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I'm snipping your wall of text again. Please express ideas in your own words concisely.

The truith is there are very few full bodied fossils,most creatures they have less the 25% of the fossil of an organism they used their imagination to create many creatures that exist in the fossil record.

This is not a significant fact. No product of the imagination is ever used as evidence of facts not know.

What does being fossilized have to do with not showing gradualism ?

Ah, I misunderstood you. I thought you were asking why the fossil ITSELF didn't change, not why it didn't SHOW change.

That's different. The answer is that it does show change.

Again, I'm not going to read through a wall of text. Please explain in your own words, concisely. Give me a few examples of things showing up with dates "much different" from the known date.

Please understand that I'm not denying this can happen. I am simply denying that it presents any significant problem with radioactive dating methods. Reasons why it would happen are known and understood, and the likelihood of them happening is known to be small.
I'm snipping your wall of text again. Please express ideas in your own words concisely.

The truith is there are very few full bodied fossils,most creatures they have less the 25% of the fossil of an organism they used their imagination to create many creatures that exist in the fossil record.

This is not a significant fact. No product of the imagination is ever used as evidence of facts not know.

What does being fossilized have to do with not showing gradualism ?

Ah, I misunderstood you. I thought you were asking why the fossil ITSELF didn't change, not why it didn't SHOW change.

That's different. The answer is that it does show change.

Again, I'm not going to read through a wall of text. Please explain in your own words, concisely. Give me a few examples of things showing up with dates "much different" from the known date.

Please understand that I'm not denying this can happen. I am simply denying that it presents any significant problem with radioactive dating methods. Reasons why it would happen are known and understood, and the likelihood of them happening is known to be small.

Then you are saying eldredge and gould who came up with the theory of punctuated equilibrium didn't understand the fossil record ?

And many other well educated professors say there are no transitional fossils they don't understand the fossil record either ?

That quote!—about the missing transitional fossils
You're still not responding to all my questions dragon.

On the contrary, I answered every question you asked.

What developed the things I listed ?

The question is irrelevant. That is my answer.

What is your definition of "new feature"? That's one YOU haven't answered.

No you don't want to admit you were wrong.

A mind developed them. Since you are not open to an honest debate don't waste my time.
Then you are saying eldredge and gould who came up with the theory of punctuated equilibrium didn't understand the fossil record ?

No, I am saying that there is no conflict between punctuated equilibrium and gradualism. The one is a form of the other.

And many other well educated professors say there are no transitional fossils they don't understand the fossil record either ?

Those who say there are no "transitional fossils," or even use that phrase, don't understand the fossil record. That is correct.

All fossils are transitional fossils.
Show how and why they came to those conclusions.

What conclusions?

Still waiting to hear what developed the things I listed.

The question was irrelevant. I answered it appropriately.

The explanations you were giving.

Really,you are just wasting my time.

Typical of your side. :lol:

I have better things to do today ,I will just let the readers make up their minds what you're presenting vs what I have presented.
A mind developed them.

That fact is irrelevant, and therefore so was your question.

Your claim was not that some complex phenomena were designed by minds. Therefore, the fact that some complex phenomena were designed by minds gives no support to your claim. Your claim rather was that information theory holds that no complex phenomena can exist that are NOT designed by minds. That is untrue; there is no such principle in information theory.

Nor is there any principle of information theory which holds that complex phenomena CAN'T be designed by minds, so the fact that some things were is evidence of nothing.
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Then you are saying eldredge and gould who came up with the theory of punctuated equilibrium didn't understand the fossil record ?

No, I am saying that there is no conflict between punctuated equilibrium and gradualism. The one is a form of the other.

And many other well educated professors say there are no transitional fossils they don't understand the fossil record either ?

Those who say there are no "transitional fossils," or even use that phrase, don't understand the fossil record. That is correct.

All fossils are transitional fossils.


I ask you to prove these statements.
A mind developed them.

That fact is irrelevant, and therefore so was your question.

Your claim was not that some complex phenomena were designed by minds. Therefore, the fact that some complex phenomena were designed by minds gives no support to your claim. Your claim rather was that information theory holds that no complex phenomena can exist that are NOT designed by minds. That is untrue; there is no such principle in information theory.

Nor is there any principle of information theory which holds that complex phenomena CAN'T be designed by minds, so the fact that some things were is evidence of nothing.

Complex things need to be designed they don't simply create themselves.

You are unrational in your thought process.

Where did the information come from that programmed our brain ?
I ask you to prove these statements.

There is no conflict between punctuated equilibrium and gradualism. Punctuated equilibrium does not mean either that evolution happens instantly when it happens, or that it stops happening altogether during the times of "equilibrium." It means only that evolution happens more rapidly at some times than at others.

The Cambrian was a time of particularly rapid evolution, but it took over 50 million years. That is rapid change for evolution, considering the magnitude of the changes, but it is still gradual change, not instantaneous change.

All fossils are transitional fossils. That is because all are between other life forms that were different, before and after. This is the only legitimate meaning the phrase "transitional fossil" has. The term is used in creationist literature in a dishonest way: it is always possible, between any two forms of life, however closely related, to posit something between the two and point out that fossils of this imaginary life form cannot be found. But the fact that these fossils of imaginary life forms are not found does not mean there are no "transitional fossils." In fact, it doesn't mean much of anything. All fossils are transitional.
Complex things need to be designed they don't simply create themselves.

