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Like how you conveniently dodged this question. You are like Loki... a bunch of words and no substance.
Seriously dude? Then step up.

Youwerecreated asked all of his dumb questions, and I answered them ... repeatedly. His only rebuttal is a denial of reality. He just can't accept that he's been thoroughly punked.

This is your chance. Ask away. Let me have them ALL!

But before you start, let me give you a heads up on what will simply not work:
[ame=""]The regular Shit You Asshats Post Will Not Work[/ame]
Remember: What will not work is you submitting your-made-up-nonsense, and then proving that your-made-up-nonsense is made-up-nonsense, and then saying that doing so somehow refutes anything I assert. My answer to your-made-up-nonsense is that no one but you and your retarded tribe believes that I or anyone else asserts your-made-up-nonsense. OK ?

Rock out or STFU!
I have no illusions that this intellectually dishonest retard is any different than any other. He has no "stumpers" that are not based upon a fundamental misrepresentation or misunderstanding of evolutionary theory or scientific method, or BOTH. He'll refuse on some dumbass grounds, and then consider himself absolved of having to actually support his assertions with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.​

Uh oh someone is getting testy because he is getting schooled. LOLsome
Pink Lake
Why Call a Green Lake “Pink”?
In spite of its name, this lake is not pink. It inherited its name from a family who settled in the region in 1826.

What Exactly Is a Meromictic Lake?
In most lakes, the water mixes completely each year during the spring and fall, under the influence of water density, water and air temperature, and the wind; nutrients and oxygen are distributed evenly.

However, because of it's sheltered position (surrounded by steep cliffs that protect it from the wind) and its shape (small surface area, average depth and bowl-like shape), the lake’s waters do not mix. This is why it is called “meromictic.” Of particular note is the fact that the deepest seven metres of the lake remain without oxygen.

Life in the Lake
In the depths of the lake, an anaerobic prehistoric organism has been able to survive. It is a pink photosynthetic bacterium that uses sulphur instead of oxygen when it transforms sunlight into energy. To maximize the amount of light it captures, without being in contact with oxygen, the colony forms a dense layer that floats seven metres from the bottom.

After the glaciers melted, the region was covered by an arm of the Atlantic Ocean: the Champlain Sea. When it retreated it left the three-spined stickleback. This little saltwater fish (three to five centimetres long) adapted slowly to the lake’s gradual desalination. In fact, it adapted so well that today it lives in the fresh water of the lake. Desalination usually takes about thirty years. However, Pink Lake is fed only by runoff waters (unique in its watershed area), and so its desalination took place over three thousand years!
Source: Discover Ottawa & Gatineau | Canada's Capital Region...


No -- plants do not need oxygen.

That is correct your point ?
Like how you conveniently dodged this question. You are like Loki... a bunch of words and no substance.
Seriously dude? Then step up.

Youwerecreated asked all of his dumb questions, and I answered them ... repeatedly. His only rebuttal is a denial of reality. He just can't accept that he's been thoroughly punked.

This is your chance. Ask away. Let me have them ALL!

But before you start, let me give you a heads up on what will simply not work:
[ame=""]The regular Shit You Asshats Post Will Not Work[/ame]
Remember: What will not work is you submitting your-made-up-nonsense, and then proving that your-made-up-nonsense is made-up-nonsense, and then saying that doing so somehow refutes anything I assert. My answer to your-made-up-nonsense is that no one but you and your retarded tribe believes that I or anyone else asserts your-made-up-nonsense. OK ?

Rock out or STFU!
I have no illusions that this intellectually dishonest retard is any different than any other. He has no "stumpers" that are not based upon a fundamental misrepresentation or misunderstanding of evolutionary theory or scientific method, or BOTH. He'll refuse on some dumbass grounds, and then consider himself absolved of having to actually support his assertions with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.​

Uh oh someone is getting testy because he is getting schooled. LOLsome
by who?you! that's a lie you like to tell yourself .
like the one where you have a 12" dick!

Why are we having this discussion when you don't see the importance of my question ?

Your question did not make sense to me, so I asked you to elaborate on that.

Because you claim there was no oxygen when life began DNA molecules cannot form in water nor with oxygen present they would decay like a body does when it dies. Oxygen speeds up all reactions...including decay so that is why the first cell containing DNA could not have formed on it's own.
IT'S laughable that people who claim to be christians, don't know shit about what they purport is the truth!:lol::lol:

I guess you can't read.
funny, coming from you.

By your answer you did not read or could not understand what you read so which is it ?
Seriously dude? Then step up.

Youwerecreated asked all of his dumb questions, and I answered them ... repeatedly. His only rebuttal is a denial of reality. He just can't accept that he's been thoroughly punked.

This is your chance. Ask away. Let me have them ALL!

But before you start, let me give you a heads up on what will simply not work:
The regular Shit You Asshats Post Will Not Work
Remember: What will not work is you submitting your-made-up-nonsense, and then proving that your-made-up-nonsense is made-up-nonsense, and then saying that doing so somehow refutes anything I assert. My answer to your-made-up-nonsense is that no one but you and your retarded tribe believes that I or anyone else asserts your-made-up-nonsense. OK ?

Rock out or STFU!
I have no illusions that this intellectually dishonest retard is any different than any other. He has no "stumpers" that are not based upon a fundamental misrepresentation or misunderstanding of evolutionary theory or scientific method, or BOTH. He'll refuse on some dumbass grounds, and then consider himself absolved of having to actually support his assertions with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.​

Uh oh someone is getting testy because he is getting schooled. LOLsome
by who?you! that's a lie you like to tell yourself .
like the one where you have a 12" dick!

