Crime wave

I strongly disagree.

Blacks find ways to fail in every country in which they're found. They create horrible divisions, commit the highest rates of crime, and they add little, if anything, worthwhile to any society. There may be an exception, somewhere. But I've never heard of it.
Rwanda and Burundi had existed for centuries without European assistance, but due to the Berlin Conference in 1884, whites decided that Germany could have Rwanda and Burundi. In 1916 Belgian took control of Rwanda and Burundi due to a League of Nations mandate. Once Rwanda was colonized by Europeans, the colonizers invented a fake racial hierarchy whereby the Europeans deemed themselves superior, decided that the Tutsis were closer to white than the Hutus, and gave Tutsis preference over the Hutus. Under this fake hierarchy, Tutsis were deemed more intelligent and were born to rule, while Hutus were second class citizens .

Once put in force, this European construct limited the employment opportunities and educational attainment of the Hutus. Because the colonizers considered the Tutsis the preferred group, Tutsis were given positions Hutus were not allowed to have. To enforce this preference system, the Belgian colonizers introduced identity cards labeling each individual as Tutsi, Hutu, Twa, or Naturalised. Before that time, it had been possible for some Hutus to become “honorary Tutsis,” but the implementation of identity cards eliminated that possibility, thereby cementing Hutu second-class status.

This Belgian belief of superiority was based on the Hamidic Hypothesis, which claims that blacks are the cursed descendants of Ham and whites the descendants of Japheth. Using Genesis 9:25, where Ham was cursed because he looked upon Noah's nudity, white supremacists have claimed biblical justification for slavery and black second-class status. Besides the fact that would have made one of Noah’s sons black and the other white, the point is that Europeans created a false history and fake racial superiority between African tribes to control a nation and colonize the people living there. Belgium's rule favoring the Tutsi created hatred and animosity. Tensions grew between the groups, and in 1959 Rwanda had a revolution whereby the Hutus killed Tutsis, destroyed Tutsi property, and made the Tutsis flee the country.

To make a long story short, Rwanda gained independence in 1962. It's funny how I say that when they had been independent before the Berlin Conference. Africans are not perfect, and over the centuries before the Berlin Conference, there were wars in Africa just like there were everywhere else. However, the 58 years of colonization created periods of strife after Rwanda gained independence. Sporadically Tutsis living in surrounding countries would attack and Hutus would retaliate until the 1990 civil war that resulted in the near genocide of the Tutsis. All this was the result of the colonization of Rwanda by Europeans. When some white Americans start preaching about the ills of Africa as a whataboutism relative to race, it will benefit them mightily to research the history of whatever country they choose to try using to excuse the racism in America.

Paul Magnarella, Explaining Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide, Human Rights and Human Welfare, Volume 2:1 – Winter 2002, Josef Korbel School of International Studies | University of Denver

History Of Rwanda, HISTORY OF RWANDA

Troy Riemer, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide, August 16, 2011, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

In 1961, the CIA murdered Patrice Lumumba who was president of Congo. They installed a man who was a puppet for U.S. corporate interests, his name was Mobutu Sese Seko. Whites like you talked shit on him, but Whitey put him there to make sure they could rob the resources.

When you look at Uganda, you see a nation that had been self-governed for centuries until the British decided they wanted to make money off the plentiful resources in Africa. During the “Scramble for Africa” in the 1800s, England decided they would make Uganda a British protectorate. The British gained control because of the signing of the first Buganda agreement. A representative of the King signed the first Buganda agreement because the King was a baby at the time. The Kings representative took advantage of the situation by agreeing to reduce the king's power while increasing the power of his advisory council. This agreement gave the final say in all matters to the British, who could veto decisions made by the King.

