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the bible is the only evidence they have (and it's not evidence) of a creator god...everything they claim to be fact, is in fact based on faith and willful ignorance.

Gods word contains scientific facts before it was a scientific fact confirmed by men of science.

So the world being made in 6 days is scientific fact? Noah being 600 years old is scientific fact?...

I am not sure if creation was mans days or Gods days, Some suggest both.
Gods word contains scientific facts before it was a scientific fact confirmed by men of science.

Exactly. Dinsaurs are in there!!! Was it John, who said unto Jesus, "Oh Lord; for that art one big mutherfucking lizard!!"? Or was that one of the other apostles? I keep forgetting.

And boy oh boy, that Noah dude damn near got zapped with lightning, when he queried unto God, "Hey big guy; you do know that a single breeding pair is the fucking definition of extinction; yeah God?"

You are correct dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible. It was called a behemoth who lives in the marshland with a tail like a cedar. That is not describling a hippo or an elephant or any other creature alive today. So tell what was if not a dinosaur and remember the only dinosaur fossil was found long after the writing about this creature.

Thank you, and godbless you for clearing that up. So it's not an apostle that saw giant lizards? It was earlier biblical humans who walked the earth with dinosaurs?

Makes perfect sense! Thanks again.
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Exactly. Dinsaurs are in there!!! Was it John, who said unto Jesus, "Oh Lord; for that art one big mutherfucking lizard!!"? Or was that one of the other apostles? I keep forgetting.

And boy oh boy, that Noah dude damn near got zapped with lightning, when he queried unto God, "Hey big guy; you do know that a single breeding pair is the fucking definition of extinction; yeah God?"

You are correct dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible. It was called a behemoth who lives in the marshland with a tail like a cedar. That is not describling a hippo or an elephant or any other creature alive today. So tell what was if not a dinosaur and remember the only dinosaur fossil was found long after the writing about this creature.

Thank you, and godbless you for clearing that up. So it's not an apostle that saw giant lizards? It was earlier biblical humans who walked the earth with dinosaurs?

Makes perfect sense! Thanks again.
so these men that wrote the bible saw the creature or they did not see the creature but were inspired to write about the creature.. Either way your sarcasm fails.
You are correct dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible. It was called a behemoth who lives in the marshland with a tail like a cedar. That is not describling a hippo or an elephant or any other creature alive today. So tell what was if not a dinosaur and remember the only dinosaur fossil was found long after the writing about this creature.

Thank you, and godbless you for clearing that up. So it's not an apostle that saw giant lizards? It was earlier biblical humans who walked the earth with dinosaurs?

Makes perfect sense! Thanks again.
so these men that wrote the bible saw the creature or they did not see the creature but were inspired to write about the creature.. Either way your sarcasm fails.

The mythical beast mentioned in Job was indeed, a myth. Little debate on that.

Gods word contains scientific facts before it was a scientific fact confirmed by men of science.

And these are? Bible was not written by any god it was written by men claiming a god told them to write actually amounts to no more than hearsay. The problem with this god theory is that no one can prove a god exists and no one can prove a god don't exist. Belief does not equal historical fact.

Do you not understand what foreknowledge is ? Those are writings before they were known to science.

The logical errors, mis-statements of facts and gross scientific errors in the bibles hardly qualifies as foreknowledge.
Gods word contains scientific facts before it was a scientific fact confirmed by men of science.

Exactly. Dinsaurs are in there!!! Was it John, who said unto Jesus, "Oh Lord; for that art one big mutherfucking lizard!!"? Or was that one of the other apostles? I keep forgetting.

And boy oh boy, that Noah dude damn near got zapped with lightning, when he queried unto God, "Hey big guy; you do know that a single breeding pair is the fucking definition of extinction; yeah God?"

You are correct dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible. It was called a behemoth who lives in the marshland with a tail like a cedar. That is not describling a hippo or an elephant or any other creature alive today. So tell what was if not a dinosaur and remember the only dinosaur fossil was found long after the writing about this creature.
This is another of your additions / re-writing of the bibles. Dinosaurs is plural. You have nothing to support your claim that a "behemoth" was not a hippo or an elephant. For that matter, the tall tale of a behemoth is likely just more of the tales and fables that make up the bibles.
Gods word contains scientific facts before it was a scientific fact confirmed by men of science.

So the world being made in 6 days is scientific fact? Noah being 600 years old is scientific fact?...

