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may I suggest avoiding the nonsense on talk origins,it will cause your brain to waste away. I have read that site many times talk about site full of fairytales. That is where most of you that think for yourselves go. Pretty much the same as atheist sites. I will take your spin as a reluctance to talk about the issues.

I understand your frustration. Talkorigins is one site among many that exposes Christian creationist lies.

Your deep animosity to science based websites causes you to lash out because your promoting of falsehoods is easily debunked.

No on the contrary,that site produces mindless robots that can't think for themselves. That site promotes fairytales and lies about the truth. You are nothing more then a deciple copying and pasting their religous lies.

I'm afraid you're getting quite frantic. It's a shame that religious Loons are so violently anti-science and anti-knowledge. Talkorigins and similar science based websites could be a valuable source of education and enlightenment for Christian fundies such as yourself and the other YEC'ist.

I would be willing to direct you to such sites and even offer to research some sources that have had success with freeing people like you from the control of religious cults.

I'm here to help.
One more thing Ima,schools and some in science they ruled out answers before they asked the question. They said there is no God and creator with no evidence to rule it out. So now let's ask the question,what is the origins of life ? that is why they can't find the answers to the origins of life they ruled out the answer.

It is un-scientific to rule out answers before they ask the question.

They taught us in grade school that the frog turned into a prince and said it was a fairytale. Then in high school and college they call this science.

Scientists are working on the origins of life by trying to recreate it in a lab. They seem pretty close to cracking the mystery. Interesting stuff.


Put another way, scientists are trying to jump start life using the same elements that were on earth at the time. Why do you have a problem with that?

And what happens if we find life on another planet? How does that impact creationism?
I understand your frustration. Talkorigins is one site among many that exposes Christian creationist lies.

Your deep animosity to science based websites causes you to lash out because your promoting of falsehoods is easily debunked.

No on the contrary,that site produces mindless robots that can't think for themselves. That site promotes fairytales and lies about the truth. You are nothing more then a deciple copying and pasting their religous lies.

I'm afraid you're getting quite frantic. It's a shame that religious Loons are so violently anti-science and anti-knowledge. Talkorigins and similar science based websites could be a valuable source of education and enlightenment for Christian fundies such as yourself and the other YEC'ist.

I would be willing to direct you to such sites and even offer to research some sources that have had success with freeing people like you from the control of religious cults.

I'm here to help.
I'm fine,I am here sitting in my ground blind getting ready to bag another deer. I love texas hunting.
Scientists are working on the origins of life by trying to recreate it in a lab. They seem pretty close to cracking the mystery. Interesting stuff.


Put another way, scientists are trying to jump start life using the same elements that were on earth at the time. Why do you have a problem with that?

And what happens if we find life on another planet? How does that impact creationism?

Not a bit considering God the creator created all we know exists.
How the hell does someone seriously believe the earth is 6000 years old?

Meh. It baffles me.

Simple: most folks like to assign meaning to themselves and wish for death to not be the end of them. It's a comfortable delusion that a plurality of humans seem to gravitate toward.

None too complicated.
Listen you dunce if you are gonna try and defend a theory for Gods sake have a clue about the theory. Darwinian's had no clue of the biological processes we do today. Most of darwins views were based on a few observations with a lot of conjecture. The current theory of evolution is neo darwinism. Do I need to explain that to you as well you fraud.

You might also want to let Einstein know that it is a completely logical train of thought to deduce that if Humans come from evolution and Computers and Rocket ships come from Humans, then we can conclude that evolution indirectly produces computers and rocket ships. This takes about a 3rd grade understanding of basic reasoning so it is not surprising he-she doesn't get it.