Why? Definitely not because of any "principle of information theory."

Where did the information come from that programmed our brain ?

Which part of the programming? Some comes from our genes, some from our environment. The genetic part was not anyone's design. The environmental part sometimes is.
If you're referring to the meaning of kind its been answered many times.
There's a link there (as there always has been) to refer you to the question. Stop being a disingenuous retard.

This is a lie. A patently obvious lie. It's a lie now, just as it was the first time you posted it, and every single time afterward. You are a liar; a remorseless serial liar of the very first order.

Without stipulating that you have any idea of what I believe, for the purposes of our discussion I will stand by everything I have thus far posted and assert that I agree. It's not a belief I hold with unqualified certainty, but it is indeed my belief. That is what the observable evidence currently available suggests. This is without valid dispute, neither upon evidentiary bases, or upon logical bases.

I agree. It's not a belief I hold with unqualified certainty, but it is indeed my belief. That is what the observable evidence currently available suggests. This is without valid dispute, neither upon evidentiary bases, or upon logical bases.

Your superstitious judgements regarding "absurdity" possess no verifable validity. None.

A belief is simply the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing. A rational belief is the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing for which support in evidence, or valid logic, has been established. Faith is the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing for which there is no support in verifiable evidence and/or valid logic; the obtuse strength of the denial of the contrary evidence and or valid logic is the "validating" quality of faith.

So, these beliefs you fatuously call "absurd" are indeed based upon science (as has been well demonstrated) rather than faith, in that those "absurd" beliefs are founded upon verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, and are validated by verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, rather than denials of verifiable evidence and valid logic.

It's really too bad for you, that your retarded superstitions cannot make the same claims.

But anyways I was gonna ask questions but I will wait and let those contradictions sink in.
I predict that Youwerecreated, consistent with his intellectually dishonesty, will repost his questions and "evidence" (as if they weren't responded to repeatedly and in depth) before he answers the question I put to him (which he claims--but cannot bring evidence for--he has already answered).
No one can say that you are inconsistent in your denial of reality.

And, it's worth noting (again) your continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.

Evidence for creation.

The Universe Has a Center

Our solar system appears to be near the center of the universe. Galaxies look the same, and are moving away from us in the same way, in all directions. The cosmic microwave background radiation comes to us very uniformly from all directions. These and other data strongly indicate we are located at a very special location by design.

Instead of accepting the obvious, recent models of physical cosmology assume the earth is not special and that everywhere in the universe the exact same observation of receding objects would be seen. Instead of a universe with an age measured in thousands of years, this assumption leads to billions of years.

In contrast, creation cosmologies explain the data better by starting from biblically-based axioms: the cosmos has a unique center and a boundary for its matter, beyond which there is at least some empty space; and on a cosmic scale of distances, the earth is near the center.
Prediction validated.
If you're referring to the meaning of kind its been answered many times.
There's a link there (as there always has been) to refer you to the question. Stop being a disingenuous retard.

This is a lie. A patently obvious lie. It's a lie now, just as it was the first time you posted it, and every single time afterward. You are a liar; a remorseless serial liar of the very first order.

Without stipulating that you have any idea of what I believe, for the purposes of our discussion I will stand by everything I have thus far posted and assert that I agree. It's not a belief I hold with unqualified certainty, but it is indeed my belief. That is what the observable evidence currently available suggests. This is without valid dispute, neither upon evidentiary bases, or upon logical bases.

I agree. It's not a belief I hold with unqualified certainty, but it is indeed my belief. That is what the observable evidence currently available suggests. This is without valid dispute, neither upon evidentiary bases, or upon logical bases.

Your superstitious judgements regarding "absurdity" possess no verifable validity. None.

A belief is simply the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing. A rational belief is the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing for which support in evidence, or valid logic, has been established. Faith is the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing for which there is no support in verifiable evidence and/or valid logic; the obtuse strength of the denial of the contrary evidence and or valid logic is the "validating" quality of faith.

So, these beliefs you fatuously call "absurd" are indeed based upon science (as has been well demonstrated) rather than faith, in that those "absurd" beliefs are founded upon verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, and are validated by verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, rather than denials of verifiable evidence and valid logic.

It's really too bad for you, that your retarded superstitions cannot make the same claims.

But anyways I was gonna ask questions but I will wait and let those contradictions sink in.
I predict that Youwerecreated, consistent with his intellectually dishonesty, will repost his questions and "evidence" (as if they weren't responded to repeatedly and in depth) before he answers the question I put to him (which he claims--but cannot bring evidence for--he has already answered).
No one can say that you are inconsistent in your denial of reality.

And, it's worth noting (again) your continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.

Evidence for creation.

The Universe Has a Center

Our solar system appears to be near the center of the universe. Galaxies look the same, and are moving away from us in the same way, in all directions. The cosmic microwave background radiation comes to us very uniformly from all directions. These and other data strongly indicate we are located at a very special location by design.