I am not sure if creation was mans days or Gods days, Some suggest both.

So is a god day like a dog year? :dunno:

But what facts do you have that in happened in 6 days? Anything at all? And Noah being 600, anything?
Gods word contains scientific facts before it was a scientific fact confirmed by men of science.

Exactly. Dinsaurs are in there!!! Was it John, who said unto Jesus, "Oh Lord; for that art one big mutherfucking lizard!!"? Or was that one of the other apostles? I keep forgetting.

And boy oh boy, that Noah dude damn near got zapped with lightning, when he queried unto God, "Hey big guy; you do know that a single breeding pair is the fucking definition of extinction; yeah God?"

Yeah and Jews in the Old Testament actually used Honda's to plow and to escape prison.

Jeremiah 5: (NIV)

5 ...But with one accord they too had broken off the yoke
and torn off the bonds.
another irrelevant quote!
once again proving that you slapdicks can't read!
translation: one accord = together.
also it's not a literal statement it's figurative : of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal: The word “head” has several figurative senses, as in “She's the head of the company.” Synonyms: metaphorical, not literal, symbolic.
Gods word contains scientific facts before it was a scientific fact confirmed by men of science.

And these are? Bible was not written by any god it was written by men claiming a god told them to write actually amounts to no more than hearsay. The problem with this god theory is that no one can prove a god exists and no one can prove a god don't exist. Belief does not equal historical fact.

So why does Bible prophecy come true? Why are the Jews sill around? If there is no God, what is the point of life? How come those who pray to God for help seem to find it, while those who do not believe in God have no problems?:lol:
there is no evidence that any biblical prophecies have ever come true.
there is no proof that god has ever helped anyone, only the belief that god helped.
your post is a jumble of ignorance and magical thinking.
Funny how you ignore those operative words when they are used for an explanation of your theory. There is no doubt the organ can be removed but it still serves a purpose while in the body. Stay away from them atheiat sitws th we y we kill what little brain you have lwft after doing all those drugs.
actually they're not the operative words in science are evidence and test .slapdick!

Wrong again dipshit.
ok, show me any test results from creation science experiments that have been peer reviewed by independent (non creationist )labs that prove god alleged word is actual scientific fact.
Gods word contains scientific facts before it was a scientific fact confirmed by men of science.

Exactly. Dinsaurs are in there!!! Was it John, who said unto Jesus, "Oh Lord; for that art one big mutherfucking lizard!!"? Or was that one of the other apostles? I keep forgetting.

And boy oh boy, that Noah dude damn near got zapped with lightning, when he queried unto God, "Hey big guy; you do know that a single breeding pair is the fucking definition of extinction; yeah God?"

You are correct dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible. It was called a behemoth who lives in the marshland with a tail like a cedar. That is not describling a hippo or an elephant or any other creature alive today. So tell what was if not a dinosaur and remember the only dinosaur fossil was found long after the writing about this creature.
bullshit !
dinosaur fossils were being found in biblical times! AND MISINTERPERTED .

The term dinosaur was first coined by Sir Richard Owen back in 1841/1842. The name, literally translated, means "Terrible Lizard." This probably seems like redundant information right now, but it does get better.
Due to the name "terrible lizards" and the fact that they were looked at as huge reptiles, dinosaurs were seen as these huge, lumbering, slow and sluggish beasts. The fact that they no longer existed stood as proof that their "cold-blooded" and inferior bodies couldn't adapt and therefore were evolutionary throwbacks. Loose ends that made good examples of what not to be.
Well actually there is more to this. Owen, Huxley and other early dinosaur workers originally saw them as being highly active animals, equivalent to today's birds and mammals, yet they didn't consider them to be warm-blooded. More on this intriguing view of dinosaurs later; for now though, back to the story.
It got lost in the translation.
When Sir Richard orginally named them, he was already convinced from the scant remains that these were no ordinary lizards. Work done by Thomas Henry Huxley and others seemed to confirm that dinosaurs were very different from the typical lizard. Yet lizard was the poster child for reptiles, so since he was convinced that they were reptilian he went ahead and used a Greek name for reptile which was sauros; meaning lizard (the real Greek name is herpeton, but I guess he didn't like the ring of deinoherps and so didn't use it.). So what Sir Richard meant was not "terrible lizards" but "terrible reptiles."
The Reptipage: Dinosaurs


