$crewing Pooches

well that's very popular this year, but i've been laboring under the impression that we're a nation of laws.

i guess if your position is unpopular, you're not entitled to due process.

it seems very unamerican to me.


I don't know, Bud... Pretty blatant discrimination. Some big entertainment company pulled out of a box meal / toy action figure and the back-peddle was "we were about to cancel that contract anyway... defective toy".

Agree or disagree with the religion and/or the politics - this one is going to CO$T them.

what discrimination?

the owner said he doesn't believe in gay marriage.

how does that turn into chik fil-a engaging in discriminatory business practices?

oh, wait

it doesn't


Not my call. I report, you decide... if the permit decision is overturned on appeal, good luck selling sammies in Chi-town.

I mean that. I may be wrong and I'll be the only one who'll stop buying chow from Chick-fil-A, but I doubt it.
I don't know, Bud... Pretty blatant discrimination. Some big entertainment company pulled out of a box meal / toy action figure and the back-peddle was "we were about to cancel that contract anyway... defective toy".

Agree or disagree with the religion and/or the politics - this one is going to CO$T them.

what discrimination?

the owner said he doesn't believe in gay marriage.

how does that turn into chik fil-a engaging in discriminatory business practices?

oh, wait

it doesn't


Not my call. I report, you decide... if the permit decision is overturned on appeal, good luck selling sammies in Chi-town.

I mean that. I may be wrong and I'll be the only one who'll stop buying chow from Chick-fil-A, but I doubt it.

if it's not your call, why are you lying repeatedly about what he said?

fair enough

after years of living on the east coast and never having been in one before, i thought they were pretty good.

by which i mean they weren't mickey d's or burger king :D

If you are ever near logan, there is a small roast beef place Called Royals Roast beef. Fucking amazing......

Tell them Plasma sent you and receive a free nothing!

my son lives in eastie

i'll check it out


if you're ever in eastie check out rino's- great italian deli
that near the target off 1A?
to all those on the right who are complaining about forced agendas.... why is it not a forced agenda for you guys to demand an anti-gay, anti-abortion agenda....but it is to oppose your agenda?

just curious.....

Just curious...

What would you say to the self-proclaimed spokesman of ANY other religion calling for God's Judgement on Americans not living like them, with 'one wife for life'. Sometimes that's just not possible! :meow:

Hell, I wouldn't care beyond my personal decision to avoid giving that company my business. This would be a short thread at best in the religion wars, if not for the congressional reaction.

Can you say "Busted!"?
Guys I feel cheated I thought we were talking about the newest Democrat interest group, Beastiality......where are their rights, I mean this is the 21st Century, why cant people fuck sheep and not get made fun of?


That sir, is at least funny!

I heard that reactionaries aren't being quite so "tolerant" of this family who are business owners, and that these good people didn't actually do anything discriminatory...
"I think everyone who doesn't live like me is bringing Gods Judgement on America"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPH1GOaoeo8]Chick-fil-A President's Anti-Gay Comments- YouTube[/ame]

Average response: "Fuck you, asshole. Good luck in your American Market quest... I'll never buy another sandwich from Chick-fil-A, and I'll bet you a Meatball Sub I'm not alone."

and this is a good reason to deny someone due process because...


I don't know del. And I don't care. Hell, I kind of hope the denied permit gets overturned quickly and the store gets built. Let the Chicago marketplace decides it's fate. That kind of right-wing irony would make great television.
Joe-I love you and all, but...WTH??

Because of the money involved, separation of state and religion hurts. Our founders took a baby step and now, thanks to the internet, it's time for another.

Please don't take my opening post as an affront on personal beliefs. I love the varied yet cohesive and communal nature of human beliefs. It's organizing politically around shared beliefs and judging each other by our various religions that makes us look stupid from space.
You know it amusing how the story has flipped and now you have the left screaming they are not going to let these things be built. Go back a year or two ago and it was about the right and muslim mosque's.

