CRIMINALLY Triggered: Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen ... Calls For military Coup?!

Oh, horseshit. You guys are hallucinating conspiracies so bad these days that there is no sense left in any of yas. My first thought, too, was the generals having a sit down with Trump and explaining what is actually going on. Not to go to war, but Trump respects the military. They might have a chance of getting it through that thick skull of his that Putin is playing him like a cheap banjo.

OL, meet the real 'Banjo' who got 'played' by Putin...

Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Obama official says they didn't do enough about Russian election hacking: 'We choked'

You don't seem to approve of Obama not doing enough. So why are you approving of Trump doing nothing?
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
Oh, horseshit. You guys are hallucinating conspiracies so bad these days that there is no sense left in any of yas.
My first thought, too, was the generals having a sit down with Trump and explaining what is actually going on. Not to go to war, but Trump respects the military. They might have a chance of getting it through that thick skull of his that Putin is playing him like a cheap banjo.
Nice try but you shouldn't defend a Congressman for calling for the violent overthrow of a POTUS.
Quote where he said that?
Here's a clue, dummy..."MILITARY".
Listen, ya fuckin' jerk, he wants the military to SAVE Trump, not overthrow him. I agree if anyone can get it through Trump's head what is actually going on, it is probably the generals. He respects the military more than any other group.
Is the military our last line of defense against the madman in the Oval Office? I sincerely hope not, but the republicans in Congress have aided and abetted him instead of standing up to him. Cowards, all. It's scary to think the the Joint Chiefs are the only people who can stop this crazed individual and save our nation. The military, if patriotic, should refuse all orders from this man. What this rep said was not necessarily a reference to killing trump, but trump should be put in handcuffs and removed from the White House to a jail somewhere.
So you are openly advocating treason, committing the act of Sedition by calling for his illegal removal of office, as well.

After 3 years of failing to produce any evidence to support the lies told to you, that you have parroted, it was only a matter of time before the 'tolerant liberals' resorted to open sedition and treason to take over the WH they could not win with a proven criminal treasonous skank as their candidate forced down their throats by the DNC / Barry.

May you get visited by some feds eager to talk to you about what you are advocating / calling for.

He must be removed from office. I have already gone through this a hundred times.. A man who openly hates women, LGBTSk darker skinned folks, Islamic folks, and Americans all, must be removed from office. as un-American.A" man" who wishes to destroy generations of good will that the U.S. has built up with allied nations. Who snuggles up the our historic nemesis, the Russians. i have never advocated killing. I endorsed that this man be removed and incarcerated in jail. I just hope that the Joint Chiefs act for the best interests of the People of the United States and refuse to take orders from this madman. It may be that our last line of defense is the Joint Chiefs.
If a civil war begins, the left have no idea what sort of a beast they will awaken.

Good luck with that.

Today's Americans are nothing like the ones who created the nation we have.
There is no "beast" and like many have said, the Constitution will be snuffed out without so much as a whimper.

Look at us allowing future Communists to bid to take seats in CONGRESS. WTF??
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

If we know for a fact that Communism kills, and that Socialism leads to Communism, where's the outrage and push-back to allowing Socialists and future Communists to run for Congress???

You're having vapors over one possible Congresswoman from a district in NYC for being SOCIALIST, not Communist. And the left are a bunch of snowflakes? LOL
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
NOW that IS treason

It is NOT treason. Look what our so-called "commander-in-chief" as done. Now THIS is treason.
Listen, ya fuckin' jerk, he wants the military to SAVE Trump, not overthrow him.
Do the other mouth-breathers on your short bus buy that BS?

He was calling for the military, who serves under the Commander and Chief, to rescue Trump by removing him from office / conducting a military coup.....

It is NOT treason. Look what our so-called "commander-in-chief" as done. Now THIS is treason.
Not agreeing with the way a President conducts himself during a Press conference in which the Liberal media is attempting to undermine him is 'treason' according to you, but some insane butt0hurt Democrat calling for a military coup is not?!

I shall waste no more time talking to you. I fear Trump Derangement Syndrome might be catching....
You're having vapors over one possible Congresswoman from a district in NYC for being SOCIALIST, not Communist. And the left are a bunch of snowflakes? LOL

No, you dumbfuck twat.
I'm pointing out that Communists masquerading as Socialists have no fucking business in the Congress of the United States of America

Go get your GED then come back with something....anything, because so far you've only proved you're an idiot with nothing.
Is the military our last line of defense against the madman in the Oval Office? I sincerely hope not, but the republicans in Congress have aided and abetted him instead of standing up to him. Cowards, all. It's scary to think the the Joint Chiefs are the only people who can stop this crazed individual and save our nation. The military, if patriotic, should refuse all orders from this man. What this rep said was not necessarily a reference to killing trump, but trump should be put in handcuffs and removed from the White House to a jail somewhere.

