Creative Protest: Covering Hollywood Stars with names of Blacks killed by Police

If them names really were placed over top of a name that was already there, then I have a question for whoever put them there. If you care about them people enough, why didn't you give them a space that is all their own and not one that is already for someone else?

God bless you always!!!

It is childish vandallism

Dear irosie91 compared to violent protests, this is civil and safe. The "damage" can be undone
unlike burned cars and looted businesses that cost a lot more money and further damage community relations.

And it makes statements on several levels. It takes that hype in the media about Hollywood and race,
and then integrates what's been going on with the police uprisings.

I'd much rather people use arts and media in creative ways rather than commit crimes, looting and more
destructive damage to make a statement in the media.

Wouldn't you rather see this than see cops getting shot or looting and cars burned at protests?

your answer---Emily-----is a COP OUT------there is absolutely no reason to VANDALIZE the honor afforded an artist in order to make a political point AND
your "isn't it better" argument is childish----"isn't it better to spit on a shrine than
to shoot a person" ? ----<<<<<<SHEEEESH I do not know to what religion you
adhere or were "born into"------I am a jew-----"Christians" murdered lots of my relative during world war II I mentioned an exposition of medieval paintings
well---'artisitic' )------I have a marvelous "CREATIVE IDEA"-----my
wonderful idea-----next time the MET does such an exposition----I will stick
up across the faces of the "martyrs"---names (and pictures if available) of
people murdered by your fellow Christians during world war II -----GOOD
GOOD IDEA? The very last picture in the solemn exposition was a HUGE
OIL OF JESUS HANGING on the cross------My grandmother had a framed
snap shot of two little girls-------with ribbon bows in their hair-----about six and
eight years old-------theydid not survive catholic ADOLF's march into AUSTRIA----
he acted fast with his fellow CHRISTIANS-----in that country. If I could find that
snapshot-----I could plaster it over the face of JESUS (in that marvelous medieval

Yes, irosie91 that would be creative, and also better compared to more ugly ways of protesting (such as terrorists flying planes into buildings to protest political oppression).

Your idea would attract attention, but might require more explanation of the background so people would get what you are protesting.

There might be a better way, but I've seen worse. I've seen people try just about anything until they find something that works. We learn by trial and error, and that's why there's so much garbage on the internet and media; but it also produces rare gems among the worthless tripe.

For every person who hates your idea, there's someone who's going to get it and appreciate what you have to say. it's hit or miss. Give it a shot!

I'd rather people experiment online and learn that way, rather than do something more physically dangerous where damage can't be undone.

With you irosie91 I'd trust that you were trying to share or correct something meaningful. So whatever image you used, I'd try to focus on the point and message you were trying to convey. That's what matters.

I also mauled an image of Mother and Child as an Abortion protest poster, and entered it in an art show. My brother found it online.

In the original version,
I had whited out Jesus, surrounded the space with a black dotted line, then changed the caption to Madonna and Missing Child. Have you found Christ? Call 1-800-Christ-Child-Find Great will be your reward!

In the abortion protest poster the caption read
and I let people interpret that any way they wanted.

People came up to me and asked what side I was on. I said I was against the political division and wanted to inspire compassion for the suffering on all sides, and to work together toward prevention.

Ultimately I am both prolife and prochoice, against abortion but believe in prevention by free will and educated choice, not by bans or punitive measures which start all the political rhetoric that obstructs people from working together on prevention. I applaud the prolife efforts to end abortion without the force of law but by raising awareness and lending support, and believe those efforts should be replicated until all abortion is prevented 100%. So I believe prochoice activists should be working alongside prolife and furthering prevention instead of fighting against each other, wasting time and resources that could go into prevention.
Of more interest and enlightenment if police officers names were on the stars who were killed by the black THUGERY!
Of more interest and enlightenment if police officers names were on the stars who were killed by the black THUGERY!

I never got over how ugly the politics got over
the Mumia Abu Jamal and Daniel Faulkner case.
Whoever was right or wrong in that case, the
political rhetoric and hateful attacks back and forth
were so bad, it got to the point it no longer mattered "who killed who"
if they would just stop attacking each other's supporters with namecalling.
At least for that, at least the grieving and grievances could be respected on both sides, regardless if anyone could ever agree who did what first.

So sad to see so much suffering happen, escalate, and then expand to create more and more ill will and distrust, layer upon layer, adding to the pain and injury buried underneath mountains of politics piled on top.

That was one of the saddest cases,
where both sides were painted as being criminally corrupted.

Whatever happened to the truth that is supposed to set us all free?
It is childish vandallism

Dear irosie91 compared to violent protests, this is civil and safe. The "damage" can be undone
unlike burned cars and looted businesses that cost a lot more money and further damage community relations.

