Criminal Charges for Hand-Counting Ballots?

Thus far not a single Democrat in this or any other thread saying, "Hey that's a great idea. They should hand count the votes to make sure the election is secure!" that's a mystery huh?
Democrats don't care if their party is cheating....they just want to win the election by any means possible.
And you're LYING. Our health care system is NOT crashing, but keep believing the lies Republicans tell you.

YOUR health care system killed over one million Americans. YOU should be SCREAMING to high heaven about that.
It is crashing; I have people in my community who had to move to the US to get the care they needed to stay alive.
Lot of people not coming back to respond in this thread.

Not XponentialChaos

Not Care4all

I guess they have no answer for why they should oppose hand counting ballots
You’ve completely lost it. You’re looking for something, anything, to try to argue that the election wasn’t legitimate.

This will go exactly nowhere just like all your other screeching. Then you will be sad. Then I will be happy to see you sad.

COVID was created to change the election process in they can control the election and thwart the will of the American people.

Um, okay. Not sure why you think making it harder for Americans to vote is thwarting their will.
Um, okay. Not sure why you think making it harder for Americans to vote is thwarting their will.
Making it harder to cheat you mean. You folks claimed that Georgia made it harder for people to vote....called it Jim Crow 2.0....yet the turnout was higher than 2020. For the learning impaired...that means more people were allowed to vote than the last election after the laws went into effect.
The GOP won this election with the popular vote by getting over 6 million more votes nationwide....but for some reason the Democrats were able swindle their way into gaining another seat in the senate stealing control from the GOP.
Thus far not a single Democrat in this or any other thread saying, "Hey that's a great idea. They should hand count the votes to make sure the election is secure!" that's a mystery huh?
Of course hand counting is ok....why wouldn't it be?
Because all they care about is winning. They didn't have actual parents. They were raised by animals and animals do not have morals or values. They are animals. They just kill and consume and shit and sleep.
My my....those MAGAt sexual fantasies sure are bizarre!
Making it harder to cheat you mean. You folks claimed that Georgia made it harder for people to vote....called it Jim Crow 2.0....yet the turnout was higher than 2020. For the learning impaired...that means more people were allowed to vote than the last election after the laws went into effect.
The GOP won this election with the popular vote by getting over 6 million more votes nationwide....but for some reason the Democrats were able swindle their way into gaining another seat in the senate stealing control from the GOP.
Another con-spiracy?
Making it harder to cheat you mean. You folks claimed that Georgia made it harder for people to vote....called it Jim Crow 2.0....yet the turnout was higher than 2020. For the learning impaired...that means more people were allowed to vote than the last election after the laws went into effect.
The GOP won this election with the popular vote by getting over 6 million more votes nationwide....but for some reason the Democrats were able swindle their way into gaining another seat in the senate stealing control from the GOP.

By swindling, you mean, getting more votes where it counts, then yes, they swindled the hell.

But here's the thing. You guys gerrymandered the shit out of congressional districts, and you STILL didn't gain more than 8 so far.

Also, I suspect those national numbers till favor the Democrats when ALL the votes are counted in California.
Tell my why my county and state ignored law FOR MONTHS when they closed our schools and businesses and forced me to wear ineffective, and stupid, cloth over my mug.

Well, go on. I brought up the law to them many times. THey didn't care.




Deal with that.

Anger coupled with abject belief in the lies the billionaire owned right wing media feeds you. Republicans fought public health laws for two years and had the highest rate of disease and death from covid in the First World. And they crashed your economy paying for over 1 billion tests, and 30 million sick Americans.

My country was locked down for 2 years and we had 1/3 of the disease or death that you had. 0ur economy was not crashed, and since we're over 80% vaxxed, covid is not a problem, and hasn't been since we achieved 70% vaccination rates.
Way to go!

Keep that TV-to-brain download cable firmly connected so that you never have to do anything but open up your mouth and let the DNC talking points spew out! (poorly)

here's a prime example of the inability of a Repub-lie-clowns to be able to try and prove me wrong .... Instead he does what all Repub-lie-clowns do ... they try and I do mean try to make your point as a talking point of the DNC and their's no there, there ... so ohpleasejustquit here's what I know about the counter each counter when the ballot is scanned it reads an SKU number telling the computer that this ballot that the state sent out to a voter has now been received for the machine to count ... it can only run through the counter once ... if you try to run it through again it will kick it out ... I'll try to keep it simple you know Repub-lie-clowns not too bright ... so as you can see the count can only be counted once ...all BALLOTS HAVE A SKU NUMBER SO THEY CAN'T BE FORGED OR COUNTED TWICE ... BECAUSE THE COMPUTERS WILL KICK OUT ANY FORGED SKU NUMBER OR LACK OF A SKU NUMBER ... PLUSS THE STATE HAS THAT SKU RECORED TO THE STATE FOR THE ELECTION ...... now bright path tell me I'm reporting talking points here ... tell me oh wise one how is a vote going to be made illegally ... ill wait ... finally in the news when the secatery of the state said all the ballots have been count we will start the hand count of all ballots ... way to go moron, you made a fool of yourself once again ...
Here's another idea. Let's get rid of washers and driers and start washing clothes by hand again and then hauling all those wet clothes out to a clothesline.
People like you who are essentially risking the loss of our nation because of these OBVIOUS election scandals, need to get ready for reality. You seem to think that because your media repeats what you believe then everyone else has to believe it as well OR they can safely be ignored as cranks.