Names of gigantic beasts or monsters described in Job xl. The former is from a root denoting "coil," "twist"; the latter is the plural form of "behemah"="beast."
—Biblical Data:
Ever since Bochart ("Hierozoicon," iii. 705), "behemoth" has been taken to denote the hippopotamus; and Jablonski, to make it correspond exactly with that animal, compared an Egyptian form, "p-ehe-mu" (= "water-ox"), which, however, does not exist. The Biblical description contains mythical elements, and the conclusion is justified that these monsters were not real, though the hippopotamus may have furnished in the main the data for the description. Only of a unique being, and not of a common hippopotamus, could the words of Job xl. 19 have been used: "He is the first [A. V. "chief"] of the ways of God [comp. Prov. viii. 22]; he that made him maketh sport with him" (as the Septuagint reads, πεποιημένον ἐγκαταπαιζέσΘαι; A. V. "He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him"; comp. Ps. civ. 26); or "The mountains bring him forth food; where all the beasts of the field do play" (Job xl. 20). Obviously behemoth is represented as the primeval beast, the king of all the animals of the dry land, while leviathan is the king of all those of the water, both alike unconquerable by man (ib. xl. 14, xli. 17-26). Gunkel ("Schöpfung und Chaos," p. 62) suggests that behemoth and leviathan were the two primeval monsters corresponding to Tiamat (= "the abyss"; comp. Hebr. "tehom") and Kingu (= Aramaic "'akna" = serpent") of Babylonian mythology. Some commentators find also in Isa. xxx. 6 ("bahamot negeb" = "beasts of the south") a reference to the hippopotamus; others again, in Ps. lxxiii. 22 ("I am as behemoth [="beasts"; A. V. "a beast"] before thee"); but neither interpretation has a substantial foundation. It is likely that the leviathan and the behemoth were originally referred to in Hab. ii. 15: "the destruction of the behemoth [A. V. "beasts"] shall make them afraid" (comp

Thank you, and godbless you for clearing that up. So it's not an apostle that saw giant lizards? It was earlier biblical humans who walked the earth with dinosaurs?

Makes perfect sense! Thanks again.
so these men that wrote the bible saw the creature or they did not see the creature but were inspired to write about the creature.. Either way your sarcasm fails.

The mythical beast mentioned in Job was indeed, a myth. Little debate on that.


Sorry, but the discription doesn't sound like a myth. Have you read the book of Job?
So why does Bible prophecy come true? Why are the Jews sill around? If there is no God, what is the point of life? How come those who pray to God for help seem to find it, while those who do not believe in God have no problems?:lol:
there is no evidence that any biblical prophecies have ever come true.
there is no proof that god has ever helped anyone, only the belief that god helped.
your post is a jumble of ignorance and magical thinking.

10 prophecies predicted in the Bible & fulfilled in history
God throughout the Bible spoke through his prophets to prove He was the only god. He always foretold the future through them to verify who He was, to prove to the people that those who spoke were true prophets, and to draw mankind to worship Him only. The 100% accuracy of the hundreds (possibly thousands) of prophecies in the Bible that came true are proof Yahweh is the God of truth. Not even Nostradamus can match this record! Here are ten of those prophecies and the years they were fulfilled:

