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Oh and one more thing Hollie, this is not ,I repeat, not fabricated evidence. These were modern day humans found in the same strata as dinosaurs.
that a half truth and it even worse the your usual lies
guess the term intrusive burial and mine are not important.
talk about cherry picking.
ok slap dick explain why the human remains were not fossilized if they were buried with dinosaurs? btw no fossils of any kind were found at that site.

You sure do like that slap dick name. Your continuous use of the term reveals your obsession with your own self-deprecation. On in the the case when you don't have your Depends on, self-defecation. :lol::lol:
not near as much as you adore your own typed self involved nonsense.
New Evidence Ties Mass Extinction to Massive Collision
Hillary Mayell
for National Geographic
(February 22, 2001)

About 250 million years ago, when Earth's landmass was one giant supercontinent known as Pangea, the planet suffered its largest mass extinction.

Scientists estimate that the massive asteroid or comet that struck Earth 250 million years ago measured between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12 kilometers) wide.

Known as "the Great Dying" among paleontologists, more than 90 percent of the Earth's marine species perished, along with 70 percent of the land's reptile, amphibian, insect, and plant species. This mass extinction preceded the rise of the dinosaurs.

What caused the extinction event has been a matter of heated debate among scientists—until now. Researchers from the University of Washington and the University of Rochester have found extraterrestrial clusters of carbon atoms known as buckyballs in sediment samples from China and Japan. Their presence suggests that a massive comet or asteroid collided with the Earth, triggering the catastrophic collapse of life.

The study, which also involved researchers from New York University and NASA, is featured in the February 23 issue of the journal Science.

More than Just Volcanoes

"We've come full circle on the old argument about whether a collision or volcanism caused these extinctions," says lead researcher Luann Becker, assistant professor of Earth and space sciences at the University of Washington. "We can say with a good degree of certainty that there's a coupling of the two events."

Where exactly the comet or asteroid hit is unknown. It was probably somewhere between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12 kilometers) wide, similar in size to the asteroid that crashed into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago—the collision thought by many scientists that lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The impact 250 million years ago occurred during a time of extreme volcanism on Earth. Volcanic eruptions can change climates in several ways. Massive amounts of sediment and ash expelled during an explosion can block sunlight from reaching the Earth, causing a significant drop in temperature, inhibiting the photosynthesis that allows plants to grow, and causing food chains to collapse.

Alternatively, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases ejected into the Earth's atmosphere by eruptions trap the sun's heat, sending temperatures soaring, and causing glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise.

When these changes in temperature or sea level occur faster than a species can adjust to them, extinction results.

"If the species cannot adjust, they perish. It's a survival-of-the-fittest sort of thing," says Becker.

But volcanism alone couldn't explain the rapid rate of extinction.

"As paleontologists have gotten better and better resolution on how quickly the extinction took place, it became more and more clear that more than one cause was needed to explain it," says Becker.

"The volcanism went on for millions of years, and the extinctions took place much, much faster." Fossil evidence shows that the extinction took place in 8,000 to 100,000 years—a heartbeat, in geological time.

Buckyballs: Cosmic Stowaways

The collision, which caused the rapid extincitions, left its signature in the sediment layers of the earth in the form of buckminsterfullerenes—buckyballs or fullerenes for short.

Buckyballs are microscopic clusters of carbon atoms that bond together to form a hollow geodesic cage, most frequently described as resembling a soccer ball. The cage can trap gases and is robust enough to survive interplanetary travel.

Becker and her colleagues were able to demonstrate that this form of carbon has an extraterrestrial origin.

The researchers studied the gases trapped within fullerenes found in high concentrations in the 250 million-year-old sedimentary layer, which divides the Permian and Triassic periods. The trapped gases contain forms of helium and argon structurally different from those found on Earth and could only have been formed in the extreme temperatures and gas pressures of outer space.

"These gas-laden fullerenes were formed outside the Solar System, and their concentration at the Permian-Triassic boundary means they were delivered by a comet or asteroid," says Becker.

National Geographic News @
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another fine example of ywc lack of basic history .
listen up slapdick did you not understand the term native Americans it was common practice for the group or tribe to take their kids with them everywhere.
to keep them safe.
you've watched too many john Wayne movies..
so like every thing you post it's bullshit.
I speak for myself rather succinctly and well.

Ok what you're talking about is the two bodies found in 1971 they are automatically suggesting the finds in 1971 were related to the 1990 finds. What your side is not sharing with you are the differences.

You're speaking to a Native American dipshit and you don't have a clue concerning their practices. Anything to embellish the bulkshit.

Really ? Indians that mine lol.

Now let's look at the truth.

Malachite man was found in Cretaceous sandstone (Talk.Origins)


Response Article
This article (Malachite man was found in Cretaceous sandstone (Talk.Origins)) is a response to a rebuttal of a creationist claim published by Talk.Origins Archive under the title Index to Creationist Claims.

Claim CC111:
Ten modern human skeletons have been excavated from 58 feet deep in the Lower Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, which is dated as 140 million years old and is known for the same dinosaurs as in Dinosaur National Monument.
Source: Patton, Don, n.d. Official world site Malachite Man.

