Crime wave


Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2022
I can really care less about white victims of black and brown crime. Classical Liberals weren't saying shit when the crime was mostly precluded to black people killing and robbing other blacks; now that it is white people who are affected they all of a sudden notice the crime. It is yet another piece of evidence proving the woke left correct.

But I like that the pain is now being shared. If it's one criticism I have of black people, is that they haven't been pointing the guns at the right Target for a while now. We should leverage black crime and use it for political benefit. You kinda saw that in 2020 with the riots. I loved it, black sleeper cell units all across the city, outnumbering the pigs 100 to 1. They'd throw rocks at the pigs as they zoomed up and down the streets going to yet another crime scene. There was nothing they could do; absolute despondency. And the only thing whites can do is leave racist comments online. That will only make us more determined and unified.

It's always good when your opposition comes right out & admit what they are.
The fro is a racist anarchist in favor of violent crime as long as the victims are white. He openly advocates the targeting of whites.
This guy is an insane person & wants more violence & chaos... as long as they vastly outnumber the victims.
Like all violent racist wokesters, he would run like a pre-teen girl if faced with real danger
I can really care less about white victims of black and brown crime. Classical Liberals weren't saying shit when the crime was mostly precluded to black people killing and robbing other blacks; now that it is white people who are affected they all of a sudden notice the crime. It is yet another piece of evidence proving the woke left correct.

But I like that the pain is now being shared. If it's one criticism I have of black people, is that they haven't been pointing the guns at the right Target for a while now. We should leverage black crime and use it for political benefit. You kinda saw that in 2020 with the riots. I loved it, black sleeper cell units all across the city, outnumbering the pigs 100 to 1. They'd throw rocks at the pigs as they zoomed up and down the streets going to yet another crime scene. There was nothing they could do; absolute despondency. And the only thing whites can do is leave racist comments online. That will only make us more determined and unified.

You sound pretty smart. :auiqs.jpg:
I can really care less about white victims of black and brown crime.
No surprise there. Typical black racist response.

Classical Liberals weren't saying shit when the crime was mostly precluded to black people killing and robbing other blacks; now that it is white people who are affected they all of a sudden notice the crime.
Odd, I've seen B on B crime reported and harped about in cities like Chicago, etc., for DECADES. Everyone has been paying attention except you blacks who like shooting each other.
Classical Liberals weren't saying shit when the crime was mostly precluded to black people killing and robbing other blacks; now that it is white people who are affected they all of a sudden notice the crime. It is yet another piece of evidence proving the woke left correct
Your logic is completely fucked up.

The woke left is correct about what? That black people cause all crime?

What is it you're actually trying to prove here, genius?
I can really care less about white victims of black and brown crime. Classical Liberals weren't saying shit when the crime was mostly precluded to black people killing and robbing other blacks; now that it is white people who are affected they all of a sudden notice the crime. It is yet another piece of evidence proving the woke left correct.

But I like that the pain is now being shared. If it's one criticism I have of black people, is that they haven't been pointing the guns at the right Target for a while now. We should leverage black crime and use it for political benefit. You kinda saw that in 2020 with the riots. I loved it, black sleeper cell units all across the city, outnumbering the pigs 100 to 1. They'd throw rocks at the pigs as they zoomed up and down the streets going to yet another crime scene. There was nothing they could do; absolute despondency. And the only thing whites can do is leave racist comments online. That will only make us more determined and unified.

You are an animal defending animals.
I can really care less about white victims of black and brown crime. Classical Liberals weren't saying shit when the crime was mostly precluded to black people killing and robbing other blacks; now that it is white people who are affected they all of a sudden notice the crime. It is yet another piece of evidence proving the woke left correct.

But I like that the pain is now being shared. If it's one criticism I have of black people, is that they haven't been pointing the guns at the right Target for a while now. We should leverage black crime and use it for political benefit. You kinda saw that in 2020 with the riots. I loved it, black sleeper cell units all across the city, outnumbering the pigs 100 to 1. They'd throw rocks at the pigs as they zoomed up and down the streets going to yet another crime scene. There was nothing they could do; absolute despondency. And the only thing whites can do is leave racist comments online. That will only make us more determined and unified.


Answer the question why 'Justice' wears a blindfold & you answer why YOU and those like YOU are RACIST.

Justice is supposed to be blind, blind to color and bias, meted out equally to everyone. The fact that you admit to being racist is 'refreshing' among Democrats / extremists who are but always claim it is others who are.
You're a cracker defending crackers. I loved hearing that white man squeal in the streets. For my ancestors.
Its hilarious you get on here and whine about racism and shit when your little bitch ass enjoys a person being murdered simply for the color of their skin.
People like YOU are why we are so divided.
Grow up or die. One of the 2.
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Answer the question why 'Justice' wears a blindfold & you answer why YOU and those like YOU are RACIST.

Justice is supposed to be blind, blind to color and bias, meted out equally to everyone. The fact that you admit to being racist is 'refreshing' among Democrats / extremists who are but always claim it is others who are.
After you whites called Floyd "fentanyl Floyd" and called him a criminal that deserved death, I'm simply not trying to hear it. Just get replaced .
Do you know of the theory of reciprocity?

Yes, but you have proven YOU don't.

Social Psychology
In social psychology, reciprocity is a social norm of responding to a POSITIVE action with another POSITIVE action, rewarding kind actions."

That means your preferred response to some perceived wrong with an even more violent, terrorist act against others is NOT a social norm but instead some mental abnormality.

Personally I prefer non-racist unbiased Justice along with the Biblical teachings of 'DO unto others as you would have them do unto you' and 'Love one another' to the violent mentally abnormal embraced actions of Democrats abd liberal extremists.
We should leverage black crime and use it for political benefit. You kinda saw that in 2020 with the riots. I loved it, black sleeper cell units all across the city, outnumbering the pigs 100 to 1. They'd throw rocks at the pigs as they zoomed up and down the streets going to yet another crime scene. There was nothing they could do; absolute despondency. And the only thing whites can do is leave racist comments online. That will only make us more determined and unified.

So you now admit that the riots were all insurrection and sedition


Weird when you have democrat party lead riots across the US with cries of "Defund the Police" that violence would go up. From the summer of love/chaz in Portland and the endless peaceful but fierily riots in Minneapolis where over 90% of the businesses that were peacefully firebombed by democrats still haven't returned.
Who would have expected that?

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