criminals are THE problem, not the police


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks

Because you and your ilk are screaming it from the rooftops every time. Like when Pillando Castillo was killed. You guys were screaming that he had a lot of traffic tickets and of course the police should have shot him.
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
Democrats enable them.
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
Killing unarmed people for no reason is the problem
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem are criminals
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
You are usually a bit overboard, but did you see the article posted by Dr. Grump in the there
I'm neither for nor against
Right up your alley, though a little less bigoted.
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks

I disagree. I say the democrats leadership in these liberal areas is the problem. Look at Seattle and Portland the last couple of weeks
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
Killing unarmed people for no reason is the problem

That problem is caused by unions and failed democrat leadership

So, racist stereotypes are justified because of lower graduation rates, but lower graduation rates could be in part due to higher suspension rates justified by racist stereotypes
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
Whats the cause of low grad rates and (presuming truth to avoid a straw man argument) higher crime rates? Single parent family structures are more prevalent than ever? Care to explain how strain on the middle class pushes the true poverty line well above government metrics?

Look at rentals in MA and see if you see the obvious problems. Rentals folks with means but lack of requisite steady w2 income get forced into because they "cant afford the mortgage" on a house that would carry a monthly payment around half of typical rentals run, despite funds on hand (have to move some investments around) to easily throw 30% down and throw a chunk at energy focused renos.

The roots that need removing are those feeding all the corporate parasitic vines that are strangling the middle class. Now that renewable generation and storage tech have drastically lowered the barrier to entry, regulators are low key crippling the publics ability to recoup money from investments that contribute to the overall improvement of society's energy grid. Fundamentally, widespread local generation at small scales removes the inarguable inefficiency in wired transmission across large distances.

To not only cripple cost recovery on generation equipment, but then specifically target plug into the wall storage solutions and dictate they specifically can't be used to sell energy back beyond their own meter? What kind of corporate protectionist bullshit is that?

Don't see the point yet? While I don't condone the bailless criminal justice system approaches attempted by some states, they have recognized the obvious flaw in applying fines to literally everything. The opportunity costs alone (time wasted in a courthouse compared to actually spent doing anything but wait) are inherently unjust, except the system never recognizes the massive negative impacts in what they excuse as "law and order," or business as usual.

What business only accepts mail or fax communications exists today outside of government, or government mandated services? And look, now we get a neat segway into how bad we all get fucked on health care.

Cable conglomerates and their media producers can be bought by att and verizon, completing their literal vertical and horizontal monopoly bonanza, but Tmobile can't buy a failiing competitor to secure necessary spectrum to cover the us coast to coast with an ingenius mix of spectrums, capable of being rapidly deployed by pushing software to existing hardware in place?

Chicken prices doubled, why? And now Cali thinks they get to reverse the Tmo deal because Tmo pointed to covid restrictions to explain inability to meet jobs expectations(brick and mortar locations)? Gtfo. Thats what know better liberals get for establishing all these unenforceable mandates.

How many poor families rely on young students to work to make ends meet? How many people turn to crime for the same reason? How many laws on the books exist solely because the system is worried about taking "their cut."

Since rules are rules, perhaps you can see the issue with states levying income tax, despite the state governments, inarguably, never having technically ratified their ability to do so? Cmon, rules are rules, right?

The funny thing is you identify things clearly caused by one issue, you're just too blind to see the obvious, the Government functions more as a public nuisance than it does public servant. Anyone that disagrees should be checked for a pulse and then written off until we can legally take a gander at just how bad their cte is.
Criminals are the problem yes. The worst are those criminals who wear the blue uniform, because when they break the law, the whole social compact is then in breach, and no law is any longer respected.

So, racist stereotypes are justified because of lower graduation rates, but lower graduation rates could be in part due to higher suspension rates justified by racist stereotypesView attachment 357890

Have you ever stopped to think that just maybe, the lower graduation rates and higher crime among blacks might be caused by the left's persistent view of blacks being the eternal "victim"?

Is that why the left tolerates the thousands of black-on-black shootings and murders every year in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc? I have yet to hear any outrage from the left, about that subject.

So, racist stereotypes are justified because of lower graduation rates, but lower graduation rates could be in part due to higher suspension rates justified by racist stereotypesView attachment 357890

Have you ever stopped to think that just maybe, the lower graduation rates and higher crime among blacks might be caused by the left's persistent view of blacks being the eternal "victim"?

Is that why the left tolerates the thousands of black-on-black shootings and murders every year in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc? I have yet to hear any outrage from the left, about that subject.

