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Dinosaur at the Maryland Science Center
If man and dinosaurs had coexisted, he most likely would have bitten my head off.:eusa_shifty:

He wouldn't have lived in your "neck" of the woods.
That's an interesting point. But

The Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event occurred approximately 65.5 million years ago. It was an intense, global mass extinction of animal and plants The devastation caused by the extinction also provided evolutionary opportunities. In the wake of the extinction, many groups underwent remarkable adaptive radiations. Mammals in particular diversified, producing new forms such as horses, whales, bats, and primates..
Put another way, the extinction of dinosaurs eliminated predators who would have hunted man's distant ancestors. It also gave man's distant ancestors the opportunity to evolve to fill the ecological niches previously filled by dinosaurs, including the carnivores.
I am not sure if creation was mans days or Gods days, Some suggest both.

So is a god day like a dog year? :dunno:

But what facts do you have that in happened in 6 days? Anything at all? And Noah being 600, anything?

The scriptures say a 1,000 years is a day to God.
THe Bible also say that the evening and the morning were a day. I believe God established the earth of today to last 7000 years. The last 1000 years will be ruled by Christ and the return of the raptured Church. We presently are at about the 6000 year mark. There is yet the 7 year Tribulation Period followed by the Millenium Kingdom. Do we know the exact time or day? NO! Heaven forbid. But I feel we are very close. Israel will not be destroyed --- that is for sure...
Sorry, but the discription doesn't sound like a myth. Have you read the book of Job?

Take it up with biblical scholars, since it's widely agreed that the beast is indeed mythical, since many actions are attributed to it that would go far beyond coming across some bones, not to mention, nothing in the fosil record is anything like the MYTHICAL beast imagined, in old testiment scripture.

So I'd ask you the same thing: you ever read it?

Biblical scholars who evidently do not think much of an almight God. Their problem, not mine!

Some don't and are merely curious, however most are indeed quite pious, and have intellectual lock-down on their faiths. No shit.
Can you prove that the world was made in 6 days?
Can you prove that there is no God?

No; nor can I prove fairies, sasquach or unicorns do not exist. But here's the rub: we prove shit exists, since it's definitive. I.E, theorize there's a top quark, then send atoms flying around particle separators at near the speed of light until you find it and PROVE ITS EXISTENCE!!!

Good luck doing that with God. But have a ball anyway. Who knows, maybe you'll run across Him on Oprah or whatever.
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Can you prove that the world was made in 6 days?
Can you prove that there is no God?

You'd have to try to prove with tangible facts that your god exists. You're asking me to prove that something that has not yet proven to exist, doesn't exist. Just the fact that no one has put forward any tangible proof should do it. I'm agnostic: I don't see proof either way for a god's existence or not, but if someone comes up with any, I'm open to changing my mind.
Can you prove that the world was made in 6 days?
Can you prove that there is no God?

No; nor can I prove fairies, sasquach or unicorns do not exist. But here's the rub: we prove shit exists, since it's definitive. I.E, theorize there's a top quark, then send atoms flying around particle separators at near the speed of light until you find it and PROVE ITS EXISTENCE!!!

Good luck doing that with God. But have a ball anyway. Who knows, maybe you'll run across Him on Oprah or whatever.

As a point of clarification, the existence of quarks was verified by bombarding protons with high energy electrons.
See: What is deep inelastic scattering
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Can you prove that there is no God?

No; nor can I prove fairies, sasquach or unicorns do not exist. But here's the rub: we prove shit exists, since it's definitive. I.E, theorize there's a top quark, then send atoms flying around particle separators at near the speed of light until you find it and PROVE ITS EXISTENCE!!!

Good luck doing that with God. But have a ball anyway. Who knows, maybe you'll run across Him on Oprah or whatever.

As a point of clarification, the existence of quarks qas verified by bombarding protons with high energy electrons. See: What is deep inelastic scattering

The top quark was a smidge elusive and I believe the separator at CERN was where it was first identified. But indeed I may be wrong. So thanks. Time to brush up on my recent history. (red cheeks)
Ken Ham's Creation "museum

The revelation that Ken Ham's anti science museum is built on the very evidence that YECs deny (watch the videos below) is not only a further blow to the museum's and Ham's credibility but a blow to the scientific integrity of the scientists who have prostituted their learning to work for Ham and AiG. It's perhaps not surprising that those "scientists" lacked the inquisitiveness one would see from scientists active in the field. Ham's "scientists" weren't the least bit curious about the very rocks upon which the "museum" was constructed. The fact is these rocks abound with marine fossils from the Ordovician period (which began approximately 510 million years ago with the end of the Cambrian and ended around 445 million years ago with the beginning of the Silurian).

Before you dismiss the idea dinosaurs were seen by man check the evidence is drawings and the records of historians. Funny some petroglyphs showed dinosaurs with stripes like a zebra ,what do they find several years but a dinosaur with the skin preserved yes and it had stripes like a zebra. There is plenty evidence supporting what creationists have said not the evolutionist fairytale.