Just something to chew on...but jesus free.
to all those on the right who are complaining about forced agendas.... why is it not a forced agenda for you guys to demand an anti-gay, anti-abortion agenda....but it is to oppose your agenda?

just curious.....

Well first what is anti gay? Denying marriage doesnt mean we hate gays, just like not allowing 8 years to marry doesnt mean we hate kids, or not allowing 10 wives doesnt mean we hate muslims or mormons....If you cant tell the difference....you're stupid.

gays want to have a recognized, legally binding relationship with the people they love....Just like heterosexuals do. Marriage is just a word....why not let the churches decide whether they want to perform the ceremony? That would be the logical way of doing things....not to mention the freedom and liberty aspect.

If your church chooses to recognize it and you don't like it...change churches. My church was a United Church of Christ....until they made the announcement that they were going to recognize gay marriage....we voted to leave the UCC and go reformed. I supported the change. But....I'm not going to force my beliefs on others...That's not American.... That's Tyranny.

Does that include things like survivor / spouse and child benefits paid out of the same Social Security trust fund you contributed your tax dollars to?

No matter how 'married' a same-sex couple in this country are, Social Security Law defines marriage as between a man and a woman.

Homosexuals have a righteous bitch in my average opinion.
I found not one news story with that supposed quote...

I found something!
Chick-fil-A Blocked From Opening Second Chicago Store - ABC News

Quote's not there either... I have seen no evidence of the business owner being discriminatory in his business... I've only seen reactionaries so far, putting words into his mouth.

That's 'cause you're nit-picking for political spin.

If you watch the video posted by me or the link posted by Miss MeBelle, and judge my paraphrasing of the story as false, we'll just have to agree to disagree on that point of life. The good news is that we each expressed ourselves for the future to judge.

Thanks for engaging.
To be for traditional marriage means one is now a homophobe and anti gay.

Anti abortion means one is now a crazy whack job who doesn't understand a woman's right to "choose".

Pro gun rights means one is now pro killing Trayvon Martin and shooting up movie theatres.

And to think we are the ones being labelled "radical and extreme".

What a world.

I guess these days one just can't go even to right of center without being called all sorts of names.

No ma'am.

To in effect declare that "Anyone who doesn't live like ME and my one wife is bringing God's Judgement on America!" is homophobic, anti gay and discriminatory.

That is what is objectionable enough to fire them as a company I want to do business with, and I'm not alone.

Whatever your politics or religion, you must admit that this is going to cause a directional shift in the rivers of cash flowing in the direction of Chick-fil-A, Inc.

Does anyone know if they're traded publicly?

did he say the exact words you have quoted?

i can't find them anywhere.

perhaps you should link us to a quote when you've finished shredding the first amendment, no?

I'm paraphrasing while telling a story in an online bar.

Believe me or don't believe me, be entertained by me or just go away, I don't give a flying fuck, you can't shut me up... This is an American Bar.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fulz4ytZ54]Toby Keith - I Love This Bar - YouTube[/ame]
did he say the exact words you have quoted?

i can't find them anywhere.

perhaps you should link us to a quote when you've finished shredding the first amendment, no?

this was the quote:

"I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,’” Cathy said on the Ken Coleman Show. “I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think we can try to define what marriage is all about.”

Chick-fil-A CEO Says US Inviting God's Judgment

that's not remotely close to the words joe is putting in his mouth.


I'm not here to parrot a quote, I'm here to discuss the spirit flow of an event from 'self-righteous indignation' to 'no laws were broken' and the political ramifications.

Feel free to paraphrase the statements and the press in the discussion yourself. Just because what we write here is important doesn't mean it can't be entertaining.
No ma'am.

To in effect declare that "Anyone who doesn't live like ME and my one wife is bringing God's Judgement on America!" is homophobic, anti gay and discriminatory.

That is what is objectionable enough to fire them as a company I want to do business with, and I'm not alone.

Whatever your politics or religion, you must admit that this is going to cause a directional shift in the rivers of cash flowing in the direction of Chick-fil-A, Inc.