All based on your feelings and because libs lost the election. Go pound sand.

Based on his record of discrimination against Americans and his current misconduct in office.

More feelings. Trump hasn't discriminated.
Listen, ya fuckin' jerk, he wants the military to SAVE Trump, not overthrow him.
Do the other mouth-breathers on your short bus buy that BS?

He was calling for the military, who serves under the Commander and Chief, to rescue Trump by removing him from office / conducting a military coup.....

Well, since NO ONE has provided a quote of what the man said in his entirety, I am having to guess. Probably you are too. If not, lets have the link.
Listen, ya fuckin' jerk, he wants the military to SAVE Trump, not overthrow him.
Do the other mouth-breathers on your short bus buy that BS?

He was calling for the military, who serves under the Commander and Chief, to rescue Trump by removing him from office / conducting a military coup.....

Well, since NO ONE has provided a quote of what the man said in his entirety, I am having to guess. Probably you are too. If not, lets have the link.
Already posted, dearie. If not good enough, maybe you can get one of your grandkids to show you how to work Google.
You're having vapors over one possible Congresswoman from a district in NYC for being SOCIALIST, not Communist. And the left are a bunch of snowflakes? LOL

No, you dumbfuck twat.
I'm pointing out that Communists masquerading as Socialists have no fucking business in the Congress of the United States of America

Go get your GED then come back with something....anything, because so far you've only proved you're an idiot with nothing.
Just how many socks can one poster use in the same thread. I replied to S.J. and now it's Human Unit.
No wonder it seems like the conservatives are mighty thick here today! You're multiplying like magic!
Just how many socks can one poster use in the same thread. I replied to S.J. and now it's Human Unit.
No wonder it seems like the conservatives are mighty thick here today! You're multiplying like magic!

Good try....for a moron
Listen, ya fuckin' jerk, he wants the military to SAVE Trump, not overthrow him.
Do the other mouth-breathers on your short bus buy that BS?

He was calling for the military, who serves under the Commander and Chief, to rescue Trump by removing him from office / conducting a military coup.....

Well, since NO ONE has provided a quote of what the man said in his entirety, I am having to guess. Probably you are too. If not, lets have the link.
Already posted, dearie. If not good enough, maybe you can get one of your grandkids to show you how to work Google.
Where's the link?
Listen, ya fuckin' jerk, he wants the military to SAVE Trump, not overthrow him.
Do the other mouth-breathers on your short bus buy that BS?

He was calling for the military, who serves under the Commander and Chief, to rescue Trump by removing him from office / conducting a military coup.....

Well, since NO ONE has provided a quote of what the man said in his entirety, I am having to guess. Probably you are too. If not, lets have the link.
Already posted, dearie. If not good enough, maybe you can get one of your grandkids to show you how to work Google.
No, it is not posted. And this is your thread, it was your job to provide it. But that's you, Easy. You seldom provide a link since it would not back up your constant lies. Like saying the man's entire quote was already posted here.
President Trump has sworn allegiance to Putin and Russia.
And has violated his oath of office in protecting America.
But the DEPLORABLES don’t care. They love their traitorous prez no matter what he does because they know they’re never going to see another white supremacist president ever again. So they’re holding onto him for dear life no matter how many times he betrays America.
A Politician publicly calling for a Military Coup, could be a criminal act. This wingnut could be arrested and tried for Treason. It's no joke publicly calling for an illegal Coup.
Listen, ya fuckin' jerk, he wants the military to SAVE Trump, not overthrow him.
Do the other mouth-breathers on your short bus buy that BS?

He was calling for the military, who serves under the Commander and Chief, to rescue Trump by removing him from office / conducting a military coup.....

Well, since NO ONE has provided a quote of what the man said in his entirety, I am having to guess. Probably you are too. If not, lets have the link.
Already posted, dearie. If not good enough, maybe you can get one of your grandkids to show you how to work Google.
Where's the link?
Listen, ya fuckin' jerk, he wants the military to SAVE Trump, not overthrow him.
Do the other mouth-breathers on your short bus buy that BS?

He was calling for the military, who serves under the Commander and Chief, to rescue Trump by removing him from office / conducting a military coup.....

Well, since NO ONE has provided a quote of what the man said in his entirety, I am having to guess. Probably you are too. If not, lets have the link.
Already posted, dearie. If not good enough, maybe you can get one of your grandkids to show you how to work Google.
No, it is not posted. And this is your thread, it was your job to provide it. But that's you, Easy. You seldom provide a link since it would not back up your constant lies. Like saying the man's entire quote was already posted here.
The mods will pounce on a lib that doesn’t provide a link. When one of their own from the T-cult doesn’t do it, it’s no big deal.

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