The inventions of rocket ships are purely incidental, and in no way guaranteed indirectly by an evolutionary process, so you can't say that evolution "indirectly produces computers and rocket ships." We only have one example of evolution to draw from: our own. Here again, you are using an argument from induction, combined with the fallacy of hasty generalization. You attempt to make a general statement about any evolutionary processes by observing our own, yet based on no other examples of evolutionary lineages. Therefore, you are attempting to make a general statement about evolution from a particular example of evolution (inductive reasoning) and using a very small sample size (one sample of evolution) to make a generalization about all evolutionary processes. This implies that there are extra-terrestrials out there under going evolution, and you are claiming that they too, have "computers and rocket ships." Yet, I thought as a theist, you don't believe in extra-terrestrials, because god made the universe for us? We have no idea what other evolutionary processes produce, because we have never directly observed them. Until we do, your statement is highly unsubstantiated. In all likelihood, evolution would mostly produce bacteria and algae and things of this nature and likely constitute most of the life in the universe. There may be a few instances of evolution producing life which produces computers in the cosmos, but at best, this sort of induction could only grant probabilities to your conclusion.

All you are left with, is the ability to say "this particular evolutionary process produced a species which produced computers and rocket ships." We already know this to be true, so you haven't gotten anywhere, logically.

You're attempt to sound smart with all you WRONG flowery speech has EPICALLY FAILED again. The fact of the matter is that my argument is not an argument from induction, because if evolution is true, then evolution produced computers and rocket ships via the human race. We are not talking about some random evolutionary process. We are talking about evolution of humans. Your arguments about other instances of evolution than our own are irrelevant and ludicrous. If evolution is true, then you cannot deny it has produced computers and rocket ships. Of course we know evolution is pseudoscience, and such a claim is totally ridiculous.

Oh and while we are on the topic of your fallacious arguments, you wrongly claim that ID is an appeal to ignorance. That would be the case if we exhausted other origin of life possibilities and were saying we don't know how it happened so an intelligence must have done it. But that is not the argument of ID. The thing you continually ignore, and to your own detriment, is that we have evidence of "causes now in operation" [Lyell, Darwin]. We aren't arguing from ignorance because we have evidence that complex, functional information ONLY comes from an intelligent agent. So please knock it off with your fallacious claims of argument from ignorance.
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I noticed you also ignored the goofy video. Why dont you provide a detailed account of the false comparisons and bad analogies.

You can also reference the profoundly stupid comparisons that Christian creationists are forced to make. Here's a hint: what false principle did Meyer steal from Behe?
why don't you make that your rebuttal and we will go from there.
You are suggesting meyer stole irreducible complexity. Does that mean that evolutionist stole darwins work ? Or since darwin was not the first to suggest evolution that he stole someone elses work ? I cannot believe the ignorance you exhibit.
...evolutionary processes have passed through the filter of the scientific method ...

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: What a clown.

Put another way, scientists are trying to jump start life using the same elements that were on earth at the time. Why do you have a problem with that?

And what happens if we find life on another planet? How does that impact creationism?

Not a bit considering God the creator created all we know exists.
An absurd claim that is utterly unsupported. As with all of creationist blathering, your claims require a prior committment to a particular religious sect.
Scientists are working on the origins of life by trying to recreate it in a lab. They seem pretty close to cracking the mystery. Interesting stuff.


Put another way, scientists are trying to jump start life using the same elements that were on earth at the time. Why do you have a problem with that?

And what happens if we find life on another planet? How does that impact creationism?

Might want to read CS Lewis about our planet in rebellion.
How the hell does someone seriously believe the earth is 6000 years old?

Meh. It baffles me.

Simple: most folks like to assign meaning to themselves and wish for death to not be the end of them. It's a comfortable delusion that a plurality of humans seem to gravitate toward.

None too complicated.

This need is a product of evolution then??? Now there's a circular argument for you. So Evolution created God?
why don't you make that your rebuttal and we will go from there.
You are suggesting meyer stole irreducible complexity. Does that mean that evolutionist stole darwins work ? Or since darwin was not the first to suggest evolution that he stole someone elses work ? I cannot believe the ignorance you exhibit.
...evolutionary processes have passed through the filter of the scientific method ...

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: What a clown.

My statement is true. Goofy fundies are left only to offer nonsensical one-liners and goofy smiley faces.
How the hell does someone seriously believe the earth is 6000 years old?

Meh. It baffles me.