1.Predicted ca. 855 BC: The prophet Elijah predicts Jezebel would be eaten by dogs upon her death in Jezreel. (1 Kings 21:23)– Fulfilled ca. 841 BC: Jezebel is killed in Jezreel and dogs eat her body (2 Kings 9:36).
2.Predicted ca. 760 BC: Amos predicts Israel would be restored as a nation and would never be uprooted again (Amos 9:15)–Fulfilled in 1948.
3.Predicted ca 732 BC: Isaiah predicts the Medo-Persian empire will conquer Babylon [Isaiah 13:17-18] and Babylon would become a wasteland.–Fulfilled in 538 BC when the Medes took over Babylon and 275 BC when the Seleucids forced all of the inhabitants to leave.
4.Predicted ca. 732 BC: Isaiah says Egypt and Ethiopia would be conquered by Assyria (Isaiah 20:3-5).–Fulfilled ca. 673-670 BC when Assyria conquers the northeast African nations.
5.Predicted ca. 701 BC: Isaiah claims Israel will be taken captive by the Babylonian empire (Isaiah 39).–Fulfilled ca. 597 & 586 BC: Babylon takes captives and sacks Jerusalem the first time then totally destroys Jerusalem about 10 years later.
6.Predicted ca. 589 BC: Ezekiel tells about the fall of the great city Tyre, claiming that the Lord “will cause many nations to come up against thee,” (Ezekiel 26, 27).–Fulfilled in 586-573 BC: Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon lays siege against the city. Fulfilled in 370s BC: a king of Cyprus conquers the city. Fulfilled in 332 BC: Alexander the Great conquers the city. Fulfilled in 315-316 BC: Antigonus, who served under Alexander, attacks and conquers the city. Fulfilled in 1124: The city falls to the Crusaders. Fulfilled in 1291: The city falls to the Muslim armies of the Mameluks.
7.Predicted ca. 543 BC: Daniel tells of a great Grecian king who would conquer the Persian empire but would have his kingdom divided four ways after his death (Daniel 8).–Fulfilled in 330 BC when Alexander the Great defeats Persia and 281 BC after the Greek generals who succeed Alexander reach an agreement after years of war to split the kingdom four ways.
8.Predicted ca. 536 BC: Daniel prophesies that the Greek empire would not go to Alexander the Great’s heirs (Daniel 11).–Fulfilled ca. 323-281 BC after Alexander’s death when his generals fight over the kingdom while shutting out (and killing) his heirs.
9.Predicted ca. 430 BC: Malachi prophesies that Yahweh’s name would be honored by the Gentiles (pagans) (Malachi 1:11).–Fulfilled 1st century AD to the present: Pagans worldwide have forsaken their paganism and have confessed that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
10.Predicted ca. 30 AD: Jesus tells his disciples that they will be persecuted and hated by the majority of the people on the earth because they follow him (Matthew 24:9).–Fulfilled 1st century AD to the present: Ever since the gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached, millions of true Christians worldwide have been mistreated or killed for the faith.

Please see:
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so these men that wrote the bible saw the creature or they did not see the creature but were inspired to write about the creature.. Either way your sarcasm fails.

The mythical beast mentioned in Job was indeed, a myth. Little debate on that.


Sorry, but the discription doesn't sound like a myth. Have you read the book of Job?

Take it up with biblical scholars, since it's widely agreed that the beast is indeed mythical, since many actions are attributed to it that would go far beyond coming across some bones, not to mention, nothing in the fosil record is anything like the MYTHICAL beast imagined, in old testiment scripture.

So I'd ask you the same thing: you ever read it?
So why does Bible prophecy come true? Why are the Jews sill around? If there is no God, what is the point of life? How come those who pray to God for help seem to find it, while those who do not believe in God have no problems?:lol:
there is no evidence that any biblical prophecies have ever come true.
there is no proof that god has ever helped anyone, only the belief that god helped.
your post is a jumble of ignorance and magical thinking.

10 prophecies predicted in the Bible & fulfilled in history
God throughout the Bible spoke through his prophets to prove He was the only god. He always foretold the future through them to verify who He was, to prove to the people that those who spoke were true prophets, and to draw mankind to worship Him only. The 100% accuracy of the hundreds (possibly thousands) of prophecies in the Bible that came true are proof Yahweh is the God of truth. Not even Nostradamus can match this record! Here are ten of those prophecies and the years they were fulfilled:

