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The bible is riffled with lies :lol: you mean like this mind these things were written long before the science of man knew any of these things.

101 [More Things Youwerecreated copy/pasted in whole because he doesn't have a thought in his head]


Eternal Productions - 101 Scientific Facts and Foreknowledge
101 ways the "Biblical science" claims in the list provided above are false.

1. No mention of gravity in Job 26:7, what-so-ever. This is just Job affirming his superstition.

But to be fair, the bible is consistent in that the Earth is not hanging on anything; it rests (because of gravity I suppose) on foundations.

2. No mention of particles or specific descriptions of atoms in Hebrews 11:3--this is about faith; about seeing what you believe in, rather than believing what you see.

3. Woefully incomplete, dishonestly overstated, utterly retarded.

4. Entirely ignores the reality of bathing in the pathogens living in running water.

5. I am entirely surprised that these douche-bags didn't also claim that there were no shovels before this verse.

6. LOL. Despite the known existence of other spring-fed bodies of water, it was only recently that anyone considered the possibility that underground springs might feed into the ocean. So fucking dumbass.

7. No mention mountains under the ocean here.

8. LOLsome.
(n.b.: You're going to see much more links to google searches like this. The assholes from the site YWC provided have a retarded proclivity for making categorical statements like, "Evolution cannot explain [whatever]" as if such statements were self-evidently true. They are not, and the purpose of providing you with google searches is not to endorse some particular explanation, but rather to point out that such explanations in fact exist in direct contradiction to the dishonest assertions of the retards who compiled this list (as well as the dishonest retard who submitted it as valid) and that discovering those explanations is ridiculously easy.)​

9. Christians still believe that bathing in the blood of Christ is the means to forgiveness.

10. "Kind" in this context, is entirely meaningless ... even to Christians. (Seriously, get one to define the term.)

11. False. It is intellectually and morally wrong to equate sacrifices to investments. Investments inherently have the expectations (if not the actual realizations) of greater returns--of rewards; sacrifices are about taking losses without rewards, or without rewards greater than the loss accepted. Human sacrifice is not noble--it is the precise opposite.

12. False. The answer is: egg.

13. Superstition.

14. We are 44 billion year old stardust.

15. Nonsense. No mention of the constant quantity of matter and energy in the universe, or that "finished" means such.

In fact, Gen 1:1 says God added earth, light, and everything else to the
(apparently) already existing matter of the universe, which (apparently) was entirely water.

16. On that basis, neither does this account, considering how there's no observable evidence that God exists, other than that which can only be observed (as evidence of God's existence) if you already believe God exists. Believing is seeing for these retards.

17. It doesn't require science to prove that a broken clock is right twice a day.

18. Nope. Circles are flat.

19. No mention of night at all--I doubt the reference was about sleep.

20. No mention of this different environment that prevented sunlight from striking raindrops.

21. Just the way retards get adaptation and mutation confused, they also get diffusion and refraction confused.

22. Ocean navigators were apparently oblivious to ocean currents before Matthew Maury pointed them out.

23. Fidelity in marriage is not proof against disease--even STD.

24. Nothing here.

25. No mention of the exact number though. It appears that this number is just as incaluable for God as it is for the retards who invented Him. Not surprising.

26. You can say just about anything about an imaginary friend! What an awesome imaginary friend!

27. Oh. So we managed to figured out some kind of idea of the number then. Ok.

28. What Creator? What evidence?

29. There is no fossil evidence proving that a flood covered the earth--the fossil evidence contradicts such claims.

30. Not all together in one layer-like you'd expect if they were all caught up in this massively catastrophic event.

31. Waaaaaay back before Genesis, 6 - 10k years ago.

32. Right. That same cataclysmic event apparently also isolated the Americas and Australia from being populated by human beings and any land animals.

33. There is no mention of ice-ages here. Certainly not one of cataclysmic proportion like Snowball Earth. I mean seriously, there's evidence of glaciers all over the planet ... every catastrophic geologist knows that such evidence is undeniable proof of such a catastrophe, and all opposition is just dogmatic adherence to established ideology.

