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But not empirical.

I gave you 101 things from the bible thats proven by empircal evidence.

Here are a few ,remember the bible was written long before science new these things.

The earth free-floats in space Job 26:7, affected only by gravity.

Creation is made of particles, indiscernible to our eyes Hebrews 11:3.

When dealing with disease, clothes and body should be washed under running water Leviticus 15:13.

Oceans contain springs Job 38:16.

There are mountains on the bottom of the ocean floor Jonah 2:5-6

Last but not least.

Our bodies are made from the dust of the ground Genesis 2:7; 3:19. Scientists have discovered that the human body is comprised of some 28 base and trace elements all of which are found in the earth.

These are not lucky guesses,these writers were inspired by a superior being to any scientist.
This is entirely crap.

More rhetoric, is that all you have ?
Of course it's scientific.

Scientists are still trying to figure it out.
And they've established the world wide flood to ba as factually valid as any other fable.

Every culture in the world has some sort of oral or written tradition of a world wide flood,...
This is not true.

...and the fossil record bears it out.
And this is a denial of the evidence the fossil record provides.

Which only means that your certainty in the reality of the global deluge is held all the more validly in faith.

Wrong again oh brilliant one.
But then things like the order in which things were created or the notion that there was a worldwide flood, that are definitely not scientific. It's a mixed bag that should be read for moral lesssons, NOT science.

There is plenty of evidence of of a global flood. I will post some videos that have already been posted by MarcATL that make a convincing argument for the flood. 6These videos are a little long but very convincing.

Part one.

101 - The Earth In Time And Space - Amazing Discoveries TV

Part two.

102 - A Universal Flood - Amazing Discoveries TV
These are entirely unconvincing travesties of intellectual dishonesty and intentional disinformation.

That is true, but it comes from your side.
As do those who claim the earth is older.

This is actually not the case at all. In science you see something and follow the evidence where ever it may lead you to the most likely cause.

No, you follow your assumptions and test your assumptions agains't the evidence. But there is one major problem, there is no evidence for macroevolution.

Where there is plenty of evidence of a global flood if you have been following this thread or the others.
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Youwerecreated works a priori, not from epirical evidence, both in his faith belief and his criticism of evolution.

He can be ignored.

Youwerecreated works a priori, not from epirical evidence, both in his faith belief and his criticism of evolution.

He can be ignored.


Yeah don't you just hate it when you can't refute anything I say.

Because I use the evidence and my science background again'st you. You can run but you can't hide.
Resubscribe. :lol: I knew you would fall for it, kiddo.

You have used no science, only unrelated concidences that you cannot empiraclly link.

No one thinks you have any idea of what yoiu talk.
Resubscribe. :lol: I knew you would fall for it, kiddo.

You have used no science, only unrelated concidences that you cannot empiraclly link.

No one thinks you have any idea of what yoiu talk.

Well would you like to explain how life came in to existence from lifeless matter ?

Would you like to move this discussion to genetics and mutations and then we can see who really knows what he is talking about.
Resubscribe. :lol: I knew you would fall for it, kiddo.

You have used no science, only unrelated concidences that you cannot empiraclly link.

No one thinks you have any idea of what yoiu talk.

Well would you like to explain how life came in to existence from lifeless matter ?

Would you like to move this discussion to genetics and mutations and then we can see who really knows what he is talking about.

You've already proven to be clueless on those subjects. We don't need to devote another 20 pages to it. If we want to be entertained by you posting Bible blogs that try to talk their way around science with superstition, we can just look in the other threads you've done that on this board.
I disagree with your second statement completely. Why? It's about faith, not logic or fallacy.

I have honest admiration for the agnostic who is willing to say, "I really don't or can't know."
Lack of verifiable evidence or logical necessity is the foundation of faith, and denial of verifiable evidence and/or the application of logical fallacy validates faith.

Atheists who assert that God does not exist base their belief upon the logical fallacy that the absence of evidence is proof of absence. Then the problems with their position pretty much stop, because they do not go on to invent a whole bunch of nonsense to rationalize that belief.

Theists OTOH, serve up the whole enchilada of bullshit.

Here's a test. Grant to a Creationist that existence was created. Then have them explain the evidence and valid logic that demonstrates only one creator, and that one creator is the one they subscribe to.

I hope you have faith in your opinion, because your logic is fallacious.
I gave you 101 things from the bible thats proven by empircal evidence.

Here are a few ,remember the bible was written long before science new these things.