CreationWiki response:

(Talk.Origins quotes in blue)

Talk origins 1. The skeletons are the same bones as the discredited Moab man bones, apparently with skeletons from eight nearby Indian burials added. [Kuban 1998]

Both sides seem to be making the same mistake. They are both associating the two skeletons found in 1971 with the eight found in 1990. The two sites are about 100 feet apart so it is not unreasonable that they may be unrelated.

Talk Origins2. All details given in the account are apparently false. The bones were found 15 feet deep in soft, unconsolidated sand.

The top of the hill seems to drop by about 40 feet as can bee seen in an image of the site. The result is that the 1971 Moab man site is 15 feet deep and the 1990 Malachite Man site is about 58 feet deep.

Talk Origins* They were clearly intrusive (i.e., buried there long after the sediments were laid down).

This seems to be based on the idea that the Moab man find and the 1990 Malachite Man are related. There are reasons to question this conclusion.

The bones found in 1990 do not appear to have been carbon 14 dated. If you look at the large images, it is clear that these bones are in solid rock. Even if the bones were in soft material, the layers of rock above them were hard. It was the hardness of the rock that forced the closure of the copper mine that lead to their discovery. 58 feet is really too deep to be intrusive burials, particularly given the rock that would had to have been carved through to dig a grave. It is not clear from the two in situ images if these bones are fossilized or not, but the images of those bones that were removed including a femur and a jaw do seem to be fossilized.

The conclusion is that while the two finds are in the same area, they are separate finds. The two 1971 skeletons are recent, but the 1990 find is probably as old as the rock.

* The Dakota Formation is approximately 90-115 million years old, straddling the Early and Late Cretaceous. Dinosaur National Monument is in the Morrison Formation, which is Jurassic. [Kuban 1998]

Evolutionists date this rock at about 100 million years, but creationists would date it to the flood about 5,000 years ago.

Talk Origins 3. The people making claims about Malachite Man have not been cooperative in supplying information which might be used to verify their claim. This would be surprising if they thought their claims could actually be verified.

Maybe they just don't trust those are making the request like Talk Origins. By the way when was the last time evolutionists made a major fossil find available to creationists so that their claims could be verified.

Emphasis mine,Do evolutionist have something to hide ?
right you're as native American as the queen of Spain.
on the other hand I'm half cheetwood Cherokee.
so once again you're making shit up .
as to your so called truth since it based on an FP it's also false.
here are the facts....Claim

Ten modern human skeletons have been excavated from 58 feet deep in the Lower Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, which is dated as 150 million years old and is known for the same dinosaurs as in Dinosaur National Monument.

1."Malachite man" is quite simply a hoax. It was buried 15 feet deep rather than 58, was found in soft sand rather than hard sandstone, the bones are completely dissimilar to nearby dinosaur bones in composition (the dinosaur bones are fossilized, whereas the human bones are not, indicating they were not buried anywhere near the same time) and radiometric dating puts the skeleton at around 200 years old. See Kuban's link below.
2.Finding human remains surrounded by Cretaceous rock is neither shocking nor horrifying to scientists. Humans - this skeleton appears to be one - certainly would have had the capability to dig graves, so could have been buried much deeper than by natural processes.
3.The fossils at Dinosaur National Monument are at least 50 million years older, making them Jurassic, not Cretaceous.

other chirstians refute YWC'S BULLSHIT..Creation Science Rebuttals

Answers in Genesis

Human Fossils?

By Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

First Published February 2003

An excellent question is posed on the young earth creation science website Answers in Genesis. The title of the article is "Where are all the human fossils?”1 The subtitle goes on to ask, "Why are human fossils not found with trilobites, for example? If humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time, why aren’t their fossils found together? How could the Flood produce the order in the fossil record?"

The author, whoever it might be, tries to explain it. Those willing to accept his article without questioning its accuracy will be swayed by his arguments. But, if you apply a little common sense logic to it, his conclusions fall apart.

Rock Strata

Here is the problem for the young earth creation science believer. Creationists believe that most of the fossils were formed during the year-long global Flood recorded in Genesis. This is a minor point, but...I'm an old earth proponent, and I'm a Creationist, but I don't believe this.

His first section is "Do the rock strata represent eons of time?" As an example of this, he chooses the ill-fated example of the Coconino sandstone. I've already proved that this sandstone cannot be formed using the Flood model (see my article on this by clicking here). He makes another mistake by claiming, "Other rock layers in the Grand Canyon indicate that they were rapidly deposited also, and without substantial time-breaks between the laying down of each unit." Exactly what is the definition of "substantial time-breaks?" In fact, there are multiple time breaks in the Grand Canyon strata, one of them lasting 230 million years. (see the article on Stratigraphy, click here)


The next section is "Evidence that dinosaurs and humans co-existed." The author mentions the "many historical accounts" of living animals, known as dragons. I didn't know that Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, and Anklyosaurus breathed fire! That would certainly make the front page of most newspapers (click here for an explanation of recent sightings and drawings). Then he mentions the behemoth of Job 40. Unfortunately, this is not a passage that people take literally, but figuratively. For instance, Job 39:9 states, “Canst thou bind the unicorn…” Seen any unicorn fossils lately? None have ever been recovered. Look at Leviathan in Job 41…have any "fire-breathing" leviathans of Job 41:18-21 been discovered. If every single verse of the Bible is to be taken literally, then EVERY Christian in the world would be crawling around with both their hands and feet chopped off, and their eyes poked out (Matthew 18:8-9).