Simple: most folks like to assign meaning to themselves and wish for death to not be the end of them. It's a comfortable delusion that a plurality of humans seem to gravitate toward.

None too complicated.

This need is a product of evolution then??? Now there's a circular argument for you. So Evolution created God?
You should stick with cutting and pasting nonsense from Christian creationist websites. Left to hapless attempts at actually forming meaningful sentences, you do a disservice even to goofy creationists.
You might also want to let Einstein know that it is a completely logical train of thought to deduce that if Humans come from evolution and Computers and Rocket ships come from Humans, then we can conclude that evolution indirectly produces computers and rocket ships. This takes about a 3rd grade understanding of basic reasoning so it is not surprising he-she doesn't get it.

The inventions of rocket ships are purely incidental, and in no way guaranteed indirectly by an evolutionary process, so you can't say that evolution "indirectly produces computers and rocket ships." We only have one example of evolution to draw from: our own. Here again, you are using an argument from induction, combined with the fallacy of hasty generalization. You attempt to make a general statement about any evolutionary processes by observing our own, yet based on no other examples of evolutionary lineages. Therefore, you are attempting to make a general statement about evolution from a particular example of evolution (inductive reasoning) and using a very small sample size (one sample of evolution) to make a generalization about all evolutionary processes. This implies that there are extra-terrestrials out there under going evolution, and you are claiming that they too, have "computers and rocket ships." Yet, I thought as a theist, you don't believe in extra-terrestrials, because god made the universe for us? We have no idea what other evolutionary processes produce, because we have never directly observed them. Until we do, your statement is highly unsubstantiated. In all likelihood, evolution would mostly produce bacteria and algae and things of this nature and likely constitute most of the life in the universe. There may be a few instances of evolution producing life which produces computers in the cosmos, but at best, this sort of induction could only grant probabilities to your conclusion.

All you are left with, is the ability to say "this particular evolutionary process produced a species which produced computers and rocket ships." We already know this to be true, so you haven't gotten anywhere, logically.

You're attempt to sound smart with all you WRONG flowery speech has EPICALLY FAILED again. The fact of the matter is that my argument is not an argument from induction, because if evolution is true, then evolution produced computers and rocket ships via the human race. We are not talking about some random evolutionary process. We are talking about evolution of humans. Your arguments about other instances of evolution than our own are irrelevant and ludicrous. If evolution is true, then you cannot deny it has produced computers and rocket ships. Of course we know evolution is pseudoscience, and such a claim is totally ridiculous.

Oh and while we are on the topic of your fallacious arguments, you wrongly claim that ID is an appeal to ignorance. That would be the case if we exhausted other origin of life possibilities and were saying we don't know how it happened so an intelligence must have done it. But that is not the argument of ID. The thing you continually ignore, and to your own detriment, is that we have evidence of "causes now in operation" [Lyell, Darwin]. We aren't arguing from ignorance because we have evidence that complex, functional information ONLY comes from an intelligent agent. So please knock it off with your fallacious claims of argument from ignorance.
So, the goofy Christian creationist still can't manage to understand that computers and rocket ships (mechanical components), don't evolve as biological organisms do.

I suppose that's what separates the Kool-aid drinkers from the enlightened portion of humanity.
Put another way, scientists are trying to jump start life using the same elements that were on earth at the time. Why do you have a problem with that?

And what happens if we find life on another planet? How does that impact creationism?

Not a bit considering God the creator created all we know exists.
An absurd claim that is utterly unsupported. As with all of creationist blathering, your claims require a prior committment to a particular religious sect.

the scientific community agrees that the universe had a beginning and must have an end. if all things are temporal then something must have always existed, Christians believe that its God, anti-theists think its something else depending on what day you ask them.

to say its absurd is in fact absurd. especially if you dont have something to bring to the table as to why the universe began. which I'm not saying you dont, but generally speaking.
How the hell does someone seriously believe the earth is 6000 years old?

Meh. It baffles me.

Simple: most folks like to assign meaning to themselves and wish for death to not be the end of them. It's a comfortable delusion that a plurality of humans seem to gravitate toward.

