Criminal Extorion in a Forum Post


VIP Member
Oct 24, 2013
I frequent another popular political forum which a member started a thread about getting terminated from a teaching job for calling a student Flamboyant not knowing the student he referred to as being flamboyant was gay

Im not here to discuss if the teacher was wrongfully terminated for the use of the word Flamboyant. the purpose of this started thread happened about two pages into the discussion another poster made this reply

"I'm not a dummy man. The way it was used in the context you provided has proven it was used in a negative manner. You basically told him to quit acting the gay stereotype. And there is no chance in hell that I or anyone believes you when you said you thought that girl he was with was his girlfriend. And I bet if I go through your posts I'll see some gay agenda type crap from you so motive is there. A prior history of anti gay posts would pretty much cripple any case you do have and I will be glad to alert the media if any story about this comes about.""

what this poster did I conceder criminal extortion. threatening to go to the media with any perceived anti-gay post if the teacher went forward with a lawsuit of wrongful termination

here is the definition of criminal extortion

(1) A person commits criminal extortion if:
(a) The person, without legal authority and with the intent to induce another person against that other person's will to perform an act or to refrain from performing a lawful act, makes a substantial threat to confine or restrain, cause economic hardship or bodily injury to, or damage the property or reputation of, the threatened person or another person

and by the way I received an infraction for pointing out the criminal extortion. the method I used to do so wasn't pleasant but im not refuting my infraction it could be perceived as just
what I'm asking should the moderators of the forum allow that type of extortion to exist on the forum and if not how should they address the incident and what coarse of action should they take

and one more reason why I brought this subject to this forum according to the other sites forum rules you aren't allowed to discuss forum moderation on their public forum
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He's not mentioning a specific forum so let's not nitpick. Either way jeez man. No one extorted anyone. Even if they did take it there. The issue is of no relevance to this place.
It is not extortion for a couple of reasons, one being that the person threatening to report the alleged offender is not gaining anything. The other reason being that all the person would be doing is pointing out something that is publicly available.

This is not to mention, if the alleged offender posted something stupid, it is his own fault. You people need to realize that anything you post on the internet can be used against you and is forever. That's why some of you should really think twice when giving the resident pussies a thumbs up ans support for their racially motivated posts. That's something that could be used against you (getting divorced, child custody hearings, criminal prosecution, jobs, background checks...)

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