Other claims in this section include:
Unmineralized (unfossilized) dinosaur bones. Could some even have blood cells in them? So what if they do! We have uncovered billions of bones. Odds are that some would be preserved much better than others!

Rocks with dinosaur fossils have very little plant material. Let's see, bacteria can break down plant material in a year, and how long will bones last...many years. Even so, depositional systems are mostly fluvial, the plant material mostly floating away.

Where are the Humans?

Next the author talks about "What about the general pattern?" He states that rock strata follows a general pattern. Finally, we agree on something, but only the generalizations of the first two paragraphs. The author then states, "If there were, say, 10 million people at the time of the Flood and all their bodies were preserved and uniformly distributed throughout the 700 million cubic kilometres of fossil-bearing sedimentary rock layers, only one would be found in every 70 cubic kilometres of rock. Thus you would be unlikely to find even one human fossil."

He is forgetting something. Before the Tower of Babel, before the Flood, people all lived in one area in the Middle East! He can't assume they were uniformly distributed throughout all the fossil-bearing sedimentary rock layers worldwide. In fact, they propose that the mass graves of the dinosaurs indicated their end in the Flood. But if you have 10 million people in a small geographic area, they probably would have "huddled" together before they drowned, so where are these mass graves? None have been found! The authors' conclusion that we "would be unlikely to find even one human fossil" is a gross inaccuracy. But, he HAS to state this, because no evidence of these human fossils has been found to support the Flood.

The author then makes a startling statement..."On the other hand, land animals, such as mammals and birds, being mobile (especially birds), could escape to higher ground and be the last to succumb." Yes, he said "birds." Thanks for bringing this up! Exactly what "birds" of the Jurassic and Cretaceous period are you talking about? Nobody has ever found any modern day birds, buried in the same rock formation as the flyers of the Dinosaur Era, the Pteranadon and Pterodactyl. If they all fled the flood by air, why are they not buried together in the same rock layer??? We should see modern birds, buried with Pterodactyls...but we don't.

The author then states, "People would cling to rafts, logs etc. until the very end and then tend to bloat and float and be scavenged by fish, with the bones breaking down rather quickly, rather than being preserved. This would make human fossils from the Flood exceedingly rare." This theory won't float either. Even if they were scavenged by fish, the bones would merely need to last one year, since the Flood was only on the earth that long. After a few days of scavenging by fish, the meat gone, the dense bone would sink, and be buried rapidly, if we follow the model of the Flood proposed by young-earth creationists. So, where are the fossils...they should be there!

Then he claims more mobile, intelligent animals would tend to survive the longest and be buried last. Not sure what he is intending here, after all, studies of dinosaur brain cavities have not shown a lot of intelligence on their part, except for a few of the raptor types.

Interesting to note he refers to "Cope's Rule." This is another trick I've noticed in several young-earth creation articles. They like to use old, outdated research material to support their cause. Here, they rely on 19th century material.

Creation Science Rebuttals, Answers in Genesis, Human Fossils

Have you decided on a theory yet ?

Have you decided on a method that caused the dinosaurs dying out yet ?
New Evidence Ties Mass Extinction to Massive Collision
Hillary Mayell
for National Geographic
(February 22, 2001)

About 250 million years ago, when Earth's landmass was one giant supercontinent known as Pangea, the planet suffered its largest mass extinction.

Scientists estimate that the massive asteroid or comet that struck Earth 250 million years ago measured between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12 kilometers) wide.

Known as "the Great Dying" among paleontologists, more than 90 percent of the Earth's marine species perished, along with 70 percent of the land's reptile, amphibian, insect, and plant species. This mass extinction preceded the rise of the dinosaurs.

What caused the extinction event has been a matter of heated debate among scientists—until now. Researchers from the University of Washington and the University of Rochester have found extraterrestrial clusters of carbon atoms known as buckyballs in sediment samples from China and Japan. Their presence suggests that a massive comet or asteroid collided with the Earth, triggering the catastrophic collapse of life.

The study, which also involved researchers from New York University and NASA, is featured in the February 23 issue of the journal Science.

More than Just Volcanoes

"We've come full circle on the old argument about whether a collision or volcanism caused these extinctions," says lead researcher Luann Becker, assistant professor of Earth and space sciences at the University of Washington. "We can say with a good degree of certainty that there's a coupling of the two events."

Where exactly the comet or asteroid hit is unknown. It was probably somewhere between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12 kilometers) wide, similar in size to the asteroid that crashed into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago—the collision thought by many scientists that lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The impact 250 million years ago occurred during a time of extreme volcanism on Earth. Volcanic eruptions can change climates in several ways. Massive amounts of sediment and ash expelled during an explosion can block sunlight from reaching the Earth, causing a significant drop in temperature, inhibiting the photosynthesis that allows plants to grow, and causing food chains to collapse.

Alternatively, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases ejected into the Earth's atmosphere by eruptions trap the sun's heat, sending temperatures soaring, and causing glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise.

When these changes in temperature or sea level occur faster than a species can adjust to them, extinction results.

"If the species cannot adjust, they perish. It's a survival-of-the-fittest sort of thing," says Becker.

But volcanism alone couldn't explain the rapid rate of extinction.