Instead of accepting the obvious, recent models of physical cosmology assume the earth is not special and that everywhere in the universe the exact same observation of receding objects would be seen. Instead of a universe with an age measured in thousands of years, this assumption leads to billions of years.

In contrast, creation cosmologies explain the data better by starting from biblically-based axioms: the cosmos has a unique center and a boundary for its matter, beyond which there is at least some empty space; and on a cosmic scale of distances, the earth is near the center.

The Universe Was Created Powerfully

A star is a continuous explosion of awesome power. The power to create a universe with a billion galaxies, each with a billion stars, is beyond imagination. To create matter and energy can only be done by a Creator who is outside of nature.

The creation of the laws of nature themselves demonstrates an even greater power. These laws are balanced so that our sun provides the energy to us day by day. These laws are balanced so the molecules within us can use that energy.

The laws of nature are fine-tuned so our sun can burn and provide us with the energy we need.

Light from stars and the sun begins with hydrogen. Hydrogen is the most plentiful element in the universe. The sun is a large ball of very hot hydrogen. It is more than 100 times larger than the earth.

The energy of the sun comes from explosions of hydrogen. These are nuclear explosions, which are much more powerful than chemical explosions.

Gravity draws all the sun's hydrogen together creating intense pressure. In the core of the sun, the huge forces cause nuclear fusion reactions. Hydrogen atoms fuse together into helium and release huge amounts of energy.

These explosions do not cause the sun to suddenly blow up and then go cold. The balanced laws of physics hold our sun together. Gravity pulls the atoms back as each explosion pushes them away. This balance keeps the billions of stars in billions of galaxies burning.

If the laws of nature were just slightly different, the delicate balance would not exist between hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Without this balance thousands of critical molecular interactions would not happen. There are only a few elements that can sustain life through their unique properties. Any change would make life impossible.

The Universe Was Created Recently

Many clock-like processes operating in the solar system and beyond indicate that the universe is young. For example, spiral galaxies should not exist if they are billions of years old. The stars near their centers rotate around the galactic cores faster than stars at the perimeters. If a cosmology based on long ages is correct, they should have blended into disk-shaped galaxies by now.

Comets pose a similar problem. They lose material each time they pass around the sun. Why would they still exist after vast eons? Saturn’s rings still look new and shiny. And many planets and moons are very geologically active. Surely the energy they continually expend should have been spent long ago if they are as old as they are usually claimed to be.

Instead, the more astronomers learn about the heavens, the more evidence there is that the universe is young.

'Wildly Unexpected' Galaxies Defy Simple Naturalistic Explanations

by Brian Thomas, M.S. *

God said in Isaiah 45:12: "I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded." 1 Corinthians 15:41 states, "There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory." If what the Bible says is true, then planets, stars, and galaxies should each be unique, thus defying a simple origins explanation based on physical laws.

This truth is already well-established with the solar system, since each planet has a totally unique chemical composition and overall layout.1 And the discovery of "old" galaxies mixed with "young" shows that galaxy formation has been hopelessly difficult for nature-only theories to explain.2 Could creation be the best explanation for all these one-of-a-kind stellar entities?

The June 13, 2011, issue of New Scientist magazine summarized recent work by astronomer John Kormendy of the University of Texas at Austin and cosmologist Jim Peebles of Princeton University, as well as others. Astronomers are finding evidence that, according to Peebles, shows that "galaxies are complicated and we don't really understand how they form. It's really an embarrassment."3

In the January 2011 issue of Nature, Peebles summarized two papers that described galaxy discs that totally failed to fit the standard theories of how galaxies supposedly formed.4 The galaxies they investigated had very dense points of mass in the center of their cores, presumably black holes. But only about half of them had a "bulge" of associated stars nearby. The other galaxies were razor-flat in side profile, even though they appeared brighter near their centers.

"Bulgeless" galaxies are "wildly unexpected in the standard model," according to Peebles.3 He wrote in Nature, "A challenge for the advancing power of theoretical methods is to understand this inward migration of matter, and why it preferentially fed the pseudobulge [concentration of stars within the galaxy's plane] in some galaxies and the black hole in others."4 In other words, why would matter have bulged beyond the plane of some spiral or disc galaxies, while in otherwise similarly shaped galaxies it remained confined within the flat plane of the galaxy?

They found a large number of "slimline" galaxies in "pristine spirals." These are a "big problem" because, as Kormendy told New Scientist, "We don't know how to prevent bulge formation when galaxies grow big via mergers."3 Part of the standard model is that early on, small proto-galaxies crashed into one another to become today's massive galaxies—a conjecture that lacks observational verification. But even the conjecture holds that such crashes make messes and bulges, whereas close to half of the galaxies they observed are clean and flat.

One aspect of slimline galaxies, like the Milky Way and Galaxy M101, that was not discussed is how young they look. Wouldn't their billions of stars have had ample opportunity over billions of years to collide, especially in dense regions? At least some, but probably most, of those stars should have been bumped out of the galactic plane. But instead, their arrangement is as orderly as so many ink dots on a vast sheet of paper. Similar observations show that Saturn's razor-flat rings look young.5

This thin, youthful appearance is no problem for the Bible's recent creation account. And the mixture of bulged and "no bulge" galaxies is easy to explain as the handiwork of a Creator who crafted a unique signature for each of His cosmological formations.