I don't think the black guys are victims..The only ones that tolerate black on black crime is folks like you who try to use it to play defamation of character of ALL blacks.

So, racist stereotypes are justified because of lower graduation rates, but lower graduation rates could be in part due to higher suspension rates justified by racist stereotypesView attachment 357890

Have you ever stopped to think that just maybe, the lower graduation rates and higher crime among blacks might be caused by the left's persistent view of blacks being the eternal "victim"?

Is that why the left tolerates the thousands of black-on-black shootings and murders every year in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc? I have yet to hear any outrage from the left, about that subject.

I don't think the black guys are victims..The only ones that tolerate black on black crime is folks like you who try to use it to play defamation of character of ALL blacks.

The problem with you left stains is that you continually lie.

So, racist stereotypes are justified because of lower graduation rates, but lower graduation rates could be in part due to higher suspension rates justified by racist stereotypesView attachment 357890

Have you ever stopped to think that just maybe, the lower graduation rates and higher crime among blacks might be caused by the left's persistent view of blacks being the eternal "victim"?

Is that why the left tolerates the thousands of black-on-black shootings and murders every year in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc? I have yet to hear any outrage from the left, about that subject.

I don't think the black guys are victims..The only ones that tolerate black on black crime is folks like you who try to use it to play defamation of character of ALL blacks.

The problem with you left stains is that you continually lie.

Of course they lie. That's one of the privileges of being a leftist, progressives, liberal, or Democrat. The means always justify the end, no matter what.

It's written in the rules and bylaws of their charter.
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
Whats the cause of low grad rates and (presuming truth to avoid a straw man argument) higher crime rates? Single parent family structures are more prevalent than ever? Care to explain how strain on the middle class pushes the true poverty line well above government metrics?

Look at rentals in MA and see if you see the obvious problems. Rentals folks with means but lack of requisite steady w2 income get forced into because they "cant afford the mortgage" on a house that would carry a monthly payment around half of typical rentals run, despite funds on hand (have to move some investments around) to easily throw 30% down and throw a chunk at energy focused renos.

The roots that need removing are those feeding all the corporate parasitic vines that are strangling the middle class. Now that renewable generation and storage tech have drastically lowered the barrier to entry, regulators are low key crippling the publics ability to recoup money from investments that contribute to the overall improvement of society's energy grid. Fundamentally, widespread local generation at small scales removes the inarguable inefficiency in wired transmission across large distances.

To not only cripple cost recovery on generation equipment, but then specifically target plug into the wall storage solutions and dictate they specifically can't be used to sell energy back beyond their own meter? What kind of corporate protectionist bullshit is that?

Don't see the point yet? While I don't condone the bailless criminal justice system approaches attempted by some states, they have recognized the obvious flaw in applying fines to literally everything. The opportunity costs alone (time wasted in a courthouse compared to actually spent doing anything but wait) are inherently unjust, except the system never recognizes the massive negative impacts in what they excuse as "law and order," or business as usual.

What business only accepts mail or fax communications exists today outside of government, or government mandated services? And look, now we get a neat segway into how bad we all get fucked on health care.

Cable conglomerates and their media producers can be bought by att and verizon, completing their literal vertical and horizontal monopoly bonanza, but Tmobile can't buy a failiing competitor to secure necessary spectrum to cover the us coast to coast with an ingenius mix of spectrums, capable of being rapidly deployed by pushing software to existing hardware in place?

Chicken prices doubled, why? And now Cali thinks they get to reverse the Tmo deal because Tmo pointed to covid restrictions to explain inability to meet jobs expectations(brick and mortar locations)? Gtfo. Thats what know better liberals get for establishing all these unenforceable mandates.

How many poor families rely on young students to work to make ends meet? How many people turn to crime for the same reason? How many laws on the books exist solely because the system is worried about taking "their cut."

Since rules are rules, perhaps you can see the issue with states levying income tax, despite the state governments, inarguably, never having technically ratified their ability to do so? Cmon, rules are rules, right?

The funny thing is you identify things clearly caused by one issue, you're just too blind to see the obvious, the Government functions more as a public nuisance than it does public servant. Anyone that disagrees should be checked for a pulse and then written off until we can legally take a gander at just how bad their cte is. are poor/middle class/etc--but they don't commit murders at HIGH rates and graduate at lower your argument is wrong
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
Whats the cause of low grad rates and (presuming truth to avoid a straw man argument) higher crime rates? Single parent family structures are more prevalent than ever? Care to explain how strain on the middle class pushes the true poverty line well above government metrics?