"As paleontologists have gotten better and better resolution on how quickly the extinction took place, it became more and more clear that more than one cause was needed to explain it," says Becker.

"The volcanism went on for millions of years, and the extinctions took place much, much faster." Fossil evidence shows that the extinction took place in 8,000 to 100,000 years—a heartbeat, in geological time.

Buckyballs: Cosmic Stowaways

The collision, which caused the rapid extincitions, left its signature in the sediment layers of the earth in the form of buckminsterfullerenes—buckyballs or fullerenes for short.

Buckyballs are microscopic clusters of carbon atoms that bond together to form a hollow geodesic cage, most frequently described as resembling a soccer ball. The cage can trap gases and is robust enough to survive interplanetary travel.

Becker and her colleagues were able to demonstrate that this form of carbon has an extraterrestrial origin.

The researchers studied the gases trapped within fullerenes found in high concentrations in the 250 million-year-old sedimentary layer, which divides the Permian and Triassic periods. The trapped gases contain forms of helium and argon structurally different from those found on Earth and could only have been formed in the extreme temperatures and gas pressures of outer space.

"These gas-laden fullerenes were formed outside the Solar System, and their concentration at the Permian-Triassic boundary means they were delivered by a comet or asteroid," says Becker.

National Geographic News @

We are sure it was a comet collision not sure where the impact was on the planet. Great more conjecture in other words they don't have a clue how the mass extinction took place.

So are you saying the dinosaurs died out through catastrophism ? There is no evidence of this comet impacting earth but there is for strata being spread out through a global flood.
New Evidence Ties Mass Extinction to Massive Collision
Hillary Mayell
for National Geographic
(February 22, 2001)

About 250 million years ago, when Earth's landmass was one giant supercontinent known as Pangea, the planet suffered its largest mass extinction.

Scientists estimate that the massive asteroid or comet that struck Earth 250 million years ago measured between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12l kilometers) wide.

Known as "the Great Dying" among paleontologists, more than 90 percent of the Earth's marine species perished, along with 70 percent of the land's reptile, amphibian, insect, and plant species. This mass extinction preceded the rise of the dinosaurs.

What caused the extinction event has been a matter of heated debate among scientists—until now. Researchers from the University of Washington and the University of Rochester have found extraterrestrial clusters of carbon atoms known as buckyballs in sediment samples from China and Japan. Their presence suggests that a massive comet or asteroid collided with the Earth, triggering the catastrophic collapse of life.

The study, which also involved researchers from New York University and NASA, is featured in the February 23 issue of the journal Science.

More than Just Volcanoes

"We've come full circle on the old argument about whether a collision or volcanism caused these extinctions," says lead researcher Luann Becker, assistant professor of Earth and space sciences at the University of Washington. "We can say with a good degree of certainty that there's a coupling of the two events."

Where exactly the comet or asteroid hit is unknown. It was probably somewhere between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12 kilometers) wide, similar in size to the asteroid that crashed into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago—the collision thought by many scientists that lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The impact 250 million years ago occurred during a time of extreme volcanism on Earth. Volcanic eruptions can change climates in several ways. Massive amounts of sediment and ash expelled during an explosion can block sunlight from reaching the Earth, causing a significant drop in temperature, inhibiting the photosynthesis that allows plants to grow, and causing food chains to collapse.

Alternatively, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases ejected into the Earth's atmosphere by eruptions trap the sun's heat, sending temperatures soaring, and causing glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise.

When these changes in temperature or sea level occur faster than a species can adjust to them, extinction results.

"If the species cannot adjust, they perish. It's a survival-of-the-fittest sort of thing," says Becker.

But volcanism alone couldn't explain the rapid rate of extinction.

"As paleontologists have gotten better and better resolution on how quickly the extinction took place, it became more and more clear that more than one cause was needed to explain it," says Becker.

"The volcanism went on for millions of years, and the extinctions took place much, much faster." Fossil evidence shows that the extinction took place in 8,000 to 100,000 years—a heartbeat, in geological time.

Buckyballs: Cosmic Stowaways

The collision, which caused the rapid extincitions, left its signature in the sediment layers of the earth in the form of buckminsterfullerenes—buckyballs or fullerenes for short.

Buckyballs are microscopic clusters of carbon atoms that bond together to form a hollow geodesic cage, most frequently described as resembling a soccer ball. The cage can trap gases and is robust enough to survive interplanetary travel.

Becker and her colleagues were able to demonstrate that this form of carbon has an extraterrestrial origin.

The researchers studied the gases trapped within fullerenes found in high concentrations in the 250 million-year-old sedimentary layer, which divides the Permian and Triassic periods. The trapped gases contain forms of helium and argon structurally different from those found on Earth and could only have been formed in the extreme temperatures and gas pressures of outer space.

"These gas-laden fullerenes were formed outside the Solar System, and their concentration at the Permian-Triassic boundary means they were delivered by a comet or asteroid," says Becker.

National Geographic News @

We are sure it was a comet collision not sure where the impact was on the planet. Great more conjecture in other words they don't have a clue how the mass extinction took place.

So are you saying the dinosaurs died out through catastrophism ? There is no evidence of this comet impacting earth but there is for strata being spread out through a global flood.

