Creeping Sharia - It's not just a bumper sticker

The stupidity of kafir alarmism never ceases to amaze me. If I had kept a tally of the incorrect statements made about Shari'ah in this thread alone, I would have run out of paper before I got past the second page. :lol:

It's the conservatives. They are very afraid of anything not like themselves. They are scared little chickens, living in the land of the free and the home of the brave. They are anything but brave. They live in fear and vote for the politicians that campaign on fear. They crave safety and security and would burn the constitution to get it. They are right wing weenies.

How many "non-conservatives" do you think volunteer for combat military service? That is not an office job, but where you might have to look someone in the eye when you are defending yourself or your guys?

You want to call conservatives "chickens" but vote to have a "nanny state". Is that because you fear taking care of yourself? Why would you as a big, bad, non-conservative voter for an elite group of babysitters that will rule (that is not the same as represent)?

I am a conservative, and was opposed to the Patriot Act, among other right-stealing legislation or executive orders that have been passed. I would prefer to have EVERYONE armed than have to surrender my safety to 'the feds' when getting on a plane. In communities where most people own guns, there is less crime. It is one of those statistics that doesn't get reported, because the sheeple (the ones voting for rulers) might open their eyes and see.

Please give examples of "bravery" by the non-conservatives.

You are correct.

The religion of peace is build on the tenet that every non-muslim must be killed.

This is wrong...therefore we can NEVER rest until every muslim is killed!


The only good muslim is a dead muslim. Unless of course they were a suicide bomber. In that case they're still bad even though they're dead.

You are correct.

The religion of peace is build on the tenet that every non-muslim must be killed.

This is wrong...therefore we can NEVER rest until every muslim is killed!


The only good muslim is a dead muslim. Unless of course they were a suicide bomber. In that case they're still bad even though they're dead.

And the worst are the babies.

They should all be dropped into a huge* blender.

(* And I mean a HUGE blender)
Wow. We've gone from protecting the rights of Muslim women to "conservatives want to kill the babies". How terribly "progressive" of you guys.


Hey - Queenie - for or against Sharia Courts?
You are correct.

The religion of peace is build on the tenet that every non-muslim must be killed.

This is wrong...therefore we can NEVER rest until every muslim is killed!


The only good muslim is a dead muslim. Unless of course they were a suicide bomber. In that case they're still bad even though they're dead.

And the worst are the babies.

They should all be dropped into a huge* blender.

(* And I mean a HUGE blender)

Oh I'm sorry. Who were you and mani referring to in this statement? "WE can never rest until every muslim is killed?" Were you referring to yourselves? Who exactly would be in charge of putting the babies in the blender?

It's disgusting.

And I see you have yet to take a position on Sharia courts. Perhaps you agree that it goes against equal protection and due process. Or is that you could care less about them mooslims?
If there is one thing I have learned in 45 years, is never underestimate the power of leftist guilt, and it's desire to comfort it.
Sharia courts in America?
It would in no way surprise me.

You're out of your fucking mind.

Liberals are the only ones fighting to defend the constitution these days.

It's the right who wants to dismantle our laws and take up new ones to punish Mexicans and others who aren't white Christian males.

"You're out of your fucking mind"...:lol::lol:
You have been dying to say that for years..hope it satisfied that urge for you as much as I am not impressed by it.
The American Muslim Organization has been pushing for Sharia Courts for a while. They are using Native American courts and Jewish courts to argue that it's already permissable.

Native American Courts: Precedent for an Islamic arbitral system *

by Issa Smith
In the United States today, there is a system of courts which is just outside of the federal and state court systems, known as the American Indian Tribal Courts. The Tribal Courts deal with criminal, civil and family court issues, and have their own lawyers, judges, and court officials. The Muslim Community can learn from the experience of the American Indian Tribal Court System as we attempt to implement Muslim Family Law in North America.

The American Muslim (TAM)

Islamic Sharia and Jewish Halakha Arbitration Courts

by Sheila Musaji
There are a number of halakha courts representing different interpretations of Jewish law — Agudath Israel of America, Beth Din of America, etc.

All in all, it would seem that faith based arbitration is an existing part of our legal system, and that considering sharia as somehow less acceptable than halakha (or than Canon Law) has no basis in anything other than prejudice and stereotyping.
The American Muslim (TAM)

It's coming.

There are jewish courts called Bet Din that deal with issues between members of the orthodox jewish community. it doesn't supercede state or federal law. it is just a means of internal dispute resolution.... including the granting of religious divorce since they don't recognize civil divorce as effective in dissolving a religious bond.

it is no different than the catholic church granting anulments.

why would i feel threatened if the muslim community avails itself of something similar? why would you?

Cause it's Mooooslim.
Read the fucking thread.
So I assume you too are ok with Sharia Courts as well? A simple yes or no will suffice.

I did read the *** thread and have not seen any of them say they are IN FAVOR of sharia courts. They HAVE been very patient in explaining that the sharia ARBITRATION procedures in Europe do not supplant legal laws/courts. But you take the Chicken Little route...and furthermore, you lie about their position. But you knew that. So...I will just have to put you in the same catagory with Conhog....the Liars Catagory.
Hey chanel,

For the record, I would never agree to having a dispute settled in a sharia court.

I assume that's what you keep asking, but it's not exactly clear.
A sharia court? As in legal court? Absolutely not. No way, no how. Nor would I agree to any kind of catholic court, or jewish court or any kind of religious court.

But if members of a certain religion have somekind of VOLUNTARY religious mediation going the catholics do, the baptists do, the jews do....why would someone be FOR that and AGAINST the muslims having the same thing?

Why? because they're Mooooooslims!!!!!
So then that's a yes? Got it.

You really are coming across as a simpleton on this..... is not about simple yes and no's.

...Making a decision on a subject takes critical thinking - something you are refusing to do.

You state that I agree with Sharia courts. I posted no such thing. I disagreed, sat on the fence, and also agree with it depending on how it is applied.

Maybe you are only capable of thinking in simplistic terms. As you are a conservative, this does not surprise me.
So then that's a yes? Got it.

You really are coming across as a simpleton on this..... is not about simple yes and no's.

...Making a decision on a subject takes critical thinking - something you are refusing to do.

You state that I agree with Sharia courts. I posted no such thing. I disagreed, sat on the fence, and also agree with it depending on how it is applied.

Maybe you are only capable of thinking in simplistic terms. As you are a conservative, this does not surprise me.

I think it's more dishonesty...but that is my opinion.
I think it's more dishonesty...but that is my opinion.


The problem with this board is there are a few conservatives on here who are absolutely stupid (Willow and Steph for example). Then there are those that are very bright, but are diliberately obtuse and word smith thinking they are being smart, but even they know they are taking the piss (PC and Meister come to mind).

The only people the latter are fooling are the former. Lefties and centrists can see them coming a mile away....and I'm not too sure which category Chanel falls into....yet.
From the May edition of Townhall Magazine:

"With the growing controversy surrounding the proposed Mosque at Ground Zero we felt this article, featured in the May issue of Townhall Magazine, should be revisited.

"America is under attack from within.

"If you're like most Americans, you're likely unfamiliar with the Muslim Brotherhood--their history and their agenda.

"Our fellow citizens need to know that the Muslim Brotherhood is leading the way for radical Muslims to infiltrate American society and government. Their goal is simple: control the United States and impose Shariah law.

"Don't think this is a realistic threat? Well, they've already started."

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