Does anyone know if they're traded publicly?

did he say the exact words you have quoted?

i can't find them anywhere.

perhaps you should link us to a quote when you've finished shredding the first amendment, no?

Joe seems prepared to destroy the business of this family because "in effect he declared" something something...which he never declared.

O.k., YOU paraphrase what he said and pour your feelings out for the future to judge.

It's called 'Writing'. Something critics can't seem to do.
I can't help but think that if the same sentiments were expressed by the Muslim owners of the wildly popular Ahmed's Falafel Hut, this thread wouldn't exist.

Look, I don't agree with their position, but they're entitled to it. Welcome to America.

Personally, I think the guy should have kept his opinion to himself, but there you go. Unless they outright refuse service to homosexuals, I don't think there's anything to be done.

I do, however have one question for those of you "outraged" enough to boycott Chik Fil A...

Do you also boycott Carl's Jr.? Hardee's? Green Burrito? Red Burrito (never heard of that one)? I ask this because I imagine you are also the type who would support a woman's right to choose. How are the two linked? Carl Karcher gave his money to right to life groups. A lot of money. Karcher Enterprises own's all four of the afore mentioned restaurants.

i'll bite, yes i'll boycott them, and rather easy because they are fastfood, I barely go there anyways.

That being said, like i said in dont taz me thread, They have the right to open a store and the public has the right to say no thank you and watch them close.

The mayors are just as wrong in all of this.

Probably. And an appeal will most likely clear the way for the store to be built.


Let the market decide. Conservative irony.
Joe-are you saying that Democrats have no religion in their party?

So far, sans the Chicago connection, I haven't heard or said anything about the democrats... this isn't about them at all, unless someone can find video of a democrat responding. :eusa_think: Perhaps a 'Blue-Dog' crying 'Persecution!'

This is about one religious nut with enough money to make the news calling for "Death to [SIZE="-4"]some[/SIZE] Americans!!" and the response from some of our leaders defending it and spinning it positively. I can't help it if they're all republicans.

I'm sure plenty of folks with a proud, big, bold R on their Voter I.D. who're looking like this right now: :eusa_doh:

Just like there are reasonable democrats out there, there ARE reasonable republicans. I know... I've met them in bars... they like me but they don't know why.

don't see him saying that either.

it's okay to disagree with the guy, but lying about what he said makes you look like a partisan hack.

doing it consistently, as you have in this (these?) thread(s) takes the *look like* out of the equation.

:beer: To hacking our way through an education in writing. At least it's free.
Then you and I are of like minds, though I would not actively boycott them. I have never been to a Chik Fil A, though not because of their position, they just hold no appeal for me. When I heard of Karcher's position, I curtailed my visits to Carl's Jr. stores, not because I didn't agree with his beliefs but because I felt no need to help contribute to a cause. I see and respect both sides of the abortion issue, but as a father of three daughters...

Besides, every once in a great while I just have to have a Western Bacon Chee...

Chic is ok, but its not something i need to go out of my way for. My wife on the other hand will go out of her way for them...

Carl's is more of a west coast deal, and i didnt care for them while i was out there.

I'm more of an In-N-Out guy myself, which is funny considering my Agnostic/Atheist type views... They put scripture on the inside rim of the bottoms of their cups...

To be honest, I see that as a type of customer service to be liked or disliked enough to be ignored or not - customers choice.

:eusa_think: unless of course they're stupid enough to give their customers little notes telling them that they're the reason for Gods Judgement on America.
to all those on the right who are complaining about forced agendas.... why is it not a forced agenda for you guys to demand an anti-gay, anti-abortion agenda....but it is to oppose your agenda?

just curious.....

Just curious...

What would you say to the self-proclaimed spokesman of ANY other religion calling for God's Judgement on Americans not living like them, with 'one wife for life'. Sometimes that's just not possible! :meow:

Hell, I wouldn't care beyond my personal decision to avoid giving that company my business. This would be a short thread at best in the religion wars, if not for the congressional reaction.

Can you say "Busted!"?

missed that part too.

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