Crisis Of The Day!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Lessee, what is a major news story in the world?

How Trump combs his hair.
Whether Trump ever had Russian dressing on his salad.
How many times Trump said 'we'll see how us and Russia get along.'
How Trump shakes hands.
Anyone who smiles after meeting with Trump.
Anyone who doesn't smile after meeting with Trump.
Whether the leader of the free world steps ahead of the president of a country so small and insignificant that few could even find it on a map to save their lives.
If Trump held his wife's hand.
The number of scoops of ice cream.
That all the leaks within government are coming from old cronies left from the Obama administration.
That Hillary and Obama keep doing spots on the morning news about non-issues because it sucks that they no longer matter about a damned thing.
That Trump started healthcare reform but it isn't finished in a few days.
That Trump drastically reduced illegal aliens without even putting up a wall yet.
That Trump fired a cabinet member as soon as he found out he was compromised.
That he fired the FBI director nobody thought was doing his job as soon as his AG agreed it was the thing to do.
That Maxine Waters thinks Trump should be impeached for not being a democrat.
That Maxine Waters even thinks.

Bottom line: Trump still owns the media and is using them like a wet bitch; all this attention just keeps the democrats out of the headlines and after writing 10,000 stories all bad on him, after throwing up 500 red flags and false alarms that all prove baseless, when the people see tons of good coming out of his presidency, a nation shaping up and a world coming more into order, they are just going to look like even bigger fools!
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Did you hear that Kushner is NOW part of the Russian investigation????...............LOL

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