earth like found so far. There are 708 other known exosolar planets, planets that are orbiting other stars.

But the idea needed to refute you is the anthropic principle. In short, your guilty of yet another logical fallacy.

Its like asking "why didnt life form on mars?" Well because thats impossible, given its current conditions.

Or "why did life form on earth and not another planet?" Thats like asking why your sitting in the room your in....because you are....If we had been born on, for example, kepler 22b, we would just call that our home planet, and have no knowledge of what we now call earth.
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creationists are a bad joke, will be gone in a couple more generatons

Eh, theres still some young ones.

But your about right.

YWC, embrace your dying breed.

Lol actually, to him this is a good sign. Its a signal that has actually right, because his kind is being persecuted.

All religions have things like this built in, things that necessitate the survival of the religion.

All religions have some form of persecution in their mythology, so that any challenge to the religious order is perceived as fulfillment of prophecy.
And all religions tell their followers to continually reproduce, so as to boost their numbers. Its how the mormons, and before that the catholics, did it.

Its all just bullshiite
creationists are a bad joke, will be gone in a couple more generatons

Eh, theres still some young ones.

But your about right.

YWC, embrace your dying breed.

Lol actually, to him this is a good sign. Its a signal that has actually right, because his kind is being persecuted.

All religions have things like this built in, things that necessitate the survival of the religion.

All religions have some form of persecution in their mythology, so that any challenge to the religious order is perceived as fulfillment of prophecy.
And all religions tell their followers to continually reproduce, so as to boost their numbers. Its how the mormons, and before that the catholics, did it.

Its all just bullshiite

One side will be dying for sure and that's what bothers me. There is no life but earth and the conditions of the earth is the reason there is life here. And these conditions would not allow life to start here without a creator.. believe as you must but you are clearly wrong on this.
Life has evolved and adapted to the atmospheric and gravitational conditions on this planet, so obviously if those conditions were severely altered life would be in trouble because it is best adapted to the current conditions. As those conditions continue to change gradually, life on this planet will gradually adapt and evolve to those changing conditions. You seem to think that the conditions were adapted to fit life on this planet, when it's so obviously the other way around. Fish have gills and are really good at swimming because they adapted to aquatic conditions, the aquatic conditions did not adapt to suit the needs of the fish.

No you are not getting it. If we did not have them there would be no life and life couldn't start without these condirions. There are no other planets we know of like this and that is the reason we see no life out there. You can say there so many planets how do you know ? Well as we know for now there is no life out there . There won't be either without the conditions of this planet. This is obvious evidence of a creator. To believe as your aide does I would have to try and stop reasoning from the evidence. If you missed it earlier I was asking where would amino acids come from the building blocks of life come from when the environment woe destroy them before they could become life. You add this up with the probability video I posted yesterday,not a very good chance for life developing without a designer.

So you're saying that the all powerful creator of the universe, when creating life, is bound by the current conditions on this planet. He's supposed to be omnipotent, so shouldn't he be able to create life under any atmospheric or gravitational circumstances? I think it would be far better evidence of a creator if we found ourselves and life in general thriving in conditions that were extremely hostile to life. The fact that life is found on a planet that has the required conditions for life is not much of a miracle, and certainly isn't evidence that this was all created for us. A puddle of water wouldn't exist if the contours of the terrain surrounding it were slightly altered. I wonder if that puddle could think, would it think it was the result of intelligent design as well?

No not what i'm saying. I'm saying God has no laws he is bound by except death and sin he can't do either. He created the conditions and he created the living organisms.

The naturalist theory are bound to laws and the conditions of the earth would prevent a natural process of creating life. Now you are seeing the problems for chance and coincidence.
Can you read? You dont have to be somewhere when something happened to know it did, the scientific method does not claim anything of the sort. Observation does not mean you actually have to see earths early atmosphere, you just have to observe evidence that it was there.

If i drive past the ruins of a burnt down house, how do i know it was destroyed by a fire. I didnt see the actual fire, but the charred remains are pretty good evidence that the house burnt down...