The Universe Was Created
Prediction validated.
LOki said:
I predict that Youwerecreated, consistent with his intellectually dishonesty, will repost his questions and "evidence" (as if they weren't responded to repeatedly and in depth) before he answers the question I put to him (which he claims--but cannot bring evidence for--he has already answered).
More evidence.

Everything Has a Cause

In ordinary experience, one knows intuitively that nothing happens in isolation. Every event can be traced to one or more events which preceded it and that, in fact, caused it. We ask: "How did this happen?" "What caused this?" "Where did this come from?" "When did it start?" Or, more incisively, "Why did this happen?"

When we try to trace the event to its cause, or causes, we find that we never seem to reach a stopping point. The cause of the event was itself caused by a prior cause, which was affected by a previous cause, and so on back.

Police investigators on an accident scene, for instance, use the principles of cause and effect every day to determine who was ultimately responsible and how it happened.

Eventually, we must face the question of the original cause—and uncaused First Cause.

A scientific experiment specifically tries to relate effects to causes, in the form of quantitative equations if possible. Thus, if one repeats the same experiment with exactly the same factors, then exactly the same results will be reproduced. The very basis of the highly reputed "scientific method" is this very law of causality—that effects are in and like their causes, and that like causes produce like effects. Science in the modern sense would be altogether impossible if cause and effect should cease.

This law inevitably leads to a choice between two alternatives: (1) an infinite chain of nonprimary causes (nothing ultimately responsible for all observable causes and effects); or (2) an uncaused primary Cause of all causes (the One absolute Cause)

The Effect Problem

There are two other "Universal Laws" that we see demonstrated in everything we examine in the world around us.

1. There is no new mass/energy coming into existence anywhere in the universe, and every bit of that original mass/energy is still here.

2. Every time something happens (an event takes place), some of the energy becomes unavailable.

The First Law tells us that matter (mass/energy) can be changed, but can neither be created nor destroyed. The Second Law tells us that all phenomena (mass/energy) continually proceed to lower levels of usefulness.

In simple terms, every cause must be at least as great as the effect that it produces—and will, in reality, produce an effect that is less than the cause. That is, any effect must have a greater cause.

When this universal law is traced backwards, one is faced again with the possibility that there is an ongoing chain of ever-decreasing effects, resulting from an infinite chain of nonprimary ever-increasing causes. However, what appears more probable is the existence of an uncaused Source, an omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, and Primary, First Cause.

Cause and Effect

God Caused Beauty

Aesthetics is the study of beauty, more often associated today with art. However, the discipline itself, and the philosophical apologetics from the concept are extended into every sphere of imagination, sensibility, and taste.

Essentially, the foundational argument would suggest that given the universal reality that the concept of "beauty" exists (even if it is in "the eye of the beholder") there is an ultimate "standard" by which beauty is judged. Determining the aesthetic value of anything requires rational judgment, even though that judgment is unique to each individual. Each rational judgment must rely on one's ability to discriminate at a sensory or emotional level.

This examination makes a judgment regarding whether something is beautiful, sublime, disgusting, fun, cute, silly, entertaining, pretentious, discordant, harmonious, boring, humorous, or tragic. And, of course, since such an ability exists only in the mental acuity of imaginative appreciation, then the Source of such ability must also be both rational and emotional.

The vast differences between individual tastes and between cultures, both in time and in location, speak to the enormity of such possibilities and to the unfathomable wonder of the hunger for "beauty" in every human being.

That such a hunger exists only in the human being is a wonder in itself! The flower is not impressed with its own majesty; it merely exists with no conscious awareness. The chimpanzee does not gaze longingly on the enigma of the Mona Lisa, nor do the stars muse on the heavens they themselves grace.

In fact, all humanity eschews destruction and random chaos as "ugly" and attempts to mask death with various levels of cosmetic disguises, and this speaks to the realization that some

God Caused Justice

Morality involves the study of the universal recognition that "good" is better than "evil," which logically requires the existence of an ultimate Judge. That is, since all humanity accepts the knowledge that some events and standards are better than others—even though cultures may differ on what those events or standards may be—there must be an ultimate Source of such thinking, even if the absolute standard has become distorted over time.

C.S. Lewis, one of the most prolific writers and thinkers of our time, wrote of what he called "Moral Law," or the "Law of Human Nature" in his work Mere Christianity.

The Moral Law, or Law of Human Nature, is not simply a fact about human behavior in the same way as the Law of Gravitation is, or may be, simply a fact about how heavy objects behave. On the other hand, it is not a mere fancy, for we cannot get rid of the idea, and most of the things we say and think about men would be reduced to nonsense if we did. And it is not simple a statement about how we should like men to behave for our own convenience; for the behavior we call bad or unfair is not exactly the same as the behavior we find inconvenient, and may even be the opposite. Consequently, the rule of Right and Wrong, or Law of Human Nature, or whatever you call it, must somehow or other be a real thing—a thing that is really there, not made up by ourselves (Page 20).

We find then that we do not exist on our own, that we are under a law, and that Somebody or Something wants us to behave in a certain way.

