Crime & Cops: Modern Theology (Apologetics)?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should 9/11 make us more pensive about traffic-sanity?

What would you make of the following 'modernism urbanization civics vignette' (in terms of anarchy-folklore)?

This social control parable (symbolic of 'TrumpUSA demagoguery') was inspired by the urbanization-reform themed/adapted film Gangs of New York.


SCOTLAND YARD: This is a vital case, Detective Gambit!
GAMBIT: Let me at 'em; I'll catch this female serial axe-murderer.
SCOTLAND YARD: Londoners will consider you their angel...
GAMBIT: There's nothing like 'spiritual control.'

After Gambit was assigned the rather nefarious case of tracking down a modern-day (21st Century) London female serial axe-murderer who went by the name/alias 'Black Dream', he set out to find her and haul her off to Arkham Asylum, the center for the incarceration/treatment of the criminally-insane. Gambit knew that he'd only been a Scotland Yard detective for 2 years, but he'd acquired the necessary skills, training, and education to be assigned this very important case. London's politicians wanted to use the news-story of the capture of Black Dream to complement their new urban traffic program endorsed by U.S. President Donald Trump who wanted to use commercial traffic to promote 'urban securities' around the world to curb terrorism. Would Gambit be the 'angel' London needed?

Of course, Donald Trump was no stranger to the intricacies/complexities of traffic and urbanization, having been a shrewd capitalism-baron in traffic-heavy America. Now, his global urban commerce/traffic program coordinated with politicians/leaders from major nations (England, Australia, Canada, Russia, Thailand) aimed at sending the message that terrorists could not undermine modern (21st Century) commercial traffic with 'crime tremors' would be the headline in newspapers worldwide. Trump read the new story of Detective Gambit tracking/pursuing the London female serial axe-murderer Black Dream and wondered if such a police-capture would be the ideal news-story to market/hype for the new urban-control program.

After six months of careful, tedious, laborious, and dangerous detective/police-work, Gambit was able to track down the insidious/eerie Black Dream to an abandoned warehouse in the old Whitechapel District of London (where the infamous/iconic serial-killer Jack the Ripper prowled in the 1800s), and he found her sitting by a lit fireplace smoking a cigar. Around her were the heads of some policemen who she'd just decapitated. Gambit walked up behind her stealthily and then used his staff-rod and explosive papers to shock and then strike her down before tying her up with rope. Gambit hauled Black Dream to Arkham Asylum. On the car ride there, he asked her to open up to him and tell him her real name, but she insisted she had no 'real name.' Gambit knew Black Dream really was like a 'new age Jack the Ripper' (female version).

"It is my assertion that Gambit's arrest of the insidious Black Dream has reinforced in the minds of many civilians around the world that careful urban management and law enforcement and social controls will ensure that modern (21st Century) traffic/commerce will not be destroyed by the lingering/haunting threat of terrorism! After 9/11, when fundamentalist-terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC by crashing two hijacked passenger airplanes into the skyscrapers, the world realized that global commerce/traffic was not safe/sanctified. What we need now is a stronger sense of 'Democracy-Apologetics' (or Pedagoguery-Theology)...something to make capitalism more...transit-demonstrative!"



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