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Youuwerecreated, I asked you twice if you believed evolution to be a salvation issue.

You did not answer the question.

IAW the doctrine of affirmative silence, I can believe unequivocably that you do believe that evolution is an issue in one's salvation. I will save this post # for further discussion.

No,because I don't believe in Macroevolution. Now if you put mans theories above Gods words and they contradict what God say's yes your salvation can be affected by those views.

God is first in everything sorry that is how it goes.

And they've established the world wide flood to ba as factually valid as any other fable.

This is not true.

And this is a denial of the evidence the fossil record provides.

Which only means that your certainty in the reality of the global deluge is held all the more validly in faith.

Wrong again oh brilliant one.

How many times must I answer this question look through the thread I answered it.
Resubscribe. :lol: I knew you would fall for it, kiddo.

You have used no science, only unrelated concidences that you cannot empiraclly link.

No one thinks you have any idea of what yoiu talk.

Well would you like to explain how life came in to existence from lifeless matter ?
Why don't you explain this?

I know you reject the scientific hypothesis, so why not trot out your explanation of ow life came in to existence from lifeless matter?

Would you like to move this discussion to genetics and mutations and then we can see who really knows what he is talking about.
I don't know about Jake, but I'd like to see that happen.

Life creates life,can you refute this ?
Well would you like to explain how life came in to existence from lifeless matter ?
Why don't you explain this?

I know you reject the scientific hypothesis, so why not trot out your explanation of ow life came in to existence from lifeless matter?

Would you like to move this discussion to genetics and mutations and then we can see who really knows what he is talking about.
I don't know about Jake, but I'd like to see that happen.

We are talking about creationism, not scientific first causes.

They are different, and neither should be taught in the other's classroom, because they are separate subjects unlinked by empirical data.

If you wish to debate Loki about molecular biology, go for it.

Well if you guy's wish to insult me I'll prove it how clueless you're in thius area.

If you don't understand genetics and mutations you can't even argue this subject because that is what your theory depends on.
But you are not God's prophet, Youwerecreated, so I am not concerned about your opinion. God says nothing about "how", only "why". This is why you are fail here. You try to mix the sacred and profane, so no wonder you fail.

Yes, you think evolution is a salvation issue.
But you are not God's prophet, Youwerecreated, so I am not concerned about your opinion. God says nothing about "how", only "why". This is why you are fail here. You try to mix the sacred and profane, so no wonder you fail.

Yes, you think evolution is a salvation issue.

It is because it contradicts Gods word.

Please tell me which thread we can all meet in. I am growing tired of jumping from thread to thread.
I'm not sure evolution contradicts God's word.

I know surmising of how creation came about based on what little we know of evolution and using faulty aging techniques is bad science, however, and I'm confident that will be shown in time...
But you are not God's prophet, Youwerecreated, so I am not concerned about your opinion. God says nothing about "how", only "why". This is why you are fail here. You try to mix the sacred and profane, so no wonder you fail.

Yes, you think evolution is a salvation issue.

Thank goodness you're around to tell him what he thinks.

And I find it interesting that you're only interested in the opinions of prophets. And here I thought you were a scoffer!
Koshergirl, he did not want to share his underpinning belief, so I simply gave him an affirmative silence question to pin him down. I am not interested in anyone's prophets at all today. The Bible is not a literal document to me, but a metaphorical and spiritual one of immense power. So when someone tells me I have to believe like him, my reaction is one of "horsecrap, son, clean that mess up." I have no problem at all personally believing in a dead man sat up in a tomb 2,000 years ago, but I am not foolish enough to say that incident or supposed biblical 'facts' are scientifically verifiable.
You must be reading a different page than I am, because I don't see anyone telling you what to believe.

In fact, quite the opposite.
Well would you like to explain how life came in to existence from lifeless matter ?
Why don't you explain this?

I know you reject the scientific hypothesis, so why not trot out your explanation of ow life came in to existence from lifeless matter?

Would you like to move this discussion to genetics and mutations and then we can see who really knows what he is talking about.
I don't know about Jake, but I'd like to see that happen.

Life creates life,can you refute this ?
Non-sequitur much?

Let's try this again.

I know you reject the scientific hypothesis (of abiogenesis), so why not trot out your explanation of how life came in to existence from lifeless matter?
God created it.

Really, it's not that difficult.

I believe you, but we cannot empircally prove it. That is why it is a faith issue.

On the other hand, Loki cannot empirically prove that God does not exists.

That is why evolution and creationism are taught in different class rooms, because they operate on different "proof" systems.
But you are not God's prophet, Youwerecreated, so I am not concerned about your opinion. God says nothing about "how", only "why". This is why you are fail here. You try to mix the sacred and profane, so no wonder you fail.

Yes, you think evolution is a salvation issue.

Never said I was did I ?

I am giving my opinions from over 40 years of studying the scripture and yes the theory of macroevolution does contradict the word of God.

For one God said death did not happen until sin entered the earth.

God said adam was the first man tracing the chronology of the bible we come up with 6,000 years.

God said he created man in his image not whatever was before the ape,not the appearance of an ape,but the appearance of God.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creepers creeping on the earth.
But you are not God's prophet, Youwerecreated, so I am not concerned about your opinion. God says nothing about "how", only "why". This is why you are fail here. You try to mix the sacred and profane, so no wonder you fail.

Yes, you think evolution is a salvation issue.

Never said I was did I ?

I am giving my opinions from over 40 years of studying the scripture and yes the theory of macroevolution does contradict the word of God.

For one God said death did not happen until sin entered the earth.

God said adam was the first man tracing the chronology of the bible we come up with 6,000 years.

God said he created man in his image not whatever was before the ape,not the appearance of an ape,but the appearance of God.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creepers creeping on the earth.

So, god is man-like in appearance with two arms, two legs, etc.?

Does your god have DNA?
But you are not God's prophet, Youwerecreated, so I am not concerned about your opinion. God says nothing about "how", only "why". This is why you are fail here. You try to mix the sacred and profane, so no wonder you fail.

Yes, you think evolution is a salvation issue.

Never said I was did I ?

I am giving my opinions from over 40 years of studying the scripture and yes the theory of macroevolution does contradict the word of God.

For one God said death did not happen until sin entered the earth.

God said adam was the first man tracing the chronology of the bible we come up with 6,000 years.

God said he created man in his image not whatever was before the ape,not the appearance of an ape,but the appearance of God.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creepers creeping on the earth.

So, god is man-like in appearance with two arms, two legs, etc.?

Does your god have DNA?

Angels have taken the form of man but are spirits. God has taken the form of a man but is a spirit. DNA I don't know but I suppose they do when they take the form of a man.
But you are not God's prophet, Youwerecreated, so I am not concerned about your opinion. God says nothing about "how", only "why". This is why you are fail here. You try to mix the sacred and profane, so no wonder you fail.

Yes, you think evolution is a salvation issue.

Never said I was did I ?

I am giving my opinions from over 40 years of studying the scripture and yes the theory of macroevolution does contradict the word of God.

For one God said death did not happen until sin entered the earth.

God said adam was the first man tracing the chronology of the bible we come up with 6,000 years.

God said he created man in his image not whatever was before the ape,not the appearance of an ape,but the appearance of God.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creepers creeping on the earth.

So you are a Literalist. Yes, you are only giving your opinions on what you believe God said in the Bible. That's fine. You are not qualified to decide how macroevolution and God's creation intersect. Why? You confuse your faith understanding with empirical inquiry and scientific theory. That's fine, but what you believe is for you only, no one else.
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