Crime? What Crime?

I only remember back to Reagan. But my point was this issue goes way back, and yet, has not been fixed.
If by fixed you mean no illegal immigration at all, no. We are not North Korea. But there was a time when we had very little border crossing and heavy interior enforcement. Employer raids were common. Illegals were deported immediately and the children of invaders were prohibited from schools.

Go back to then.
If by fixed you mean no illegal immigration at all, no. We are not North Korea. But there was a time when we had very little border crossing and heavy interior enforcement. Employer raids were common. Illegals were deported immediately and the children of invaders were prohibited from schools.

Go back to then.
Employer raids should have arrested the employer as well as the illegal employees. But alas they did not. One or two CEO's doing the perp walk for hiring illegals would reduce illegals significantly. I agree with you and the conservatives stance on this, my point is the Republicans are being hypocritical by pretending they want to do something about it. If they did, they would have done something about it by now besides going to the border to criticize the Dems.
Employer raids should have arrested the employer as well as the illegal employees. But alas they did not. One or two CEO's doing the perp walk for hiring illegals would reduce illegals significantly. I agree with you and the conservatives stance on this, my point is the Republicans are being hypocritical by pretending they want to do something about it. If they did, they would have done something about it by now besides going to the border to criticize the Dems.
Republicans should never have allowed the invasion to get this far out of hand which doesn't mean they should just throw up their hands now.
California is a very large State, if you didn't know, and consists of many towns and cities, not just San Francisco.
LOL. Oh yeah, I know. Crime infested and homeless infested from top to bottom. Yes, they do have a lot of big cities experiencing it all.
What has the right really done? Do we have a wall, do we have more border agents? Is this just another issue the right needs to fire up their base. I don't expect much from the left, but I expect less from the Republicans because they are too damn busy doing theater and investigating Hunter.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, we've had six years of the left investigating Trump and they're still going.
I think there has to be something done about crime and the borders. But right now the right is so whacky nothing will ever get done.
Since Reagan it is same story over and over. Republicans hate illegals, until they hire them. So they keep upward pressure on profits by lowering pressure on wages. Then there is the crime, again, I don't expect much from the Dems, but the only crime the Repubs seem worried about is Hunter.
The leftist idiots would have us believe that only Republicans hire illegals. The left not only hire them, they encourage them to come here in numerous ways.
Employer raids should have arrested the employer as well as the illegal employees. But alas they did not. One or two CEO's doing the perp walk for hiring illegals would reduce illegals significantly. I agree with you and the conservatives stance on this, my point is the Republicans are being hypocritical by pretending they want to do something about it. If they did, they would have done something about it by now besides going to the border to criticize the Dems.
The leftists in Oakland warned both employers and employees that ICE was coming.
Stupid post by LW loon. Borders & Crime out if control due to DEM & Commee puppet regime installed by Election fraud. Stupid fool acknowledged & admits it True but blames R that DEM clowns wont stop it? Huh? What an all of your klan. Almost as dumb as care4none.
Try to put this in some language I can understand. Slow down, take your meds, lay off the coffee, and I will talk to you.
What has the right really done? Do we have a wall, do we have more border agents? Is this just another issue the right needs to fire up their base. I don't expect much from the left, but I expect less from the Republicans because they are too damn busy doing theater and investigating Hunter.

The "R" is not "us" you dumb OX. They are uniparty with the criminals you support. Very few R are MAGA with President Trump.

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