34. He also "sees you when you're sleeping; he knows when you're awake; he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!"

35. There's no talk of embryos or embryonic development here.

36. No mention or specific description of DNA here. No mention of a double helical structure, base pairing, nucleotide sequences, etc.... nothing.

37. These superstitious retards have all kinds of justifications for the incest that has given rise to their metal disabilities.

38. "Evolution ... offers no mechanism to explain the origin of the thousands of diverse languages in existence today."


39. There is literally no mention of how "each language group developed distinct features based on environment and genetic variation." None at all.

40. There is no "rediscovery" happening at all. Continuing discovery is what is actually happening.

41.First I find it rather interesting that this God who allegedly "created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind... [and] saw that [it was] good." (Gen 1:21) Now what was "good" is now "unclean."

I also find the Bible's scientific truths about bats and hares to rather illuminating.

42. This Bible is so much "smarter" than "science." Scientists haven't yet discovered that bats are birds.

43. Of course, Leviticus says nothing about it being ok to eat properly cooked pork. Bacon and pulled pork bbq is still unclean no matter how it's cooked according to the Bible.

44.This makes no such claim at all. In fact, it more closely indicts those who believe that the words in the Bible take precedence over the Word of God.

45. There is zero mention or specific description of black hole or dark matter. This is just more superstitious wishful thinking.

46. The theory of evolution simply does not contradict the 2nd law of thermodynamics. And it never has. Ever.

Creationists are persistent liars on this account.

47. Again, the faithful rationalizing their penchant for incest.

48. Theres no mention of a curse being the cause of genetic mutation. There's no discussion of genetic mutation ... PERIOD.

Creationist deny that this is possible anyway; otherwise they'd be validating one means by which genetic differentiation occurs; genetic differentiation is the means by which evolutionary theory describes how differentiation of species occurs and is expressed.

49. Cotton/polyester blends are out too.

50. "The ancients observed mighty rivers flowing into the ocean, but they could not conceive why the sea level never rose. Though they observed rainfall, they had only quaint theories as to its origin."

They got them from the book of Genesis.

51. According to the Bible, the sun must circuit a fixed Earth.1 Chron 16:30 Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 104:5

52. No because he knew not a single thing about clotting factors, but more likely was not denying the evidence of greater bleeding when infants were circumcised earlier.

53. This doesn't make any claims regarding the amount of water He created, or that the amount He measured has any specific importance to life. In fact, this claim literally means that God's "creation" is subject to the rules of reality rather than God's will.

Getting the amount "just right" is meaningless to any being who allegedly decides what "just right" is.

54. God being created according to the Strong Anthropic Principle, is the perspective from which this assertion makes sense. Weak Anthropic Principles do not assert any kind of "fine tuning" is in play.

55. The Biblical "heavens" refers to a static dome (or vault) which God formed (or stretched) over the Earth. The Bible make no reference to, or specifically describes an expanding universe.

56. Any argument for God's uncaused nature, is an argument that can be applied (far more honestly BTW) to the uncaused nature of the universe.

Creationists literally demand that life came from non-life, and they insist upon denying the very reality they assert--such is the necessary nature of faith.

57. There is no mention of extinctions here, and (as predicted by evolutionary theory) the arrival of new species has actually been observed.

58. This mentions nothing about light traveling along a path. This explicitly describes the notion of one taking a path to the place where light resides.

59. This makes no reference to the mass of the atmosphere, or the pressure that mass exerts upon the surface of the planet; it appropriately speaks to the force of the wind.

60. No one but an idiot who had never been in the wind would assert that the wind only blew straight. Ecclesiastes 1:6 says not one thing about the Jet Stream; otherwise, rather than South to North (and South again to make it's circuit), it would have described that reality (that God would certainly be aware of) of the Jet Stream's west to East circuit.

61. This is just an indictment of superstitious retards who refuse to make the connection between exposure to people with a sickness and becoming one of the people with that sickness, based solely on the verifiable evidence and applying valid logic to the problem.