I heard if you keep repeating something it might become true. If humans and dinosaurs coexisted, why do we not find human fossils in the same layers as dinosaur fossils.
Ken Ham's Creation "museum

The revelation that Ken Ham's anti science museum is built on the very evidence that YECs deny (watch the videos below) is not only a further blow to the museum's and Ham's credibility but a blow to the scientific integrity of the scientists who have prostituted their learning to work for Ham and AiG. It's perhaps not surprising that those "scientists" lacked the inquisitiveness one would see from scientists active in the field. Ham's "scientists" weren't the least bit curious about the very rocks upon which the "museum" was constructed. The fact is these rocks abound with marine fossils from the Ordovician period (which began approximately 510 million years ago with the end of the Cambrian and ended around 445 million years ago with the beginning of the Silurian).

Before you dismiss the idea dinosaurs were seen by man check the evidence is drawings and the records of historians. Funny some petroglyphs showed dinosaurs with stripes like a zebra ,what do they find several years but a dinosaur with the skin preserved yes and it had stripes like a zebra. There is plenty evidence supporting what creationists have said not the evolutionist fairytale.

I heard if you keep repeating something it might become true. If humans and dinosaurs coexisted, why do we not find human fossils in the same layers as dinosaur fossils.

I've seen them; and worse: they shit on my car everytime I've just waxed it. Never fails. :)
It's funny that creationists think repeating the same refuted garbage over and over will make them right. There's a reason scientists don't take them seriously.

I'd love for a creationist here to show me some peer reviewed papers outlining the evidence for their beliefs.
Yeah and Jews in the Old Testament actually used Honda's to plow and to escape prison.

Jeremiah 5: (NIV)

5 ...But with one accord they too had broken off the yoke
and torn off the bonds.
another irrelevant quote!
once again proving that you slapdicks can't read!
translation: one accord = together.
also it's not a literal statement it's figurative : of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal: The word “head” has several figurative senses, as in “She's the head of the company.” Synonyms: metaphorical, not literal, symbolic.

This is a prime example of your limited understanding. I will infer from you Captain Obvious attempt to splain to me what accord means that the joke went right over your cantankerous crotchety head.
as always attempting and failing to be funny.
So is a god day like a dog year? :dunno:

But what facts do you have that in happened in 6 days? Anything at all? And Noah being 600, anything?

The scriptures say a 1,000 years is a day to God.
THe Bible also say that the evening and the morning were a day. I believe God established the earth of today to last 7000 years. The last 1000 years will be ruled by Christ and the return of the raptured Church. We presently are at about the 6000 year mark. There is yet the 7 year Tribulation Period followed by the Millenium Kingdom. Do we know the exact time or day? NO! Heaven forbid. But I feel we are very close. Israel will not be destroyed --- that is for sure...

So effectively, the genesis tale can be anything you want it to be.
You are correct dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible. It was called a behemoth who lives in the marshland with a tail like a cedar. That is not describling a hippo or an elephant or any other creature alive today. So tell what was if not a dinosaur and remember the only dinosaur fossil was found long after the writing about this creature.
bullshit !
dinosaur fossils were being found in biblical times! AND MISINTERPERTED .

The term dinosaur was first coined by Sir Richard Owen back in 1841/1842. The name, literally translated, means "Terrible Lizard." This probably seems like redundant information right now, but it does get better.
Due to the name "terrible lizards" and the fact that they were looked at as huge reptiles, dinosaurs were seen as these huge, lumbering, slow and sluggish beasts. The fact that they no longer existed stood as proof that their "cold-blooded" and inferior bodies couldn't adapt and therefore were evolutionary throwbacks. Loose ends that made good examples of what not to be.
Well actually there is more to this. Owen, Huxley and other early dinosaur workers originally saw them as being highly active animals, equivalent to today's birds and mammals, yet they didn't consider them to be warm-blooded. More on this intriguing view of dinosaurs later; for now though, back to the story.
It got lost in the translation.
When Sir Richard orginally named them, he was already convinced from the scant remains that these were no ordinary lizards. Work done by Thomas Henry Huxley and others seemed to confirm that dinosaurs were very different from the typical lizard. Yet lizard was the poster child for reptiles, so since he was convinced that they were reptilian he went ahead and used a Greek name for reptile which was sauros; meaning lizard (the real Greek name is herpeton, but I guess he didn't like the ring of deinoherps and so didn't use it.). So what Sir Richard meant was not "terrible lizards" but "terrible reptiles."
The Reptipage: Dinosaurs