Look at rentals in MA and see if you see the obvious problems. Rentals folks with means but lack of requisite steady w2 income get forced into because they "cant afford the mortgage" on a house that would carry a monthly payment around half of typical rentals run, despite funds on hand (have to move some investments around) to easily throw 30% down and throw a chunk at energy focused renos.

The roots that need removing are those feeding all the corporate parasitic vines that are strangling the middle class. Now that renewable generation and storage tech have drastically lowered the barrier to entry, regulators are low key crippling the publics ability to recoup money from investments that contribute to the overall improvement of society's energy grid. Fundamentally, widespread local generation at small scales removes the inarguable inefficiency in wired transmission across large distances.

To not only cripple cost recovery on generation equipment, but then specifically target plug into the wall storage solutions and dictate they specifically can't be used to sell energy back beyond their own meter? What kind of corporate protectionist bullshit is that?

Don't see the point yet? While I don't condone the bailless criminal justice system approaches attempted by some states, they have recognized the obvious flaw in applying fines to literally everything. The opportunity costs alone (time wasted in a courthouse compared to actually spent doing anything but wait) are inherently unjust, except the system never recognizes the massive negative impacts in what they excuse as "law and order," or business as usual.

What business only accepts mail or fax communications exists today outside of government, or government mandated services? And look, now we get a neat segway into how bad we all get fucked on health care.

Cable conglomerates and their media producers can be bought by att and verizon, completing their literal vertical and horizontal monopoly bonanza, but Tmobile can't buy a failiing competitor to secure necessary spectrum to cover the us coast to coast with an ingenius mix of spectrums, capable of being rapidly deployed by pushing software to existing hardware in place?

Chicken prices doubled, why? And now Cali thinks they get to reverse the Tmo deal because Tmo pointed to covid restrictions to explain inability to meet jobs expectations(brick and mortar locations)? Gtfo. Thats what know better liberals get for establishing all these unenforceable mandates.

How many poor families rely on young students to work to make ends meet? How many people turn to crime for the same reason? How many laws on the books exist solely because the system is worried about taking "their cut."

Since rules are rules, perhaps you can see the issue with states levying income tax, despite the state governments, inarguably, never having technically ratified their ability to do so? Cmon, rules are rules, right?

The funny thing is you identify things clearly caused by one issue, you're just too blind to see the obvious, the Government functions more as a public nuisance than it does public servant. Anyone that disagrees should be checked for a pulse and then written off until we can legally take a gander at just how bad their cte is. dad lived during the Great Depression! was a lot poorer than today's blacks..he had 8 brothers and sisters....I grew up poor...his family and my family didn't commit murders or crime dad taught us to be civil/polite/DISCIPLINED/right from wrong/etc
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks

I disagree. I say the democrats leadership in these liberal areas is the problem. Look at Seattle and Portland the last couple of weeks
...New York has a murder rate much LOWER than Texas
--Democratic and Liberal cities NYCity, LA, and Chicago have much lower murder rates than Dem/Liberal St Louis
-- Dem and Liberal St Louis --higher murder rates = culture not politics

....the murder rates are high because of the culture --not politics

...if what you are saying is right, than there would be much higher rates for whites--because there are a lot of Democratic Whites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--but white murder rates are LOWER

for example:
whites 5 times the population of blacks:
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem are criminals
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
You are usually a bit overboard, but did you see the article posted by Dr. Grump in the there
I'm neither for nor against
Right up your alley, though a little less bigoted., blacks don't commit murder at FOUR times the rate/crime at higher rates, and graduate at lower rates?? at MUCH higher rates than police kill criminals?!!?? now the definition of bigot is stating facts? hahahahhahahahahah
..all this dumbshit about defunding/redesigning/etc the police--but NOTHING about the criminals/black HIGH HIGH crime rate and low graduation rate
....if you want to get rid of a weed, you don't pull on leaf, you pull out the root = black culture breeding criminals at HIGH rates.... will STILL have jackass/dangerous/etc criminals no matter what you do with the police

the criminals INITIATE the problem--and nothing about that in the MSM--ahahahahhahahaha

......NOTHING in the MSM about ''all'' of those CRIMINALS unjustifiably killed by police [ all 3 or 4 WOW! ] ..all they talk about is the EVIL cops--like every one of them is evil [ only the white ones ]
and not the thousands of murders committed by blacks--the thousands and thousands of crimes committed by blacks
...only an idiot racist would not see the difference--and the MAJOR problem is criminals/blacks
Democrats enable them.
they goddang LOVE criminals !!!!! they DO enable them !!!! thank you

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