I'm all good with supporting the religious in their refusals to allow vaccinations and blood transfusions for their dumbass participants. There's a strong argument for not protecting these morons like they're an endangered species.

62. Well, God and the angels, ... and everybody else who was able to discern the different sizes and colors of stars when they looked at them.

63. There's no talk about light being sent as speech here. There's no reference to radio or EMF. It's talking literaly about lightning--the atmospheric phenomenon. It's a challenge regarding sending lightning to specific points such that one's intention to do so is unambiguous.

Superstitious faithies just make whatever claims they want and expect that they should all be regarded as valid.

64. Seriously now. Let's just accept for the purposes of discussion this 6k year old history of humanity. Solomon writes about 3000 years of anecdotal evidence for the correlation between "a merry heart" and goodness of health, and then 3000 years later scientific study affirms the validity of these observations.

What is being asserted by recognizing this? Not some amazing property of the Bible, that's for sure.

65. Seriously? Again?

66. Not a single mention of microbes. Not one.

Entirely unsurprising that these fabricators of fictions should assert that microbes were even suggested.

67. This is entirely about not eating potentially rancid fat or the fat meant for God, and nothing at all about any connection between eating fat and coronary/cardiac disease.

68. Drinking the blood of a truly innocent human being is fine though.

Modern science say's that's dangerous too.

69. Contemporary superstitious types like to assert this (behemoth) as a description of a dinosaur, while traditional superstitious types assert this to be a description of an elephant or, more likely, a hippo.

70. There is no explanation for pleasure here; it just a description of having it.

Evolutionary explanation for pleasure

71. Life may be more than just matter and energy, but it certainly is not derived solely from the imagination, as the observable evidence indicates where notions of existence of God came from.

What the observable evidence also indicates is that life actually can be explained by raw materials, time, and chance alone-–just as evolutionists would lead us to believe--even if that explanation is not completely satisfying.

Scientists can (and do) admit that the current explanations based upon verifiable evidence and valid logic require more evidence and greater understanding to achieve confidence in certainty. This fact is validation of the argument such explanations are intellectually and morally superior to superstitious creation stories.

72. This is no explanation for music.

Evolutionary theory for music

73. The theory of evolution is well supported by the archeological record, and the archeological record conclusively refutes this assertion made that "Our ancestors were not primitive."

74. This speaks nothing to refuting the evidence that our ancestors were primitive, and speaks entirely (and only) to some contemporaries of Job.

75. This speaks to some pretty bad weather, rather than "environmental devastation." (Though this interpretation these asshats offer fails to explain how often skeptics of AGW science also avoid having AGW faith.)

Also worth noting; evolution science has no imaginings and makes no assertions about how "things [regarding the environment] should be getting better."

76. This just says that the various plants carry their own seeds.

The reality that these asshats ignore in their assertion is, that rather than the plant carrying its life in its seed, the seed carries the life of a separate plant.

And just to cut off the predictable assertion that is so likely: there's nothing the least bit amazing about how contemporary scientists observe the exact same objective reality that our superstitious ancestors observed. (What actually is amazing is how superstitious perceptions of reality are held to be objectively valid (by the superstitious, of course) when such perceptions are so grossly at odds with verifiable evidence and valid logic.)

77. This is just a denial of the scientifically validated assertion that dead seeds do not germinate to produce living plants.

There is no biological principle which asserts that "A grain must die to produce more grain."

It's difficult to avoid making the accusation that these asshats are frankly, just lying at every opportunity.

78. Genesis 1:1 states that air and water was created first--there was no (dry) earth--then light, and then (dry) earth.

And this is different from the series events that are typically attributed to the scientific description which goes: light (from the sun), earth, atmosphere, and then water.

79. The observable evidence makes no claims that the sun and moon were created after the earth. The observable evidence most certainly disagrees with the Creationist's claim (based upon the Bible) that the existence of plants proceeded the existence of the sun and moon.

80. Deu 10:14 speaks of the (solid; literally solid, so that a window could be put in it) material dome of the sky which God stretched over the (flat) circle of the Earth, and some additional dome for God to hang out under.