The day is coming when that group simply stops voting and your party wins it all, every time... BUT... those millions who stopped voting also stop obeying an illegitimate government in DC. MILLIONS OF US... and you won't be arresting that many. It will tear what's left of this nation down and surprise, surprise, your life gets ruined just like the rest of us.
What's the problem? What are you afraid of Democrats?

PHOENIX (AP) — The board of supervisors in a southern Arizona county will meet next week to consider counting nearly all the ballots cast in-person on Election Day, despite an earlier court order limiting the hand-count driven by unfounded distrust in machines that tabulate votes.

The actual count may start before Tuesday’s planned meeting of the Cochise County board, and the local prosecutor is warning starting it at any time may lead to criminal charges.

The moves come just days after a judge ruled that state law bars expanding the normal small hand-count audit of early ballots. He also ruled that a 100% hand-count of Election Day ballots is illegal because any expansion for precincts chosen for those reviews must be picked at random.

DO YOU GUYS EVER UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ ITS SHOCKING HOW BAD YOU ARE WHEN IT COMES TO COMPREHEND WHAT YOU READ ... sorry about the caps ...accidentally hitting the cap key... the state in their constitution states the count will be done by machine first ... then after all the counts are done and before they are most real Arizona has each and every ballot be hand counted and the signature was correct ... if they have questions on the signature they contact the voter to confirm it's their ballot ... that's what takes them so long to confirm the count.. once again A Reoub-lie-clown who can't comprehend waht they read ...
here's a prime example of the inability of a Repub-lie-clowns to be able to try and prove me wrong .... Instead he does what all Repub-lie-clowns do ... they try and I do mean try to make your point as a talking point of the DNC and their's no there, there ... so ohpleasejustquit here's what I know about the counter each counter when the ballot is scanned it reads an SKU number telling the computer that this ballot that the state sent out to a voter has now been received for the machine to count ... it can only run through the counter once ... if you try to run it through again it will kick it out ... I'll try to keep it simple you know Repub-lie-clowns not too bright ... so as you can see the count can only be counted once ...all BALLOTS HAVE A SKU NUMBER SO THEY CAN'T BE FORGED OR COUNTED TWICE ... BECAUSE THE COMPUTERS WILL KICK OUT ANY FORGED SKU NUMBER OR LACK OF A SKU NUMBER ... PLUSS THE STATE HAS THAT SKU RECORED TO THE STATE FOR THE ELECTION ...... now bright path tell me I'm reporting talking points here ... tell me oh wise one how is a vote going to be made illegally ... ill wait ... finally in the news when the secatery of the state said all the ballots have been count we will start the hand count of all ballots ... way to go moron, you made a fool of yourself once again ...



People like you who are essentially risking the loss of our nation because of these OBVIOUS election scandals, need to get ready for reality. You seem to think that because your media repeats what you believe then everyone else has to believe it as well OR they can safely be ignored as cranks.

The day is coming when that group simply stops voting and your party wins it all, every time... BUT... those millions who stopped voting also stop obeying an illegitimate government in DC. MILLIONS OF US... and you won't be arresting that many. It will tear what's left of this nation down and surprise, surprise, your life gets ruined just like the rest of us.
I think you should lead by example and never vote again. Better yet, stop obeying laws.

You'll go far! LOL
I think you should lead by example and never vote again. Better yet, stop obeying laws.

You'll go far! LOL

You should exercise your writing skill and get a job with these folks.

You'll go far! LOL

People like you who are essentially risking the loss of our nation because of these OBVIOUS election scandals, need to get ready for reality. You seem to think that because your media repeats what you believe then everyone else has to believe it as well OR they can safely be ignored as cranks.

The day is coming when that group simply stops voting and your party wins it all, every time... BUT... those millions who stopped voting also stop obeying an illegitimate government in DC. MILLIONS OF US... and you won't be arresting that many. It will tear what's left of this nation down and surprise, surprise, your life gets ruined just like the rest of us.
That's utter nonsense. Not only is the machine counting of ballots more accurate, it's more efficient and far faster. Besides, the hand counting of ballots requires at least two people per ballot to minimize the possibility of fraud. Hell, they've been using the machine counting of standardized tests in school going back to at least the 1960s.

If you and your other fear-mongerers stop voting, that's on you.


That’s what you are a Republican liar whose a clown … you are a repub-lie-clown … plus you couldn’t prove
My post to be wrong … that’s why you used this pathetic response… typical republican coward … can’t face the facts…
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