Creepy Steven Seagal Walks Out Mid-Interview After Being Asked About Sexual Assault Accusations

At least Seagal looks like a pervert....Kavanaugh looks life a choir boy....
Segal was completely exonerated. There was no reason to ask him anything about the fake accusations.
If one can't take a tiny bit of heat one walks out. I don't buy into this " it's so hard to be a male" bs. Pure bs. Proven fact.
If one can't take a tiny bit of heat one walks out. I don't buy into this " it's so hard to be a male" bs. Pure bs. Proven fact.
If one can't take a tiny bit of heat one walks out. I don't buy into this " it's so hard to be a male" bs. Pure bs. Proven fact.
If one can't take a tiny bit of heat one walks out. I don't buy into this " it's so hard to be a male" bs. Pure bs. Proven fact.

When it's a total lie, no one should give the lie any credence at all. Walk out.
Walking out is cowardly. Discuss it. Deny it. There is no attack on males. Things have not changed. Well except for cosine who was a proven kook.
Cosby. He was proven to be a bad app!e. Male aggression towards females is not normal in any way.
Segal was completely exonerated. There was no reason to ask him anything about the fake accusations.
I agree that there is no reason to bring something up any further once a person's name is cleared, but once something that stands out enough has taken place for anyone, does it ever completely go away? Because there is always going to be someone with questions, it never leaving the front burner area is to be expected. To me, the best thing to do is to just answer whatever is asked so that a better sounding song can finally be played afterwards compared to a record being left on its skipping spot.

God bless you and Steven always!!!

I"ve seen him on infowars he hasn't done this bs, and walking out is the safetest thing to do . Just like they do to Trump, Kavanaugh etc, they will take everything and anything he says and twist it, edit it, make it he said one thing when he didn't. Yeah I'd walk out to with these leftist pos's flitting around.
Walking out is cowardly. Discuss it. Deny it. There is no attack on males. Things have not changed. Well except for cosine who was a proven kook.

He probably wanted to punch the person in the face, so walking out was wise.

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