Criminal Charges for Hand-Counting Ballots?

I love it. Republicans have passed laws requiring all sorts of hoops to be jumped through, verifications provided, and then those verifications must be checked and confirmed before the votes can be counted, all to prevent fraud that isn't happening.

All of these checks and verifications take time to process and confirm, and there are even more laws that say you can't even start these to check these ballots until ALL of the inperson ballots are counted, and then Republicans claim the counts are taking to long.

Boo fucking hoo. Republicans set it up to take this long.

Hey Canadian Clinger, in case you have not caught up, I am sincerely hoping the Democrats win it all. When people cannot afford to buy Thanksgiving dinner, or to buy Christmas presents, I sincerely hope they are looking to Democrats going forward and back.

I mean this. The Democrats deserve to own this. Every bit.
You know what would be bullying?

If I went on a website called "Wales Message Board" and bashed at least half the members there for how THEY voted in THEIR elections. But I would never do that, see. It's none of my business.

But here you come, from Wales, with your big opinions. And when we say, hey, we don't care what you say, that's "bullying"? No. Maybe the fact that you are even here to dump all over Americans is the OG bullying.

You seem to think that how YOU vote has no impact on the rest of the world. You voted for W and the world went to war for the next 20 years. Then he crashed the US economy and nearly took the rest of the world's economy down with it.

If the USA votes for a racist misogynist white nationalist, it endangers the rest of the world. If you're not smart enough to see through his lies and bullshit, the rest of the world has an obligation to tell you you're being conned and exploited.

You may not like it but as long as you're the world super power, YOU have an obligation to elect sane, reasonable people to be in charge.
You seem to think that how YOU vote has no impact on the rest of the world. You voted for W and the world went to war for the next 20 years. Then he crashed the US economy and nearly took the rest of the world's economy down with it.

If the USA votes for a racist misogynist white nationalist, it endangers the rest of the world. If you're not smart enough to see through his lies and bullshit, the rest of the world has an obligation to tell you you're being conned and exploited.

You may not like it but as long as you're the world super power, YOU have an obligation to elect sane, reasonable people to be in charge.

You elected Trudeau, your health care is tanking and now Canadians use up OUR health care systems.

Can I cry about that? Can I crash on YOUR message boards to do it?
You elected Trudeau, your health care is tanking and now Canadians use up OUR health care systems.

Can I cry about that? Can I crash on YOUR message boards to do it?

And you're LYING. Our health care system is NOT crashing, but keep believing the lies Republicans tell you.

YOUR health care system killed over one million Americans. YOU should be SCREAMING to high heaven about that.
Tell my why my county and state ignored law FOR MONTHS when they closed our schools and businesses and forced me to wear ineffective, and stupid, cloth over my mug.

Well, go on. I brought up the law to them many times. THey didn't care.




Deal with that.

You have become the very thing you hate....damn that is some funny shit
No honey, I'm telling the truth and you know it. And your "comeback" is pathetic. You probably know that too.

Yes, you are telling the truth. They did it and now you do it....and you see that as a win for you....I see that as you becoming the very thing you rail against daily.

This is right up there with "well, my spouse cheated on me, so I cheated also"
And you're LYING. Our health care system is NOT crashing, but keep believing the lies Republicans tell you.

YOUR health care system killed over one million Americans. YOU should be SCREAMING to high heaven about that.

The only ones our health care system "killed" were the ones wrongly put on ventilators and then given know, the gov protocol. The number--1 million--comes from legions of people who were on their death bed with cancer, COPD, heart failure and other late stage ailments and Covid was the last straw. They died, all right. But not from Covid. From their primary condition, in which any virus would have done them in.
Yes, you are telling the truth. They did it and now you do it....and you see that as a win for you....I see that as you becoming the very thing you rail against daily.

This is right up there with "well, my spouse cheated on me, so I cheated also"

Um, no.

Not at all.

They bent the law so they could force us to comply with ineffective, and inane, "public health" laws not even grounded in any kind of science. The 6 foot rule. Completely arbitrary.

I would like to bend the law to count votes. To actually...count them. Not to kill babies. Not to make people wear masks. Or get shots. Just to....count votes.

Not the same.
Um, no.

Not at all.

They bent the law so they could force us to comply with ineffective, and inane, "public health" laws not even grounded in any kind of science. The 6 foot rule. Completely arbitrary.

I would like to bend the law to count votes. To actually...count them. Not to kill babies. Not to make people wear masks. Or get shots. Just to....count votes.

Not the same.

So, it is different when you want to "bend" the law....

So, it is different when you want to "bend" the law....


Of course it is. That's how justice works.

It's why the guy who stole money to buy crack gets a harsher sentence than a man who stole money to buy drugs for his sick wife.

It's why the man speeding with his wife in the car, in labor, gets no ticket, while the man speeding to get away from the police gets a felony.

Of course it is. That's how justice works.

It's why the guy who stole money to buy crack gets a harsher sentence than a man who stole money to buy drugs for his sick wife.

It's why the man speeding with his wife in the car, in labor, gets no ticket, while the man speeding to get away from the police gets a felony.


You are so darn cute when you try and hide you have become that which you claim to hate.
That's right @pknopp laugh

They called the Titanic the unsinkable ship

God laughed

It sank slowly

And then all at once

So your God is such an asshole that he drowned thousands of people because someone said something about a ship being unsinkable?

Why would you worship someone like that?

This is why I am not a religious person. I refuse to believe the universe is this badly designed.
And you're LYING. Our health care system is NOT crashing, but keep believing the lies Republicans tell you.

YOUR health care system killed over one million Americans. YOU should be SCREAMING to high heaven about that.

Haven't you heard, Dragonlady... your health care system has been crashing for the last 20 years... any time now. They really need to believe that.

Oh, and Sue thinks that Covid was a hoax that someone made up to give her an injection and put a tracking chip into her... or something.
@mud no it was the old ways when they didnt have thousands of votes and when people of honor existed....i know you dont realize that there were people of honor on both see only one side and are blinded by it now
I'm sorry, but the only thing that has changed is everything is being run by a corrupt election process. They've centeralized the vote counting so it can be controlled and remove the importance of your vote. Now it doesn't matter who votes but who does the counting. And it's all done under the direction of globalists who could care less about the will of the American people.
If the ballots are on the up-and-up there should be no problem with this.
The ballots aren't on the up-and-up. They tried to make this election look legit....but it wasn't....and anyone who pays attention to social media knows it.
Haven't you heard, Dragonlady... your health care system has been crashing for the last 20 years... any time now. They really need to believe that.

Oh, and Sue thinks that Covid was a hoax that someone made up to give her an injection and put a tracking chip into her... or something.
COVID was created to change the election process in they can control the election and thwart the will of the American people.

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