That's no accurate description of "vast reaches of outer space."

The same thing is going on in 1 Kings 8:27.

As for this "third heaven" in 2 Corinthians 12:2--it's a little town on the island of Atlantis, where Santa's toy factory really is located (the observable evidence agrees with science that Santa's toy factory is not, as alleged, at the North Pole.)

81. Today, what we actually know is that anyone who treats wounds with a bandage soaked in olive oil and wine is someone not competent to treat wounds.

This is not to say that I disagree with the practice--particularly if its practiced on those superstitious retards who's notions of moral purity make them suspicious of clean dressings and competently prepared antibiotics.

But to be fair (to a bunch of retards who are not), wine does have some antiseptic properties, but it's not really from the alcohols; and a little olive oil applied to a coarse dressing might help prevent the dressing from pulling the scab (provided you don't believe that lacking faith in the original dressing will nullify the healing magic).

82. When the superstitious describe themselves as "fearfully and wonderfully made," the rest of us hear "clownshoes."

83. These are claims of beauty, not understanding or explanations of it.

84. Another claim fabricated out of their disingenuous imaginations. Not a single mention of atoms, or their nuclear structure. Certainly no explanation for strong and weak nuclear forces--which BTW, these asshats wouldn't have thought to mention if not for the work of scientists who have "no explanations" for them.

85. No mention of atoms, or the fission of atoms.

I anticipate some more disingenuous fabrications from the imagination of these retards.

86. There's no mention of gravity here.

Also, as they stupidly fail to realize they revealed, the Orion cluster is presumed by this verse of the Bible to be bound, rather than unbound.

87. Again, these asshats confuse the issue. There's nothing the least bit amazing about how contemporary scientists observe the exact same objective reality that our superstitious ancestors observed.

There's an important distinction to be made however, between the validation science offers of these descriptions, and pretending that the Bible offers these descriptions with the understanding of the validations presented by science.

88. This pest control rationalization is just more imaginary crap.

Resting the soil, of course, is not; that's what the verse speaks to. But the pest control business ... imaginary.

89. No mention of soil conservation what-so-ever. None.

At least this time they thought to mention the actual point, but as a secondary consideration to the imaginary point they assigned to the verse.

90. There is literally no explanation to be found here for understanding animal instincts what-so-ever.

It is just another opportunity to make the baseless assertion that evolution has no explanation for something.

91. This verse speaks nothing to the subject of conscience.

Evolution speaks to it though.

92. The theory of evolution is consistent with the observable evidence, because it seeks consistency with the Word of God. Creationism is inconsistent with observable evidence because Creationism attempts to maintain consistency with the Bible; which is without argument an attempt to maintain consistency with the words of men.

93. Science refutes the superstitious claims of the Bible in many ways. The Bible is a weak construct of man, and science repeatedly demonstrates the Bible's inadequacy in explaining the Word of God.

94. This demonstrates no understanding of human conscience what-so-ever. It just asserts its existence.

Evolution speaks to it though.

95. This demonstrates no understanding of love what-so-ever. It just demands love.

Evolutionary explanation for love.

96. "The real you is spirit." So what?

"Personality is non-physical. For example, after a heart transplant the recipient does not receive the donor’s character." Would the same thing be true for a brain transplant? Does what we know from (scientific study of) brain injuries agree with this claim that "personality is non-physical?"

97. There's no doubt that the god of Creationists is a complete douche; his record is unambiguous--it's the reason that good and rational folks reject the Creationist's vain, sadistic, and blood-thirsty God of torture, suffering and human misery.

We value fairness and forgiveness, so that's why we let you propagate your crap amongst the retarded who subscribe to your demented superstitions--but we're not stupid, and that's why we have rules to keep your bullshit separate from government, and prevent superstitions from being taught as fact of reality to school-children.

98. There is no explanation of death offered here. These only assert its existence and it's application as punishment.

Evolutionary explanation for death.

99. There's no explanation of understanding for justice found here.

And I fail to see how any of this relates to what "science" or "evolution" allegedly offers on the topic.