Therefore, this Somebody or Something is directing the universe, and as a result we sense an internal law that urges us to do right and makes us feel responsibile and uncomfortable when we do wrong. We have to assume this entity is more like a mind than it is like anything else we know, because after all, the only other thing we know is matter and you can hardly imagine a bit of matter giving instructions.

Catholic apologist and philosophy professor Peter Kreeft also writes in his work The Argument from Conscience, "The only possible source of absolute authority is an absolute perfect will." The full text of Argument can be viewed here.

God Caused Love

Unlike affection, only humans are capable of receiving, giving, refusing, and rejecting love.

Animals (including chimps) are not able to provide any assistance to other creatures they are not related to, and even seem to be unable to recognize the needs of other animals. Although some animals (especially mammals like dogs, cats, and horses) can and do appreciate affection, only humans are capable of receiving, giving, refusing, and rejecting love.

Humans are driven by an entirely different kind of love. We love our children when they are disobedient. We can love our enemies and sacrifice our lives for our friends (like soldiers do). The highest, truest kind of love is that which consciously seeks and takes practical action to do good for someone else, valuing that other person as higher than one's self, even if providing such good requires self-sacrifice. This is what separates us, practically, from love expressed by animals.

Of course, if God did not create us, how would we ever know what real love is, much less learn to practice love ourselves? The very fact that we can love and be loved (by God and by others) is yet another proof of a Creator's love. Because of His own nature of infinite love and grace, it was God's good pleasure to create things in whom He could bestow His love and grace and who, being made in His image, would be capable of reciprocating and responding to that love.

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

God Caused Meaning

Humans in particular seek a "reason to exist" and for the most part find it difficult to accept that we are simply here to consume the earth's resources and die. However, God in the beginning created the heavens, the earth, and all living creatures—especially mankind—with special purposes in mind, which He explained in His Word.

Here is the essence of the naturalistic-evolutionary "story."

There is no God (or "god" is in the forces of nature, or in man himself). Nothing "supernatural" exists (except perhaps some "extra-terrestrial" race of super-intellects that have evolved in other parts of the universe. Since no evidence for the Bible's "God" exists, we can be certain that there is no such thing as a "plan for your life." And since there is so, there is no future, no "afterlife." Speculative Hollywood movies notwithstanding, and the many reported "out of the body experiences" to the contrary, no rational naturalist believes in any form of "eternal life." When you're dead, you're dead!

Such hopeless beliefs drive many into lives of debauchery and hedonism, and fill the couches of psychologists and psychiatrists all over the world. Teenage suicide is alarmingly high, and the therapitst themselves continue to manifest one of the highest suicide rates in civilized countries. Scandals abound among the leaders of world business, politics, and churches.

"If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable" (1 Corinthians 15:19).

There is no "good news" in the evolutionary theory.

There is, however, glorious wonder and life-changing power in the "everlasting gospel" (Revelation 14:6).

God Caused Order

Ordered systems or structures do not happen spontaenously. We never observe orderliness occurring by accident, without an intelligent cause to direct the order. No amount of power or energy is enough to bring order out of chaos. Try shooting a wristwatch with a bullet; the watch's order does not increase! (The only order in a watch is that which the watchmaker intelligently puts into it at the beginning.)

Likewise, if we drop a plain glass bottle of spoiled milk on bricks, it quite naturally shatters into a more disorderly arrangement: chaotic glass fragments mixed with spilt spoiled milk. It could never reform itself into a more exquisitely-sculpted glass container containing fresh milk!

The mere addition of "lots of energy" is not enough, either. A tired human eats to gain food energy, but eating hot coals is not an adequate energy source, because it fails to match and cooperate with the orderly design of human digestive systems.

Everyday experiences, such as broken watches and spilled milk, remind us that order does not happen by itself. In fact, our entire universe teaches us that same truth. The earth's rotation, the moon cycle, and the changing seasons are just a few of the ordered processes observable in nature. These processes don't happen randomly but are divinely caused by God.

God is the Author and Organizer of orderliness. His design and construction of our own bodies, through the complexity of biogenesis, is a proper reason for glorifying and thanking Him for making us.

God Caused Time, Space, and Matter

The cause of the universe is God. Our Creator is outside of the physical creation he made. Time is not eternal, but created.

To ask what happened in time before time was created is to create a false paradox without meaning. There was no "before" before the triune universe of time, space and matter was created.

God Caused Wisdom

Wisdom is, essentially, the effective understanding and use of information. Humans discover information; we do not invent it. Through wisdom, humanity has developed (i.e. used information effectively) a set of scientific laws that elegantly express reality in the language of mathematics. Johann Kepler, the noted founder of physical astronomy, is said to have considered his science to be "thinking God's thoughts after Him."

The unfathomable intelligence that was used to invent the universe, and to pre-program its interactive workings, is a source of "wisdom" beyond-the-imagination. In particular, the cause of our universe coming into being, and of its continuing to operate as it does, is a dynamic display of the Creator's wisdom, some of which we can scientifically understand and effectively apply. When we do, we are (as Kepler) "thinking God's thoughts after Him."