Imagination proves nothing got it ?

When are you gonna tell me the purpose of gravity and the atmosphere ? why are you avoiding these questions ?


You dont just get to dismiss evidence as imagination because you dont agree with it.

Im saying "deposits of this type of iron molecule can only exist if the earth once had a reducing atmosphere, and you cant explain it any other way."

And your saying, essentially, "pics or it didnt happen"


Neither do you but you do because your mind is not open to the truth.

I can't say in what order God created in and i'm not totally sure of the enviornment I was not there. But one thing is certain oxygen is needed for life and the atmosphere keeps the oxygen in so to say there was no oxygen is absolutely wrong.

Miller and urey had to hypothesize there was no oxygen because they knew life couldn't form the way evolutionist claim if it was present. How convenient,but in reality once again it took intelligence to perform the experiment.

Can you not see the list of coincidences,,miracles,and all the chances needed for this universe, this planet, and the life we see that was needed for it to happen naturally. surely you can see the design and purpose i spoke of now.

Some very good things come from science but theories built on wild imagination are not the good things that come from science,that comes from Ideologues and ones who spread these messages are Idelogues.
Life has evolved and adapted to the atmospheric and gravitational conditions on this planet, so obviously if those conditions were severely altered life would be in trouble because it is best adapted to the current conditions. As those conditions continue to change gradually, life on this planet will gradually adapt and evolve to those changing conditions. You seem to think that the conditions were adapted to fit life on this planet, when it's so obviously the other way around. Fish have gills and are really good at swimming because they adapted to aquatic conditions, the aquatic conditions did not adapt to suit the needs of the fish.

No you are not getting it. If we did not have them there would be no life and life couldn't start without these condirions. There are no other planets we know of like this and that is the reason we see no life out there. You can say there so many planets how do you know ? Well as we know for now there is no life out there . There won't be either without the conditions of this planet. This is obvious evidence of a creator. To believe as your aide does I would have to try and stop reasoning from the evidence. If you missed it earlier I was asking where would amino acids come from the building blocks of life come from when the environment woe destroy them before they could become life. You add this up with the probability video I posted yesterday,not a very good chance for life developing without a designer.

kepler 22b - Google Search

Thats just the most earth like found so far. There are 708 other known exosolar planets, planets that are orbiting other stars.

But the idea needed to refute you is the anthropic principle. In short, your guilty of yet another logical fallacy.

Its like asking "why didnt life form on mars?" Well because thats impossible, given its current conditions.

Or "why did life form on earth and not another planet?" Thats like asking why your sitting in the room your in....because you are....If we had been born on, for example, kepler 22b, we would just call that our home planet, and have no knowledge of what we now call earth.

Theory does not trump facts sorry.
creationists are a bad joke, will be gone in a couple more generatons

Eh, theres still some young ones.

But your about right.

YWC, embrace your dying breed.

Lol actually, to him this is a good sign. Its a signal that has actually right, because his kind is being persecuted.

All religions have things like this built in, things that necessitate the survival of the religion.

All religions have some form of persecution in their mythology, so that any challenge to the religious order is perceived as fulfillment of prophecy.
And all religions tell their followers to continually reproduce, so as to boost their numbers. Its how the mormons, and before that the catholics, did it.

Its all just bullshiite

Don't think so, but you might want to prepare for the coming my friend.
creationists are a bad joke, will be gone in a couple more generatons

Eh, theres still some young ones.

But your about right.

YWC, embrace your dying breed.

Lol actually, to him this is a good sign. Its a signal that has actually right, because his kind is being persecuted.

All religions have things like this built in, things that necessitate the survival of the religion.

All religions have some form of persecution in their mythology, so that any challenge to the religious order is perceived as fulfillment of prophecy.
And all religions tell their followers to continually reproduce, so as to boost their numbers. Its how the mormons, and before that the catholics, did it.

Its all just bullshiite

One side will be dying for sure and that's what bothers me. There is no life but earth and the conditions of the earth is the reason there is life here. And these conditions would not allow life to start here without a creator.. believe as you must but you are clearly wrong on this.