Grow up moron.
Like how you conveniently dodged this question. You are like Loki... a bunch of words and no substance.
Seriously dude? Then step up.

Youwerecreated asked all of his dumb questions, and I answered them ... repeatedly. His only rebuttal is a denial of reality. He just can't accept that he's been thoroughly punked.

This is your chance. Ask away. Let me have them ALL!

But before you start, let me give you a heads up on what will simply not work:
[ame=""]The regular Shit You Asshats Post Will Not Work[/ame]
Remember: What will not work is you submitting your-made-up-nonsense, and then proving that your-made-up-nonsense is made-up-nonsense, and then saying that doing so somehow refutes anything I assert. My answer to your-made-up-nonsense is that no one but you and your retarded tribe believes that I or anyone else asserts your-made-up-nonsense. OK ?

Rock out or STFU!
I have no illusions that this intellectually dishonest retard is any different than any other. He has no "stumpers" that are not based upon a fundamental misrepresentation or misunderstanding of evolutionary theory or scientific method, or BOTH. He'll refuse on some dumbass grounds, and then consider himself absolved of having to actually support his assertions with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.​

Uh oh someone is getting testy because he is getting schooled. LOLsome
Go back to huffing hairspray, retard. You've been thoroughly cooked.
Last edited:
What defies logic is your alleging that you never heard of the natural selection. Do you really think someone will believe it?

Do you understand the difference between vertical and horizontal? Your claims for NS defy logic.

That's how it always ends -- you have nothing to say, so you reply with random words.

Now we are getting somewhere. Darwinist have been denying machine code in DNA for so long that now they are seeing actual perfectly structured english language questions as random words!!

A simple yes or no would suffice.
Seriously dude? Then step up.

Youwerecreated asked all of his dumb questions, and I answered them ... repeatedly. His only rebuttal is a denial of reality. He just can't accept that he's been thoroughly punked.

This is your chance. Ask away. Let me have them ALL!

But before you start, let me give you a heads up on what will simply not work:
The regular Shit You Asshats Post Will Not Work
Remember: What will not work is you submitting your-made-up-nonsense, and then proving that your-made-up-nonsense is made-up-nonsense, and then saying that doing so somehow refutes anything I assert. My answer to your-made-up-nonsense is that no one but you and your retarded tribe believes that I or anyone else asserts your-made-up-nonsense. OK ?

Rock out or STFU!
I have no illusions that this intellectually dishonest retard is any different than any other. He has no "stumpers" that are not based upon a fundamental misrepresentation or misunderstanding of evolutionary theory or scientific method, or BOTH. He'll refuse on some dumbass grounds, and then consider himself absolved of having to actually support his assertions with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.​

Uh oh someone is getting testy because he is getting schooled. LOLsome
by who?you! that's a lie you like to tell yourself .
like the one where you have a 12" dick!

This is mature.
Like how you conveniently dodged this question. You are like Loki... a bunch of words and no substance.

I didn't dodge anything. As I said, I never made any such statement, I never disputed anything of the sort. I very specifically pointed out the apparent flaws in your statements about minor cosmetic changes (two hair folicles!). You are attempting to add meaning to my posts that does not exist in order to further your argument.

Third dodge.

There was never a first dodge! Are you honestly this dense?

You asked if I was disputing a claim.....I replied that I never disputed anything of the sort. In other words, no, I am not disputing it. In fact, I wasn't even discussing it! You brought it up by ascribing beliefs or arguments to me I never put forward.

If you want to once again claim I am dodging something, after I have yet again answered you, despite the fact the question has nothing to do with my original post to you, I certainly can't stop you. It will simply be further evidence that you either cannot comprehend fairly simply posts, or that you are determined to push this straw man in hopes of 'winning'. Either way it has nothing to do with what I've posted.
This is your chance. Ask away. Let me have them ALL!

You can start with answering the questions that he is dodging.

I believe these are the questions he is talking about :
UltimateReality said:
Since when is a larger brain a cosmetic change??? Complete misinterpretation of evolutionary theory? Really. So you are disputing the claim that somewhere between the early hominids, claimed to be ancestors of homo sapien by your Darwinist spin doctors, and homo sapien himself, there did not exist a species that was a single gradual step between the two distinct hominids at specific points in earth's history that had an a) smaller brain? b) more body hair? and c) a larger brow bone? Come on man, are you that dense?? According to TOE, even though we don't have any evidence of this transitional hominid, are you claiming there were no intermediate steps?

Of course, since I pretty clearly did not say a larger brain was cosmetic, instead it was the ridiculous 'millimeter smaller brow' and 'two hair folicles', the first question is moot. I also didn't dispute or claim anything about evolutionary steps between modern humans and our ancestors.

What began this, back on page 207 or thereabouts, was UR posting that something saw an ancestor of modern humans with a millimeter smaller brow, or with 2 more hair folicles, and decided to kill it off. I replied that that post was ridiculous and a gross misrepresentation of evolutionary theory. From that, somehow, we got to the quote above. :)

*To be fair, he also said he was being sarcastic about at least some of the post I took issue with, but even if the whole thing was extremely poor sarcasm I think my point was still valid. You can feel free to go look back at them and decide for yourself.
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