100. Eternal life? ok. I fail to see how any of this relates to what "science" or "evolution" allegedly offers on the topic.

101. I fail to see how any of this relates to what "science" or "evolution" allegedly offers on the topic.

I will say this though, the rationalizations for faith in the Bible is not the same as the valid reasoning appurtenant to scientific inquiry and conclusion--nor does it enjoy the same intellectual or moral validity.

If the premise of your paradigm is that the Genesis stories are consistent with the assertions that In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. That all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. Then I'd tell you that you truth about this Creation you believe in is going to be discovered in the direct product of the Word, rather than faith in the ignorant artifices of the Bible.
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No because my views are based in faith and I trust the bible. The problem is your side don't understand to believe parts of your theory of evolution you have to use faith as well .but you won't admit to it. There are many things about the the theory that has no evidence to back it, zero. This theory was built on faulty assumptions lacking evidence.

You're being inaccurate. What you're calling "faith" on the part of evolutionists is actually LOGIC.

And faith on the part of Christians is logical as well.
Yes. Faulty logic. Invalid logic.
But not empirical.

I gave you 101 things from the bible thats proven by empircal evidence.

Here are a few ,remember the bible was written long before science new these things.

The earth free-floats in space Job 26:7, affected only by gravity.

Creation is made of particles, indiscernible to our eyes Hebrews 11:3.

When dealing with disease, clothes and body should be washed under running water Leviticus 15:13.

Oceans contain springs Job 38:16.

There are mountains on the bottom of the ocean floor Jonah 2:5-6

Last but not least.

Our bodies are made from the dust of the ground Genesis 2:7; 3:19. Scientists have discovered that the human body is comprised of some 28 base and trace elements all of which are found in the earth.

These are not lucky guesses,these writers were inspired by a superior being to any scientist.
This is entirely crap.
Of course it's scientific.

Scientists are still trying to figure it out.
And they've established the world wide flood to ba as factually valid as any other fable.

Every culture in the world has some sort of oral or written tradition of a world wide flood,...
This is not true.

...and the fossil record bears it out.
And this is a denial of the evidence the fossil record provides.

Which only means that your certainty in the reality of the global deluge is held all the more validly in faith.
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I gave you 101 things from the bible thats proven by empircal evidence.

Here are a few ,remember the bible was written long before science new these things.

The earth free-floats in space Job 26:7, affected only by gravity.

Creation is made of particles, indiscernible to our eyes Hebrews 11:3.

When dealing with disease, clothes and body should be washed under running water Leviticus 15:13.

Oceans contain springs Job 38:16.

There are mountains on the bottom of the ocean floor Jonah 2:5-6

Last but not least.

Our bodies are made from the dust of the ground Genesis 2:7; 3:19. Scientists have discovered that the human body is comprised of some 28 base and trace elements all of which are found in the earth.

These are not lucky guesses,these writers were inspired by a superior being to any scientist.

But then things like the order in which things were created or the notion that there was a worldwide flood, that are definitely not scientific. It's a mixed bag that should be read for moral lesssons, NOT science.

There is plenty of evidence of of a global flood. I will post some videos that have already been posted by MarcATL that make a convincing argument for the flood. 6These videos are a little long but very convincing.

Part one.

101 - The Earth In Time And Space - Amazing Discoveries TV

Part two.

102 - A Universal Flood - Amazing Discoveries TV
These are entirely unconvincing travesties of intellectual dishonesty and intentional disinformation.
Remember that atheism is even more faulty than theism, requiring more faith.
Remember that atheism is even more faulty than theism, requiring more faith.
This really isn't true. Certainly not of the agnostic flavor of atheism.

As far as those atheists who believe God does not exist ... well, there's a stepping stone of logical fallacy in there, but it's nowhere near a egregious in the breadth and magnitude of fallacies that theists must apply.
I disagree with your second statement completely. Why? It's about faith, not logic or fallacy.

I have honest admiration for the agnostic who is willing to say, "I really don't or can't know."
I disagree with your second statement completely. Why? It's about faith, not logic or fallacy.