Your like the cristians that used to tell us the world was flat, or that the earth was the center of the solar system, or that the sun was the center of the universe.

The components of life are the result of natural, and simple, chemical processes; and they exist anywhere that the conditions are right.

Since were on the topic of alien life, and all that.

Earth is just a chunk of rock, made round by gravity:

Orbiting around a cloud of hydrogen gas undergoing a perpetual thermonuclear reaction, again as a result of gravity:

Along with many other planets, in the form of a solar system:

And our star, and our solar system as a whole, is just one of many stars that we can see:

And all of the stars that we can see individually are stars within our own galaxy, the milky way, a collection of billions of stars:

(thats actually a different galaxy, because we can't take pictures of our own galaxy)

And even our galaxy, the milky way, is just one of many galaxies we see far away, and they even form clusters:

Why would you think that one tiny planet is special? It is one of billions of planets within our galaxy alone. And our galaxy is just one of billions of galaxies, each with around the same number of stars.

And god gave it all to us!

Why are you so dumb?

And I'm wrong about that??

Go ask some teenagers how they feel about creationism. Im right.
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Imagination proves nothing got it ?

When are you gonna tell me the purpose of gravity and the atmosphere ? why are you avoiding these questions ?


You dont just get to dismiss evidence as imagination because you dont agree with it.

Im saying "deposits of this type of iron molecule can only exist if the earth once had a reducing atmosphere, and you cant explain it any other way."

And your saying, essentially, "pics or it didnt happen"


Neither do you but you do because your mind is not open to the truth.

Dude I'm just not going to be convinced by someone that continually shows they have no knowledge of anything intelligent, at all. As you'll see shortly....

I can't say in what order God created in and i'm not totally sure of the enviornment I was not there. But one thing is certain oxygen is needed for life

No not really. See: Anaerobic Organisms

and the atmosphere keeps the oxygen in so to say there was no oxygen is absolutely wrong.

"The atmosphere keeps the oxygen in"

Please stop hypothesizing. You remind me of Newt Gingrich, the idea man! Yea, only if you accept retarded ideas....

Wtf does, the atmosphere keeps the oxygen in, even mean? If you want to get technical, gravity keeps the oxygen in.

The reason oxygen would not have existed in the early environment is because it readily reacts with the chemicals arounds it, like iron, and any in the atmosphere would have quickly been bound to other chemicals like iron. Eventually these chemicals become saturated with oxygen, because early anaerobic organisms were oxygenating the atmosphere by producing oxygen as a by product of their metabolism, and the excess oxygen then starts to accumulate in the atmosphere.

It has nothing to do with "the atmosphere keeping the oxygen in". Thats just a strange statement.

Miller and urey had to hypothesize there was no oxygen because they knew life couldn't form the way evolutionist claim if it was present. How convenient,but in reality once again it took intelligence to perform the experiment.

Lol it took intelligence to perform the experiment? Thats your argument?

So if those organic compounds came together by chance in a reducing environment, the same thing wouldn't happen? They only got that result because a person poured the chemicals together, essentially?

Can you not see the list of coincidences,,miracles,and all the chances needed for this universe, this planet, and the life we see that was needed for it to happen naturally. surely you can see the design and purpose i spoke of now.

I don't see any miracles because i understand how it works. You really think that a planet and a star are a miracle? They are the only possible outcome of gravity. There are 708 known planets outside of out solar system, orbiting other stars; and thousands more pending. Wow, whole lot of miracles.

We see stars being created, it happens just like we think. Its just gravity pulling a star together. Are we witnessing miracles?

Ill admit that gravity may be a result of god, but god did not create the sun as it is now; the sun formed like every other star we see. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot.

Some very good things come from science but theories built on wild imagination are not the good things that come from science,that comes from Ideologues and ones who spread these messages are Idelogues.

They aren't built on imagination you fool. Just because you can't follow deductive reasoning and don't understand chemistry, doesn't mean they're imaginary. I means your a thick skulled fool.
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