Names of gigantic beasts or monsters described in Job xl. The former is from a root denoting "coil," "twist"; the latter is the plural form of "behemah"="beast."
—Biblical Data:
Ever since Bochart ("Hierozoicon," iii. 705), "behemoth" has been taken to denote the hippopotamus; and Jablonski, to make it correspond exactly with that animal, compared an Egyptian form, "p-ehe-mu" (= "water-ox"), which, however, does not exist. The Biblical description contains mythical elements, and the conclusion is justified that these monsters were not real, though the hippopotamus may have furnished in the main the data for the description. Only of a unique being, and not of a common hippopotamus, could the words of Job xl. 19 have been used: "He is the first [A. V. "chief"] of the ways of God [comp. Prov. viii. 22]; he that made him maketh sport with him" (as the Septuagint reads, πεποιημένον ἐγκαταπαιζέσΘαι; A. V. "He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him"; comp. Ps. civ. 26); or "The mountains bring him forth food; where all the beasts of the field do play" (Job xl. 20). Obviously behemoth is represented as the primeval beast, the king of all the animals of the dry land, while leviathan is the king of all those of the water, both alike unconquerable by man (ib. xl. 14, xli. 17-26). Gunkel ("Schöpfung und Chaos," p. 62) suggests that behemoth and leviathan were the two primeval monsters corresponding to Tiamat (= "the abyss"; comp. Hebr. "tehom") and Kingu (= Aramaic "'akna" = serpent") of Babylonian mythology. Some commentators find also in Isa. xxx. 6 ("bahamot negeb" = "beasts of the south") a reference to the hippopotamus; others again, in Ps. lxxiii. 22 ("I am as behemoth [="beasts"; A. V. "a beast"] before thee"); but neither interpretation has a substantial foundation. It is likely that the leviathan and the behemoth were originally referred to in Hab. ii. 15: "the destruction of the behemoth [A. V. "beasts"] shall make them afraid" (comp

when was the first dinosaur fossil first found ? Long after the creature behemoth was written about in the bible.
Cyclops Myth Spurred by "One-Eyed" Fossils?

Hillary Mayell
for National Geographic News

February 5, 2003

Ever wonder where our worst nightmares come from?

For the ancient Greeks, it may have been the fossils of giant prehistoric animals.

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Tiny Fossil From Early Jurassic Fills New Niche in Mammal Evolution
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The tusk, several teeth, and some bones of a Deinotherium giganteum, which, loosely translated means really huge terrible beast, have been found on the Greek island Crete. A distant relative to today's elephants, the giant mammal stood 15 feet (4.6 meters) tall at the shoulder, and had tusks that were 4.5 feet (1.3 meters) long. It was one of the largest mammals ever to walk the face of the Earth.

"This is the first finding in Crete and the south Aegean in general," said Charalampos Fassoulas, a geologist with the University of Crete's Natural History Museum. "It is also the first time that we found a whole tusk of the animal in Greece. We haven't dated the fossils yet, but the sediment where we found them is of 8 to 9 million years in age."

Skulls of Deinotherium giganteum found at other sites show it to be more primitive, and the bulk a lot more vast, than today's elephant, with an extremely large nasal opening in the center of the skull.

To paleontologists today, the large hole in the center of the skull suggests a pronounced trunk. To the ancient Greeks, Deinotherium skulls could well be the foundation for their tales of the fearsome one-eyed Cyclops.

Cyclops Myth Spurred by "One-Eyed" Fossils?
The scriptures say a 1,000 years is a day to God.
THe Bible also say that the evening and the morning were a day. I believe God established the earth of today to last 7000 years. The last 1000 years will be ruled by Christ and the return of the raptured Church. We presently are at about the 6000 year mark. There is yet the 7 year Tribulation Period followed by the Millenium Kingdom. Do we know the exact time or day? NO! Heaven forbid. But I feel we are very close. Israel will not be destroyed --- that is for sure...

So effectively, the genesis tale can be anything you want it to be.
Not really. One must not go outside the parameter of the Bible contradicting it in any way.
Take it up with biblical scholars, since it's widely agreed that the beast is indeed mythical, since many actions are attributed to it that would go far beyond coming across some bones, not to mention, nothing in the fosil record is anything like the MYTHICAL beast imagined, in old testiment scripture.

So I'd ask you the same thing: you ever read it?

Biblical scholars who evidently do not think much of an almight God. Their problem, not mine!

Some don't and are merely curious, however most are indeed quite pious, and have intellectual lock-down on their faiths. No shit.

Such people did NOT think Jesus was the Messiah, while Christ walked, preached, prayed and cured in Judea
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Creationism is a tool that has been used to erase Afrikan history by denying evolution and therefore erasing the Afrikan origins of all people. What is so brilliant about christianity for a racist eurocentric society is that by denying evolution and claiming adam and eve as ancestors, they can completely remove themselves from afrikan history and afrikan origins. They can feel no guilt over afrikan erasure and oppression because they claim to be european, not afrikan. This illusion is why any religion that denies evolution is potent, racist and oppressive. All races must learn to acknowledge that afrika is everyones mother land. Afrika is where reading, writing and mathematics were invented. Afrika is where the first libraries were formed. Afrika is the continent that the human race spoke the first phonetic vowel on. It is the commonality we all have, it encompasses the entire human race. That is why it is such a crime to teach history and reading and all of education from a european perspective. For when it boils down to it, our common origin is not european. We did not come from europe. We came from afrika, and that is what creationists wish to avoid via their ideology.
Well, if one mixes up some concrete (which is made of materials claimed to be millions of years old ) and has a dog walk across the newly laid sidewalk ----- those resulting footprints do not become the age of the materials the "fossil" now appear in.
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