1.Predicted ca. 855 BC: The prophet Elijah predicts Jezebel would be eaten by dogs upon her death in Jezreel. (1 Kings 21:23)– Fulfilled ca. 841 BC: Jezebel is killed in Jezreel and dogs eat her body (2 Kings 9:36).
2.Predicted ca. 760 BC: Amos predicts Israel would be restored as a nation and would never be uprooted again (Amos 9:15)–Fulfilled in 1948.
3.Predicted ca 732 BC: Isaiah predicts the Medo-Persian empire will conquer Babylon [Isaiah 13:17-18] and Babylon would become a wasteland.–Fulfilled in 538 BC when the Medes took over Babylon and 275 BC when the Seleucids forced all of the inhabitants to leave.
4.Predicted ca. 732 BC: Isaiah says Egypt and Ethiopia would be conquered by Assyria (Isaiah 20:3-5).–Fulfilled ca. 673-670 BC when Assyria conquers the northeast African nations.
5.Predicted ca. 701 BC: Isaiah claims Israel will be taken captive by the Babylonian empire (Isaiah 39).–Fulfilled ca. 597 & 586 BC: Babylon takes captives and sacks Jerusalem the first time then totally destroys Jerusalem about 10 years later.
6.Predicted ca. 589 BC: Ezekiel tells about the fall of the great city Tyre, claiming that the Lord “will cause many nations to come up against thee,” (Ezekiel 26, 27).–Fulfilled in 586-573 BC: Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon lays siege against the city. Fulfilled in 370s BC: a king of Cyprus conquers the city. Fulfilled in 332 BC: Alexander the Great conquers the city. Fulfilled in 315-316 BC: Antigonus, who served under Alexander, attacks and conquers the city. Fulfilled in 1124: The city falls to the Crusaders. Fulfilled in 1291: The city falls to the Muslim armies of the Mameluks.
7.Predicted ca. 543 BC: Daniel tells of a great Grecian king who would conquer the Persian empire but would have his kingdom divided four ways after his death (Daniel 8).–Fulfilled in 330 BC when Alexander the Great defeats Persia and 281 BC after the Greek generals who succeed Alexander reach an agreement after years of war to split the kingdom four ways.
8.Predicted ca. 536 BC: Daniel prophesies that the Greek empire would not go to Alexander the Great’s heirs (Daniel 11).–Fulfilled ca. 323-281 BC after Alexander’s death when his generals fight over the kingdom while shutting out (and killing) his heirs.
9.Predicted ca. 430 BC: Malachi prophesies that Yahweh’s name would be honored by the Gentiles (pagans) (Malachi 1:11).–Fulfilled 1st century AD to the present: Pagans worldwide have forsaken their paganism and have confessed that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
10.Predicted ca. 30 AD: Jesus tells his disciples that they will be persecuted and hated by the majority of the people on the earth because they follow him (Matthew 24:9).–Fulfilled 1st century AD to the present: Ever since the gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached, millions of true Christians worldwide have been mistreated or killed for the faith.

Please see: Reasons To Believe : Fulfilled Prophecy: Evidence for the Reliability of the Bible
:lol::lol::lol::lol: you've just proven my point!
Exactly. Dinsaurs are in there!!! Was it John, who said unto Jesus, "Oh Lord; for that art one big mutherfucking lizard!!"? Or was that one of the other apostles? I keep forgetting.

And boy oh boy, that Noah dude damn near got zapped with lightning, when he queried unto God, "Hey big guy; you do know that a single breeding pair is the fucking definition of extinction; yeah God?"

Yeah and Jews in the Old Testament actually used Honda's to plow and to escape prison.

Jeremiah 5: (NIV)

5 ...But with one accord they too had broken off the yoke
and torn off the bonds.
another irrelevant quote!
once again proving that you slapdicks can't read!
translation: one accord = together.
also it's not a literal statement it's figurative : of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal: The word “head” has several figurative senses, as in “She's the head of the company.” Synonyms: metaphorical, not literal, symbolic.

This is a prime example of your limited understanding. I will infer from you Captain Obvious attempt to splain to me what accord means that the joke went right over your cantankerous crotchety head.
Exactly. Dinsaurs are in there!!! Was it John, who said unto Jesus, "Oh Lord; for that art one big mutherfucking lizard!!"? Or was that one of the other apostles? I keep forgetting.

And boy oh boy, that Noah dude damn near got zapped with lightning, when he queried unto God, "Hey big guy; you do know that a single breeding pair is the fucking definition of extinction; yeah God?"

You are correct dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible. It was called a behemoth who lives in the marshland with a tail like a cedar. That is not describling a hippo or an elephant or any other creature alive today. So tell what was if not a dinosaur and remember the only dinosaur fossil was found long after the writing about this creature.
This is another of your additions / re-writing of the bibles. Dinosaurs is plural. You have nothing to support your claim that a "behemoth" was not a hippo or an elephant. For that matter, the tall tale of a behemoth is likely just more of the tales and fables that make up the bibles.
the key you missed was this creature had a tail like a cedar now go look at the tail of an elephant and or hippo then come and give me some ideas on this beast written about in the scriptures.
So the world being made in 6 days is scientific fact? Noah being 600 years old is scientific fact?...

I am not sure if creation was mans days or Gods days, Some suggest both.

So is a god day like a dog year? :dunno:

But what facts do you have that in happened in 6 days? Anything at all? And Noah being 600, anything?

The scriptures say a 1,000 years is a day to God.
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