To the extent that humans have any wisdom at all, much less the wisdom necessary to understand a meaningful amount of the working of the universe, the very fact that we can understand at all is more amazing than the marvelous physics of the universe! How can an immaterial mind, residing inside a human body, made mostly of water (along with other constituent elements of the earth), comprehend anything, even this sentence?

It is only by God's creative grace that human being can think any thoughts at all, much less thoughts that are logical and analytical enough to be called "scientific."

Design and Purpose
Prediction validated.
LOki said:
I predict that Youwerecreated, consistent with his intellectually dishonesty, will repost his questions and "evidence" (as if they weren't responded to repeatedly and in depth) before he answers the question I put to him (which he claims--but cannot bring evidence for--he has already answered).
The Earth Is Unique

As far as science "knows," the planet earth is unique in the entire universe. Certainly this is true in our own solar system. Nothing that we have observed leads us to believe that there is any other planet like earth

The Earth Itself

Earth is the only planet circling our sun on which life as we know it could (and does) exist.

Like no other planet, ours is covered with green vegetation, enormous blue-green oceans containing over a million islands, hundreds of thousands of streams and rivers, huge land masses called continents, mountains, ice caps, and deserts that produce a spectacular variety of color and texture. Some form of life is found in virtually every ecological niche on the earth's surface. Even in the extremely cold Antarctica, hardy microscopic beings thrive in ponds, tiny wingless insects live in patches of moss and lichen, and plants grow and flower yearly. From the apex of the atmosphere to the bottom of the oceans, from the coldest part of the poles to the warmest part of the equator, life thrives here. To this day, no evidence of life has been found on any other planet.

The earth is immense in size, about 8,000 miles in diameter, with a mass calculated at roughly 6.6 x 1,021 tons. The earth is on average 93 million miles from the sun. If the earth traveled much faster in its 584-million-mile-long journey around the sun, its orbit would become larger and it would move farther away from the sun. If it moved too far from the narrow habitable zone, all life would cease to exist on earth. If it traveled slightly slower in its orbit, the earth would move closer to the sun, and if it moved too close, all life would likewise perish. The earth's 365-days, 6-hours, 49-minutes and 9.54-seconds trip around the sun (the sidereal year) is consistent to over a thousandth of a second!

If the yearly average temperature on earth's surface changed by only a few degrees or so, much of the life on it would eventually roast or freeze. This change would upset the water-to-ice ratio and other critical balances, with disastrous results. If the earth rotated slower on its axis, all life would die in time, either by freezing at night because of lack of heat from the sun or by burning during the day from too much heat.

Our "normal" earth processes are assuredly unique among our solar system and, according to what we know, in the entire universe.

The Sun and Moon

Of all the energy the sun gives off, only 0.45 billionth of its daily output strikes the earth. The sun provides the earth with energy estimated at over 239 trillion horsepower, about 35,000 horsepower for each current resident. Even though there likely exist several hundred billion galaxies in the universe, each with 100 billion stars, there is only one atom for every 88 gallons of space, which means the vast majority of the universe is empty space!

If the moon was much larger or nearer to the earth, the huge tides that would result would overflow onto the lowlands and erode the mountains. If the continents were leveled, it is estimated that water would cover the entire surface to the depth of over a mile! If the earth was not tilted 23° on its axis, but rather was on a 90° angle in reference to the sun, we would not have four seasons.

Without seasons, life would soon not be able to exist on earth—the poles would lie in eternal twilight, and water vapor from the oceans would be carried by the wind towards both the north and south, freezing when it moved close enough to the poles. In time, huge continents of snow and ice would pile up in the polar regions, leaving most of the earth a dry desert. The oceans would eventually disappear, and rainfall would cease. The accumulated weight of ice at the poles would cause the equator to bulge, and, as a result, the earth's rotation would drastically change.

Just a “little” change (in the perspective of the universe) would render the earth unsuitable to support any life. Is this the result of accidental randomness, or purposeful intent?

The Miracle of Water

The earth is the only known planet with huge bodies of water. Seventy percent of its surface area consists of oceans, lakes, and seas surrounding huge bodies of land. The few other planets that have water contain only moisture floating as vapor on their surface or small amounts of ice or liquid water on the planet itself, not large bodies of liquid water as on earth.

Water is unique in that it can absorb enormous amounts of heat without a large alteration in its temperature. Its heat absorption level is about ten times as great as steel. During the day, the earth's bodies of water rapidly soak up enormous amounts of heat; thus, the earth stays fairly cool. At night, they release the vast amounts of heat that they absorbed during the day, which, combined with atmospheric effects, keeps most of the surface from freezing solid at night. If it were not for the tremendous amounts of water on the earth, far greater day and night temperature variations would exist. Many parts of the surface would be hot enough to boil water during the day, and the same parts would be cold enough to freeze water at night. Because water is an excellent temperature stabilizer, the large oceans on earth are vital for life to exist on earth.

In contrast to virtually all other materials (the rare exceptions include rubber and antimony), water contracts when cooled only until it reaches 4 degrees Celsius. Then it amazingly expands until it freezes. Thus, because of this anomaly, the ice that forms in seas, oceans, and lakes stays near the surface, where the sun heats it during the day and the warm water below melts it in the summer. This and the Coriolis effect, which produces ocean currents, ensure that most of the ocean stays in a liquid form, allowing the myriads of water creatures to live.