And it makes statements on several levels. It takes that hype in the media about Hollywood and race,
and then integrates what's been going on with the police uprisings.

I'd much rather people use arts and media in creative ways rather than commit crimes, looting and more
destructive damage to make a statement in the media.

Wouldn't you rather see this than see cops getting shot or looting and cars burned at protests?

your answer---Emily-----is a COP OUT------there is absolutely no reason to VANDALIZE the honor afforded an artist in order to make a political point AND
your "isn't it better" argument is childish----"isn't it better to spit on a shrine than
to shoot a person" ? ----<<<<<<SHEEEESH I do not know to what religion you
adhere or were "born into"------I am a jew-----"Christians" murdered lots of my relative during world war II I mentioned an exposition of medieval paintings
well---'artisitic' )------I have a marvelous "CREATIVE IDEA"-----my
wonderful idea-----next time the MET does such an exposition----I will stick
up across the faces of the "martyrs"---names (and pictures if available) of
people murdered by your fellow Christians during world war II -----GOOD
GOOD IDEA? The very last picture in the solemn exposition was a HUGE
OIL OF JESUS HANGING on the cross------My grandmother had a framed
snap shot of two little girls-------with ribbon bows in their hair-----about six and
eight years old-------theydid not survive catholic ADOLF's march into AUSTRIA----
he acted fast with his fellow CHRISTIANS-----in that country. If I could find that
snapshot-----I could plaster it over the face of JESUS (in that marvelous medieval

Yes, irosie91 that would be creative, and also better compared to more ugly ways of protesting (such as terrorists flying planes into buildings to protest political oppression).

Your idea would attract attention, but might require more explanation of the background so people would get what you are protesting.

There might be a better way, but I've seen worse. I've seen people try just about anything until they find something that works. We learn by trial and error, and that's why there's so much garbage on the internet and media; but it also produces rare gems among the worthless tripe.

For every person who hates your idea, there's someone who's going to get it and appreciate what you have to say. it's hit or miss. Give it a shot!

I'd rather people experiment online and learn that way, rather than do something more physically dangerous where damage can't be undone.

With you irosie91 I'd trust that you were trying to share or correct something meaningful. So whatever image you used, I'd try to focus on the point and message you were trying to convey. That's what matters.

I also mauled an image of Mother and Child as an Abortion protest poster, and entered it in an art show. My brother found it online.

In the original version,
I had whited out Jesus, surrounded the space with a black dotted line, then changed the caption to Madonna and Missing Child. Have you found Christ? Call 1-800-Christ-Child-Find Great will be your reward!

In the abortion protest poster the caption read
and I let people interpret that any way they wanted.

People came up to me and asked what side I was on. I said I was against the political division and wanted to inspire compassion for the suffering on all sides, and to work together toward prevention.

Ultimately I am both prolife and prochoice, against abortion but believe in prevention by free will and educated choice, not by bans or punitive measures which start all the political rhetoric that obstructs people from working together on prevention. I applaud the prolife efforts to end abortion without the force of law but by raising awareness and lending support, and believe those efforts should be replicated until all abortion is prevented 100%. So I believe prochoice activists should be working alongside prolife and furthering prevention instead of fighting against each other, wasting time and resources that could go into prevention.

I consider your vandalism of a "mother/child" portrait to be VULGAR and a cruel manipulation of women on their way to have an abortion. I have interviews hundreds of women regarding their medical histories and have found that no
woman ever reports her abortions with a SMILE------abortion is a hard
decision for virtually all women and a scar on the heart. I am PRO-CHOICE----I know the horrors created by for all the family (including the unwanted child) of
children born at the wrong time and into the wrong circumstances and prefer not to spit in the face of any women who has made that decision
Wouldn't you rather see this than see cops getting shot or looting and cars burned at protests?
Id rather see a protest that doesnt involve fucking up other peoples shit.
I agree Godboy I've actually written several series of educational spoofs that protest problems while promoting solutions, and thought these would be a great way to raise the standards on media campaigns.

But people were too busy fighting, spending millions on bullying campaigns for candidates, to invest money into media messages that promoted and raised funds for solutions. i've posted these solutions everywhere, and people are more used to paying people to fight than to right the wrongs.

We'll see if this constructive approach catches on later, when people and resources are exhausted from doing things the self-destructive ways that get nowhere. At some point that's going to get old.

Here's an example of my type of creative protest that promotes a solutions and can be used for contests to raise money for implementation of the actual plans:
music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

Here is how I would implement and replicate plans to convert sweatshops and prisons into sustainable community campuses to uplift distressed districts and rebuild the economy:
Earned Amnesty

So that's what solutions look like without any destructive bullying, vandalism, violence or nastiness to attract attention in the media.
See how well that sells compared to trash and hype that doesn't solve anything.

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