There is actually a great deal of evidence for a catastrophic impact in the Yucatan. You're not aware of that evidence but the relevant science community has great confidence in the physical evidence.

As to your bogus flood tales, it is really only religious (Christian) zealots who accept those tales and fabled. It is your committment to religious dogma that keeps you ignorant.
New Evidence Ties Mass Extinction to Massive Collision
Hillary Mayell
for National Geographic
(February 22, 2001)

About 250 million years ago, when Earth's landmass was one giant supercontinent known as Pangea, the planet suffered its largest mass extinction.

Scientists estimate that the massive asteroid or comet that struck Earth 250 million years ago measured between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12l kilometers) wide.

Known as "the Great Dying" among paleontologists, more than 90 percent of the Earth's marine species perished, along with 70 percent of the land's reptile, amphibian, insect, and plant species. This mass extinction preceded the rise of the dinosaurs.

What caused the extinction event has been a matter of heated debate among scientists—until now. Researchers from the University of Washington and the University of Rochester have found extraterrestrial clusters of carbon atoms known as buckyballs in sediment samples from China and Japan. Their presence suggests that a massive comet or asteroid collided with the Earth, triggering the catastrophic collapse of life.

The study, which also involved researchers from New York University and NASA, is featured in the February 23 issue of the journal Science.

More than Just Volcanoes

"We've come full circle on the old argument about whether a collision or volcanism caused these extinctions," says lead researcher Luann Becker, assistant professor of Earth and space sciences at the University of Washington. "We can say with a good degree of certainty that there's a coupling of the two events."

Where exactly the comet or asteroid hit is unknown. It was probably somewhere between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12 kilometers) wide, similar in size to the asteroid that crashed into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago—the collision thought by many scientists that lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The impact 250 million years ago occurred during a time of extreme volcanism on Earth. Volcanic eruptions can change climates in several ways. Massive amounts of sediment and ash expelled during an explosion can block sunlight from reaching the Earth, causing a significant drop in temperature, inhibiting the photosynthesis that allows plants to grow, and causing food chains to collapse.

Alternatively, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases ejected into the Earth's atmosphere by eruptions trap the sun's heat, sending temperatures soaring, and causing glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise.

When these changes in temperature or sea level occur faster than a species can adjust to them, extinction results.

"If the species cannot adjust, they perish. It's a survival-of-the-fittest sort of thing," says Becker.

But volcanism alone couldn't explain the rapid rate of extinction.

"As paleontologists have gotten better and better resolution on how quickly the extinction took place, it became more and more clear that more than one cause was needed to explain it," says Becker.

"The volcanism went on for millions of years, and the extinctions took place much, much faster." Fossil evidence shows that the extinction took place in 8,000 to 100,000 years—a heartbeat, in geological time.

Buckyballs: Cosmic Stowaways

The collision, which caused the rapid extincitions, left its signature in the sediment layers of the earth in the form of buckminsterfullerenes—buckyballs or fullerenes for short.

Buckyballs are microscopic clusters of carbon atoms that bond together to form a hollow geodesic cage, most frequently described as resembling a soccer ball. The cage can trap gases and is robust enough to survive interplanetary travel.

Becker and her colleagues were able to demonstrate that this form of carbon has an extraterrestrial origin.

The researchers studied the gases trapped within fullerenes found in high concentrations in the 250 million-year-old sedimentary layer, which divides the Permian and Triassic periods. The trapped gases contain forms of helium and argon structurally different from those found on Earth and could only have been formed in the extreme temperatures and gas pressures of outer space.

"These gas-laden fullerenes were formed outside the Solar System, and their concentration at the Permian-Triassic boundary means they were delivered by a comet or asteroid," says Becker.

National Geographic News @

We are sure it was a comet collision not sure where the impact was on the planet. Great more conjecture in other words they don't have a clue how the mass extinction took place.

So are you saying the dinosaurs died out through catastrophism ? There is no evidence of this comet impacting earth but there is for strata being spread out through a global flood.

There is actually a great deal of evidence for a catastrophic impact in the Yucatan. You're not aware of that evidence but the relevant science community has great confidence in the physical evidence.

As to your bogus flood tales, it is really only religious (Christian) zealots who accept those tales and fabled. It is your committment to religious dogma that keeps you ignorant.

Oh boy do you know why they now think that it was a comet that hit the Yucatan ?
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We are sure it was a comet collision not sure where the impact was on the planet. Great more conjecture in other words they don't have a clue how the mass extinction took place.

So are you saying the dinosaurs died out through catastrophism ? There is no evidence of this comet impacting earth but there is for strata being spread out through a global flood.

There is actually a great deal of evidence for a catastrophic impact in the Yucatan. You're not aware of that evidence but the relevant science community has great confidence in the physical evidence.

As to your bogus flood tales, it is really only religious (Christian) zealots who accept those tales and fabled. It is your committment to religious dogma that keeps you ignorant.

Oh boy do you know why they now think that it was a comet that hit the Yucatan ?
Much of the relevant science community does.

The fundamentalist religious nutbars don't. But of course, the fundies do no research, perform no tests, publish no papers and don't write in peer reviewed journals where they would otherwise have to support their claims to various gawds, miracles and supernatural events.

I suppose the fundies will have to be content with being laughable caricatures of bible thumping morons.
Well here it is Hollie talk about fabricating evidence and now you can understand why I don't trust dating methods.