This is one more "stunning" demonstration that the "Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens" (Proverbs 3:19).

The Miracle of Air

The air close to the earth's surface is heated by light energy from the sun, and after the air is warmed it becomes less dense and rises upward. The result is that the air near the earth's surface maintains a temperature in which life can exist. If air contracted when heated and became denser, the temperature on the earth's surface would become unbearable, and most life could not survive for very long. The temperature a few hundred feet above the surface, on the other hand, would be extremely cold, and most life could also not exist there for very long. The only habitable region would be a thin slice of air, but even here life could not exist for long because the plants and trees necessary to support life in the atmosphere could not survive, as they would be in the cold zone. Thus birds would have no resting place or food, water, or oxygen. But because air on the earth's surface rises when heated, life can exist on the earth.

The movement of warm air from the surface rising upward creates air currents (wind), which are an important part of the earth's ecological system. They carry away carbon dioxide from areas that overproduce, such as cities, and move oxygen to areas in need of it, such as the large urban population centers.

The mixture of gases usually found in the atmosphere not contaminated by human pollution is perfect for life. If it were much different (e.g. 17 percent instead of 21 percent oxygen, too little carbon dioxide, etc., or the atmospheric pressure were much higher or lower), life would cease to exist on earth. If our atmosphere were much thinner, many of the millions of meteors that now are burned up would reach the earth's surface, causing death, destruction, and fires everywhere.

Unique Environment for Life

If evolution works to evolve life to fit the existing environments, why has it not equally conquered all of the various environments here and elsewhere?

Earth is far better suited for life than any other planet, yet even here most of the environments are too hot, too cold, too far underground or too far above ground to support much life. In the many thousands of miles of changing environments from the center of the earth to the edge of its atmosphere, there are only a few meters of habitable environment for most life forms, and therefore, almost all creatures are forced to live there. Although in our solar system only the earth was made to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18), even on the earth only a thin slice is ideally suited for most life-forms, including those we are most familiar with, such as mammals, birds, and reptiles.

This thin section, though, is teeming with life. It is estimated that an acre of typical farm soil, six inches deep, has several tons of living bacteria, almost a ton of fungi, two hundred pounds of one-cell protozoan animals, about one hundred pounds of yeast, and the same amount of algae.

The Earth Is Unique
Prediction validated.
LOki said:
I predict that Youwerecreated, consistent with his intellectually dishonesty, will repost his questions and "evidence" (as if they weren't responded to repeatedly and in depth) before he answers the question I put to him (which he claims--but cannot bring evidence for--he has already answered).

Evidence from Science

Where does everything come from and what does it mean? Science is limited in its ability to answer the questions nearest to our hearts. However, science does give us tools to understand our universe and the laws of nature that we can observe today.

This understanding provides compelling evidence for creation.

Earth Was Created for Life

Our solar system is filled with amazing planets, but none are perfect for life except the earth.

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It gets very hot and very cold. It has a very slow spin. The side facing the sun is heated to 800 (F) while the side away from the sun is cooled to –298 degrees (F).

Venus is hotter than Mercury, yet farther away from the sun. Venus has an atmosphere 90 times thicker than earth's. Heat is trapped in the clouds and heats the entire planet to 931 degrees (F).

Mars is similar to earth in many ways. A day on Mars is 24.7 hours. It is tilted 25 degrees, just two more degrees than earth. At its warmest, it can get to be a comfortable 67 degrees (F). It has two small moons. But Mars is smaller than earth. The gravity on Mars is only a third of the earth’s. Without enough gravity, Mars is unable to hold a larger atmosphere. What atmosphere it has is made of the gases we cannot breathe. Without much of an atmosphere, many meteoroids hit Mars. It also gets very cold at night.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is ten times smaller than the sun and ten times larger than the earth. Jupiter spins faster than any other planet, with a day of 9 hours and 55.5 minutes. Its fast spin causes tremendous storms. The big red spot on Jupiter is a huge hurricane.

Saturn is the second-largest planet in our solar system and has the largest set of rings. It is almost twice as far away from the sun as Jupiter is. Saturn is a gas giant. As one descends into the atmosphere, the pressure, temperature, and gravity greatly increase. The core of the planet is boiling hot and radiates more heat out into space than it receives from the sun.

Uranus is tilted on its side with its axis pointed at the sun. If the earth's axis was pointed at the sun, one hemisphere would always be boiling hot and the other would be freezing cold. Uranus is four times as far from the sun as Jupiter and twice as far from the sun as Saturn.

Neptune is the farthest gas giant from the sun. It is almost four times larger than the earth. Its strong gravity traps harmful gases in its atmosphere.

The utter lifelessness of other planets in our solar system illustrates the fact that earth is unique and specially created for life.

Earth Was Created in a Wonderful Location

Our Sun Is Perfectly Located Within Our Galaxy

The spiral-shaped galaxy in which the earth is located is called the Milky Way. The spiraling arms and center of this galaxy contain many stars set close together, giving off its characteristic brightness.

Other galaxies—older, smaller, elliptical, and irregular—are missing the proper amounts of elements necessary to maintain the right balance of stars and planets required to support life.

