Crime wave

Weird when you have democrat party lead riots across the US with cries of "Defund the Police" that violence would go up. From the summer of love/chaz in Portland and the endless peaceful but fierily riots in Minneapolis where over 90% of the businesses that were peacefully firebombed by democrats still haven't returned.
Who would have expected that?
You're saying it like it's a bad thing. I like it.
Yes, but you have proven YOU don't.

Social Psychology
In social psychology, reciprocity is a social norm of responding to a POSITIVE action with another POSITIVE action, rewarding kind actions."

That means your preferred response to some perceived wrong with an even more violent, terrorist act against others is NOT a social norm but instead some mental abnormality.

Personally I prefer non-racist unbiased Justice along with the Biblical teachings of 'DO unto others as you would have them do unto you' and 'Love one another' to the violent mentally abnormal embraced actions of Democrats abd liberal extremists.
No the fuck it is not. If Japan bombs Pearl harbor, we nuke them in return. That is the way of the world. These white folks only understand strength and violence, and that's what we must employ and leverage.
No,you killed Floyd.


He killed himself when he resisted arrest and ended up dying of his fentanyl overdose.


Classical liberals(Libertarians) have been @ the forefront of addressing all types of crimes including non violent crimes & violent crimes committed in our USA. As far as black on black crime goes classical liberals have been pointing out the need to reduce the unusually high rate of black on black violent crimes for decades. When Classical Liberals & also some conservatives called out for extended sentences for criminals using firearms & other lethal weapons when committing crimes against their fellow Americans, it was the black community that complained the loudest! Defund the police, ban firearms, racial injustice etc. was what the black ghetto communities called out for instead of stiffer sentencing from the justice department for ALL violent criminals(not just black criminals). The black folks in these ghetto areas are their own worst enemies when it comes to eliminating crime.

One from the analog era of 1983...

Fro is just like that fat bastard that shot all of the non black people in the NYC subway and the guy than ran over 80 white at the Christmas parade. He is just another black panther wannaabbee but he doesn't have the guts to move to a black country.
Root cause.....Feral negroes.....Planned Parenthood could have prevented that.
That's the twisted irony. Repealing Roe v Wade would put millions more of such on the streets. I don't get their defense of R v W. ???
I will be happy the day White Society is gone from this planet and you then realize how the Asian and Hispanic society will treat those like you!
If they are so disenchanted with white America why are they still here? Same with blacks, who could go to Africa and thrive in safety and prosperity. Why they remain here is a mystery.

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