The revised dates clear up lingering confusion over whether the impact actually occurred before or after the extinction event. lol

New evidence comet or asteroid impact was last straw for dinosaurs

Your confusion seems to be fully a matter of your own inability to not be confused.

Put on your dancing shoes.

Ok what you're talking about is the two bodies found in 1971 they are automatically suggesting the finds in 1971 were related to the 1990 finds. What your side is not sharing with you are the differences.

You're speaking to a Native American dipshit and you don't have a clue concerning their practices. Anything to embellish the bulkshit.

Really ? Indians that mine lol.

Now let's look at the truth.

Malachite man was found in Cretaceous sandstone (Talk.Origins)


Response Article
This article (Malachite man was found in Cretaceous sandstone (Talk.Origins)) is a response to a rebuttal of a creationist claim published by Talk.Origins Archive under the title Index to Creationist Claims.

Claim CC111:
Ten modern human skeletons have been excavated from 58 feet deep in the Lower Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, which is dated as 140 million years old and is known for the same dinosaurs as in Dinosaur National Monument.
Source: Patton, Don, n.d. Official world site Malachite Man.

CreationWiki response:

(Talk.Origins quotes in blue)

Talk origins 1. The skeletons are the same bones as the discredited Moab man bones, apparently with skeletons from eight nearby Indian burials added. [Kuban 1998]

Both sides seem to be making the same mistake. They are both associating the two skeletons found in 1971 with the eight found in 1990. The two sites are about 100 feet apart so it is not unreasonable that they may be unrelated.

Talk Origins2. All details given in the account are apparently false. The bones were found 15 feet deep in soft, unconsolidated sand.

The top of the hill seems to drop by about 40 feet as can bee seen in an image of the site. The result is that the 1971 Moab man site is 15 feet deep and the 1990 Malachite Man site is about 58 feet deep.

Talk Origins* They were clearly intrusive (i.e., buried there long after the sediments were laid down).

This seems to be based on the idea that the Moab man find and the 1990 Malachite Man are related. There are reasons to question this conclusion.

The bones found in 1990 do not appear to have been carbon 14 dated. If you look at the large images, it is clear that these bones are in solid rock. Even if the bones were in soft material, the layers of rock above them were hard. It was the hardness of the rock that forced the closure of the copper mine that lead to their discovery. 58 feet is really too deep to be intrusive burials, particularly given the rock that would had to have been carved through to dig a grave. It is not clear from the two in situ images if these bones are fossilized or not, but the images of those bones that were removed including a femur and a jaw do seem to be fossilized.

The conclusion is that while the two finds are in the same area, they are separate finds. The two 1971 skeletons are recent, but the 1990 find is probably as old as the rock.

* The Dakota Formation is approximately 90-115 million years old, straddling the Early and Late Cretaceous. Dinosaur National Monument is in the Morrison Formation, which is Jurassic. [Kuban 1998]

Evolutionists date this rock at about 100 million years, but creationists would date it to the flood about 5,000 years ago.

Talk Origins 3. The people making claims about Malachite Man have not been cooperative in supplying information which might be used to verify their claim. This would be surprising if they thought their claims could actually be verified.

Maybe they just don't trust those are making the request like Talk Origins. By the way when was the last time evolutionists made a major fossil find available to creationists so that their claims could be verified.

Emphasis mine,Do evolutionist have something to hide ?
right you're as native American as the queen of Spain.
on the other hand I'm half cheetwood Cherokee.
so once again you're making shit up .
as to your so called truth since it based on an FP it's also false.
here are the facts....Claim

Ten modern human skeletons have been excavated from 58 feet deep in the Lower Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, which is dated as 150 million years old and is known for the same dinosaurs as in Dinosaur National Monument.

1."Malachite man" is quite simply a hoax. It was buried 15 feet deep rather than 58, was found in soft sand rather than hard sandstone, the bones are completely dissimilar to nearby dinosaur bones in composition (the dinosaur bones are fossilized, whereas the human bones are not, indicating they were not buried anywhere near the same time) and radiometric dating puts the skeleton at around 200 years old. See Kuban's link below.
2.Finding human remains surrounded by Cretaceous rock is neither shocking nor horrifying to scientists. Humans - this skeleton appears to be one - certainly would have had the capability to dig graves, so could have been buried much deeper than by natural processes.
3.The fossils at Dinosaur National Monument are at least 50 million years older, making them Jurassic, not Cretaceous.

other chirstians refute YWC'S BULLSHIT..Creation Science Rebuttals

Answers in Genesis

Human Fossils?

By Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

First Published February 2003

An excellent question is posed on the young earth creation science website Answers in Genesis. The title of the article is "Where are all the human fossils?”1 The subtitle goes on to ask, "Why are human fossils not found with trilobites, for example? If humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time, why aren’t their fossils found together? How could the Flood produce the order in the fossil record?"

The author, whoever it might be, tries to explain it. Those willing to accept his article without questioning its accuracy will be swayed by his arguments. But, if you apply a little common sense logic to it, his conclusions fall apart.

Rock Strata

Here is the problem for the young earth creation science believer. Creationists believe that most of the fossils were formed during the year-long global Flood recorded in Genesis. This is a minor point, but...I'm an old earth proponent, and I'm a Creationist, but I don't believe this.