Some stars explode into supernovas, causing deadly radiation to flow through nearby stars and planets.

The center and arms of galaxies are flooded with high amounts of radiation. Most stars are located in places with too much harmful energy for life.

Our solar system is located about two-thirds of the way out toward the edge of the Milky Way, where we are least likely to suffer collisions with other stars. Most of the stars in our galaxy are in the larger spiral arms or in the center. Because there are few stars near us, there is a low amount of radiation surrounding our solar system and we can observe the rest of the universe and our own galaxy much better.

Our Planet is Perfectly Located Within Our Solar System

Our solar system also contains thousands of asteroids and meteoroids. These sometime collide with planets. Jupiter keeps large rocks from hitting earth by attracting them with its strong gravity.

The earth's huge moon also protects us from many of rocks that cross our planet's path. The craters across the moon's surface demonstrate the frequency something has collided with the moon instead of earth. The moon's South Pole—Aitken basin—is the largest known crater in our solar system. It is eight miles deep and 1500 miles across. The earth's moon is unusually large.

In addition, our huge moon is a stabilizing anchor for our planet. Our moon prevents our planet from tilting too far from the attraction of the sun or Jupiter.

We are protected because of the way our solar system was created.

Earth Was Created in a Wonderful Location

Earth's Core Was Created to Protect Life

Our planet was created for life.

A smaller planet, like Mars, would be unable to hold our atmosphere, which protects us from meteoroids and keeps the temperature within the range needed for life.

A larger planet, like Neptune, would trap too much atmosphere. The pressure and temperature would greatly increase. A stronger gravity from the increased size would also trap harmful gases in the atmosphere.

Earth has a strong magnetic field. This protects us from harmful radiation from the sun.

Earth's Water Cycle Protects and Provides

Clouds function as earth's curtains, balancing the temperature. When they form, they block the sun when the temperature on earth becomes too hot, and they let the sunlight in when it becomes too cold. When the earth is hot, more water evaporates from the oceans and turns into clouds. These clouds reflect more energy and the earth cools. When the earth is cold, the clouds cool and condense into rain and snow. With fewer clouds, less energy is reflected. The energy reaches the earth and warms it. The earth has the most diverse collection of reflective surfaces in our solar system.

Water is the most abundant chemical compound on earth. Water covers three fourths of the earth's surface. Between half to three fourths of your body is water. Water is ideal for carbon-based chemistry.

Water is transported from the ocean to the atmosphere, to the land, and then back to the ocean. The ocean is the primary storehouse of water on the earth. The sun evaporates water from the oceans, which rises into the atmosphere and eventually returns to the ocean.

The atmosphere also stores a small quantity of water. Wind blows water vapor from the hot ocean to the cool land. Cooling water vapor condenses into clouds. Water falls back to the land as rain and snow.

The land also stores water. Fresh water is held for months in ice and snow. Water infiltrates into the land and is stored underground. Surface water flows into streams and rivers. Lakes store water. Water flows from the land back into the ocean.

Water expands when it freezes, unlike most other substances. Ice and snow take up more volume than the same amount of liquid water. This makes water denser as a liquid than when frozen, so ice floats on the surface. If ice did not float on the surface of the water, the floors of oceans and lakes would be covered with glaciers of ice that never melt. Ice helps regulate the climate by reflecting energy.

As a liquid, water's temperature range is perfect for cycling water from the oceans to the land. Water takes a lot of energy to evaporate into a vapor, and it releases this energy when it condenses back into liquid. This absorbtion and release of energy balances temperatures in the earth's climate, as well as inside living cells. If less energy were required for evaporation, streams, rivers, and lakes would evaporate away quickly.

Beautiful clouds and sunsets inspire praise for the Creator who forms them. We are blessed by the water that flows though our biosphere.

The Earth Was Uniquely Created

This should be enough for you to chew on for a while.
Prediction validated.
LOki said:
I predict that Youwerecreated, consistent with his intellectually dishonesty, will repost his questions and "evidence" (as if they weren't responded to repeatedly and in depth) before he answers the question I put to him (which he claims--but cannot bring evidence for--he has already answered).
Now for some quesions that went ignored.

Transitional fossils from precambrian . Transitional fossils during the cambrian,where are they ?

Why do the fossils found in the precambrian show no change today ?

How come fossils found and dated from way back in the past show no change ?

All organisms have mutations,how come we don't see species in the process of evolving ?

What evidence is there showing life can happen spontaneously from non-life ?

Why do you hold the view that non-intelligence can produce intelligence ?

Can you produce evidence for mutations causing a feature change ? How did it benefit the organism ?

Why are there more harmful mutations then beneficial mutations ?

Why is there life on only one planet ?

Why does your side make many different family trees if we are all related ? why not just one tree since you believe DNA similarity proves ancestry.

How is ancestry proven today ? Why can't we use the same method for declaring ancestry from the past ?

Why do you trust dating methods created by man when they have proven to be unreliable ? How do you account for things with a known age showing up much older then the known age ?

Why do you believe beneficial mutations are the engine that drives macro-evolution when they are so rare and do not change the organism the way Neo say's ? If I'm wrong provide evidence.
Prediction validated.
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