That first agreement created many problems. Eventually, there was a second Buganda agreement. But my point here is that the existence of a King signifies a line of succession, showing us Uganda was a sovereign nation governed by a monarchy. Uganda had been so ruled for at least 800 years before the Buganda agreement. From 1894 until 1962, a span of 68 years, Britain colonized land that had been occupied for over 50,000 years. British colonization created division among the people of Uganda. In 1962 Uganda gained independence and passed a constitution. At that time, the Uganda Peoples Republic was voted into power under Prime Minister Milton Obote. One of Obotes friends was named Idi Amin. Four years later, Obote did away with the constitution. Obote remained in power until 1971, when he was overthrown in a military coup by Amin. The rest is well known.

Lwanga-Luwyiigo, Sanwiri (25 September 1987). "The Colonial Roots of Internal Conflict in Uganda" (Makerere University),History of Uganda,

It is apparent that you don't know shit about Alkebulan.
Classical liberals(Libertarians) have been @ the forefront of addressing all types of crimes including non violent crimes & violent crimes committed in our USA. As far as black on black crime goes classical liberals have been pointing out the need to reduce the unusually high rate of black on black violent crimes for decades. When Classical Liberals & also some conservatives called out for extended sentences for criminals using firearms & other lethal weapons when committing crimes against their fellow Americans, it was the black community that complained the loudest! Defund the police, ban firearms, racial injustice etc. was what the black ghetto communities called out for instead of stiffer sentencing from the justice department for ALL violent criminals(not just black criminals). The black folks in these ghetto areas are their own worst enemies when it comes to eliminating crime.

One from the analog era of 1983...

Classical liberalism is what you guys call conservatism.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on limited government, economic freedom, and political freedom.

Most liberals are classical libs. It's left wing white identity politics. The fake news Conservative Marxists push wokeism more than it actually is.
Classical liberalism is what you guys call conservatism.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on limited government, economic freedom, and political freedom.

Most liberals are classical libs. It's left wing white identity politics. The fake news Conservative Marxists push wokeism more than it actually is.
Hopefully he doesn't survive. Payback for Racism.

So then we are justified in killing every black who commits a racist crime too.

See how fucked in the head you are?

You racist assholes create nothing. All you do is destroy. You're like little children throwing a tantrum.

Grow up.
So then we are justified in killing every black who commits a racist crime too.

See how fucked in the head you are?

You racist assholes create nothing. All you do is destroy. You're like little children throwing a tantrum.

Grow up.
Maybe you need to grow up and learn that the response to racism is not racism. End white racism and you end the violent responses to it.
Most liberals are classical libs. It's left wing white identity politics. The fake news Conservative Marxists push wokeism more than it actually is.
Not really. You got social liberals.
I can really care less about white victims of black and brown crime. Classical Liberals weren't saying shit when the crime was mostly precluded to black people killing and robbing other blacks; now that it is white people who are affected they all of a sudden notice the crime. It is yet another piece of evidence proving the woke left correct.

But I like that the pain is now being shared. If it's one criticism I have of black people, is that they haven't been pointing the guns at the right Target for a while now. We should leverage black crime and use it for political benefit. You kinda saw that in 2020 with the riots. I loved it, black sleeper cell units all across the city, outnumbering the pigs 100 to 1. They'd throw rocks at the pigs as they zoomed up and down the streets going to yet another crime scene. There was nothing they could do; absolute despondency. And the only thing whites can do is leave racist comments online. That will only make us more determined and unified.

We know Xi and the Globalists are trying to spark a race war in the USA. I hope you invested your 30 silver pieces wisely
Says the racist jackass who resorts to racism and racist attacks.

Man you are truly stupid.

Stupid beyond belief.
You have psychosis. I respond to racist attacks from people like you. You seem to believe you get to say anything about blacks and we're just supposed to take it.
I can really care less about white victims of black and brown crime. Classical Liberals weren't saying shit when the crime was mostly precluded to black people killing and robbing other blacks;....

To be fair to old libs. That is not true. They talked about it. Their solutions were all kinds of wrong and failed miserably, but not for lack of talking or even trying.

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