His first section is "Do the rock strata represent eons of time?" As an example of this, he chooses the ill-fated example of the Coconino sandstone. I've already proved that this sandstone cannot be formed using the Flood model (see my article on this by clicking here). He makes another mistake by claiming, "Other rock layers in the Grand Canyon indicate that they were rapidly deposited also, and without substantial time-breaks between the laying down of each unit." Exactly what is the definition of "substantial time-breaks?" In fact, there are multiple time breaks in the Grand Canyon strata, one of them lasting 230 million years. (see the article on Stratigraphy, click here)


The next section is "Evidence that dinosaurs and humans co-existed." The author mentions the "many historical accounts" of living animals, known as dragons. I didn't know that Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, and Anklyosaurus breathed fire! That would certainly make the front page of most newspapers (click here for an explanation of recent sightings and drawings). Then he mentions the behemoth of Job 40. Unfortunately, this is not a passage that people take literally, but figuratively. For instance, Job 39:9 states, “Canst thou bind the unicorn…” Seen any unicorn fossils lately? None have ever been recovered. Look at Leviathan in Job 41…have any "fire-breathing" leviathans of Job 41:18-21 been discovered. If every single verse of the Bible is to be taken literally, then EVERY Christian in the world would be crawling around with both their hands and feet chopped off, and their eyes poked out (Matthew 18:8-9).

Other claims in this section include:
Unmineralized (unfossilized) dinosaur bones. Could some even have blood cells in them? So what if they do! We have uncovered billions of bones. Odds are that some would be preserved much better than others!

Rocks with dinosaur fossils have very little plant material. Let's see, bacteria can break down plant material in a year, and how long will bones last...many years. Even so, depositional systems are mostly fluvial, the plant material mostly floating away.

Where are the Humans?

Next the author talks about "What about the general pattern?" He states that rock strata follows a general pattern. Finally, we agree on something, but only the generalizations of the first two paragraphs. The author then states, "If there were, say, 10 million people at the time of the Flood and all their bodies were preserved and uniformly distributed throughout the 700 million cubic kilometres of fossil-bearing sedimentary rock layers, only one would be found in every 70 cubic kilometres of rock. Thus you would be unlikely to find even one human fossil."

He is forgetting something. Before the Tower of Babel, before the Flood, people all lived in one area in the Middle East! He can't assume they were uniformly distributed throughout all the fossil-bearing sedimentary rock layers worldwide. In fact, they propose that the mass graves of the dinosaurs indicated their end in the Flood. But if you have 10 million people in a small geographic area, they probably would have "huddled" together before they drowned, so where are these mass graves? None have been found! The authors' conclusion that we "would be unlikely to find even one human fossil" is a gross inaccuracy. But, he HAS to state this, because no evidence of these human fossils has been found to support the Flood.

The author then makes a startling statement..."On the other hand, land animals, such as mammals and birds, being mobile (especially birds), could escape to higher ground and be the last to succumb." Yes, he said "birds." Thanks for bringing this up! Exactly what "birds" of the Jurassic and Cretaceous period are you talking about? Nobody has ever found any modern day birds, buried in the same rock formation as the flyers of the Dinosaur Era, the Pteranadon and Pterodactyl. If they all fled the flood by air, why are they not buried together in the same rock layer??? We should see modern birds, buried with Pterodactyls...but we don't.

The author then states, "People would cling to rafts, logs etc. until the very end and then tend to bloat and float and be scavenged by fish, with the bones breaking down rather quickly, rather than being preserved. This would make human fossils from the Flood exceedingly rare." This theory won't float either. Even if they were scavenged by fish, the bones would merely need to last one year, since the Flood was only on the earth that long. After a few days of scavenging by fish, the meat gone, the dense bone would sink, and be buried rapidly, if we follow the model of the Flood proposed by young-earth creationists. So, where are the fossils...they should be there!

Then he claims more mobile, intelligent animals would tend to survive the longest and be buried last. Not sure what he is intending here, after all, studies of dinosaur brain cavities have not shown a lot of intelligence on their part, except for a few of the raptor types.

Interesting to note he refers to "Cope's Rule." This is another trick I've noticed in several young-earth creation articles. They like to use old, outdated research material to support their cause. Here, they rely on 19th century material.

Creation Science Rebuttals, Answers in Genesis, Human Fossils

Have you decided on a theory yet ?

Have you decided on a method that caused the dinosaurs dying out yet ?
asked and answered..
New Evidence Ties Mass Extinction to Massive Collision
Hillary Mayell
for National Geographic
(February 22, 2001)

About 250 million years ago, when Earth's landmass was one giant supercontinent known as Pangea, the planet suffered its largest mass extinction.

Scientists estimate that the massive asteroid or comet that struck Earth 250 million years ago measured between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12 kilometers) wide.

Known as "the Great Dying" among paleontologists, more than 90 percent of the Earth's marine species perished, along with 70 percent of the land's reptile, amphibian, insect, and plant species. This mass extinction preceded the rise of the dinosaurs.

What caused the extinction event has been a matter of heated debate among scientists—until now. Researchers from the University of Washington and the University of Rochester have found extraterrestrial clusters of carbon atoms known as buckyballs in sediment samples from China and Japan. Their presence suggests that a massive comet or asteroid collided with the Earth, triggering the catastrophic collapse of life.