None too complicated.

This need is a product of evolution then??? Now there's a circular argument for you. So Evolution created God?

Yes; indeed it is, since a form of life evolved on this planet to an extent that it developed rational thinking. In fact, the planet itself is the result of evolutionary processes, since it has evolved from other defunct stars, and thus as more complex compounds in its makeup.

And yes, the notion (belief) in a creator is part of human evolution. It's generally believed that the control of fire was the kicker. It kept animals that would eat us away at night, warmed us and offered light when the sun had dipped below the horizon. All good stuff, which lent to us becoming more social, sitting around the fire chatting it up, and as a result, evolving our language ability and brain size.

Then, which is logical, we looked up and saw lights at night, and perhaps wondered if they were others like us, sitting around their fires, with one exception: they were not tethered to the earth, as we were. Thus they must have had some special powers, we lacked. And we began speculating ... and then went hog fucking wild making up all kinds of shit.

None too complicated.
The inventions of rocket ships are purely incidental, and in no way guaranteed indirectly by an evolutionary process, so you can't say that evolution "indirectly produces computers and rocket ships." We only have one example of evolution to draw from: our own. Here again, you are using an argument from induction, combined with the fallacy of hasty generalization. You attempt to make a general statement about any evolutionary processes by observing our own, yet based on no other examples of evolutionary lineages. Therefore, you are attempting to make a general statement about evolution from a particular example of evolution (inductive reasoning) and using a very small sample size (one sample of evolution) to make a generalization about all evolutionary processes. This implies that there are extra-terrestrials out there under going evolution, and you are claiming that they too, have "computers and rocket ships." Yet, I thought as a theist, you don't believe in extra-terrestrials, because god made the universe for us? We have no idea what other evolutionary processes produce, because we have never directly observed them. Until we do, your statement is highly unsubstantiated. In all likelihood, evolution would mostly produce bacteria and algae and things of this nature and likely constitute most of the life in the universe. There may be a few instances of evolution producing life which produces computers in the cosmos, but at best, this sort of induction could only grant probabilities to your conclusion.

All you are left with, is the ability to say "this particular evolutionary process produced a species which produced computers and rocket ships." We already know this to be true, so you haven't gotten anywhere, logically.

You're attempt to sound smart with all you WRONG flowery speech has EPICALLY FAILED again. The fact of the matter is that my argument is not an argument from induction, because if evolution is true, then evolution produced computers and rocket ships via the human race. We are not talking about some random evolutionary process. We are talking about evolution of humans. Your arguments about other instances of evolution than our own are irrelevant and ludicrous. If evolution is true, then you cannot deny it has produced computers and rocket ships. Of course we know evolution is pseudoscience, and such a claim is totally ridiculous.

Oh and while we are on the topic of your fallacious arguments, you wrongly claim that ID is an appeal to ignorance. That would be the case if we exhausted other origin of life possibilities and were saying we don't know how it happened so an intelligence must have done it. But that is not the argument of ID. The thing you continually ignore, and to your own detriment, is that we have evidence of "causes now in operation" [Lyell, Darwin]. We aren't arguing from ignorance because we have evidence that complex, functional information ONLY comes from an intelligent agent. So please knock it off with your fallacious claims of argument from ignorance.
...mechanical components), don't evolve as biological organisms do.
That is not the claim. Your reading comprehension fails you again. I see nothing has changed. You are just noise... A gnat buzzing in the ear.
Simple: most folks like to assign meaning to themselves and wish for death to not be the end of them. It's a comfortable delusion that a plurality of humans seem to gravitate toward.

None too complicated.

This need is a product of evolution then??? Now there's a circular argument for you. So Evolution created God?

Yes; indeed it is, since a form of life evolved on this planet to an extent that it developed rational thinking. In fact, the planet itself is the result of evolutionary processes, since it has evolved from other defunct stars, and thus as more complex compounds in its makeup.