I have honest admiration for the agnostic who is willing to say, "I really don't or can't know."
Lack of verifiable evidence or logical necessity is the foundation of faith, and denial of verifiable evidence and/or the application of logical fallacy validates faith.

Atheists who assert that God does not exist base their belief upon the logical fallacy that the absence of evidence is proof of absence. Then the problems with their position pretty much stop, because they do not go on to invent a whole bunch of nonsense to rationalize that belief.

Theists OTOH, serve up the whole enchilada of bullshit.

Here's a test. Grant to a Creationist that existence was created. Then have them explain the evidence and valid logic that demonstrates only one creator, and that one creator is the one they subscribe to.
I disagree with your second statement completely. Why? It's about faith, not logic or fallacy.

I have honest admiration for the agnostic who is willing to say, "I really don't or can't know."
Lack of verifiable evidence or logical necessity is the foundation of faith, and denial of verifiable evidence and/or the application of logical fallacy validates faith.

Atheists who assert that God does not exist base their belief upon the logical fallacy that the absence of evidence is proof of absence. Then the problems with their position pretty much stop, because they do not go on to invent a whole bunch of nonsense to rationalize that belief.

Theists OTOH, serve up the whole enchilada of bullshit.

Here's a test. Grant to a Creationist that existence was created. Then have them explain the evidence and valid logic that demonstrates only one creator, and that one creator is the one they subscribe to.

I hope you have faith in your opinion, because your logic is fallacious.
What math and science is on your side be specific ?

How about the advent of radiometric dating of minerals within rocks using isotopic ratios.

Don't trust any dating method because pressuppositions are needed ,in other words they are biased because of ones view before the process begins.

#5: The way science works, when designing experiments you have to set parameters or there would be no meaningful results.

Oh, isn't high school science fun.

I can understand why you'd wave the white flag.

But don't worry I'm not holding you to a certain time or date, anytime you can provide a science website to back your claims I'll be ready to read and react.

Any scientist that argues again'st your side is considered is shunned and even are threatened with their job for going again'st the establishment. That is a fact.

So not too many on your side will speak out about the problems because of the shunning and threats of losing their job.

So well educated creationist do speak out because it is the right thing to do. So if you don't mind being lead astray go ahead and continue believing the unbelievable.

To say creationist views are not based in science just shows your ignorance on the subject.

This is just a fabrication.
E Theo Agard, medical physics (In Six Days)

Dr. Agard is a former director of medical physics at Flower Hospital Oncology Center, Ohio. He holds a B.S. (Hons) first class in physics from the University of London, an M.S. in physics from the Middlesex Hospital Medical School at the University of London, and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Toronto. In 1993 Dr. Agard was elected to the national board of directors of the Health Physics Society."

My belief in the supernatural creation of this world in six days is summarized largely in the following points: the theory of evolution is not as scientifically sound as many people believe. In particular, the problem of the origin of life is well stated by the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Every egg anyone has ever seen was laid by a chicken and every chicken was hatched from an egg. Hence, the first chicken or first egg which appeared on the scene in any other way would be unnatural, to say the least. The natural laws under which scientists work are adequate for explaining how the world functions, but are inadequate to explain its origin, just as the tools which service an automobile are inadequate for its manufacture.
From my reading I understand that the fossil record has failed to produce the intermediate forms of life required by evolution as transitions between the species.
Another problem, as I see it, for the noncreationist is the first law of thermodynamics which affirms the natural process of energy conservation. Energy cannot be created or destroyed by natural processes, but can only be converted from one form to another. Since matter is a form of energy (E=mc2 as stated by Einstein), natural sciences cannot account for the total energy, including matter, in the universe. This law consequently implies a role for the supernatural in the origin of the total energy in the universe.
Furthermore, any effort to validate evolution scientifically must involve extrapolation, since current observations must be used to deduce the course of events which occurred several millennia ago (even thousands or millions of millennia). While extrapolation is a valid scientific procedure, it is pertinent to be aware of its limitations. Where there is a sound scientific basis for its use, confidence in the accuracy of an extrapolated result is dependent on the proximity of the point or region of interest to the region of observations."