The study, which also involved researchers from New York University and NASA, is featured in the February 23 issue of the journal Science.

More than Just Volcanoes

"We've come full circle on the old argument about whether a collision or volcanism caused these extinctions," says lead researcher Luann Becker, assistant professor of Earth and space sciences at the University of Washington. "We can say with a good degree of certainty that there's a coupling of the two events."

Where exactly the comet or asteroid hit is unknown. It was probably somewhere between 3.7 and 7.4 miles (6 to 12 kilometers) wide, similar in size to the asteroid that crashed into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago—the collision thought by many scientists that lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The impact 250 million years ago occurred during a time of extreme volcanism on Earth. Volcanic eruptions can change climates in several ways. Massive amounts of sediment and ash expelled during an explosion can block sunlight from reaching the Earth, causing a significant drop in temperature, inhibiting the photosynthesis that allows plants to grow, and causing food chains to collapse.

Alternatively, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases ejected into the Earth's atmosphere by eruptions trap the sun's heat, sending temperatures soaring, and causing glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise.

When these changes in temperature or sea level occur faster than a species can adjust to them, extinction results.

"If the species cannot adjust, they perish. It's a survival-of-the-fittest sort of thing," says Becker.

But volcanism alone couldn't explain the rapid rate of extinction.

"As paleontologists have gotten better and better resolution on how quickly the extinction took place, it became more and more clear that more than one cause was needed to explain it," says Becker.

"The volcanism went on for millions of years, and the extinctions took place much, much faster." Fossil evidence shows that the extinction took place in 8,000 to 100,000 years—a heartbeat, in geological time.

Buckyballs: Cosmic Stowaways

The collision, which caused the rapid extincitions, left its signature in the sediment layers of the earth in the form of buckminsterfullerenes—buckyballs or fullerenes for short.

Buckyballs are microscopic clusters of carbon atoms that bond together to form a hollow geodesic cage, most frequently described as resembling a soccer ball. The cage can trap gases and is robust enough to survive interplanetary travel.

Becker and her colleagues were able to demonstrate that this form of carbon has an extraterrestrial origin.

The researchers studied the gases trapped within fullerenes found in high concentrations in the 250 million-year-old sedimentary layer, which divides the Permian and Triassic periods. The trapped gases contain forms of helium and argon structurally different from those found on Earth and could only have been formed in the extreme temperatures and gas pressures of outer space.

"These gas-laden fullerenes were formed outside the Solar System, and their concentration at the Permian-Triassic boundary means they were delivered by a comet or asteroid," says Becker.

National Geographic News @

We are sure it was a comet collision not sure where the impact was on the planet. Great more conjecture in other words they don't have a clue how the mass extinction took place.

So are you saying the dinosaurs died out through catastrophism ? There is no evidence of this comet impacting earth but there is for strata being spread out through a global flood.
see post# 16427
Well here it is Hollie talk about fabricating evidence and now you can understand why I don't trust dating methods.

The revised dates clear up lingering confusion over whether the impact actually occurred before or after the extinction event. lol

New evidence comet or asteroid impact was last straw for dinosaurs

Your confusion seems to be fully a matter of your own inability to not be confused.

Put on your dancing shoes.

best dodge ever or what!
Well here it is Hollie talk about fabricating evidence and now you can understand why I don't trust dating methods.

The revised dates clear up lingering confusion over whether the impact actually occurred before or after the extinction event. lol

New evidence comet or asteroid impact was last straw for dinosaurs

Your confusion seems to be fully a matter of your own inability to not be confused.

Put on your dancing shoes.


No need to. What's comical is that you initially rejected the idea of an asteroid / meteor strike. You subsequently post an article that confirms what most of the relevant science community agrees happened.

You actually refuted your earlier objection. Did you fall down and bump your head when you tripped over your own argument?
Your confusion seems to be fully a matter of your own inability to not be confused.

Put on your dancing shoes.


No need to. What's comical is that you initially rejected the idea of an asteroid / meteor strike. You subsequently post an article that confirms what most of the relevant science community agrees happened.

You actually refuted your earlier objection. Did you fall down and bump your head when you tripped over your own argument?
either way it refutes the silly great flood myth.
Well here it is Hollie talk about fabricating evidence and now you can understand why I don't trust dating methods.

The revised dates clear up lingering confusion over whether the impact actually occurred before or after the extinction event. lol

New evidence comet or asteroid impact was last straw for dinosaurs
if you insist on refuting your own shit have at it.

Just pointing how stupid you're by the crap you post. Magically we can fix our problem by fudging with the dating method numbers. Sorry you're to dense to see the obvious fabrication which by the way they had to do to try and make evolution fit they always need more time and they magically get it with their dating methods.
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Put on your dancing shoes.


No need to. What's comical is that you initially rejected the idea of an asteroid / meteor strike. You subsequently post an article that confirms what most of the relevant science community agrees happened.

You actually refuted your earlier objection. Did you fall down and bump your head when you tripped over your own argument?
either way it refutes the silly great flood myth.
I've always been curious as to where all the extra water came from to flood the planet and where it all eventually went.

Could it be that ywc will cut and paste some really, really, globally stupid article from a fundie website?

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