Crime wave

Classical liberals(Libertarians) have been @ the forefront of addressing all types of crimes including non violent crimes & violent crimes committed in our USA. As far as black on black crime goes classical liberals have been pointing out the need to reduce the unusually high rate of black on black violent crimes for decades. When Classical Liberals & also some conservatives called out for extended sentences for criminals using firearms & other lethal weapons when committing crimes against their fellow Americans, it was the black community that complained the loudest! Defund the police, ban firearms, racial injustice etc. was what the black ghetto communities called out for instead of stiffer sentencing from the justice department for ALL violent criminals(not just black criminals). The black folks in these ghetto areas are their own worst enemies when it comes to eliminating crime.

One from the analog era of 1983...

Bullshit. You classical racist libs supported racist policies like stop and frisk, you redlined blacks to certain areas and pumped them with drugs. You damn right we are against racist cops and racist policies. Classical liberals are the main (not the only, white Con-servatives too) reason we have blm. Those racist policies and indifference by white liberals is what fomented modern wokeism. You have no right to complain about people like Kim Foxx; they vote for people like her because of white classical liberal and Conservative Racism. But now white people are forced to face the reality of crime they cared nothing about when it was black communities. I like it.
If they are so disenchanted with white America why are they still here? Same with blacks, who could go to Africa and thrive in safety and prosperity. Why they remain here is a mystery.
They feel they must punish society for the life in Africa that was stolen from them…

They know going back to Africa they will never be accepted, so they stay here because they have it a lot better than there…

Now the OP might lecture us on how in Africa it is peaceful and life is so perfect and if given a chance they would go, so I hope the OP make that claim and all of us on the USMB pay for his ticket to any nation in Africa and let give him five thousand dollars and let him show us how better off he can be there than here?
I can really care less about white victims of black and brown crime. Classical Liberals weren't saying shit when the crime was mostly precluded to black people killing and robbing other blacks; now that it is white people who are affected they all of a sudden notice the crime. It is yet another piece of evidence proving the woke left correct.

But I like that the pain is now being shared. If it's one criticism I have of black people, is that they haven't been pointing the guns at the right Target for a while now. We should leverage black crime and use it for political benefit. You kinda saw that in 2020 with the riots. I loved it, black sleeper cell units all across the city, outnumbering the pigs 100 to 1. They'd throw rocks at the pigs as they zoomed up and down the streets going to yet another crime scene. There was nothing they could do; absolute despondency. And the only thing whites can do is leave racist comments online. That will only make us more determined and unified.

You don't care about black victims of crime, either. Hence your support for Joe Biden and the DemoKKKrats.

In fact, you LOVE it.
Racism will exist as long as there are different races living 'in proximity' to each other. However, the negative effects of racism on the minority can be easily overcome. Blacks have not chosen this path however.
Not anymore.
Want me to give you some numbers that show the difference? You know, actual facts?
The homicide rate in white countries for centuries have been as high as they are in modern Honduras. That's a fact . You don't get to call yourselves peaceful just because you've had a small time of respite.
Bullshit. You classical racist libs supported racist policies like stop and frisk, you redlined blacks to certain areas and pumped them with drugs. You damn right we are against racist cops and racist policies. Classical liberals are the main (not the only, white Con-servatives too) reason we have blm. Those racist policies and indifference by white liberals is what fomented modern wokeism. You have no right to complain about people like Kim Foxx; they vote for people like her because of white classical liberal and Conservative Racism. But now white people are forced to face the reality of crime they cared nothing about when it was black communities. I like it.

This happens in places run by people like you, so I don't worry about it much because I don't live in those shitholes.
They feel they must punish society for the life in Africa that was stolen from them…

They know going back to Africa they will never be accepted, so they stay here because they have it a lot better than there…

Now the OP might lecture us on how in Africa it is peaceful and life is so perfect and if given a chance they would go, so I hope the OP make that claim and all of us on the USMB pay for his ticket to any nation in Africa and let give him five thousand dollars and let him show us how better off he can be there than here?
Blacks have a penchant for taking over any area that they can get a foothold into. If enough went to Africa they could take over virtually any area they desired, and with the skills learned here could quickly prosper and thrive.
When black lives don't matter, neither do white lives.

Time out!
Reminder that we are talking about the black subculture, not the mainstream black community (although they too might feel a sense of satisfaction when a black person kills a white person).
The homicide rate in white countries for centuries have been as high as they are in modern Honduras. That's a fact . You don't get to call yourselves peaceful just because you've had a small time of respite.
Again, that is pretty much word soup.
I'm not talking about distant past, I'm talking about right now. I'm also not talking about other nations but the US.
Blacks which are around 13% of the population commit 37.8% of the violent crime.

Facts and number, not feelings.
Again, that is pretty much word soup.
I'm not talking about distant past, I'm talking about right now. I'm also not talking about other nations but the US.
Blacks which are around 13% of the population commit 37.8% of the violent crime.

Facts and number, not feelings.
Of course you want to exclude the past lol.
Bullshit. You classical racist libs supported racist policies like stop and frisk, you redlined blacks to certain areas and pumped them with drugs. You damn right we are against racist cops and racist policies. Classical liberals are the main (not the only, white Con-servatives too) reason we have blm. Those racist policies and indifference by white liberals is what fomented modern wokeism. You have no right to complain about people like Kim Foxx; they vote for people like her because of white classical liberal and Conservative Racism. But now white people are forced to face the reality of crime they cared nothing about when it was black communities. I like it.

Yes,yes..we know.
Everything is whitey's fault and we dindo nuffin.
You're one pathetic excuse of the human race.
Blacks have a penchant for taking over any area that they can get a foothold into. If enough went to Africa they could take over virtually any area they desired, and with the skills learned here could quickly prosper and thrive.
I strongly disagree.

Blacks find ways to fail in every country in which they're found. They create horrible divisions, commit the highest rates of crime, and they add little, if anything, worthwhile to any society. There may be an exception, somewhere. But I've never heard of it.
Classical liberalism is what you guys call conservatism.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on limited government, economic freedom, and political freedom.


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