The second paragraph starts with a misunderstand of the subject. That is the really frustrating thing. Most the time people do not understand what they are talking about not matter how educated. I hate listening to doctors try to tell me how pills work and it is almost always at least in part inaccurate. How did they forget what they learned before medical school?
I didn't see anything in there about the Bible.

Do you not get it,the bible came before the discovery.

Look I have done all I can do to open eyes in this forum. If you and the other deniers want to deny the evidence and continue in this state of ignorance until God does what he say's he is gonna do, so be it.

God said they would hate the truth in the last days and that is exactly what I see.

So I will let it go because it is clear many hear reject the truth so have a great life doc and everyone else.

I will peek in from time to time to get a good laugh but I will no longer use my time this way.

The overwhelming majority of humans haven't been christian now and in the past, so your psychotic line of denying the christian god showing the last days is pure lunacy.

So no science based website that accredits the Bible to scientific discoveries? Not a single one?

I did point out science based sites that admitted to the discoveries that confirmed what the bible stated.
Youwerecreated, you have demonstrated that you don't grasp that the Bible is not a primer for biological theory, much less evolution.

Stop it before you embarass yourself further.

But do answer this before you leave the thread: do you think evolution is a salvation issue for Christians?

Do you not get it,the bible came before the discovery.

Look I have done all I can do to open eyes in this forum. If you and the other deniers want to deny the evidence and continue in this state of ignorance until God does what he say's he is gonna do, so be it.

God said they would hate the truth in the last days and that is exactly what I see.

So I will let it go because it is clear many hear reject the truth so have a great life doc and everyone else.

I will peek in from time to time to get a good laugh but I will no longer use my time this way.

You don't get it. The proof systems are different: faith vs. empirical.

If the bible makes a statement and science confirms it through empirical evidence what's the problem ?
My last post in closing.

2Pe 3:1 Beloved, I now write this second letter to you, in which I stir up your pure mind by reminder
2Pe 3:2 to remember the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of the Lord and Savior by us, the apostles.
2Pe 3:3 First, knowing this, that there will come in the last days scoffers walking according to their own lusts
2Pe 3:4 and saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.
2Pe 3:5 For this is hidden from them by their willing it, that the heavens were of old, and the earth out of the water, and through water, being held together by the Word of God,
2Pe 3:6 through which the world that then was, being flooded by water, perished.
2Pe 3:7 But the present heavens and the earth being kept in store by the same Word, are being kept for fire until the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, let not this one thing be hidden from you, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some count slowness, but is long-suffering toward us, not purposing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a rushing noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat. And the earth and the works in it will be burned up.
2Pe 3:11 Then, all these things being about to be dissolved, what sort ought you to be in holy behavior and godliness,
2Pe 3:12 looking for and rushing the coming of the Day of God, on account of which the heavens, being on fire, will melt away, and the elements will melt, burning with heat?
2Pe 3:13 But according to His promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
2Pe 3:14 Therefore, beloved, looking for these things, be diligent, spotless, and without blemish, to be found by Him in peace.
2Pe 3:15 And think of the long-suffering of our Lord as salvation (as our beloved brother Paul also has written to you according to the wisdom given to him
2Pe 3:16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable pervert, as also they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction).
2Pe 3:17 Therefore, beloved, knowing beforehand, beware lest being led away with the error of the lawless, you fall from your own steadfastness.
2Pe 3:18 But grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

Peter would gladly you take you aside and tell you that you can believe in Jesus Christ and evolution. They are not contradictory. I wish you the best on your journey of discovery.

Your theory most certainly contradicts what God said.
You're being inaccurate. What you're calling "faith" on the part of evolutionists is actually LOGIC.

And faith on the part of Christians is logical as well.
Yes. Faulty logic. Invalid logic.

You want to bring up logic let's test your logic and honesty.

Is it more logical to believe that life creates life or non-living matter could create life even though scientist admit ignorance on the origins of life ?
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