And yes, the notion (belief) in a creator is part of human evolution. It's generally believed that the control of fire was the kicker. It kept animals that would eat us away at night, warmed us and offered light when the sun had dipped below the horizon. All good stuff, which lent to us becoming more social, sitting around the fire chatting it up, and as a result, evolving our language ability and brain size.

Then, which is logical, we looked up and saw lights at night, and perhaps wondered if they were others like us, sitting around their fires, with one exception: they were not tethered to the earth, as we were. Thus they must have had some special powers, we lacked. And we began speculating ... and then went hog fucking wild making up all kinds of shit.

None too complicated.

Psalm 14 (NIV)

1 The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
You're attempt to sound smart with all you WRONG flowery speech has EPICALLY FAILED again. The fact of the matter is that my argument is not an argument from induction, because if evolution is true, then evolution produced computers and rocket ships via the human race. We are not talking about some random evolutionary process. We are talking about evolution of humans. Your arguments about other instances of evolution than our own are irrelevant and ludicrous. If evolution is true, then you cannot deny it has produced computers and rocket ships. Of course we know evolution is pseudoscience, and such a claim is totally ridiculous.

Oh and while we are on the topic of your fallacious arguments, you wrongly claim that ID is an appeal to ignorance. That would be the case if we exhausted other origin of life possibilities and were saying we don't know how it happened so an intelligence must have done it. But that is not the argument of ID. The thing you continually ignore, and to your own detriment, is that we have evidence of "causes now in operation" [Lyell, Darwin]. We aren't arguing from ignorance because we have evidence that complex, functional information ONLY comes from an intelligent agent. So please knock it off with your fallacious claims of argument from ignorance.
...mechanical components), don't evolve as biological organisms do.
That is not the claim. Your reading comprehension fails you again. I see nothing has changed. You are just noise... A gnat buzzing in the ear.

You're having continued difficulty expressing a coherent claim. Once again for the befuddled fundie, biological organisms evolve, mechanical components do not.

These should ordinarily be simple concepts even for the fundie to understand, except in your case....
This need is a product of evolution then??? Now there's a circular argument for you. So Evolution created God?

Yes; indeed it is, since a form of life evolved on this planet to an extent that it developed rational thinking. In fact, the planet itself is the result of evolutionary processes, since it has evolved from other defunct stars, and thus as more complex compounds in its makeup.

And yes, the notion (belief) in a creator is part of human evolution. It's generally believed that the control of fire was the kicker. It kept animals that would eat us away at night, warmed us and offered light when the sun had dipped below the horizon. All good stuff, which lent to us becoming more social, sitting around the fire chatting it up, and as a result, evolving our language ability and brain size.

Then, which is logical, we looked up and saw lights at night, and perhaps wondered if they were others like us, sitting around their fires, with one exception: they were not tethered to the earth, as we were. Thus they must have had some special powers, we lacked. And we began speculating ... and then went hog fucking wild making up all kinds of shit.

None too complicated.

Psalm 14 (NIV)

1 The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”

Seems that's wrong. Thomas Edison was no fool, I assure you.

The Bible gets other shit wrong, too:

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This need is a product of evolution then??? Now there's a circular argument for you. So Evolution created God?

Yes; indeed it is, since a form of life evolved on this planet to an extent that it developed rational thinking. In fact, the planet itself is the result of evolutionary processes, since it has evolved from other defunct stars, and thus as more complex compounds in its makeup.

And yes, the notion (belief) in a creator is part of human evolution. It's generally believed that the control of fire was the kicker. It kept animals that would eat us away at night, warmed us and offered light when the sun had dipped below the horizon. All good stuff, which lent to us becoming more social, sitting around the fire chatting it up, and as a result, evolving our language ability and brain size.

Then, which is logical, we looked up and saw lights at night, and perhaps wondered if they were others like us, sitting around their fires, with one exception: they were not tethered to the earth, as we were. Thus they must have had some special powers, we lacked. And we began speculating ... and then went hog fucking wild making up all kinds of shit.

None too complicated.

Psalm 14 (NIV)

1 The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”

Psalm 14a (newer NIV)

1. "The fundie hears in his head only the rattling of, well nothing, it's a vacant space."
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