The earth free-floats in space Job 26:7, affected only by gravity.

Creation is made of particles, indiscernible to our eyes Hebrews 11:3.

When dealing with disease, clothes and body should be washed under running water Leviticus 15:13.

Oceans contain springs Job 38:16.

There are mountains on the bottom of the ocean floor Jonah 2:5-6

Last but not least.

Our bodies are made from the dust of the ground Genesis 2:7; 3:19. Scientists have discovered that the human body is comprised of some 28 base and trace elements all of which are found in the earth.

These are not lucky guesses,these writers were inspired by a superior being to any scientist.
This is entirely crap.

More rhetoric, is that all you have ?
"Rhetoric" is a term well above your intellectual pay grade. Make sure you don't fling it wildly as an accusation at others while you're the greater offender.
Of course it's scientific.

And they've established the world wide flood to ba as factually valid as any other fable.

This is not true.

...and the fossil record bears it out.
And this is a denial of the evidence the fossil record provides.

Which only means that your certainty in the reality of the global deluge is held all the more validly in faith.

Wrong again oh brilliant one.
There is plenty of evidence of of a global flood. I will post some videos that have already been posted by MarcATL that make a convincing argument for the flood. 6These videos are a little long but very convincing.

Part one.

101 - The Earth In Time And Space - Amazing Discoveries TV

Part two.

102 - A Universal Flood - Amazing Discoveries TV
These are entirely unconvincing travesties of intellectual dishonesty and intentional disinformation.

That is true, but it comes from your side.
Correct. "My side" (whatever the fuck that might mean) clearly demonstrates those presentations to be the entirely unconvincing travesties of intellectual dishonesty and intentional disinformation that they are.

Thanks for finally leveling up and coming around proper.
As do those who claim the earth is older.

This is actually not the case at all. In science you see something and follow the evidence where ever it may lead you to the most likely cause.

No, you follow your assumptions and test your assumptions agains't the evidence. But there is one major problem, there is no evidence for macroevolution.
Sure there is. The defenders of superstition call it "micro-evolution."

Where there is plenty of evidence of a global flood if you have been following this thread or the others.
There is literally no evidence of a global flood. Literally none.

You, nor MarcATL, nor Veith has produced any evidence of a global flood. All that has been presented is evidence of local floods to rationalize faith in the global flood fairy tale.
Resubscribe. :lol: I knew you would fall for it, kiddo.

You have used no science, only unrelated concidences that you cannot empiraclly link.

No one thinks you have any idea of what yoiu talk.

Well would you like to explain how life came in to existence from lifeless matter ?
Why don't you explain this?

I know you reject the scientific hypothesis, so why not trot out your explanation of ow life came in to existence from lifeless matter?

Would you like to move this discussion to genetics and mutations and then we can see who really knows what he is talking about.
I don't know about Jake, but I'd like to see that happen.
Resubscribe. :lol: I knew you would fall for it, kiddo.

You have used no science, only unrelated concidences that you cannot empiraclly link.

No one thinks you have any idea of what yoiu talk.

Well would you like to explain how life came in to existence from lifeless matter ?
Why don't you explain this?

I know you reject the scientific hypothesis, so why not trot out your explanation of ow life came in to existence from lifeless matter?

Would you like to move this discussion to genetics and mutations and then we can see who really knows what he is talking about.
I don't know about Jake, but I'd like to see that happen.

We are talking about creationism, not scientific first causes.

They are different, and neither should be taught in the other's classroom, because they are separate subjects unlinked by empirical data.

If you wish to debate Loki about molecular biology, go for it.
Resubscribe. :lol: I knew you would fall for it, kiddo.

You have used no science, only unrelated concidences that you cannot empiraclly link.

No one thinks you have any idea of what yoiu talk.

Well would you like to explain how life came in to existence from lifeless matter ?

Would you like to move this discussion to genetics and mutations and then we can see who really knows what he is talking about.

You've already proven to be clueless on those subjects. We don't need to devote another 20 pages to it. If we want to be entertained by you posting Bible blogs that try to talk their way around science with superstition, we can just look in the other threads you've done that on this board.

You are not educated enough to have that conversation with is that what you're saying ?

Wave the white flag.
Youuwerecreated, I asked you twice if you believed evolution to be a salvation issue.

You did not answer the question.

IAW the doctrine of affirmative silence, I can believe unequivocably that you do believe that evolution is an issue in one's salvation. I will save this post # for further discussion.
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